Archive for May 7th, 2018

Prepare a schedule to compute the net gain or loss component of pension expense for 2007 and 2008….

Comprehensive – The TAN Company has a defined benefit pension plan for its employees. The plan has been in existence for several years. During 2006, for the first time, the company experienced a difference between its expected and actual projected benefit obligation. This resulted in a cumulative unrecognized loss of $29,000 at the beginning of 2007, which did not change during 2007. The company amortizes any excess unrecognized loss by the straight-line method over the average remaining service life of its active participating employees. It has developed the following schedule concerning these 40 employees:


Expected Years of


Expected Years of


Future Service*


Future Service*

















*Per employee

The company makes its contribution to the pension plan at the end of each year. However, it has not always funded the entire pension expense in a given year. As a result, it had an accrued pension cost liability of $36,000 on December 31, 2006.

Furthermore, the company’s accumulated benefit obligation exceeded the fair value of the plan assets at the end of 2006, so that the company also had an additional pension liability (and excess of additional pension liability over unrecognized prior service cost) of $2,300 on December 31, 2006.

In addition to the preceding information, the following set of facts for 2007 and 2008 has been assembled, based on information provided by the company’s actuary and funding agency, and obtained from its accounting records:



Plan assets, fair value (12/31)



Cumulative unrecognized net loss (1/1)



Expected (and actual) return on plan assets



Company contribution to pension plan (12/31)



Projected benefit obligation (1/1)



Discount rate



Accumulated benefit obligation (12/31)



Service cost



Plan assets, fair value (1/1)




1. Calculate the average remaining service life of the TAN Company’s employees. Compute to one decimal place.

2. Prepare a schedule to compute the net gain or loss component of pension expense for 2007 and 2008. For simplicity, assume the average remaining life calculated in Requirement 1 is applicable to both years.

3. Prepare a schedule to compute the pension expense for 2007 and 2008.

4. Prepare a schedule to determine the adjustment (if any) to additional pension liability required at the end of 2007 and 2008.

5. Prepare all the December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008 journal entries related to the pension plan.

Prepare a schedule to compute the amount of the net gain or loss to include in the Kent Company’s…

Net Gain or Loss – For several years, Kent Company has had a defined benefit contribution plan for its employees. During those years the company experienced differences between its expected and actual projected benefit obligation. These differences resulted in a cumulative net gain or loss at the beginning of each subsequent year. The following schedule summarizes the amounts related to the preceding information for the years 2007 through 2009:


Cumulative Unrecognized Net Loss (Gain)a







a. At beginning of year

The company’s actuary and funding agency have also provided the following information about the company’s actual projected benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets at the beginning of each year:


Projected Benefit Obligation

Plan Assets










The company amortizes any excess unrecognized gain or loss by the straight-line method over the average remaining service life of its active participating employees. Because of a consistent pattern of employee hirings and retirements, this average service life has remained at 20 years for 2007 through 2009.


Prepare a schedule to compute the amount of the net gain or loss to include in the Kent Company’s pension expense for 2007 through 2009. Indicate whether the gain or loss is added to or subtracted from the pension expense.

What is the total prepaid/accrued pension cost at the end of 2008? Is it an asset or a liability?

Pension Expense Different Than Funding – On January 1, 2007 the Parkway Company adopted a defined benefit pension plan. At that time, the company awarded retroactive benefits to its employees, resulting in an unrecognized prior service cost of $2,180,000 on that date. The company decided to amortize these costs by the straight-line method over the 16-year average remaining service life of its active participating employees. The company’s actuary and funding agency have also provided the following additional information for 2007 and 2008:



Service cost



Projected benefit obligation (1/1)



Plan assets (1/1)



Discount rate



Expected long-term (and actual) rate of return on plan assets


*Due to the unrecognized prior service cost

The company contributed $670,000 and $700,000 to the pension fund at the end of 2007 and 2008, respectively. There are no other components of Parkway Company’s pension expense; ignore any additional pension liability.


1. Compute the amount of Parkway Company’s pension expense for 2007 and 2008.

2. Prepare the December 31 journal entry to record the pension expense for 2007 and 2008.

3. What is the total prepaid/accrued pension cost at the end of 2008? Is it an asset or a liability?

Calculus III

MATH 2415 -Quiz 7 -Smalley
Sections 15.1 -15.4
-Quiz 7 -Smalley
Sections 15.1 -15.4

Evaluate the line integral of f(x,y) along the curve C.

1) f(x, y) =
x2 +
y2, C: y =
4x + 2, 0 = x = 3
A) 79 17 B) 543 17 C) 237 D) 237 17

Evaluate the line integral along the curve C.

2) +
(xz +
y2) ds, C is the curve r(t) =
(-7 -2t)i +
tj -2tk , 0 = t = 1

A) 26
B) 26 C) 16
D) -16

Find the work done by F over the curve in the direction of increasing t.

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MATH 2415 -Quiz 7 -Smalley
Sections 15.1 -15.4
-Quiz 7 -Smalley
Sections 15.1 -15.4

Evaluate the line integral of f(x,y) along the curve C.

1) f(x, y) =
x2 +
y2, C: y =
4x + 2, 0 = x = 3
A) 79 17 B) 543 17 C) 237 D) 237 17

Evaluate the line integral along the curve C.

2) +
(xz +
y2) ds, C is the curve r(t) =
(-7 -2t)i +
tj -2tk , 0 = t = 1

A) 26
B) 26 C) 16
D) -16

Find the work done by F over the curve in the direction of increasing t.
3) F =
10zi +
3xj +
7yk; C: r(t) = ti + tj + tk, 0 = t = 1

A) W =
10 B) W =
20 C) W =
40 D) W =


4) F = xyi +
8j +
3xk; C: r(t) = cos 8ti + sin 8tj + tk, 0 = t d

25 209 193

A) W =
B) W =
C) W = 0 D) W =

3 24 24

Test the vector field F to determine if it is conservative.
5) F = xyi + yj + zk
A) Conservative B) Not conservative

Find the potential function f for the field F.
6) F =
(y – z)i +
(x + 2y – z)j -(x + y)k
A) f(x, y, z) = xy +
y2 -xz -yz + C B) f(x, y, z) = x +
y2 -xz -yz + C
C) f(x, y, z) = x(y +
y2) -xz -yz + C D) f(x, y, z) = xy +
y2 -x -y + C

Evaluate the work done between point 1 and point 2 for the conservative field F.
7) F =
2xi +
2yj +
2zk; P1(2, 2, 5) , P2(3, 6, 9)
A) W =
159 B) W = 0 C) W =
93 D) W =

Find the divergence of the field F.
8) F =
-6x7i -8xyj -4xzk
A) -42×6 -12x B) -54 C) -42×6 -8y -4z D) -42×6 -12x -54

Apply Green’s Theorem to evaluate the integral.


(x +
2y)dx +
4xy dy; C the the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (3, 0) and (0, 3).

A) 27 B) 18 C) 9 D) 54

Using Green’s Theorem, compute the counterclockwise circulation of F around the closed curve C.


10) F =

8(x2 +
y2)4 i; C is the region defined by the polar coordinate inequalities 1 = r d
2 and 0 d
. d
127 129 127

A) B) C) 0 D)

448 448 448

simulation with arena

i need to solve this project

i cant do payment because my visa card not accepted is there another way to pay ????
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INE 3010 System Simulation TERM PROJECT SPRING 2014 Due Date: 15-05-2014, 17:30 Late submissions will not be accepted. You can collaborate in a group of at least 2 and AT MOST 3 (please do not ask for any increase in the upper limit). Inter-group collaboration and any kind of outside help are not allowed and will be punished if detected. You will present your project on May 20 and 21 during lab hours. Consider it as an oral exam on ARENA. The report can be a MS Word, Acrobat or Latex File, which is sent as an attachment to an e-mail to [email protected]. Also, you should attach one Arena *.doe file (in ARENA Version 12) to the e-mail that contains the report. The name of the files must include the surnames of the group members, such as MuterSenel.txt. You will get extra points by using more advance modules, such as Station, Route, Sequence, and more realistic animations. Use Arena Help for guidance. If you make any simplifying assumptions, explicitly state them. The report must include a section entitled Experiment Design and Analysis which contains the following: ? Tables summarizing key results, mean values and confidence intervals. ? Interpretation of all numerical results in tables by stating what they mean in terms of the system and how they support your recommendation. Description: Super Size Me Fast Food Restaurant is interested in looking at their staffing for the lunch rush, running from 10 AM to 2 PM. Suppose that the initial conditions at 10 AM are given as follows; the system starts empty and all the available resources are idle. No customers are allowed to enter the system after 2 PM, and the restaurant is closed when all customers, who entered before 2 PM, get their lunch and leave the system. People arrive as walk-ins or by car as follows: • Walk-ins with 1, 2, 3. or 4 people in a group with respective probabilities 0.2,0.5,0.2, and 0.1; interarrivals are distributed as exponential with mean 5 minutes; the first walk-in occurs EXPO(3)…


Smithfield Corportation owns and operates three sawmills that make lumber for building homes.

Smithfield Corportation owns and operates three sawmills that make lumber for building homes. The operations consist of cutting logs in the forest, hauling them to the various sawmills, sawing the lumber, and shipping it to building supply warehouses throughout the western part of the United States. To haul the logs, Smithfield has several trucks. Relevant data pertaining to one truck are:

a. Date of purchase, July 1, 2001.

b. Cost:





Paint job (to match company colors)


Sales tax..


c. Estimated useful life of the truck, 150,000 miles.

d. Estimated salvage value, zero.

e. 2002 expenditures on truck:

(1) Spent $5,000 on tires, oil changes, greasing, and other miscellaneous items.

(2) Spent $22,000 to overhaul the engine and replace the transmission on January 1,

2002. This expenditure increased the life of the truck by 135,000 miles.

Record journal entries to account for:

1. The purchase of the truck.

2. The 2001 depreciation expense using units-of-production depreciation and assuming the truck was driven 45,000 miles.

3. The expenditures relating to the truck during 2002.

4. The 2002 depreciation expense using the units-of-production method and assuming the truck was driven 60,000 miles.

On January 1, 2012, Pierre Company had Accounts Receivable $139,000, Notes Receivable $25,000, and…

On January 1, 2012, Pierre Company had Accounts Receivable $139,000, Notes Receivable $25,000, and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $13,200. The note receivable is from Stacy Richter Company. It is a 4-month, 12% note dated December 31, 2011. Pierre Company prepares financial statements annually. During the year, the following selected transactions occurred.



Sold $20,000 of merchandise to Bernard Company, terms n/15.


Accepted Bernard Company’s $20,000, 3-month, 9% note for balance due.



Sold $8,000 of merchandise to LaBamba Company and accepted LaBamba’s $8,000,

6-month, 9% note for the amount due.



Collected Bernard Company note in full.


Received payment in full from Stacy Richter Company on the amount due.



Accepted Cloppy Inc.’s $4,000, 3-month, 7% note in settlement of a past-due balance on account.



Received payment in full from LaBamba Company on note due.


The Cloppy Inc. note was dishonored. Cloppy Inc. is not bankrupt; future payment is anticipated.



Sold $12,000 of merchandise to Bessie Lou Company and accepted a $12,000, 6-month,

10% note for the amount due.


Journalize the transactions.

Using break-even analysis, determine the number of cars that would have to park in the lot on an ann

Constructing a Downtown Parking Lot in Draper

The town of Draper, with a population of 20,000, sits adjacent to
State University, which has an enrollment of 27,000 students. Downtown
Draper merchants have long complained about the lack of parking
available to their customers. This is one primary reason for the steady
migration of downtown businesses to a mall several miles outside town.
The local chamber of commerce has finally convinced the town council to
consider the construction of a new multilevel indoor parking facility
downtown. Kelly Mattingly, the town’s public works director, has
developed plans for a facility that would cost $4.5 million to
construct. To pay for the project, the town would sell municipal bonds
with a duration of 30 years at 8% interest. Kelly also estimates that
five employees would be required to operate the lot on a daily basis, at
a total annual cost of $140,000. It is estimated that each car that
enters the lot would park for an average of 2.5 hours and pay an average
fee of $3.20. Further, it is estimated that each car that parks in the
lot would(on average) cost the town $0.60 in annual maintenance for
cleaning and repairs to the facility. Most of the downtown businesses
(which include a number of restaurants) are open 7 days per week.

A. Using break-even analysis, determine the number of cars that would
have to park in the lot on an annual basis to pay off the project in
the 30-year time frame.

B. From the results in (A), determine the approximate number of cars
that would have to park in the lot on a daily basis. Does this seem to
be a reasonable number to achieve, given the size of the town and
college population?

Food and Paper Expense5. Use the relevant accounts from requirement 4 to prepare a summary income…

Learning Objective 3, 4: Recording transactions and computing net income) Refer to YUM! Brands’ financial statements in Appendix A at the end of the book. Assume that YUM completed the following selected transactions during 2006.

a. Made company sales (revenue) and collected cash of $8,365 million.

b. Earned franchise and license fee revenue on account, $1,196 million.

c. Purchased inventories, paying cash of $2,557 million.

d. Incurred food and paper expense of $2,549 million. Credit the Inventories account.

e. Paid operating and other expenses of $6,188 million.

f. Collected cash on accounts and notes receivable, $1,212 million.

g. Paid cash for other assets, $671 million.


1. Set up T-accounts for: Cash (debit balance of $158 million); Accounts and Notes Receivable (debit balance of $236 million); Inventories (debit balance of $85 million); Other Assets ($0 balance); Company Sales (Revenue: $0 balance); Franchise and License Fee Revenue ($0 balance); Food and Paper Expense ($0 balance); Operating and Other Expenses ($0 balance).

2. Journalize YUM’s transactions a–g. Explanations are not required.

3. Post to the T-accounts, and compute the balance for each account. Key postings by transaction letters a–g.

4. For each of the following accounts, compare your computed balance to YUM’s actual balance as shown on YUM’s 2006 income statement or balance sheet in Appendix A. Your amounts should agree to the actual figures.

a. Cash

b. Accounts and Notes Receivable

c. Inventories

d. Company Sales (Revenue)

e. Franchise and License Fee Revenue

f. Food and Paper Expense5. Use the relevant accounts from requirement 4 to prepare a summary income statement for YUM! Brands, Inc.,for 2006. Compare the net income you computed to YUM’s actual net income. The 2 amounts should be equal.

Please answer these problems

Please answer these problems

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1 MTH 5420/ORP 5020 Stochastic Processes Name _____________________________________ Spring 2014 120 points FINAL EXAM (Thursday, May 1, 6:00 to 8:00 PM) PLEASE ATTACH THIS COVER PAGE TO YOUR PAPER Please note that longer solutions can reduce your score. 1. Give the TPM and the generator of the embedded Markov chain ???? generated by the a marked Poisson process, with marks ?? distributed as ??? ???? and the initial ? ? vector x??? ? ??? ?? ????. (20 pts) 2. Let ???? be a Markov process driven by the infinitesimal generator ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Given the initial vector x??? ? ??? ?? ?? ?s.t. ? ? ? ? ??, find the absorption time probability density function of the r.v. ? ? min?? ? ? ? ???? ? ??. Also, identify the r.v. ? for the special case of ?? ? ??. (20 pts) 3. Let ?? be a marked Poisson process of intensity ? (with initial vector x??? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? and with marks distributed type 1 geometrically with parameter ?. Let ???? ? ????? ? ???? ? ? ? ?, with ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? being a r.v. independent of ?? and with the distribution: ??? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? . Find the autocovariance function of ? ? and investigate if ???? is WSS. (20 pts) 4. For ? ? ? and ? ? ?? calculate ?? ? ? . ? ?? ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ???? Also give ?? for ? ? ?. (20 pts) 5. Consider the following stochastic integral equation ???? ? ?? ????? ? ? ??????????? ??? ? ? ?
2 where is a stochastic process. Denote ???? ???? ? ??????. Find the expression for Cov?????? ????? in terms of function ????. The latter can be calculated explicitly (see Bonus Problem 2). [Notice that you have to take into account two variants with respect to ? and ?.] (20 pts) 6. Let ???? be Brownian motion adapted to a filtration ???? in ???? and let ???? and ???? be adapted processes from ?. Let ???? be a stochastic process with ???? (nonrandom and positive) which satisfies the SDE ????? ? ?????????? ? ?????????????. Find the explicit solution to this SDE, namely show that ???? ?…


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