1. British philosopher John Locke viewed the child as A. tainted by original si

1. British philosopher John Locke viewed the child as A. tainted by original sin. B. a noble savage. C. a tabula rasa. D. an active purposeful being. 2. In field experiments researchers A. formulate conclusions based on extensive field notes. B. use treatment conditions that already exist naturally. C. avoid confounding variables by exposing the same participants to all treatments. D. randomly assign participants to treatment conditions in natural settings. 3. In ecological systems theory development is A. primarily influenced by the social transmission of knowledge. B. a result of successful imprinting during the early critical period. C. controlled by both environmental circumstances and inner dispositions. D. neither controlled by environmental circumstances nor inner dispositions. 4. A correlation coefficient can range in value from A. +1.00 to 1.00. B. 0 to +1.00. C. 1.00 to 0. D. 100 to +100.

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