Why does it take God six days to make everything? Why does God need to ‘rest’ on the Seventh Day?

Question 1)  The creation story contained in chapter 1–chapter 2:4 of the book of Genesis (Hebrew Bible) is a popular example of a religious account of primal origins (the Greek word Genesis means ‘origin’ or ‘beginning’ and is a translation of the Hebrew word Bereshit, which is literally the first word of the Bible). In fact, while answering some questions, this creation story tends to give rise to many others.

Having first read the account [you can access this in the On-line Bible,] what interesting details do you notice in this particular author’s story of the creation of the world? Try to list some specific items from the text.

What do you think the author was trying to say about God by describing creation in this way?

Why does it take God six days to make everything? Why does God need to ‘rest’ on the Seventh Day?

What other interesting things are implied about the ancient Hebrew view of God in this story of creation? [please cite specific examples from the text in your answer.]

Remember not to read beyond verse 4 in chapter 2. That is where the first creation story ends.

Your response to this question must be a minimum of 200 words.


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