UA 1171 SPRING 2017 Contemporary Issues in Designing and Managing Sustainable Cities Assignment 2: How can you make a difference? Considering the topics discussed in class this semester briefly explain how your major future job prospects or profession might engage in sustainability and/or resilience strategies. If this seems something of a stretch for you please select a topic that you found most interesting and write a short essay about what you have learned. I have arranged the lectures by topic and listed them below. Things to consider: 1) What topic in the course did you find most interesting? 2) Within this topic what would you like to understand more about? Try to answer any questions you have. 3) How could you envision being directly involved with some aspect of sustainability within your field or profession? 300 word minimum Due Monday May 1. 2017 @ 5:00 Part 1 Sustainability: An Introduction Ecology and Limits to Growth The New Normals Part 2 Energy Systems Alternative Energy Systems Part 3 The Politics of Climate Change Resilience Part 4: Industrial Modernization Cradle to Cradle Part 5 Green Architecture Part 6 Water: Philadelphias Green City Clean Water Plan Plan 7 Food Systems Part 8 Urban Agriculture
Archive for May, 2018
unit 2 case study
Read the U.S. Department of Commerces National Institute of Standards and Technology report on the February 20 2003 fire at The Station nightclub in Rhode Island that killed 100 people. The report is available at a memo to your fire chief that outlines the lessons learned from that incident and that addresses corrective actions that your department and/or the state fire marshal should take.Your response should be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Case Study 2: 50 pointsRead the NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation Report F-2001-16 on the LODD of a career firefighter who died in responding to a house fire resulting from an improperly installed hot water heater. The report is available at firefighters widow filed suit against the heating and ventilation company that sold the water heater the plumber that installed it and the homeowner. The case never went to hearing since it was settled during the pre-trial discovery stage as is commonplace.Research the firemans rule in your state and determine whether it has been modified by statute. Discuss the above incident and whether you believe each of the defendants would be found liable under the current status of the rule in your state and whether that is fair and reasonable.Your response should be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.Please submit your Case Study 1 and 2 responses as one word document.
My link to my book:
Module 05 Environmental Controversy – Ecosystems Biodiversity
Should we mount a massive effort to restore ecosystems that we have degraded even though this will be quite costly? For this weeks environmental controversy we explore this question. Using the textbook and any additional outside resources answer the questions below. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.
Ecological restoration which is discussed in your textbook has a critical role in protecting and understanding the Earth’s environments. Unfortunately even if personnel and financial resources are available many sites are too damaged to be effectively restored. In such cases alternatives to restoration must be pursued including: rehabilitation remediation replacement or the creation of artificial ecosystems. Some individuals worry that large-scale ecological restoration could mislead the public into believing that any amount of environmental damage can be undone. Ultimately a massive and expensive restoration program could be offset by weakened regulations and increased environmental damage in other areas. Furthermore alternatives to ecological restoration may be able to repair more sites at less cost.
Based on what you have read and researched do you believe that the loss of biodiversity is a concern for humans? Should the government not only preserve but restore ecosystems that we have degraded the biodiversity even though this will be quite costly?
Module 05 Environmental Issue Project – Rough Draft
Submitting a rough draft of a paper or project gives the writer a chance to receive feedback on the paper and make revisions in anticipation of the final draft submission. A rough draft does not need to be a polished work but it should still adhere to APA guidelines and include all necessary components as listed in the Environmental Issue Project – Introduction from Module 02.
Use a minimum of 6 sources. The final paper should be double-spaced 12 point and 6 to 8 pages in length with citations in APA format. Anytime you use the writings or ideas of others as though they were your own you are plagiarizing (even if you paraphrase). All information and ideas that are not a part of general knowledge must be cited. When in doubt cite!
Your final paper should address the following key points:
Your assignment is to deliver the rough draft for your Environmental Issue Project.
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below.
response to discussion question 2
Read and reply in 159 words or less to the reply below.
The Trump administration is being asked by Dow Chemicals to set aside findings of scientists that show a group of largely used pesticides that are harmful and threaten thousands of species to the point of endangerment. The studies completed and compiled by these scientists identify three pesticides Chlorpyrifos Diazinon and Malathion.
Chlorpyrifos is an agricultural pesticide that has been used for decades on crops such as citrus fruit to kill insects by attacking their nervous system and also has been linked to brain damage in infants and kids and nervous system damage in adults. Dow sells a significant amount to the United States annually.
Diazinon is also an agricultural pesticide that is used by farmers and applied to crops such as fruit and vegetables again to kill insects who destroy their crops. Diazinon was banned in 2005 by the Bush administration for residential use because it poses a human health risk
Malathion is a pesticide that is used to control insects in an agricultural setting and around peoples home. Malathion is also used in public health to control mosquitoes and fruit flies as well as in some shampoos for treating lice.
The CEO of Dow is an adviser to President Trump and a financial contributor to the Trump administration. Dow attorneys along with two other chemical companies sent letters in April to three cabinet agencies stating that the findings presented by the scientists are flawed. The three cabinet agencies mentioned have some responsibility for enforcing the Endangered Species Act and are expected to issue some regulations soon that would place new limits on how and where pesticides can be used.
Pesticides are a necessary evil. They have numerous benefits such as crop protection preservation of food and materials and prevention of vector-borne-diseases such as malaria which kills up to 1 million children per year.
Pesticides are toxic by designed and are designed to kill repel reduce insects weeds rodents and other organisms that threaten public health. However I do understand the growing concern of these pesticides having an adverse effect on plants animals and even humans and am encouraged that there is much conversation and research taking place to uncover and discover ways to protect all forms of life food sources and the environment.
As the saying goes if we can put a man on the moon we can certainly come up with a way to protect crops public health species from endangerment and the environment than spreading chemicals that are created to harm them.
need homework help 4
Discussion 1
Top of Form
Question A
Strategy DevelopmentPlease respond to the following:
Differentiate between each of the following strategies: directional adaptive market entry competitive. Provide one example of each to support your response.
Question B
Provide one example of a specific value-added service and demonstrate the fundamental manner in which the service in question would correspond to market entry or competitive strategy
Discussion 2
Question A
Strategic AlternativesPlease respond to the following:
Analyze the concept of a cost leadership strategy. Determine two specific challenges of using a cost leadership strategy successfully in healthcare. Suggest two actions that management could take in order to mitigate these challenges.
Question B
Distinguish between vertical and horizontal integration. Provide one example of the successful implementation of each within a healthcare organization.
Discussion 3
Question A
Strategic ChoicesPlease respond to the following:
Determine one key distinction between each of the following strategies: adaptive market entry and competitive. Provide one example of each strategy to support your response.
Question B
Examine the nature of a strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. Suggest the manner in which a SWOT could help a healthcare organization implement a market entry strategy.
Discussion 4
Question A
Deciding on a StrategyPlease respond to the following:
Examine the concept of product life cycle analysis. Provide one example of the way in which this analysis can help an organization to determine whether to continue offering a specific service to the community it serves.
Question B
Determine two reasons why the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) portfolio analysis would be effective in developing a specific adaptive strategy for a healthcare organization. Provide a rationale for your position.
– 1 page each discussion double-spaced; 12 point Times New Roman font; following APA requirements
References should be on a separate reference page appropriately double-spaced and organized alphabetically.
This is a required resource however supplemental resources can be added.
Ginter P. M. Duncan W. J. & Swayne L. E. (2013).Strategic management of health care organizations(7th ed.). San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass.
6-8 page paper 1
Assignment 2: Developing a Strategic Approach
For this assignment continue your role as the administrator of the organization you created for Assignment 1.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Create a mission and vision statement for your organization. Determine three (3) specific strategic goals that align with the ideals in those two (2) statements.
2. Recommend one (1) specific adaptive strategy or combination of adaptive strategies that would be most effective in ensuring that the organization achieves its strategic goals. Support your recommendation with examples of the successful application of the recommended strategy or strategies.
3. Outline three (3) service delivery and three (3) support components that will be necessary elements of the organizations value chain geared toward achieving the strategic goals that you identified. Examine in detail the main reasons why the delivery and support components of the value chain that you identified are essential to the achievement of the organizations goals.
4. Suggest one (1) specific approach to maintaining the selected adaptive strategy or strategies in order to ensure that the organization achieves its mission and vision.
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.Note:Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed double spaced using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Please use section headings.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment the students name the professors name the course title and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
8 pages essay. environmental ethics
come up with a good thesis to connect 3 different ideas in one essay. (I attached my 3 papers). do not copy itin the new essay!! just get the ideas and think how to gather all three together with a very obvious and strong thesis.
Length: The paper should be from 8 full pages minimum to10 pages maximum. All papers must be typed and double-spaced (indented quotes etc. should be single-spaced if you use them).Mechanics: I strongly suggest that you write an outline of the paper. The point of writing an outline is to organize your ideas before you write in the form of an essay. That way you will be able to spot premises that are out of place or missing from your reconstruction. Be sure to work through all three parts of the assignment in your outline. When writing the paper you may feel a temptation to spend most of your time explaining the ideas and reconstructing the arguments of other and very little time on your own thesis. Dont fall prey to this temptation. All parts of the assignment are equally important so you should devote a reasonable amount of space to each of the goals you are trying to accomplish in your paper.
The quality of your paper as a piece of writing (spelling punctuation style grammar and–especially–clarity) will count in the determination of your grade. Essential to expressing your ideas effectively is writing clearly and with precision. All I have to go on in evaluating your arguments is what you have written down. You may think you have it ‘clear in your head’ but you need to lead the reader step by step through your argumentation. It might help to have a friend read the paper to let you know where the paper lacks clarity.
You’re trying to develop reasoned arguments to justify a position. So try this test: cross out all occurrences of ‘I think’ ‘I personally believe’ ‘I feel’ or ‘it’s my opinion that’; then you’ll see if you have backed up your opinions with reasons and evidence. The reader is not interested so much in the fact that your convictions are yours but rather the clarity and cogency of the reasons arguments and evidence you have in support of your opinions (so that your opinions are well-founded). The main place that you will need to identify the arguments as your own is in the last section of the paper so this is the primary place that you will need to refer to what youve written as your own position.
Don’t waste time and space with Vague Generalities (e.g. ‘Inherent Value is often cited by moral philosophers as being important’ ‘the question of responsibility has perennially plagued thinkers’ ‘Leopold did a really good job arguing…’). Rather dig right into the arguments: ‘Emerson holds that…and argues for it by claiming that…’ ‘An objection to the above premise is…’ ‘I will argue that…’ etc. Cross out anything that might be considered ‘FLUFF’ in your rough draft.
Try to capture the arguments in your own words. The use of too many quotes is a sign that you have not taken the time to think through the ideas in your own terms. If you do use the phrasing of other authors you must quote and footnote them or it is plagiarism. NOTE: this is not a research paper your time will probably be better spent going over the relevant passages in the original texts and developing the argument rather than exploring the secondary literature. If you do choose to consult any secondary literature (of any form–including the internet) you must include a citation to the source in the notes and in a bibliography even if you do not quote the source.
I. Framing the questions and developing your thesis:
A. Pick one of the main arguments in Leopolds The Land Ethic and get to work on that argument. The goal of the short paper is to start a line of inquiry for the sake of trying to improve upon one of the main arguments Leopold is trying to develop. Start by clarifying the questions he is trying to address and the theses he is putting forward as answers. Then reconstruct the main premisses in the argument he is developing. Having reconstructed the line of inquiry you have chosen consider an objection to one of the main premisses in that arguments. Draw on the readings in ecology and on complex systems to dig deeper into the conceptions of community and interdependence that figure so prominently in Leopolds central arguments. Try to explain how we might use some of these ideas in order to further refine these conceptions. Having examined some of the resources we might draw from ecology and the study of complex biological and social systems in order to refine the key conceptions in the argument provide a sketch of how you might draw on a few of the illustrations and examples in theA Sand County Almanac or in AustinsThe Land of Little Rain or in MuirsYosemiteto show how the more poetical points concerning the beauty and sublimity of nature might help to more fully respond to the objection and thereby strengthen the arguments.
II. Use the case study on water issues in Flagstaff to illustrate how the philosophical questions bear on the practical issues we face.
III. Finally draw on EmersonsEssaysand/or ThoreausWaldenin order to develop the arguments and to formulate responses to possible objections. Dont try to draw on both. Make a choice and then use a clearly articulated set of ideas in order to bolster the response on Leopolds behalf. Your goal is to try to improve upon Leopolds and Wilsons arguments by filling in some of the gaps and strengthening the reasons. If you are feeling ambitious see what you can do to build an argument that draws on Leopold Wilson and Emerson or Thoreau in such a way that you construct the best response that you are able to the objection you are considering. In doing so ask yourself how might you push the arguments in new directions? Finally step back from the arguments and objections youve considered and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the main points you are considering.
Fire Prevention PPT
For this assignment you will be developing a Fire Prevention Program that you will present via PowerPoint.
You will draw ideas from both your occupational and educational experiences and knowledge. These are familiar surroundings which are likely to aide in your development of a program of fire prevention and life safety. Provided below is a brief scenario to get you started.
Scenario: You have been a member of your organizations Fire Prevention and Life Safety division for a number of years and you have just completed several college level courses relating to fire prevention and occupational safety and health with an online university. You have presented your most recent grade records to your supervisor who is very impressed with your accomplishments. In light of your achievement in these courses your supervisor has assigned you the task of creating a formal Fire Prevention and Life Safety Presentation to be composed for presentation to various civic organizations such as Lions Club Kiwanis Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club and the local Elks Lodge. Your primary target audiences will be comprised mainly of adults therefore your presentation must be designed and geared for the adult learner.
Your supervisor asks you to put together a slide presentation using the Five-Step Program model given by Diamantes (pp. 168-170 of your textbook). Your final presentation will provide your supervisor details of your process used in assembling the presentation. A minimum of three slides must be devoted to each of the five-steps. Be innovative creative and remember this is the first step in the overall process of creating a presentation worthy of public viewing and interest. This presentation will be seen by ONLY your supervisor (at this time); however you must make an impression that confirms you have the right stuff to venture out for formal presentations to civic organizations.
Keep in mind that your organization has never embarked on such a project. You are the first and as such you want to ensure that your supervisor views a clear and concise series of slides. It is intended that once you have mastered the concepts and mechanics of the five-step process your supervisor will in all likelihood assign you the additional task of composing a formal slide presentation that will include specific elements relative to fire prevention measures intended to education the public in both civic organizations as well as the public-at-large.
Treat your PowerPoint slides like any research paperprovide in-text citations and a reference slide for any outside sources including direct quotations paraphrased words or ideas tables and data and images. Your completed presentation should contain the following:
A title slide (title your name and your organizations name);
15-20 slides detailing your Fire Prevention Program; and
a reference slide (minimum of three references should be used to complete this assignment not including the textbook and be sure to utilize the Online Library). Be sure to make use of the Notes area of each slide to contain your own narration as each slide should be brief and concise. Notes are used during presentations and are not seen by the viewers.
unit 3 case studies
Case Study 1: 50 points Review Case Study 6-2: Firefighter Mandatory Retirement Age found on page 75 in the textbook. Minch v. City of Chicago 363 F.3d 615 (7th Cir. April 9 2004). The full decision is available at Discuss whether you believe it is appropriate for physical examination/tests to be given more frequently as firefighters increase in age to ensure they are physically capable of handling the duties and responsibilities of the job. As part of your analysis of this issue address whether you believe all firefighters including those in administrative positions should be required to pass annual physical examinations/tests. Your response should be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Case Study 2: 50 points Review Case study 7-2: Employer Mixed Motive When Terminating Female-Circumstantial Evidence Admissible to Prove Anti-Female Workplace/U.S. Supreme Court found on page 85 in the textbook. Desert Palace Inc. dba Caesers Palace Hotel and Casino v. Costa 539 U.S.90 (2003; U.S. Supreme Court (June 9 2003). The full decision is available at Then consider this hypothetical situation. You are the fire chief. A female firefighter has complained to you about ongoing harassment and you have promptly investigated and verbally cautioned her male crew members to stop the harassment. Describe what steps you should next take when you receive complaints from those same crew members about her lack of cooperation and substandard performance. Your response should be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Please submit your Case Study 1 and 2 responses as one Word document. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.