Why is brainstorming an important tool in the Improvement phase of DMAIC?

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page).  Please use the APA Sample provided in in the student resources to complete your assignment. You MUST provide citations and references with peer reviewed articles to support your research; specifically address the following issues:


In a PowerPoint Presentation composing of 8-10 slides and in APA style making sure to provide citations and references with peer reviewed articles to support your research; specifically address the following issues: Why do people make inadvertent mistakes? How does poka-yoke help prevent such mistakes?


List and explain the three levels of mistake-proofing. Why is brainstorming an important tool in the Improvement phase of DMAIC?


Check out the website http://www.isixsigma.com/tools-templates/. This contains descriptions and examples of the use of quality improvement tools. Find some that have not been discussed in this chapter and develop a short tutorial for using them and focus on how you would use them to prevent mistakes.


TIP: Use the notes feature in your slide presentation to add content and explanations for your points. Remember not to clutter up the slides but ensure that your slides contain the main points that you want your audience to remember.

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