Go to the Center for Disease Control Website, located at http://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/cio.htm, and review the mission, vision, and major responsibilities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the CDC's Center, Institute, and Offices (CIOs). Be prepared to discuss.
Go to the British Medical Association’s (BMA’s) Website, located at http://www.bma.org.uk/_top/advanced_search/search_results.jsp, and enter the word “epidemiology” (without quotes) into the “Search Results: search term:” box and click the Search button. Select one (1) or more epidemiology topics of interest within the United Kingdom (UK). Be prepared to discuss.
Go to your state’s Department of Health (DOH) Website, and review its health policies, focusing your efforts on understanding the state’s DOH disease-management protocols. Be prepared to discuss.
Written on January 2nd, 2018 by
Week 1-Activities (Epidemiology)