Ich denke, dass ich sehr gesund bin, weil ich viel Obst und sehr wenig Zucker essen. Beispielsweise, meinen Lieblingsessen ist Kürbissalat und meinen Lieblingsgetränk ist Diät-Cola. Jedoch, ich bin nicht sehr sportive. Jede Woche spielte ich Wasserball , aber ich bin hydrophobes geworden. Manchmal spiele ich Fußball mit mein Bruder: So ein Albtraum! Es ist sehr langweilig und sinnlos, weil er besserer als ich ist: Ich würde lieber ein Roman lese!
Als wir in Paris gewohnt haben, wir wussten eine übergewichtigen Dame heißt Shirley. Sie Isst viel Kuchen und Süßwaren aber sie nicht irgendein sport trieben. Sie ist sehr ungesund. Nächstes Jahr werden wir sie besuchen und wir sie zu Übung helfen. Ich habe vor seit zwei Woche im Sommmer sie besuchen und mein Bruder wird mit mir kommen.
Archive for May 7th, 2018
Could someone please check/ amend this for me please? :)
the planning process of Business
Assessment Type:Research
Exercise 1 – research and 750 – 1000 word report – individual assessment
assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate the application of the research, analysis and report
writing skills developed in the subject as applied to management planning. This assessment relates to Learning
Outcomes a, b, c and d.
5 – 5.00 pm Monday April 14 2014
an electronic copy – Word .doc or .docx – to Moodle and Turnitin
Topic:The Planning Process
Task Details:Students
are to compare and contrast the planning model on page 179 of the text with one
other planning model sourced from academic literature, and draw some
conclusions as to the validity of both in modern organisations. They are to
present their analysis and findings/ conclusions in a professionally presented
short report – 750 – 1000 words.
Research requirements:
Students must use the text and a minimum of one academic journal article.
Additional sources may be used but should be academically acceptable.
Presentation:750 – 1000 word short report –
Word .doc or .docx – the title page, executive summary, table of contents and
reference list are not included in the word count.
Title page,
executive summary, table of contents, suitable headings and subheadings,
conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard – Anglia style).
Typed using 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Calibri fonts. Single line spacing
Marking Guide:Analysis30%
Research –
extent and application30%
Presentation 20%
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 25
Discount rate
A public project has the following costs and benefits (in real
dollars): Assume that 6% is the appropriate discount rate and that all
costs and benefits displace only consumption.
a) What is the net present value (NPV) of the project? Does the
project satisfy the Kaldor-Hicks criterion? (You Could show division of
Year 0 cost by 1.06= 1 if desired)
b) Suppose that all benefits are received by a “privileged” group in
society (e.g., those with annual incomes above $100,000) and all costs
are paid by an “underprivileged” group. What is the relative internal
weight on the underprivileged group? Should the policy be enacted if the
“true” social weight is greater or less than the internal weight?
c) Suppose instead that 50% of the initial (Year 0) costs displace
private investment and the shadow price of capital (SPC) is 1.25.
Ignoring distributional issues and using the SPC method, what is the NPV
of the project?
1. Big Hole Mining Company (BH) has had most of its strip mining on hold for several years due to…
1. Big Hole Mining Company (BH) has had most of its strip mining on hold for several years due to public opposition.While it’s difficult to |
accurately assess public opinion, management now believes reclaiming regulations and new technology have significantly reduced |
potential opposition, and that a new mine can be opened.They have asked you to do the following: |
A.Evaluate the project financials using the 15% BH standard corporate hurdle rate and the following assumptions: |
The mine would be on land bought 10 years ago for $6,000,000, but a recent appraisal valued the property at $3,400,000 after taxes. |
The sales contract for this mine runs for 4 years at which time the site will be entirely mined. |
The contract calls for the following tons at a fixed price of $35.00 per ton. |
YearTons (000) | ||||||||
1640 | ||||||||
2726 | ||||||||
3811 | ||||||||
4743 | ||||||||
$25,000,000 of additional equipment will be needed immediately and will be on a 7 year MACRS depreciaton schedule. |
The equipment will be sold at the end of the sales contract for an estimated $14,700,000 after taxes. |
A net working capital investment of 5% of incremental sales will also be required, but it will be totally recovered in year 4. |
Variable costs are $13.00 per ton. |
Estimated fixed costs for the 4 year project life include the following: |
(Your interest ) Annual financing costs of $200,000 beginning in year 1. |
$450,000 spent to dateand $100,000 to be spent in year 1 for PR and support of local community. |
Other annual direct costs of $2,500,000 beginning in year 1. |
$500,000 of annual allocated general corporate overhead beginning in year 2. |
As required by government regulations, BH will reclaim the land at an after-tax cost of $4,000,000 in year 5 and $7,600,000 in year 6. |
It will then sell the land in year 6 for $1,000,000 after taxes. |
The tax rate is 38%. |
($000) | MACRS-7 YR | |||||||
Land sale value-current (opportunity value) |
1 | |||||||
Land salvage (sale) value | 2 | |||||||
Equipment | 3 | |||||||
Equipment salvage value | 4 | |||||||
Net WC investment-% of incremental sales |
Price / ton | ||||||||
Tons (Thousands): | ||||||||
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
Variabe costs / ton | ||||||||
Annual fixed costs | ||||||||
Communication expense-year 1 |
Reclaim. Costs-year 5 | ||||||||
Reclaim. Costs-year 6 | ||||||||
Interest | ||||||||
Tax rate |
A local tire dealer wants to predict the number of tires sold each month. He believes that the…
A local tire dealer wants to predict the number of
tires sold each month. He believes that the number of tires sold is a linear
function of the amount of money invested in advertising. He randomly selects 6
months of data consisting of tire sales (in hundreds of tires) and advertising
expenditures (in thousands of dollars). Based on the data set with 20
observations, the simple linear regression model yielded the following results.
(X is advertising expenditure in thousand dollars and Y is tires sold in
hundreds): ?X = 50; ?Y = 100; ?X2 = 225; ?Y2 = 720; ?XY =
Find the Intercept and slope and Write the Regression Equation. Also predict
the amount of tires (in thousand tires) sold when money invested in advertising
is $3500. Calculate the correlation coefficient and coefficient of
determination. Check whether there is a relation between correlation
coefficient and coefficient of determination. Calculate SSE and MSE, and
standard error and t-score of the slope coefficient and comment on the
significance of the slope.
Hardware exists to ensure that bad features are not added.
_____________________ is the measure of all the properties, qualities and features of the product which make the product possible of being traded for
another product or for money.
a. Cost value
b. Exchange value
c. Use value
d. Esteem value
_____________________ is the measure of all the properties, qualities and features of the product which make the product possible of being traded for
another product or for money.
a. Cost value
b. Exchange value
c. Use value
d. Esteem value
_____________________ is the measure of all the properties, qualities and features of the product which make the product possible of being traded for
another product or for money.
a. Cost value
b. Exchange value
c. Use value
d. Esteem value
Use value is also known as _____________________ value.
a. Cost
b. Exchange
c. Function
d. Esteem
Use value is also known as _____________________ value.
a. Cost
b. Exchange
c. Function
d. Esteem
What is the contribution to the credit risk–adjusted asset base of the following items under the…
What is the contribution to the credit risk–adjusted asset base of the following items under the Basel II requirements? Under the U.S. capital-assets ratio?
a. $10 million cash reserves.
b. $50 million 91-day U.S. Treasury bills.
c. $25 million cash items in the process of collection.
d. $5 million U.K. government bonds, AAA rated.
e. $5 million Australian short-term government bonds, A _ rated.
f. $1 million general obligation municipal bonds.
g. $40 million repurchase agreements (against U.S. Treasuries).
h. $500 million one- to four-family home mortgages.
i. $500 million commercial and industrial loans, BBB _ rated.
j. $100,000 performance-related standby letters of credit to an AAA-rated corporation.
k. $100,000 performance-related standby letters of credit to a municipality issuing general obligation bonds.
l. $7 million commercial letter of credit to a foreign, A-rated corporation.
m. $8 million bankers acceptance conveyed to a U.S., AA-rated corporation.
n. $17 million three-year loan commitment to a private agent.
o. $17 million three-month loan commitment to a private agent.
p. $30 million standby letter of credit to back an A-rated corporate issue of commercial paper.
q. $4 million five-year interest rate swap with no current exposure (the counterparty is a private agent).
r. $4 million five-year interest rate swap with no current exposure (the counterparty is a municipality).
s. $6 million two-year currency swap with $500,000 current exposure (the counterparty is a low–credit risk entity).
t. $3 million five-year loan commitment to an OECD government.
A Swiss bank issues a $100 million, three-year Eurodollar CD at a fixed annual rate of 7 percent.
A Swiss bank issues a $100 million, three-year Eurodollar CD at a fixed annual rate of 7 percent. The proceeds of the CD are lent to a Swiss company for three years at a fixed rate of 9 percent. The spot exchange rate is Sf1.50/$. Is this expected to be a profitable transaction? What are the cash flows if exchange rates are unchanged over the next three years? What is the risk exposure of the bank’s underlying cash position? How can the Swiss bank reduce that risk exposure? If the U.S. dollar is expected to appreciate against the Sf to Sf1.65/$, Sf1.815/$, and Sf2.00/$ over the next three years, respectively, what will be the cash flows on this transaction? If the Swiss bank swaps US$ payments for Sf payments at the current spot exchange rate, what are the cash flows on the swap? What are the cash flows on the entire hedged position? Assume that the U.S. dollar appreciates at the rates in part (e). What are the cash flows on the swap and the hedged position if actual spot exchange rates are as follows:
End of year 1: Sf1.55/US$
End of year 2: Sf1.47/US$
End of year 3: Sf1.48/US$
What would be the bank’s risk exposure if the fixed-rate Swiss loan was financed with a floating-rate U.S. $100 million, three-year Eurodollar CD? What type(s) of hedge is appropriate if the Swiss bank in part (h) wants to reduce its risk exposure? If the annual Eurodollar CD rate is set at LIBOR and LIBOR at the end of years 1, 2, and 3 is expected to be 7 percent, 8 percent, and 9 percent, respectively, what will be the cash flows on the bank’s unhedged cash position? Assume no change in exchange rates. What are the cash flows on the bank’s unhedged cash position if exchange rates are as follows:
End of year 1: Sf1.55/US$
End of year 2: Sf1.47/US$
End of year 3: Sf1.48/US$
What are both the swap and the total hedged position cash flows if the bank swaps out its floating rate US$ CD payments in exchange for 7.75 percent fixed-rate Sf payments at the current spot exchange rate of Sf1.50/$? If forecasted annual interest rates are 7 percent, 10.14 percent and 10.83 percent over the next three years, respectively, and exchange rates over the next years are those in part (k), calculate the cash flows on an 8.75 percent fixed–floating-rate swap of U.S. dollars to Swiss francs at Sf1.50/$.
A pension fund manager anticipates the purchase of a 20-year, 8 percent coupon Treasury bond at the…
A pension fund manager anticipates the purchase of a 20-year, 8 percent coupon Treasury bond at the end of two years. Interest rates are assumed to change only once every year at year-end, with an equal probability of a 1 percent increase or a 1 percent decrease. The Treasury bond, when purchased in two years, will pay interest semiannually. Currently the Treasury bond is selling at par.
a. What is the pension fund manager’s interest rate risk exposure?
b. How can the pension fund manager use options to hedge this interest rate risk exposure?
c. What prices are possible on the 20-year T-bonds at the end of year 1 and year 2?
d. Diagram the prices over the two-year period.
e. If options on $100,000, 20-year, 8 percent coupon Treasury bonds (both puts and calls) have a strike price of 101, what are the possible (intrinsic) values of the option position at the end of year 1 and year 2?
f. Diagram the possible option values.
g. What is the option premium? (Use an 8 percent discount factor.)
Dear Sirs Please give me a quotation for the assignment attached, 800 words per task, topic…
Dear Sirs
Please give me a quotation for the assignment attached, 800 words per task, topic Quality Systems in IT, deadline 10 days from now 21st April.
Niki Computing and Systems Development
Unit Code/Title
Niki 132 Quality Systems in IT
Unit Credits/ level
Credits QCF LEVEL: 4
Internal Verifier
Academic year
Assessment Number
Assignment Guidelines
The assignment has 3 tasks.
The Interim submission will be for Tasks 1
The Merit and Distinction criteria will also apply to the Interim Submission.
The Interim grade will contribute to the overall grade.
The final submission will cover the all the tasks in the assignment.
The attendance percentage and participation in class tutorials will contribute towards the achievement of Distinction grade.
IT systems are complex by very nature. They combine IT infrastructure, software and people. Several standards are used in various contexts.
Task 1 – LO1
Appraise a non-technical reader the different types of quality assurance that are available. As part of your appraisal you consider at least three different quality assurance bodies.
All projects are subject to a variety of risks that vary greatly in significance. Evaluate how risks for a large software house producing control software for industrial plant has significantly different risks from one producing software for a Games Development company. Choose one other example of software production and explain the risks associated with it.
Task 2 – LO1/LO2
You will be provided with one or more examples of a software development. At each stage you will be required to discuss the quality assurance practices that are recommended and produce one or more examples of quality control documentation. The V model of software development is one method for implementing this approach.
Task 3 – LO3
Demonstrate how a range of project planning tools, including WBS, CPM, PERT and Gantt charts can be used to produce and effective plan that identifies resources and requirements for the development…