Answer the question to Step 3: Supporting documents have been attached.
Must be written in an APA format in 2 paragraphs. Step 1 has been completed and using the Port of Miami.
Step 3: Identify the Scope and Level of Detail of the Visual Performance Assessment
This step may be considered an extension of the visual inventories.To address the different types of visual issues and no to identify which issues require analysis for a specific project, FHWA (1988) provided a scoping questionnaire.This tool can be used to generate data for visual performance assessments for highway and transit projects (Figure 14.5). Checklists used by the California Department of Transportation, presented in Figure 14.6, provide an example of how to decide what level of visual assessment may be required to meet federal or other jurisdictional requirements.
Step 1:
Upper management has decided not to go with moving freight from the Miami Port to the warehouse by train but rather has decided to build an entirely new highway. The proposed new highway has two distinct ways to be built. Plan A proposes to build the new 75 miles of highway from Miami Port near several housing communities, while, Plan B proposes to build the same 75 mile highway through a wetlands community. Plan A will be located approximately 100 yard from home communities. Plan B will be built three miles away from and human structure. The focus of this study is to study the impacts of visual assessments of these proposed building plans.
Fiftz 1968
Port Miami
Plan A
Plan B
Kumares, S., & Samuel, L. (2007). Transportation decision making: Principles of project evaluation and programming. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Running head: ASSIGNMENT FIVE 1