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Business Intelligence

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CIS3003 Assignment 2

Due date: 28 April 2014 Weighting: 15%  

Part A: Mini Case Study (2 pages in total)
You are to provide a one page essay for the following mini case questions (total of two pages) from the textbook. The essay is to be a 1.5 line spacing response to the following mini case.
Pat’s Engineering Works (textbook edition 11 page 263)
(15 marks)
The essays do not require in text references or a list of references.

Part B Hands on
You are to go through the Hands on exercise 5A on page 187 of the textbook. You will need access to a networked computer with access to the PING, ARP and TRACEROUTE tool. For some of the activity if you have a restrictive firewall you will need to search for a looking glass type services and modify your report accordingly (Goolge looking glass tools). The exercise has a number of activities for you to perform but for the assignment we only need the output and discussion for the following activities. IF you are using non Windows machines the commands may be slightly different.
IPCONFIG: Finding your computer settings
PING: Finding other computers
ARP: Displaying Physical Address
TRACERT: Finding Routes through the Internet
Each of the activities listed include a number of deliverables that you will need to attach as part of your assignment submission. For the output of the commands use the screen capture capabilities. Under Windows use Cmd Alt Print Screen keys combinations to capture the current active window and then paste into word document. For Mac OS use Command-Shift-4, then space, and then click a window you want to capture
(15 marks)

Part C: Report (10 pages for body of the report)
Management has identified that in order to provide employees with mobile access a more flexible networking environment needs to be created. Since the organisation uses a typical client server network design, management feels that it would be a simple and reasonably inexpensive process to add extra…


see attached

1. A Markov chain model for the growth and replacement of trees assumes that there are three stages of growth based on the size of the tree; young tree, mature, tree, and old tree. The transition period considered is 8 years. In each period of 8 years, 30% of the young trees remain young and the rest becomes mature. Among the mature trees 40% remain mature and the rest become old in 8 years. The probability that a old tree is replaced by a young tree in a 8 years period is p, 0

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1. A Markov chain model for the growth and replacement of trees assumes that there are three stages of growth based on the size of the tree; young tree, mature, tree, and old tree. The transition period considered is 8 years. In each period of 8 years, 30% of the young trees remain young and the rest becomes mature. Among the mature trees 40% remain mature and the rest become old in 8 years. The probability that a old tree is replaced by a young tree in a 8 years period is p, 0 0, for all i&j 2 S, and hence calculate P(10) & M(10). (b) Specify an initial law~a = (ai) (distribution of the chain at n=0) (give numerical vector) such that ai > 0 for i 2 S, and hence calculate ~a(10) using the P specied in part (a). 3. A system consisting of two components is subject to a series of shocks . The time be- tween consecutive shocks can be modelled as independent…


I have question about the marketing assignment. This assignment includes basic data analysis,…

I have question about the marketing assignment. This assignment includes basic data analysis, hypothesis testing, and creating two new hypothesis.

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Assignment: Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
Please use Excel to do the exercises listed below. Create the Excel outputs into a single Excel file. Also, create a tab separately for each (sub). Clearly name each tab, for instance “Q1_a” or “Q2b”.
Please access the “Carrier Dome Data” do the following.
1. Basic Data Analysis (in the Excel tab, procedures and results should all be included and easily observable)
(a) Create Cross-tabulation table of the following, (Use Pivot table function)
– Gender(X1) vs. Year in School (X2) vs. Commute method (X5)
– Gender(X1) vs. Interest in Exercise (X8a)
(b) Find the Means and Standard deviations of the variables X8a, X8c, X8g, and X8l.
(c) Find the Correlations of X8a, X8c, X8g, and X8l.

2. Hypothesis Testing (in the Excel tab, the variables used, procedure of testing, and the results should all be included and clearly observable)
(a) Test the null hypothesis that the mean of X8c is same for men and women. Using the P value, can you reject H0 at a 95% level of confidence?
(b) Test the null hypothesis that the mean of X8l does not exceed the mean of X8g. Using the P value, can you reject H0 at a 95% level of confidence?
(c) Test the null hypothesis that the mean of X8l does not exceed the mean of X8g by more than 0.8. Using the P value, can you reject H0 at a 95% level of confidence?

3. Create Two New Hypothesis (on your own) and Test at the 95% level of confidence, using the given data. The hypothesis should be about gender difference. For example, see Question 2 (a).
(In the Excel tab, exact hypothesis, the variables used, and the results should all be included and clearly observable)
(a) Hypothesis #1: _______________________________________________
(b) Hypothesis #2: _______________________________________________

create a website like using html5,css,database design,sqlite,php.

create a website like using html5,css,database design,sqlite,php.

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Task 1
Your task in this assignment is to design, implement, test and document the basis of a simple online employment service using HTML, CSS, PHP, Smarty, and SQLite.
The goal of the assignment is to design, implement, test and document a simple database-backed Web application that models part of a simple online employment service. The application should allow employers to:
post descriptions of jobs they are offering
delete descriptions of jobs they are offering.
It should allow users to:
browse the jobs being offered
search for all jobs in a given industry
Each employer (an organisation) should have:
a unique id
a unique name
an industry (e.g., education, government, information technology, manufacturing, mining, retail)
a brief description.
Each job should have
a unique id
a reference to the organisation offering the job (there is a one-many relationship between organisations and jobs)
a title
a brief description
a location
an annual salary.
You may assume the initial set of employers is given. That is, the developer should initialise the set of employers when the database is created. The initial database must contain at least 2 employers and at least 4 jobs.
The application should have separate home pages for employers (employers.php) and for users (index.php). Each home page should have a header that clearly identifies the application and a footer that clearly identifies the developer and has a link to the documentation (described below).
The employers home page (employers.php) should display a list of employer names. An employer may then select its name which leads to a page with list of summaries of jobs offered by that employer and a form (or a link to a form) for adding a new job. Each job summary should lead to a complete description of that job. The employer may then delete that job.
After adding or updating a job, the employer should see the complete description of that job. After deleting a job, the employer should…


Building a Personal Learning Network

Hear attached is the assignment question and also a template that will be use to complete the assignment. It is important that the writer use the template and format the assignment in proper APA. all aspect of the assignment must be properly responded to. It is critical that the page number be respected and in text citation be use throughout the entire paper as required by APA rules.

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Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals who can go it alone.
—Margaret Wheatley, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future
The rise of social media and its power to instantaneously connect people to others is a testament to just how interconnected the world has become. Social media has become an important way to form and maintain relationships. Many use social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, to keep in touch with family, friends, and colleagues. Businesses search for new ways to connect with current and future customers. But, how many have recognized the potential of social media as a powerful learning tool?
Forward-thinking educators have begun purposefully building online social networks of colleagues and experts in the field, known as PLNs. Rather than see social networks as an annoyance or way of wasting time, they have made them an invaluable means of personal and professional growth. Business professionals can benefit from following their lead. PLNs allow professionals and committed lifelong learners to build relationships with others from all over the world. With careful work and commitment to building and maintaining a PLN, the possibilities for connection are endless.
To prepare: Consider new ways in which you might use technology to foster new connections and seek information and advice.
Use the APA Course Paper Template to complete this assignment.
Write a 6 page paper describing your PLN. Your paper should include the following:
•Text you might include in a professional profile, which you could use on a social media site (like Twitter, or LinkedIn) to identify yourself and your interests for those who might be interested in following you or joining your PLN
•Annotated list of five people or groups in which you might find people to add to your…

Financial planning research paper

1- Choose 3 stocks that you feel are good long term

2- For each stock, give me 5 reasons why you feel this is a
good choice and use research to back up your claim ( you can use measurements
like p/e, beta, etc..)

3-Must be at least 3+ pages

4- Must be in APA format and must contain good spelling and

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1- Choose 3 stocks that you feel are good long term investments
2- For each stock, give me 5 reasons why you feel this is a good choice and use research to back up your claim ( you can use measurements like p/e, beta, etc..)
3-Must be at least 3+ pages
4- Must be in APA format and must contain good spelling and grammar



Dinsmore Artists International
is in the business of managing singers and other artists in the entertainment
industry. It is considering the purchase of an executive jet plane to transport
its executives and the artists it represents to various meetings and
performance sites. It expects that by owning its own executive jet, it can save
$1,400,000 the first year of operation for expenses that it would otherwise
incur for buying seats on commercial flights or for chartering flights. It
expects that the year-to-year growth in the annual savings would be 10%.

choice has narrowed down to two planes: the Aero Commander and the Super Eagle.
Both provide the same savings and the same basic service (e.g., the same
passenger and luggage capacity, flight speed, and maximum altitude of

Aero Commander jet sells for $4,500,000. Its normal operating expenses would be
$290,000 the first year and would increase 8% per year thereafter. In addition,
there would be a cost of $350,000 for a major engine overhaul at the end of the
third year. Treat the overhaul cost as an operating expense. The cabin noise
level in the Aero Commander is lower than in the Super Eagle, and its seats are
somewhat more comfortable.

Super Eagle jet sells for $3,950,000. Its normal operating expenses would be
$325,000 the first year and would increase 8% per year thereafter. In addition,
there would be major engine overhauls at the end of the second and fourth
years, each of which would cost $300,000. Treat the overhaul costs as operating

uses a WACC or discount rate of 10% and a reinvestment rate of 9% to evaluate
its investments in fixed assets. Tax rates are 38% for regular income and 25%
for capital gains or losses.

jet purchased would be paid for and put into service during the first quarter
of Dinsmore’s financial year. It would be depreciated according to the
appropriate MACRS schedule from (i.e., 7-year life with first-quarter

expects to sell whichever plane it chooses at the end of the fifth year for 20%
of its purchase price.

What is the NPV, IRR,
and modified internal rate of return associated with each of the two jet
planes? Based on these values, what action do you recommend Dinsmore to take?

2. What
non-financial information should Dinsmore take into consideration before making
its final decision? Why might the information be important in Dinsmore’s
decision? How might this information change the decision in part 1?

`as soon as possible

ELE3105 – Computer controlled systems 5 Assignment 1 A temperature control system can be modelled by the following transfer function G(s), where represents a pure time delay in the system and . You are required to implement a digital PID controller to track the temperature setting without error. 1. Analytically find the open-loop system response c(t) to a unit step input and plot out this response. (30 marks) 2. Based on sampling theorem, determine a suitable sample interval T for the following parts of the assignment.

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ELE3105 – Computer controlled systems 5 Assignment 1 A temperature control system can be modelled by the following transfer function G(s), where represents a pure time delay in the system and . You are required to implement a digital PID controller to track the temperature setting without error. 1. Analytically find the open-loop system response c(t) to a unit step input and plot out this response. (30 marks) 2. Based on sampling theorem, determine a suitable sample interval T for the following parts of the assignment. (Hint: Use Bode plots of G(s) to determine the system’s cut-off frequency. At cut-off frequency the magnitude plot is about 3dB below the magnitude of the low frequency. The cut-off frequency can be considered as the highest frequency component. Choose as an integer for calculation convenience). (40 marks) 3. Derive the discrete-time system transfer function GHP(Z) from G(s). (Hint: , where , and keep T as a parameter until the final results are available). (30 marks) 4. Design a digital Proportional (P) controller to form a unit feedback control system, and optimise its parameter with respect to the performance criterion using the steepest descent minimisation process. Simulate this P controller system and plot its response. (Please provide the plots that show the initial and the final/optimal responses). (50 marks) 5. If the P controller is replaced by a PID controller, determine the PID controller’s parameters with respect to the performance criterion for a unit step input. (Hint: Applying the steepest descent optimisation method again. Please also provide the plots that show the initial and the final/optimal responses). (50 marks) Due date: 14 April 2014 Value: 20% Total marks: 200 Penalty for late submission: 5% per day e–ts t = 1 G(s) C(s) M(s) ————5e –ts s + 5 = = ————k = t/T Z e –ts[ G(s)] zk= Z[G(s)] k = t/T ITAE ek k = 0 M?= IAE ek k = 0 M?=
6 ELE3105 – Computer controlled systems Please note that marks will be awarded…


Portfolio Project – Strategic

Portfolio Project is 5-6 page paper with exhibits of organization financial data. (See attachment for more details please).

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Complete your Portfolio Project assignment, focusing on making sure that you have all of the necessary components as set forth in the rubric. Spend time making sure that the formatting meets SEU APA standards, and thoroughly proofread and grammar-check your final product. When you have completed the portfolio, submit it to your instructor through this Assignment Drop Box.
This Portfolio Project is 5-6 page paper with exhibits of organization financial data, or a PowerPoint presentation with recorded narration or completed Notes section and exhibits of organization financial data. Your Project should identify a publicly-held corporation and conduct a strategic assessment that includes organizational analysis of: (a) financial condition
(b) Industry and competitors, and
(c) Organization situation. From the assessment,
(d) Formulate appropriate recommendations or strategy for organizational development from a management perspective. Also, consider the work and final product of your Portfolio Project. Please post your overall evaluation of the Project and what specifically you learned from the process on the Discussion Board.


ITEC: 620

Hello this is ITEC: 620 questions, please give it to the same guy that works on my paper last time.


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ITEC 630
Final Examination
Spring 2014
Please read these instructions carefully. Failure to correctly follow them will
adversely impact your grade.
This exam is open-book, open-notes. Do not discuss any aspect of this
exam with anyone else – no discussions in conferences, no emails to me
I will grade the exams on-line, therefore:
Do not include any extraneous graphics that do not directly contribute
to your answer
Answer on the PowerPoint slides provided – you may add slides
Use no font smaller than 12 pitch (if I cannot read it you won’t get credit)
Do not import graphics from any program besides PowerPoint (i.e. visio)
Exam is due not later than Midnight Eastern Time Sunday 27 April. Late
submissions will NOT be accepted and will earn a grade of zero
Post your PowerPoint slides in your assignment folders on WebTycho
Question 1: (20 Points – 4 Points Each)
Multiple Choice – Eliminate all but the correct answer.
Which is not a factor to consider in software evaluation?
A. Performance effectiveness
B. Performance efficiency
C. Target Operating System
D. Ease of use
E. Quality of documentation
In a database, Keys are:
A. Normalized
B. The names of database tables
C. Used to identify the most important attribute of an Entity
D. Data items in a record used to identify the record
In a relational database, Metadata:
A. Specifies the size in Bytes of the database tables
B. Describes the name given and the length assigned each data item
C. Describes the associative relationships between Entities
D. Provides the answers to queries
Peer reviewers are the key participants in which activity?
A. Structured walkthroughs
B. Top-down testing
C. Six-Sigma quality checks
D. Rapid Application Design (RAD)
All of the following are true about Modular Programming except:
A. Modules should contain Go-To statements
B. Paying attention to the interfaces is important
C. Modules should be highly cohesive

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