Writing Assignment01
You were born knowing nothing about bicycles. So how do you become a competent user of bicycles? (if you can’t ride a bike, then answer how you became able make use of camels, use a car or some other means of transportation.) Explain all crucial aspects of your bicycle proficiency, drawing on frameworks and concepts from "Playing on the MotherGround" by David F. Lancy or other readings.
Give your essay an appropriate, effective, meaningful title, and put your name, TA’s name, and section letter. Your essay should be no more than two pages; it should be double-spaced, paginated, pages stapled together, with your name on each page. Use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, 1-inch margins all around. Make sure you have proofread the paper at least twice.
Citation format is not crucial, so long as it is complete and consistent. Source citations and references at the end do not count toward the 2-page limit.