You are an industrial hygienist for a major pharmaceutical company. The CEO has contacted you regarding a new product line that will be produced in your facility. The new product involves the handling and use of an engineered nanomaterial. To date your companys health and safety program has not had to address any safety concerns associated with handling and use of these materials. Using the NIOSH document from the required reading as your authoritative source ( prepare a three- to five-page white paper that provides an overview of engineered materials and includes a discussion of the following:
background and industry overview of engineered nanomaterials
exposure control strategies
nanotechnology processes and engineering controls
hazard control evaluations
health hazards associated with exposures and
conclusions and recommendations.
As you prepare your paper keep in mind that this should be a high-level overview that is understandable to all employees in the organization: from upper management to production workers. All sources used including your textbook should be cited and referenced properly using APA format.
Archive for May, 2018
Industrial Hygiene 1
Nature Science term paper
Term Paper
1. Identify a Health Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.
2. Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course Course Concepts and/or principles.
3. Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic
4. What is the reason for your interest or analysis?
5. What changes or recommendations should be made?
6. Would you try to influence your area of interest?
Why or why not? How?
Note:The 6-8 page paper must be typed (12-14 point font) with separate reference (scholarly using MLA APA or Scientific) and title page. Witha minimum of 3 references.
1)Term Paper for Health; Water or Air Quality(Indoor) Asthma Food Safety Nutrition GMOs vs Organic Obesity Drugs and addictions
2)Term Paper for Human Ecology; Poverty Housing Wastes Sanitation Food Security and Human Hazards (Radiation and Pesticides); or School Dropouts Juvenile delinquency and Crime
3)Natural Hazards (Fire Flood Freezing Earthquakes) and Disease epidemiology (Ebola Malaria etc.)
4)Science information/data/research can be used for advocacy of a special interest group showing differences of expert s contrasting positions and taking-sides or showing the trade-offs.
How are Impacts or hazards measured or assessed? i.e. cost-benefit analysis risk assessment or health/ecological thresholds/indicators.
What are the time frames for decisions? Emergency Law Enforcement procedures planning process
Is there an environmental health strategy; Health Education/Promotion Design with Nature pollution prevention or environmental enhancement.
Environmental Science Discussion 1
500 word minimum discussion .
you-tube videos this week that speaks to the health of our generation and the desperate need for primary prevention and public health intervention. It still puzzles me that every year we seem to have this conversation as to our nation’s health but very little gets done on the federal and local level. Nevertheless I usually begin our discussions series in this course by asking two important questions in hopes of eliciting your perspectives and understanding of what public health is and what it means to you.In 1995 President Bill Clinton designated the first full week in April[National Public Health Week]to focus on prevention and interventions to improve the nation’s health. This is a goal that has continued steadily long after his presidency. Former President Clinton has long recognized that public health was more than a science of protecting and improving the health of communities through education promotion of healthy lifestyles and research for disease and injury prevention. He stressed that as a nation we have to become empowered and engaged to bear witness to these health issues with deep compassion no matter what. This is such an important issue now more than ever because what if in just one generation America’s health system ranking improves from 37th to first? If we each commit to promoting good health in our own homes and communities the effort of solving some of these problems will be seen and felt nationwide.Watch these three videos to learn more about your role in public health and discuss clearly what does it mean to YOU:Note:Right click videos to open in a new window.Video 1.Healthiest Nation in One Generation 2.Thisis Public Health
Video 3.What is Public Health to YOU?
BA 625 Assignment 1-4
Journal Article Reviews Instructions
For this assignment you will review and analyze 1 recent journal article (published within the last 5 years) from a peer-reviewed publication (e.g. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Emerging Infectious Diseases and The Journal of Infectious Diseases) about a disease or topic found in the readings. You must evaluate the chosen paper against at least 4 other peer-reviewed sources.Write anot less than 4 pages each not counting Title and Reference pages.
I will be checking the documents thru SafeAssign so turn-in original work do not copy and paste. If you do (YOU WILL GIVE YOU 0 AND DISMISS YOU FROM CLASS).
For each review you will select an article about a topic from the required readings between each review assignment submission. You will then compose a 4 page paper not including the cover page and references on your topic of choice. You should therefore choose articles related to current epidemiologic trends for infectious diseases and/or the impact of the diseases and of the control measures on global populations. Special attention should be devoted to understanding the role of infectious agents as causes of morbidity and mortality in the context of economically developing nations.
Be sure to include the following elements:
A clearly documented reference to best practices or standard of care
Reported findings are completely and fairly assessed and critiqued
A summary of the principal contents of the article under review
Adequate information to understand the central themes and recommendations
Paper references and citations all consistently follow current AMA formatting
Write 4 different papers of not less than 4 pages each not counting Title and Reference pages. See subjects below.
Paper 1) Cholera
Paper 2) Chlamydial Infections
Paper 3) Rabies
Paper 4) Epstein-Barr Virus
SO Assignment 1-3
2. Topic: Polio and SurveillanceEach thread must be not less than 500 words and support your assertions with at least 2 citations besides the course texts and the Bible.
The last case of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. A worldwide campaign to find new cases followed. Case clusters persisted into the 1960s and 70s. The last case was finally diagnosed in Somalia in 1977. The disease was declared eradicated by the WHO 2 years later and by 1980 the routine administration of the vaccine ended throughout the world. Polio has been targeted as the next viral disease to be eliminated; however many challenges continue. In the 1940s and early 1950s an average of more than 35000 cases per year occurred in the United States. With the advent of the Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and the live Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) naturally occurring paralytic polio cases rapidly diminished in the United States. The last outbreak occurred in the Midwest among the Amish community in 1979. The last imported case of wild-strain polio in the US was diagnosed in 1993. An additional 154 cases related to the use of the live OPV were seen between 1980 and 1999. Since 2000 the US has abandoned the use of OPV in favor of the inactivated vaccine (IPV) as a safer vaccine given the elimination of wild-virus disease in the US. Globally the efforts to eradicate paralytic polio persist. The disease continues to be endemic in Afghanistan Pakistan and Nigeria and to cause periodic outbreaks in other countries in sub-Sahara Africa. In these areas the live OPV is the vaccine of choice. Unfortunately OPV still poses a small risk of vaccine-related polio or of transmission of vaccine-derived polio virus infection (VDPV). In fact several cases of imported VDPV have occurred in the US since 2005 despite the use of IPV.
Can the eradication of a disease-causing organism be justified scripturally? Cite Old and/or New Testament passages to support your position.
3. Topic: Dietary LawsEach thread must be not less than 500 words and support your assertions with at least 2 citations besides the course texts and the Bible.
Infectious diseases including many covered in the last 2 modules/weeks can often be prevented through simple educational measures. Many of these diseases are related to food consumption. Some people believe the dietary laws of the Old Testament are merely a collection of restrictions based on crude human observations of disease causation prior to the discovery of the biology of parasitic diseases. Read Deuteronomy 14:3-21. Identify a disease associated with clean animals and a disease associated with unclean animals in the list. Before making a pledge to become a vegetarian find a parasitic disease associated with vegetables. Now using the 3 diseases you have identified create your own protocol to control spread of these diseases. Take full advantage of modern science as you make your recommendations but bear in mind not everyone has equal availability of all technologies. Finally render an opinion about the purpose of the dietary laws in Deuteronomy. Cite scripture to validate your opinion.
4.Topic: West Nile Encephalitis as an Emerging DiseaseEach thread must be not less than 500 words and support your assertions with at least 2 citations besides the course texts and the Bible.
Since the appearance of HIV/AIDS as a disease entity in the last quarter of the 20th century a growing number of emerging infectious diseases have been identified. Some of these diseases are new and some are old nemeses returning with new epidemiologic features. For the purpose of discussion consider West Nile Encephalitis.
What scriptural principles could be applied to the control of disease outbreaks? Provide references for your ideas.
environmental science 10
environmental science
Based upon what you have read do you believe that the government should establish a national energy policy? If so how would you construct this policy? Would you emphasis non-renewable energy (oil natural gas coal) or renewable energy (solar hydro thermal)? If not how would you address our current energy issues? Again would you emphasis non-renewable energy (oil natural gas coal) or renewable energy (solar hydro geothermal)?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and all citations must use APA formatting. Please refer to the Course Project overview for a list of all requirements for this paper.
Project Overview
For a major part of your grade you are going to research the environmental issues discussed in this course. This will help you build the skills necessary to develop an informed opinion and present that opinion in written form.You will complete four components of this project perform a peer review and submit a final paper in Module 06.
Using the content of the course each week critically evaluate and analyze each controversial environmental issue.You must examine the pros cons compromises and tradeoffs of the issue by gathering credible information from various sources and assess the scientific credibility of the information.You will then develop from this information a well thought out paper that will address the major players involved relevant cited facts and a clearly identified opinionWhile some readings have been provided to get you started you should continue to research each topic using the online library scientific journals government documents books science magazines and personal interviews.Peer reviewedsourcesshouldform the basis of your paper. Use a minimum of 4 sources each week. All submissions as well as the finalpaper should bedouble-spaced and 12-point font with citations in APA format. Anytime you use the writingsor ideas of others as though they were your own you are plagiarizing (even if you paraphrase).All information and ideas that are not a part of general knowledge must be cited. When in doubt cite.
ERGO PPT Workstation
In Units IV and VII you explained a workstation and identified whether or not you thought it was ergonomically safe.
For this assignment imagine that you are an organizations safety professional and are explaining the issues you noted previously regarding the workstation. Additionally you will include strategies for improving the safety of the employees and you will make recommendations for what management can do to address the ergonomics issues specific to the organization. (Hint: Make sure that you read the Unit VIII Lesson!)
Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally you must use at least your textbook as an outside source and all sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.
Additionally you will include audio along with your PowerPoint in order to fully explain your ideas and suggestions. If you are unfamiliar with adding audio to a PowerPoint presentation click here to access a helpful tutorial. If you are unable to add audio to your PowerPoint you will use the notes section to further explain your ideas.
VII Essay
This final project paper will utilize many of the sections of material you have studied during the duration of this course.
You will make use of your own personal observations and occupational experiences to enhance both quality and quantity of the final paper. Whether you are employed in the public sector of safety or the private sector of safety and health management your expertise and knowledge of dealing with other human beings will provide you with ample value in producing the finished paper.
Task Part I In your Introduction to this essay please discuss what you learned after completing the first seven units to include a description of the relationship between the contents of this course and your present occupational position or your desired future occupational position. Your relationship between concepts and knowledge to your present or desired future occupational position should be limited to a minimum of one page but should not exceed two pages.
Task Part II Discuss how the concepts and knowledge along with standards and professional qualifications you have gained in this course relate to the following professional occupational positions:
fire marshal
plan examiner
fire inspector
life safety educator and
fire investigator.
Your explanation of the concepts and knowledge related to the five positions should be limited to a minimum of two full pages but should not exceed three pages. Include specific references to specific topics found in the textbook (e.g. fire prevention and protection methods fire protection systems and record keeping and preservation).
These are but a few of the possibilities. Do not limit your paper strictly to the example given. Your paper should be in APA format and include both in-text and reference citations. Your sources should include: textbook related journals or magazines and related sources from the Internet.
Advanced Industrial Hygiene 9
After reading the Unit IV Lesson and your assigned readings choose three substances that were discussed. One substance must be a gas/vapor hazard one must be an aerosol hazard and one must be a biological hazard. Write a minimum of one page for each hazard you choose (a minimum of three pages total) which summarizes the following information: Explain whether the substance is a chemical or biological hazard and explain how you determined that. Explain the key chemical properties (vapor pressure vapor density molecular weight relative size) as applicable and describe how these properties affect the different routes of exposure. Based on the chemical properties how would you identify which exposure route is the most important? Analyze how the substance could enter the body through the dermal route and discuss why the dermal route would or would not be important. Describe the region of the respiratory system where deposition would be expected (only for the aerosol hazard). You should use your textbook and resources from the CSU Online Library to obtain information for this assignment. You must use proper APA formatting for all references that you use. The title page and reference page do not count toward meeting the required page count. the gas vapor will be acetone
the aersol will be fumes
biological hazard will be microorganisms there mut be one page for each chwmical
environmental science 11
Based upon what you have read do you believe that the government should establish a national energy policy? If so how would you construct this policy? Would you emphasis non-renewable energy (oil natural gas coal) or renewable energy (solar hydro thermal)? If not how would you address our current energy issues? Again would you emphasis non-renewable energy (oil natural gas coal) or renewable energy (solar hydro geothermal)?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and all citations must use APA formatting. Please refer to the Course Project overview for a list of all requirements for this paper.
Project Overview
For a major part of your grade you are going to research the environmental issues discussed in this course. This will help you build the skills necessary to develop an informed opinion and present that opinion in written form.You will complete four components of this project perform a peer review and submit a final paper in Module 06.
Using the content of the course each week critically evaluate and analyze each controversial environmental issue.You must examine the pros cons compromises and tradeoffs of the issue by gathering credible information from various sources and assess the scientific credibility of the information.You will then develop from this information a well thought out paper that will address the major players involved relevant cited facts and a clearly identified opinionWhile some readings have been provided to get you started you should continue to research each topic using the online library scientific journals government documents books science magazines and personal interviews.Peer reviewedsourcesshouldform the basis of your paper. Use a minimum of 4 sources each week. All submissions as well as the finalpaper should bedouble-spaced and 12-point font with citations in APA format. Anytime you use the writingsor ideas of others as though they were your own you are plagiarizing (even if you paraphrase).All information and ideas that are not a part of general knowledge must be cited. When in doubt cite.