week 4 Course Project—Annotated Bibliography

week 4 Course Project—Annotated Bibliography

Course Project—Annotated Bibliography The annotated bibliography will present an introduction and five reference citations with annotations. The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to determine the appropriateness of the sources to the argument you are developing for the Course Project. The format of the proposal is an introductory paragraph followed by an alphabetized list of sources with two paragraphs of annotation after each source. Use APA documentation to document any sources referenced in your proposal.

When you are finished, save the document as and submit it to the Dropbox by the end of the week. The Annotated Bibliography is worth 100 points. See Doc Sharing for the following support documents.

An assignment template A sample assignment The assignment grading rubric Before you turn in your assignment, proofread and edit carefully for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Not every error will be flagged automatically in word-processing programs, and some that are flagged as errors are actually correct.

The Annotated Bibliography is worth 100 points and is due at the end of the week in the Dropbox. This is the topic I have chosen for if you have any question please ask



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