Assignment1/Prog2 Assign1 sem1 2014 2100 6100.docx
Assignment 1
Semester 1, 2014
Assignment Overview:
This assignment requires you to complete various tasks involving classes you write yourself. You may also use classes that you find in the SDK. The theme will be chosen by you, modelling on example code you are provided for an imaginary Car hire company system. Note that this is a conceptual modelling and programming exercise only. It is designed to test your understanding of various aspects of object oriented design using Java programming. It is not intended to be a model of what happens in the real world – so you can make assumptions that may not “make sense” in the real world.
You will be required to develop your application using Java in the Eclipse environment. You will need to zip the whole project up when you are finished and submit it on Moodle by the due date. You will also need to submit a report (both electronically in Moodle and as a hard copy). The report will require some written and diagrammatic information describing your system as well as answers to questions which will be outlined in the various tasks. Please write clearly and IN YOUR OWN WORDS (plagiarism is NOT acceptable – refer to Course Description).
It is expected that each student will creatively design and author a unique system based on individual choices that fit with the requirements listed in each task. Before you begin, read over the entire assignment and understand all the tasks. Read through the sample code provided, test it and play with it so that you understand how it works. The sample code is provided as an example system. You are to write your own system yourself, although you may find some code from the sample that helps you. Acknowledge all code that you do not write yourself with in code comments.
All code must conform to stylistic standards including proper commenting, appropriate choice of identifier names, proper indenting and other readability issues. Otherwise,…
Archive for May 7th, 2018
programming assignment
plz see attachment
COMP247 Data Communications Assignment 2, 2014: Network Technologies Due 6pm, Monday 26th May 2014. Submission Submit your assignment in the COMP247 assignment box located in the ground floor of E6A Building. Please do not include a copy of this assignment sheet (i.e. questions) with your submission. Keep it for your own purposes. Objectives This assignment has been designed to test the following areas: ? Wireless network technologies ? Wide Area networking technologies ? Internet Access Technologies ? Backbone Technologies Note ? All assumptions must be stated clearly in your answers.
COMP247 Data Communications Assignment 2, 2014: Network Technologies Due 6pm, Monday 26th May 2014. Submission Submit your assignment in the COMP247 assignment box located in the ground floor of E6A Building. Please do not include a copy of this assignment sheet (i.e. questions) with your submission. Keep it for your own purposes. Objectives This assignment has been designed to test the following areas: ? Wireless network technologies ? Wide Area networking technologies ? Internet Access Technologies ? Backbone Technologies Note ? All assumptions must be stated clearly in your answers. ? The explanations you provide do not have to be long, concise is preferred to wandering. They do need to present your case clearly. Questions 1. Wireless Networks [10 marks] Consider a warehouse that is 60m by 30m. Wireless networking is required so that up to 20 staff members working in the warehouse can track stock movements and perform stock checks using mobile devices. (a) [4 marks] Assume that the useful range of WiFi within the warehouse will be 15m radius. Design a simple layout of omnidirectional antennas to cover the entire warehouse. Show the channel to be assigned to each antenna, taking care to minimise interference between the coverage areas. Briefly explain any key design decisions you have made. [1 diagram, up to 150 words] (b) [3 marks] Which WiFi flavour (a, b, g, n, ac, ad, or other) would you recommend for this new installation? Discuss the options and justify your choice. [Up to 200 words] (c) [3 marks] Would you recommend security for this network, and if so, what type of security? Discuss the options and justify your choice. [Up to 200 words] 2. Backbone Networks [10 marks] A backbone network can be constructed as a switched backbone, a routed backbone or a VLAN backbone. Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. (a) [6 marks] Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. [Up to 400 words]
(b) [2 marks] Describe an example of…
State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation (15 Marks) Ecks Company was incorporated in…
Responsibility and Environmental Regulation (15 Marks)
Ecks Company was incorporated in State
X, but has its headquarters, operating plant, most of its employees, and most
of its shareholders in State Y. In 1980,
a small branch office of Ecks Co. in State Z hired an industrial spy, Mr. O. O.
Seven, to obtain secrets from a large competitor in State Z. The spy was successful. For more than a year he supplied the branch
with the competitor’s most important industrial secrets, which the branch in
turn passed on to Ecks Co. The
competitor was a contractor of State Z, and many of the secrets the spy
uncovered related to State Z’s national defense. Unfortunately, Mr. Seven was caught
red-handed in 1981. He was arrested and
convicted of espionage. In bargaining
for a reduced sentence, he agreed to testify against the Ecks Co. and its
branch office’s manager.
As a consequence, State Z prosecuted
both the Ecks Co. and its branch office’s manager for espionage. The manager was found guilty, fined, and
sentenced to a prison term. The Ecks Co.
did not hire a lawyer to represent it in court, and it did not appear to answer
the charges against it. The court
entered a default judgment and confiscated all of the assets of the branch as
punishment. Ecks Co. never appeared to
appeal this decision to State Z’s appellate courts.
Subsequent efforts by Ecks Co. to set
up a new branch in State Z were disallowed.
Ecks Co. has long fumed over the loss of its State Z branch and the
sentence handed down by the State Z court.
Finally, this year, it was able to
persuade State X to bring a suit on its behalf before the International Court
of Justice (ICJ). Both State X and State
Z have recognized the jurisdiction of the ICJ to resolve this dispute. State X alleges that the Ecks Co. was denied
Are there any objections to the ICJ’s
jurisdiction that State Z may be able to raise?
database design and implementation
CIS2002 SEMESTER 1, 2014
Assignment 2 specification
Description Marks out of Mode Wtg (%) Due date ASSIGNMENT 2 100.00 External 25.00 30 May 2014 ASSIGNMENT 2 100.00 On Campus 18.00* 30 May 2014 *On-campus students take practical tests and the weightings for assignments are different due to this.
You must submit the assignment electronically by the due date via the EASE link on the study desk. Instructions will be provided on the course study desk.
If you are unable to complete the whole assignment, submit what you have done rather than nothing.
There is an automatic extension until 6 June. The extra time is only if you need it. You should aim to submit at the due date. There is no need to apply for this extension. Once the model answers are released no further assignments can be accepted.
You must use the official USQ data modelling and normalization methodology. This methodology is based on Clive Finkelsteinâs techniques (SR 2.1 and SR 2.2) and all the examples in the lectures, study book and the tutorials use this methodology.
If you do not use the USQ methodology, you will probably be awarded a mark of zero.
It is perfectly acceptable if you submit neat hand-drawn ERDâs. Alternatively, you might wish to use Word. If you use a CASE or drawing tool, you must adapt the drawing to conform to the USQ methodology.
This assignment may require a significant amount of work but you should treat it as an exercise in examination preparation as well as an assignment. This assignment covers much of the same ground as the exam and will provide you with a strong indicator of your level of preparedness for the exam. Most of the questions are at examination standard although the data modelling exercise is somewhat more substantial than what would be expected in an examination setting.
SECTION A (Data Modelling) (40 marks)
Law Associates is a large legal practice based in Sydney. You have been asked to…
The Carlson Department Store suffered heavy damage when a hurricane struck on August 31. The store w
Table 6.18 gives Carlson’s sales data for the 48 months preceding the storm. Table 6.19 reports total sales for the 48 months preceding the storm for all department stores in the county, as well as the total sales in the county for the four months the Carlson Department Store was closed. Carlson’s managers asked you to analyze these data and develop estimates of the lost sales at the Carlson Department Store for the months of September through December. They also asked you to determine whether a case can be made for excess storm-related sales during the same period. If such a case can be made, Carlson is entitled to compensation for excess sales it would have earned in addition to ordinary sales.
Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
January 1.45 2.31 2.31 2.56
February 1.8 1.89 1.99 2.28
March 2.03 2.02 2.42 2.69
April 1.99 2.23 2.45 2.48
May 2.32 2.39 2.57 2.73
June 2.2 2.14 2.42 2.37
July 2.13 2.27 2.4 2.31
August 2.43 2.21 2.5 2.23
September 1.71 1.9 1.89 2.09
October 1.9 2.13 2.29 2.54
November 2.74 2.56 2.83 2.97
December 4.2 4.16 4.04 4.35
Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
January 46.8 46.8 43.8 48
February 48 48.6 45.6 51.6
March 60 59.4 57.6 57.6
April 57.6 58.2 53.4 58.2
May 61.8 60.6 56.4 60
June 58.2 55.2 52.8 57
July 56.4 51 54 57.6
August 63 58.8 60.6 61.8
September 55.8 57.6 49.8 47.4 69
October 56.4 53.4 54.6 54.6 75
November 71.4 71.4 65.4 67.8 85.2
December 117.6 114 102 100.2 121.8
Managerial Report
Prepare a report for the management of the Carlson Department Store that summarizes your findings, forecasts,, and recommendations. Include the following:
1. An estimate of sales had there been no hurricane.
2. An estimate of countywide department store sales had there been no hurricane.
3. Use the countywide actual department stores sales for September through December 1996 and the estimate in part (2) to make a case for or against excess storm related sales.
4. An estimate of lost sales for the Carlson Department Store for September through December 1996.
i have question 3 but my team mates haven’t given me the answers to 1 and 2
QA NL 2 216 Group Project #2
Mini-Case 6
Project due date and oral presentation: 5 / 5 /201 4
There are three members in this group.
The purpose of the project is to find some applications of regression technique and model building in business area. The following mini-cases are provided for students’ choice. The class will be divided into four groups and one mini-case for each group;
Each group should have four members and vote one member as the group leader. The group leader is responsible for communicating among members and between the group and the instructor. The group leader should assign the questions to the group members, combine the separate files from the members into one file and send it to the instructor [email protected] on or before the due date. All students are supposed to use Powerpoint or MS-WORD to prepare their analysis or answers for the questions and send their files to their group leaders. Group leaders: please write down the names of your group members and point out which question(s) a member is responsible for in your final combined files.
Mini-Case 6 Study on sports ratings
Jeff Sagarin has been providing sports ratings for USA Today since 1985. In baseball his
predicted RPG (runs/game) statistic takes into account the entire player’s offensive statistics, and is claimed to be the best measure of a player’s true offensive value. The following data show the RPG and a variety of offensive statistics for the 2005 Major League Baseball (MLB) season for 20 members of the New York Yankees (USA Today website, March 3, 2006). The labels on columns are defined as follows: y= RPG, predicted runs per game statistic; x1= H, hits; x2= 2B, doubles; x3= 3B, triples; x4= HR, home runs; x5= RBI, runs batted in; x6= BB, bases on balls (walks); x7= SO, strikeouts; x8= SB, stolen bases; x9= CS, caught stealing; x10= OBP, on-base percentage; x11= SLG, slugging percentage; and x12= AVG, batting…
compitive strategy
1. Individual Assignment – Porter 5 Forces.
Your mission is to analyse the Australian car manufacturing industry by performing a 5 forces analysis and a life cycle analysis. You may examine other industries if agreed to by your lecturer.
You should find a comprehensive answer to the question ‘why is the Australian Car Manufacturing Industry closing down’.
You should bring ideas from at least two journal articles to the discussion in the main body of the report.
All ideas in the report must be referenced using Harvard Referencing.
In the first half of the report you introduce ideas, then, in the second half of the report you will discuss and evaluate these ideas to identify what is most relevant and significant.
This is a short report, so fill it with ideas and discussion.
Descriptive material has negligible value and should be avoided. We are seeking analysis, discussion and recommendation, enriched by ideas found in journal articles.
In business you will be expected to produce short well-argued reports. This is your opportunity to both develop and demonstrate that skill.
(1100 words, week 6, 20 marks)
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated knowledge of theory. The discussion should use the concepts covered in this subject.
Capacity to apply this theory to the car industry.
The comprehensiveness of the list of issues identified
The clarity of exposition
The quality of the discussion and evaluation of the issues identified
The integration of ideas from journal articles
The clarity and utility of the recommendation
The correct use of Harvard Referencing throughout the report. (the source of all ideas must be identified)
Important things to remember while preparing an assignment
Please do not provide me same assignment as before. I am paying extra for this assignment cause i got 99% matching plegiarism when i submitted my assignment. So this is my second time that i am buying my assignment for the…
Compressor volumetric efficiency
Q. A compressor has a piston diameter of 500 mm and a stroke length of
600 mm. If the clearance volume is 0.01 m3, the inlet pressure is
100 kN m–2, the delivery pressure is 500 kN m–2 and the index of
compression is 1.3, calculate:
The volumetric efficiency of the compressor
(b) If the pressure ratio is doubled, what will the new clearance volume
need to be in order that
Q. A compressor has a piston diameter of 500 mm and a stroke length of
600 mm. If the clearance volume is 0.01 m3, the inlet pressure is
100 kN m–2, the delivery pressure is 500 kN m–2 and the index of
compression is 1.3, calculate:
The volumetric efficiency of the compressor
(b) If the pressure ratio is doubled, what will the new clearance volume
need to be in order that the volumetric efficiency is not reduced?
i have attached the file
What is the payoff of a long option with an exercise price of $15.50, if the underlying share price is $16.50, at the expiry date of the option? The option was purchased for $1.20.(1)
30 cents
Given the following
What is the payoff of a long option with an exercise price of $15.50, if the underlying share price is $16.50, at the expiry date of the option? The option was purchased for $1.20.(1)
30 cents
Given the following on a European Call calculate the value of a European option (correct to two decimal places) with the same exercise price and maturity as the Call: (2)
c = 4.15
Rf = 0.05 continuous pa
T = six months
X = 17
S = 18
In Australia the SPI future has a value of $25 per point of the index. If you go short the SPI at 4500 and the price closes for the day at 4510 then your account balance would (0.5)
decrease by $25
increase by $25
increase by $250
not change because marking to market only occurs when you close out
decrease by $250
A currency forward contract is a contract that set the exchange rate in advance. It is usually written between a firm and a bank and it fixes the exchange rate for a transaction that will occur at a future date.
In Australia most hedging of risk is…
u can look at the file. you can find the question
What is the payoff of a long option with an exercise price of $15.50, if the underlying share price is $16.50, at the expiry date of the option? The option was purchased for $1.20.(1)
30 cents
Given the following on a European Call calculate the value of a European option (correct to two decimal places) with the same exercise price and maturity as the Call: (2)
c = 4.15
Rf = 0.05 continuous pa
T = six months
X = 17
S = 18
In Australia the SPI future has a value of $25 per point of the index. If you go short the SPI at 4500 and the price closes for the day at 4510 then your account balance would (0.5)
decrease by $25
increase by $25
increase by $250
not change because marking to market only occurs when you close out
decrease by $250
A currency forward contract is a contract that set the exchange rate in advance. It is usually written between a firm and a bank and it fixes the exchange rate for a transaction that will occur at a future date.
In Australia most hedging of risk is…