unit 1 discussion geniuswriter only
Follow the Discussion Board rubric and the Discussion Board criteria in the syllabus.
Read through the abstract of Writing Self-Efficacy and Written Communication Skills.(You will need to sign into the Library with your barcode to access this link. When the link opens, click on PDF Full Text on the lefthand side of the screen to view the Abstract on the first page.)
First, paraphrase the abstract into your own words and include an in-text citation and reference.
After writing your initial paraphrase, answer the following questions about your classmates' paraphrases: (in a paragraph or more)
- What sections of the paraphrase are word for word or need to be revised to reflect a different word choice?
- What suggestions can you give to improve the paraphrase?
- Is the in-text citation and reference correctly written in APA? If not, suggest how to correct this.
- Is this paraphrase easier to understand than the original passage? Why or why not?
- How can you use this skill of paraphrasing in another context outside of college?