Archive for May 7th, 2018

Topic: Project Design and Implementation. Please could you quote for the assignment attached,…

Topic: Project Design and Implementation.

Please could you quote for the assignment attached, deadline 10 days from now, 21st April. 800 words per task. Thank you.

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BTEC Niki Computing and Systems Development
Unit Code/Title
Niki 104 Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation
Unit Credits/ level
Credits20 QCF LEVEL: 5

Internal Verifier

Academic year
Assessment Number

Assignment Guidelines
The assignment has 6 tasks.
The Interim submission will be for Tasks 1 and 2
The Merit and Distinction criteria will also apply to the Interim Submission.
The Interim grade will contribute to the overall grade.
The final submission will cover the all the tasks in the assignment.
The attendance percentage and participation in class tutorials will contribute towards the achievement of Distinction grade.
All projects MUST be agreed with your tutor before commencement of work.
You may work in groups or on your own. Each group will have a maximum number of three students.
Research or devise a project for an Information Technology Solution. This may be a Computer Hardware, Computer Software or an Information Systems project. You are required to produce a comprehensive project plan and describe the processes you have completed in order to produce your plan.
Suitable plans may include
Development of a website
Development of a multi-site business network
Development of a database for an Information System Company
LO1.1 Stage 1
Formulate one or more possible projects and outline the project specification
LO1.2 Stage 2
Clearly identify the factors that contributed to your process of project selection.
LO1.3 Stage 3
Use several appropriate techniques including client interview and document inspection to agree a specification with your client. Your Fact finding evidence should be recorded and analysed.
LO1.4, LO2.1 Stage 4
Produce a project plan for the agreed project using MS Project or an appropriate software. Your plan should include WBS, Gantt chart, CPM and other appropriate techniques. Your…




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HOMEWORKE6/lab format (3).docx
Spring 2010/11
Assignment Due Date:
Date Submitted:
Items marked in red italics are to be filled in by the student. Remove the red font color and italics font in the final draft.
Assignment Name
Your Name
Email Address
If the assignment is a homework, the objective is just the topical area covering the homework and the Procedure and Results are removed from the assignment sheetAssignment
Type the objectives in your own words here.
Outline the procedures used to complete the assignment if the assignment was a laboratory assignment. The procedure should not identify every step, but rather identify what procedures were employed in the assignment. Remove this section for homework assignments.
Give the results in this section. Additionally, any conclusion drawn from the assignment should be included in this section. It is often very helpful to put the findings in a tabular form with enough caption information to identify the values. For screen captured images that are not required in the Questions section, make sure that a caption is employed to identify the figure. Also, when including a screen capture, crop the final image to remove extraneous imagery. Remove this section for homework assignments.
If the assignment involved answering any questions, they are placed in this section. Make sure that the questions are numbered consecutively, from 1. If there are no questions for the assignment, remove this section from the report.
Other Information:
This section is intended to include other information that is important for the assignment. For example, if a Matlab program is being used, this section will include a hardcopy of the code. Remove this section if there is no additional information required for the assignment.
Page 1
HOMEWORKE6/last lab.jpg


Attached you will find an XML file, w4Ex1.xml. The XML file was created by middleware which you…

Attached you will find an XML file, w4Ex1.xml. The XML file was created by middleware which you will be using next week, and is essentially a dump of all invoices and invoice lines (and other associated detail) from the database where the Ship-to State was ‘NSW’. As you can see in the attached file, the XML is rather messy.

In this exercise, produce the XSL file needed to associate with the attached XML file to display the XML data in a format similar to the data shown in an unrelated invoice in attachment photo (see sample_invoice.jpg in attachment).

Looking at the attached XML file, you will see multiple structures for the same invoice number. This is because there is one per line item. Your XSL file will need to collect these together and format all the data associated with one invoice in the manner shown above. Note that some of the tags in the XML file do not correspond to the column names in the database. This is because they were changed in the translation, and others added.

This exercise is quite difficult, so the minimum acceptable solution would be similar to that shown in the Lecture Notes (see attachment) and reproduced here. (Note: This is from orders.xml, not the attached file whose contents are quite different.)

Order for – Customer : 123

Status: pending

Item: LEGO Box of Bricks

Order Quantity: 2

Item: Model Railway

Order Quantity: 1

Order for – Customer : 127

Status: dispatch

Item: Smartphone IIa

Order Quantity: 1

Item: Tablet 7

Order Quantity: 3

Document Preview:

ordersA.xml015 123 pending y 1527 LEGO Box of Bricks 59.00 2 n 4534 Model Railway 495.00 1
ordersA.xsl1.0 /orders Order for – Customer : order/customerID Status: order/status Item : order/item/desc Order Quantity: order/item/qty order/item/qty > 10 This is a big order

orders-all.xml015 123 pending y 1527 LEGO Box of Bricks 59.00 2 n 4534 Model Railway 495.00 1 059 127 dispatch y 1528 Smartphone IIa 69.00 1 y 4534 Tablet 7 175.00 3
orders.xml015 123 pending y 1527 LEGO Box of Bricks 59.00 2 n 4534 Model Railway 495.00 1 059 127 dispatch y 1528 Smartphone IIa 69.00 1 y 4534 Tablet 7 175.00 3
orders.xsl1.0 /orders order Order for – Customer : customerID Status: status item Item : desc Order Quantity: qty qty > 10 This is a big order

Please Help. Federal Income Tax


  1. Prepare the 2013 Form 1040 and all other required Federal
    forms and schedules for Brett Simons. The returns should be
    prepared taking the maximum tax benefit allowable into
    consideration. Round all amounts to whole dollars.

  1. Do not prepare tax returns for any other individuals
    mentioned in the problem.

  1. The ages provided in the problem are determined as of

  1. Must not use tax
    software. Prepare return using 2013 tax forms provided or found at

  1. Important Requirement! Any and all
    amounts excluded from income or deductions either limited or not
    taken must be identified. All calculations used in the
    determination of the components of taxable income or tax liability
    must be provided. This requirement should be provided in a separate
    file (Word or Excel) and must be submitted with the completed tax

  1. Work independently. Do not
    collaborate with anyone. Collaboration or assistance, in any form,
    is considered cheating and will result in a grade of zero for any
    student(s) involved.

  1. Brett Simon’s tax return must be saved as a PDF file and
    submitted to the relevant assignment link. (in addition to the
    documents required by #5 and #8 of this document). This assignment
    is subject to the 10% late submission discount.


Brett, age 45, is single and resides
at 123 Main Street, West Haven, CT 06516. His social security
number is 123-45-6789. Brett has two children, Kyle (age 17) and
Grace (age 10), and their social security #’s are 049-52-5472 and
045-23-5432 respectively. Brett’s mother, Donna Simons (age 70,
social security #048-68-5874) lives at 50 Benton Street, West Haven,
CT. Ella receives Social Security income of $15,000 per year and
Brett pays his mother $75 per week to watch Grace after school (36
weeks). Brett does not want to designate $3 to the Presidential
Election Campaign fund.

On New Year’s Eve 2009, Brett’s
wife and Grace’s mother Susan, was tragically killed in an
automobile accident caused by a drunk driver. Brett survived the
accident sustaining a broken leg and arm. He filed a lawsuit with
respect to his injuries which was settled in 2013 awarding
compensatory damages of $15,000 and punitive damages of $35,000.

Brett was the named beneficiary of
Susan’s $150,000 life insurance policy. Brett was given the option
by Liberty Mutual to either receive the entire proceeds as one
payment in 2010 or to receive $32,000 per year for five years. Brett
chose to receive the proceeds in installments, the fourth of which
was received in February, 2013.

Due to the loss of his wife, Brett
decided that he should work from home. In December of 2012, he
retired from his job as a Waterbury police officer and started his
own security company on January 1, 2013. He continued to work
part-time for the Police Department in 2013. His W-2 from the
Waterbury Police Department (EIN 06-1234567) reported the following:
wages $10,000, federal income taxes withheld $1,000, and Connecticut
income taxes withheld $500. WPD withheld the proper amounts of
social security and medicare taxes from Brett’s pay during the
year. Brett was not a participant in WPD’s retirement plan.

In 2013 Brett returned to school to
pursue a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. During 2013, Brett
paid $3,000 for qualified tuition expenses.

Brett’s business “Safe &
Secure” (taxpayer I.D. #06-7654321) opened for business on January
1st. He uses the cash method of accounting and materially
participates in the operation of this business. Brett uses his
finished basement as his office. It has a separate entrance for
clients and occupies approximately 500 of the 3,000 total square
footage of his home. The home cost $400,000 at acquisition
(12/01/2000 and does not include cost of land). Brett rents all
necessary office furniture and equipment however repairs to the walls
and painting were required to make it client ready. The total cost
for the wall repairs and painting was $2,000.

Revenue and expenses for Safe &
Secure for the year were as follows:

Security services Revenue


Alarm monitoring services Revenue


Equipment rent expense


Business insurance expense


Advertising expense


Legal expenses


Wages paid to his employee


Payroll taxes paid on employee


Office Supplies Expense


Liability Insurance Expense


Brett received the following interest
and dividend income in 2013 (he did not have any interest in a
foreign account or trust):



Webster Bank


UTC Corporation**


Waterbury Credit Union


Ace Corporation**


Multistate Municipal Bonds




**Non-Qualified dividends

On November 1, 2005, Brett and Susan
invested in Ace Corporation by purchasing 100 shares at $60/share.
Concerned about the future of the company, he sold the shares at
$20/share on February 1, 2013. Brett received a Form 1099-B from his
investment company that reported the sale and basis of the stock

Prior to meeting Susan, Brett was
married to Elaine, Kyle’s mother (social security #985-25-6975).
Pursuant to their divorce agreement, Brett is required to make
monthly alimony payments of $500 to Elaine. Brett faithfully makes
each month’s payment. In addition, Elaine is required to pay Brett
$800 per month for child support. Kyle resides with his mother
during the summer and school vacations.

Brett is an avid fisherman. In
December 2013, Brett’s fishing boat which is stored at the Mystic
dock was stolen and not recovered. Prior to the theft, the boat’s
fair market value and adjusted basis was $30,000 and $25,000
respectively. The boat which was acquired in 2010 was not insured.

Kyle graduated high school in June and
decided to study chemistry at a state university. He received an
academic scholarship of $10,000 towards his first semester tuition
expenses of $18,000. In addition, he took a student loan for $6,000
to pay for room and board. Brett paid the balance of Kyle’s
tuition costs from Brett’s savings account.

Brett paid (and can substantiate) the
following during the year:

Health insurance premiums for Brett
and kids (paid during 2013)


Interest on Discover credit card


Dental expenses (Grace’s braces)


Donna’s medical expenses


“Lifestyle” lift for Donna


Mortgage interest (Main St) (Total


Real estate taxes (Main St)


Mortgage interest (Donna’s home)


Property taxes (assessed on car’s


Utilities for residence


Homeowner’s insurance


Contributions to church


Used furniture donated to Goodwill
(FMV) (Cost = 1,000)


Cost of one dinner ticket to attend
a fundraiser for the “Republican National Committee”; value of
a comparable dinner = $50


Brett did not keep mileage records for
medical or charitable contribution deduction purposes.

In 2013, Brett paid a balance of $800
with his 2012 Connecticut income tax return. He also made state
estimated tax payments totaling $1,000 ($250 on each of the following
dates 4/15/13, 06/15/13, 09/15/13 and 01/15/14).

In the event he is due a refund of
tax, Brett would like to apply all of his overpayment to his 2014 tax

motivation case study

Case Study
You have recently joined a chain of 5 pharmacies in suburban Adelaide, run by an owner who delegates management, in each, to the pharmacist-in-charge. Your first work experience for the chain is running a small pharmacy with just you and 3 pharmacy assistants:Amy is in her early twenties, and has been at that pharmacy for 4 months. It is her fifth job, having worked as a sales assistant in boutique clothing stores, and behind the bar in pubs. She enjoys setting up displays for catalogue promotions, and chatting with customers on the shop floor, but seems bored with the routine of assisting with the dispensary of scripts and managing stock. Her knowledge of pharmacy products seems quite limited, as she often asks the other assistants. Since the stores are open 7 days a week there needs to be some flexibility regarding availability, but Amy always has reasons to not work on Saturday and Sunday mornings. You also note she tends to chew gum while at work, and keeps going outside to have a smoke. Her uniform seems to often be unironed.In the time you have been there you note that she seems to have become bored and that she does not seem motivated to do anything much anymore. Her greatest joys are answering private phone calls on her smart-phone and going on Facebook in any spare time. You wonder why she was employed by the owner in the first place, only to be told that she is related to the owner’s partner and he might have had “some pressure “ put on him to employ her. However, you believe that she definitely has some strengths.
Bethis a few years older than Amy, and has worked in that pharmacy for 6 months. She has worked in 3 of the other pharmacies in the chain over the last 4 years, but has moved to this one since her rental home is only a few streets away. She and her partner both work, saving to buy a house. Beth is much more conscientious than Amy, but has low self-esteem and therefore lets Amy manipulate her into doing tasks that Amy does not like doing. Her performance is dropping over the time you have been there, but you believe she is a valuable asset with product knowledge, her caring nature and her high need for affiliation.
Carly is younger than Amy, but is only part-time whereas the others are full-time. She is just working for the money currently, as she is contemplating whether to enrol at university in 2014, or whether to go travelling. Currently she is living with her parents. Of the three you gather that Carly is the smartest, since she is quick to learn anything to do with the pharmacy and is coming up with creative suggestions. She is annoyed with Amy’s behaviour and often will not talk to her if she can avoid it.

1.Explain in terms of the Adams Equity model, including the equations, why Beth’s performance is dropping and how it could be used to motivate her.

2.Use the Vroom expectancy model to outline a plan to motivate Amy.

Petroleum Engineering , Drilling Fluids Project

please i want someone who do this project for me , its about drilling fluids , petroleum engineering

follow the document and let me know if someone able to do it , must know excel and some microsoft office skills
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The University of Louisiana
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Drilling Engineering, PETE 382
Term Project
Drilling fluid plays an important role in any drilling activity. It is the main controlling parameter in well control. Its main function is to control the bottom hole pressure (BHP) and stabilize the borehole. Therefore, it is very important to properly design the mud to avoid any fluid loss or cause formation damage.
This project aims at giving students the opportunity to have a comprehensive idea of the overall activities and the process related to mud use starting from mixing it up to tripping jobs. The product of this project (Excel sheet) can be used as a tool to make any calculation related to the use of mud in any drilling activity in the future. In other words, you will be able to use the Excel sheet in your future jobs if you ever get involved in any drilling activity. Therefore, it is expected that students to do a comprehensive search in the net, libraries, contacting oil companies to get the necessary information required for the project execution. A maximum of three students can work on the same project. Students must adhere to the project deadline. No project will be accepted after the indicated due date. Therefore, it is advisable to form your team and start immediately on the project.
Project Objective:
The aim of this project is to develop an Excel sheet that calculates the following for typical drilling fluid and well configurations:
Required densities of drilling fluids
Rheological properties of a given mud
Volumes of typical wells, pump pressure, output, and strokes,
Effect of tripping jobs on the hydrostatic pressure.
Project Requirements:
You are expected to take your own mud properties (i.e., measurements made in the lab) and select a typical well configuration as well as the mud pump (use both duplex and triplex pumps) to calculate the following:


bounded by the indian ocean on the south, the arabian sea on the south-west, and the bay of…

bounded by the indian ocean on the south, the arabian sea on the south-west, and the bay of bengal on the south-east, it shares land borders with pakistan to the west;[d] china, nepal,
and bhutan to the north-east; and burma
and bangladesh to the east. in the indian ocean, india is in the
vicinity of sri lanka and the maldives; in addition, india’s andaman and nicobar islands
share a maritime border with thailand and indonesia.

home to the ancient indus valley civilisation
and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the indian subcontinent was
identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history.[14] four world religions—hinduism, buddhism, jainism, and sikhism—originated here, whereas judaism, zoroastrianism, christianity, and islam arrived in the 1st millennium ce and also helped shape the region’s diverse culture. gradually annexed by and brought under the
administration of the british east india company
from the early 18th century and administered directly by the united kingdom from the mid-19th
century, india became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence
that was marked by n

need help with this problem

need help with this problem

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PSY 205: Research Methods I

Module 7: Assignment

A researcher is interested in the relationship between fathers’ performance in high school and their children’s social skills. She obtains the high school transcripts of fathers and records their ending GPA. She then measures the social skills of their oldest child.

Use the data shown below to:

Calculate the Pearson r correlation coefficient.
Test for the significance of the correlation using a two-tailed test at the .05 level.
Show the scatterplot for the data.
Determine the coefficient of determination and explain what this means.
Determine the coefficient of alienation (non-determination) and explain what this means.
Explain to a friend what this correlation coefficient tells you about the relationship between fathers’ high school GPA and children’s social skills.
Explain to your friend what this correlation does not tell you about the relationship between these two variables. Suggest a third variable that may be at work here.
Determine the regression equation.
Predict the social skills level of a child whose father had a high school GPA of 2.10.
Predict the social skills level of a child whose father had a high school GPA of 3.40.

Participant Father’s GPA Child’s Social Skills 1 3.24 65 2 2.68 63 3 2.1 61 4 3.8 67 5 3.26 67 6 3.21 61 7 3.8 70 8 2.5 54 9 2.64 54 10 3.12 58 11 3.08 57 12 3.28 62 13 2.45 59 14 2.83 61


Predict the social skills level of a child whose father had a high school GPA of 2.10.
Predict the social skills level of a child whose father had a high school GPA of 3.40.

Participant Father’s GPA Child’s Social Skills 1 3.24 65 2 2.68 63 3 2.1 61 4 3.8 67 5 3.26 67 6 3.21 61 7 3.8 70 8 2.5 54 9 2.64 54 10 3.12 58 11 3.08 57 12 3.28 62 13 2.45 59 14 2.83 61


ficance of the correlation using a two-tailed test at the .05 level.
Show the scatterplot for the…


requires knowledge of asset pricing models such as CAPM, FF 2 and 3 factor model, 4 factor model…

requires knowledge of asset pricing models such as CAPM, FF 2 and 3 factor model, 4 factor model by carhart(97). I need the matlab codes for how things are calculated and also and analysis of the results.

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IB9CJ Asset Pricing (PhD)
Data: From Kenneth French’s web site,,
download monthly data on …
• Fama-French (“FF”) factors,
• Momentum factor,
• 25 (5 × 5) portfolios formed on size and book-to-market (“BM”), and
• 30 Industry portfolios.
Separate the 100 most recent observations in the time series and designate these for “out-of-sample” analysis. For the “in-sample” data, select observations from 1980:01 until the month preceding the beginning of the out-of-sample period.
To conduct the numerical analysis, you have to use matlab.
Q1: Efficient Portfolios.
1.1. Using in-sample data, estimate the VCV matrix for the industry portfolios. Based on this, construct the efficient frontier. Explicitly describe the two portfolios that “span” the frontier (as in the ‘two-fund separation’ theorem).
1.2. From the in-sample factor data, extract an appropriate value to be used as the risk-free rate out-of-sample, and explain your choice. With this, construct the “tangency portfolio”, and discuss its (in-sample) properties.
1.3. From the in-sample factor data, extract the returns on the “market portfolio”. Estimate its expected return and volatility. Is the market portfolio efficient? Discuss your findings, in particular in the context of the CAPM.
1.4. Produce a plot, showing the in-sample characteristics of the assets, the frontier, and the all of the portfolios constructed in 1.1 – 1.3 above.
1.5. Track the returns of the portfolios considered above through the out-of-sample period. Using measures of your choosing (explain the rationale of your choice), assess and discuss the performance of these portfolios out-of-sample.
Q2: Factor Models
Note: This question may appear “longer” than Q1. However, you will find that some of the methodology (and even results) that you will have developed for Q1 can be “re-cycled” here.
2.1. Using in-sample data, estimate the “betas” of the size-BM portfolios…


Outlines of strategic marketing plan

Outlines of strategic marketing plan

500 words
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Who is Pilotimos?

Pilotimos Enterprises Pty Ltd was formed on 13 Jan 2014 with support from ANZ and Macquarie banks has approx. 15 Million of assets, debt 3.3 M. It is family business and has 3 related entities. It is an asset value manager and it both owns and own and operates. Where it owns assets it use the most cost-effective approach to manage and outsources based on value chain analysis.
In its first quarter of operation a profit of $50,000 with start-up costs for incorporation and funding covered. A ROE of 18% is expected and achievable for fiscal 2014.
The intention is to float within 3 years. Its operational structure is:

The CEO is also treasurer on Strata. The Building has Strata and Club. Mantras manage under agreement only 171 of 233 apartments. Other operators (Accom 13, Altavilla 9 and Private operations[19] and 21 permanent residents.
The focus is now on risk management for seasonality and methods for improving tours and conferences are being examined. Please note the clubs hours of operations do not suit 24*7 food supply. While a supply option exist the menu would need significant work as guest have complained when tried room service from the club.

Main Assignment- MA512/GA512

In groups develop a marketing plan for the re-market entry to tour package market for the Mantra Ettalong (51-53 The Esplanade Ettalong Beach NSW 2257) including the option of opening a “pilotimos pool store and 24/7 room service supply”. The strategic drivers underlying strategy are smooth seasonality and average occupancy improvement.

Commence your individual situation analysis using a template provided. A tutorial on it, Harvard case method and partial complete situation analysis will be provided in week 3.
The marketing plan will also have to consider the supply and servery issues ie the area and need to be open 6am till 10 pm with limited cooking within the hotel itself.

Please note the club and some external restaurants have undertaken food…


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