University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Health, Engineering & Sciences School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Course Number: ELE4607 Course Name: Advanced Digital Communications Internal ? Assessment No: 1 External This Assessment carries 200 of the 1000 marks total for this Course. Examiner: Dr John Leis Moderator: Dr Andrew Maxwell Assignment: Image Compression Date Given: Week 1 Date Due: Friday Week 5 Penalty for Late Submission: Loss of 5% of total marks for this assignment per day late. Assignments are to be typed, not handwritten and scanned. Assignments are to be submitted electronically, using the link on your Study Desk. Marked assignments are also returned to you electronically. You do not need a coversheet for this assignment, since it is submitted electronically. Please use PDF format to submit your assignment. Please use the naming convention LastName-StudentNumber.pdf, where StudentNumber is your 10-digit student number, and LastName is your last (family) name. By submitting this assignment, you agree to the following Student Declaration: I hereby certify that no part of this assignment has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Examiner. Any non USQ copyright material used herein is reproduced under the provision of Section 200(1)(b) of the copyright Amendment Act 1980.
Advanced Digital Communications Image Compression Page 2 Objectives The aims of this assignment are: 1. To understand source probabilities and how they relate to quantization (course objec- tives 1 and 2). 2. To understand and implement transform coders (course objectives 5 and 6). 3. To implement video coding algorithms and gain an understanding of their complexity (course objectives 8 and 9). Students are expected to communicate their ndings and ideas in a…
Archive for May 7th, 2018
HI please find the attached file and read all the questions carefully and need to do it in matlab
Submit y Assessment Item 1 (2000 words) – Due end of Week 7 Select a Region/Country/State/City of…
Assessment Item 1 (2000 words) â Due end of Week 7
Select a Region/Country/State/City of your choice and prepare a report on the current state of application of cleaner production and eco-efficiency practices. Such report, normally referred to as the state of cleaner production report, could include the following topics:
- Profile of the selected Region/Country/State/City
- Description of environmental issues
- Potential Benefits of cleaner production to the selected entity
- Steps undertaken to-date in implementing cleaner production
- Cleaner production success stories
- Challenges and barriers
- Conclusions
The report should include a detailed success story on how the cleaner production assessment was undertaken in this instance.our by PriceDownloader” style=”background-color: transparent !important; border: none !important; display: inline !important; float: none !important; font-style: normal !important; font-variant: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-size: 13px !important; line-height: 18px !important; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; text-decoration: underline !important; background-position: initial initial !important; background-repeat: initial initial !important;”>detailed question here…
Evaluate each statement, using the data presented in the exhibit
CFA Examination Level II
Elizabeth Coronado, CFA, is analyzing Nelson Motors, Inc., one of the largest and most profitable automobile manufacturers in North America. Since the early 1990s, the fastest growing and most profitable product segment for Nelson has been its sport utility vehicles (SUV) line shown in the following exhibit. Coronado believes that applying the product life cycle model to Nelson’s SUV product line will yield additional analytical insights into the company’s recent rapid earnings growth.
a. Identify the current product life cycle stage for the Raven, Hawk, and Eagle. Justify your choice of product life cycle stage by citing evidence from the following exhibit.Because of the high expectations associated with the Eagle, Nelson Motors’ current P/E is above its five-year historic range and above the auto industry P/E. An auto analyst states that “Nelson Motors has the best of both worlds:
- increasing SUV profitability and
- declining expected future earnings volatility.”
b. Evaluate each statement, using the data presented in the exhibit .
I have assignment about GEology
The most widespread and costly of all mass wasting processes is:
Slump b. creep c. mudflows d. rockfalls e. solifluction
Which of the following factors can actually enhance slope stability?
Increasing the slope angle b. vegetation c. overloading
e. Rock dipping in the same direction as the slope
e. none of the answers is correct.
Shear strength includes:
the strength and cohesion of materials b. the amount of internal cohesion c. gravity d. all of these e. answers a and b.
Movement of material along a surface or surfaces of failure is:
slide b. fall c. earthflow s d. debris flow e. none
A type of mass wasting common in mountainous regions in which talus accumulates:
Creep b. solifluction c. rockfalls d. debris flow
e. mudflow
What roles do climate and weathering play in mass wasting?
How does water affect mass wasting processes?
Define âangle of reposeâ and describe its significance in mass wasting.
Why is creep so prevalent? Why does it do so much damage?
referenced sources.
These are two different papers
Throughout this course you will prepare a 2,500-word (excluding tables, figures, and addenda) financial analysis of a chosen company following the nine-step assessment process introduced below and detailed in Assessing A Companyâs Future Financial Health.
Analysis of Fundamentals: Goals, Strategy, Market, Competitive Technology, Regulatory and Operating Characteristics
Analysis of Fundamentals: Revenue Outlook
Investments to Support the Business Unit(s) Strategy(ies)
Future Profitability and Competitive Performance
Future External Financing Needs
Access to Target Sources of External Finance
Viability of the 3-5 Year Plan
Stress Test under Scenarios of Adversity
Current Financing Plan
Select a publicly traded company and submit the name of the company to the instructor by the end of Module 2.
Note: It is best to select a company that is public and enjoys extensive analyst coverage (i.e., Apple, GE, Southwest Airlines, etc.) to insure access to material regarding your subject company. The more information available, the easier it will be to perform the financial analysis.
As you conduct the analysis, you will research the market for data on your chosen company, including analyst reports and market information. Disclose all assumptions made in the case study (e.g., revenue growth projections, expense controls) and provide supporting reasons and evidence behind those assumptions.
Finally, in order to assess the long-term financial health of the chosen company, synthesize the research data and outcomes of the nine-step assessment process.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
briefly describe three key circumstances that should be considered when forming expectations about…
CFA Examination Level II
As a portfolio manager, during a discussion with a client, you explain that historical return and risk premia of the type presented in the following table are frequently used in forming estimates of future returns for various types of financial assets. Although such historical data are helpful in forecasting returns, most users know that history is an imperfect guide to the future. Thus, they recognize that there are reasons why these data should be adjusted if they are to be employed in the forecasting process.
Per Year |
Inflation rate |
3.00% |
Real interest rate on Treasury bills |
0.50% |
Maturity premium of long Treasury bonds over Treasury bills |
0.80% |
Default premium of long corporate bonds over long Treasury bonds |
0.60% |
Risk premium on stock over long Treasury bonds |
5.60% |
Return on Treasury bills |
3.50% |
Return on long corporate bonds |
4.90% |
Return on large-capitalization stocks |
9.90% |
a. As shown in the table, the historical real interest rate for Treasury bills was 0.5 percent per year and the maturity premium on Treasury bonds over Treasury bills was 0.8 percent. Briefly describe and justify one adjustment to each of these two data items that should be made before they can be used to form expectations about future real interest rates and Treasury bond maturity premia.
b. You recognize that even adjusted historical economic and capital markets data may be of limited use when estimating future returns. Independent of your Part a response, briefly describe three key circumstances that should be considered when forming expectations about future returns.
What do your answers in Parts a and b tell you about the effect that the volatility of future gold…
You are an investor trying to value a gold mining company’s lease on a gold mine that is currently not operating. It would cost $1,000,000 for the company to reopen the mine, and it is expected to produce 100,000 ounces of gold at the end of next year. The forward contract price on a one-year gold forward contract is $268.40/ounce and the current one-year risk-free rate is 5 percent. Extraction costs are estimated to be $260/ounce.
a. Assuming the per-ounce gold price in the spot market one year from now is forecasted to be either $300 or $230, calculate (1) the composition of a portfolio of T-bills and gold forward contracts that would replicate the cash flows from the mine and (2) the “real options” value of the mine lease.
b. Assuming the per-ounce gold price in the spot market one year from now is forecasted to be either $280 or $250, calculate (1) the composition of a portfolio of T-bills and gold forward contracts that would replicate the cash flows from the mine, and (2) the “real options” value of the mine lease.
c. What do your answers in Parts a and b tell you about the effect that the volatility of future gold prices has on the current value of the mine lease?
Demonstrate that the SPEL is a combination of a regular debt issue and an equity option by analyzing…
In July 1986, Guinness Finance B.V. placed a three-year, $100 million Eurobond issue known as Stock Performance Exchange Linked (SPEL) bonds. The concept of the SPEL is that the bond has its principal redemption amount tied to the level of the NYSE composite index at maturity (i.e., NY3) by the following formula:
Variable Redemption Amount = max {100,100 X (1 + [(NY3– 166) ÷166])}
Notice that the investor is guaranteed redemption at par as a minimum. The bond also pays an annual coupon of 3 percent, which is 0.5 percent below the average annual dividend yield of shares on the NYSE. At the time the SPEL was launched, the NYSE composite index stood at 134.
a. Demonstrate that the SPEL is a combination of a regular debt issue and an equity option by analyzing the pattern of annual cash flows generated by the issue. In your work, assume a par value of 100.
b. The SPEL bonds were issued at a price of 100.625. Assuming that Guinness would ordinarily have to pay a borrowing cost of 7.65 percent on a three-year “straight” bond (i.e., one with no attached options), calculate the implicit dollar price of the equity index option embedded in this issue. How much of this amount represents intrinsic value and how much is time premium?
Determine the stock price at expiration, assuming the warrants are exercised if the value of the…
A firm has 100,000 shares of stock outstanding priced at $35 per share. The firm has no debt and does not pay a dividend. To raise more capital, it plans to issue 10,000 warrants, each allowing for the purchase of one share of stock at a price of $50. The warrants are European-style and expire in five years. The standard deviation of the firmâs common stock is 34 percent and the continuously compounded, five-year risk-free rate is 5.2 percent.
a. Estimate the fair value of the warrants, first using the relevant information to calculate the Black- Scholes value of an analogous call option.
b. Determine the stock price at expiration, assuming the warrants are exercised if the value of the firm is at least $5,200,000.
c. Using the information in Parts a and b about initial and terminal warrant and stock prices, discuss the relative merits of these two ways of making an equity investment in the firm.
Calculate the yield to maturity for an investor holding USD 10,000 in face value of these BISON if…
On May 26, 1991, Svensk Exportkredit (SEK), the Swedish export credit corporation, issued a Bull Indexed Silver Opportunity Note (BISON). Consider an extended version of this BISON issue that has the following terms:
Maturity: |
May 26, 1993 |
Coupon: |
6.50%, paid annually in arrears |
Face value: |
USD 30 million |
Purchase price: |
100.125% of par value |
Additionally, this BISON includes a redemption feature that, for each USD 1,000 of face value held at maturity, repays the investor’s principal according to the following formula:
USD 1,000 + [(Spot Silver Price per Ounce – USD 4.46)X(USD 224.21525)]
a. Demonstrate that, from SEK’s perspective, the BISON represents a combination of a straight debt issue priced at a small premium and a derivative contract. Be explicit as to the type of derivative contract and the underlying asset on which it is based. What implicit speculative position are the investors who buy these bonds taking?
b. Calculate the yield to maturity for an investor holding USD 10,000 in face value of these BISON if the May 1993 spot price for silver is (1) USD 4.96 per ounce, or (2) USD 3.96 per ounce.
c. In May 1991 (i.e., when the BISON were used), the prevailing delivery price on a two-year silver futures contract was USD 4.35 per ounce. If SEK wanted to hedge its BISON-related exposure to silver prices with an offsetting futures position at this price, what type of position would need to be entered? Ignoring margin accounts and underwriting fees, calculate SEK’s average annualized borrowing cost of funds for the resulting synthetic straight bond.