Carrying Capacity
This assignment is designed to stimulate thinking on the growth of human population and resource limitations.
In 1972 an organization called the Club of Rome published a controversial book called The Limits to Growth. It described the results of a computer modeling study done at MIT that looked at the world’s growing human population and projected resource shortages that could affect human population levels. In 2004 scientists issued a 30-Year Update to the original report and noted that nothing that has happened in the last 30 years has invalidated the book’s warnings. They confirmed the predictions of the original study. To see a summary go to clickhere. In 2008 Graham Turner compared the original report and the 30-year Update and concluded that the original predictions were on track; read a summary of the article at or clickhere. Or you may prefer to listen to a video (about 16 minutes long) of Graham Turner describing his research at or click
Play Video
Then post aGraded Discussion Boardthread and respond to at least one other post on whether you think the Earth has a finite carrying capacity for humans and if that capacity is determined by population level lifestyle or both. Is the Earth’s human population now over 7 billion approaching levels that cant be sustained with the resources we have and if so why? Explain your rationale; include specific quotations from the reports or podcast to support your posts. Refer to the criteria for graded discussion boards posted separately under Lessons.
Complete this exercise by 11:55 pm on Friday July 14 2017.
Archive for May, 2018
Discussion Board 65
Tox 3
****************************SEE ATTACHED STUDY GUIDE FOR FORMULA******************************
1) Discuss the pesticidedichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT). What was DDT initially used for and how does it work as a pesticide? Explain the benefits of DDT and then discuss how DDT moves through the environment.Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
2)Explain the difference between pollution and contamination. Discuss a specific environmental pollutant that has had a negative effect on the environment. How did the pollutant affect the environment? How was the pollutant introduced and transferred throughout the environment?
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
3)A family goes fishing at a weekend getaway and has a fish fry with their catch. Several of the family members fall sick and when they were screened in the emergency room test results show that benzene was consumed by the family members. The fish that were consumed evidently came from a lake that was contaminated. The following data set represents the level of benzene (in micrograms) that each member consumed. Within your response please explain how you calculated your answer.
Given the data set 215 501 305 298 345 305 465 calculate the results below:a. mean
b. mode
c. median and
d. standard deviation.Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
4) A population of individuals was exposed to lead contamination in drinking water at the concentration of 27 parts per billion (ppb). The following represents a small sample set from the population indicating the level of response to the contaminant rated on a scale from 120. Within your response please explain how you calculated your answer (1 indicating minimal effects and 20 indicating maximum effects to the lead exposure).
Given the data set 9 12 7 15 8 9 10 calculate the following results:a. mean
b. mode
c. median and
d. standard deviation.Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
Advanced Ergonomics 3
need by tuesday
Unit II Assignment
This assignment involves reading two scenarios and then answering each question that follows the scenarios. Insert your responses just below each question save all of your work and then submit it in Blackboard for grading.
Scenario #1
Scenario one allows you to focus on thinking about the area near the immediate work space. Expanding upon the truck drivers scenario from Unit I Ben is delivering pipe to an oil field in North Dakota. The pipe comes from a yard in Texas where the driver picked up the load. During the trip up to the delivery site Ben notices a large red mark on his upper arm. As the trip progresses the red mark appears to look infected and ulcerated. Ben delivers the load and then seeks medical attention. The diagnosis is a bite from a Brown Recluse Spider which requires overnight hospitalization surgical debridement and then additional treatments of intravenous antibiotics.
Question 1. As you visualize the employees environment how might this driver have been bitten by the spider? Explain the normal habitat for the Brown Recluse Spider and what might be done to prevent such a bite from occurring again. Your response should be at least 150 words.
Question 2. The truck trailer is a flatbed type of trailer and the pipe is loaded on the trailer and then secured. The pipe is loaded from a pile on the ground. As the pipe is loaded the driver has to secure the load. The pipe is loaded in Texas in July. Describe what temperature and humidity issues the driver might have to face and mitigate while loading and securing the pipe on the trailer. Your response should be at least 150 words.
Question 3. Explain the hazards associated with working around the loading and unloading of material as it relates to line of fire pinch point and falls. How would each of these issues be addressed by the driver prior to beginning the evolution of loading and unloading? Your response should be at least 150 words.
Scenario #2
Beth the office worker from Unit I is working in a new office setting. The building construction has just been completed and the workers are now completing their tasks inside the new office building. As the workers are new to the building several issues start to appear before they are communicated to the building manager.
Question 1. Several employees begin complaining of headaches and eye strain while at work. Individually the employees seem to take the complaints in stride but during one particular meeting the complaints come to light. Describe several items that might cause this type of complaint in multiple workers in a new building. Your response should be at least 150 words.
Question 2. Beth has now taken possession of her new work area. All new furniture has been installed with new tools for the desk and surrounding areas. Give examples of measurements that could be taken from the employee (anthropometry) and apply them to making adjustments to the work space area. Your response should be at least 150 words.
Question 3. Discuss the OSHA regulation General Duty Clause 5(a)(1) as it relates to this scenario. Also explain the OSHA General Duty Clause 5(b) as it might relate as well. Your response should be at least 150 words.
Discussion – Global Warming
This week you studied air pollution and the efforts to try and reduce the amounts of air pollution in specific countries. The discussion this week follows a similar path and poses a question regarding global warming.
Most climate experts believe that the Earth is currently experiencing global warming. Your textbook discusses efforts to model how global warming might affect surface temperatures between now and the year 2100. Most models suggest that the Earth’s mean surface temperature will increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Centigrade by the end of the 21st century. This large range of possible surface temperature increases results from an inadequate understanding of the Earth’s climatic system and uncertainties in the data that were entered into the models. Despite allowances for errors in the climate models critics of claims for global warming still believe that the quality of the climatic data is greatly overestimated and that no reliable conclusions about future surface temperature trends can be made at this time.
Do you believe that we will experience significant global warming during this century due to air pollution? Why do you feel this way?
Essay Question 1-575 words minimum The Case of the Oily Rags APA Format 4 references
Outside of the city’s Fleet Operations maintenance bays there is a dumpster with a nicely painted sign stating Deposit Oily Rags Here. As the newly appointed EH&S manager for the city you ask the next pressing question to the maintenance supervisor After you put your oily rags in the dumpster where does the dumpster go? His response was they take them out to the power plant and burn them. Two days later while you are out at the power plant you ask the operations manager about the burning of oily rags in the unit. He tells you that they used to do that but now with the newer changes in place from the EPA they are not allowed to. So you ask yet another obvious question Then why are these dumpsters of oily rags coming out here? He was surprised that you mentioned it because he had been wondering that himself. Now he has four dumpsters on his property filled with oily rags.
Environmental Controversy – Waste and Human Health
This week’s environmental controversy is centered on waste and human health. It addresses the question should consumers have to pay for plastic or paper bags at grocery and other stores? Using the references below write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.
Background Information
Your textbook discusses the controversies associated with requiring consumers to pay for plastic and paper bags at their supermarkets and other stores. Advocates of the consumer pay system argue that bags are harmful to the environment and that under this system people would be encouraged to buy cloth bags or other reusable containers. Critics reply that many supermarkets already have drop bins for recycling old bags. They also argue that instead of making consumers pay for bags individuals that provide their own bags should be given discounts from the store.
Use these references to help answer the questions that follow. You may want to also search the Internet for additional resources.
Query S. (2007). Paper or Plastic. E – The Environmental Magazine 18(6) 22.
Link to article
Bob Condor. (21 March). New plastic bags that dispose of themselves! Knight Ridder Tribune News Service1.
Link to article
Based on what you have read do you believe that consumers should have to pay for plastic or paper bags at grocery and other stores? What arguments most influenced your decision?How would you explain your position to someone who disagrees with you?
Environment in the News 3
Environment in the News ES 200
Student guideline:
I want you to do two different assignments both assignments should be approximately two double-spaced pages in length. So total of 4 pages two different topics two different files. I provided the three chapters for this week these two assignment should be related to the course topics for this week. I also added a sample for the Environment in the news so you can have an idea how this assignment looks like.
Professor guideline:
You will complete two Environment in the News log activities per week for each of the four weeks. Each log entry must describe an environmental event that has happened since June 1 2015 is tied in some way to human effects on the environment and is related to the course topics covered in the textbook for that week. A good log entry describes the event explains why the event caught the students interest relates the event to specific course content in the textbook and is based on a strong reference source. The event can be something that humans did to the environment or something that the environment did to humans (as long as humans had a role in creating the event); it can also be release of new data or studies on topics related to the impact of humans on the environment. Because environmental science is a broad umbrella (see Chapter 1) it includes the social sciences as well as the physical and biological sciences; consequently log entries can also include social science topics related to human impact on the environment. Sample data sources are provided on the course Moodle site. Log entries should be approximately two double-spaced pages in length.
Road Accidents Data Analysis
Epidemiology can use census data or survey data. Epidemiologists would love to have a complete count of everyone (census) and sometimes we need to go find and interview everyone who is exposed to a certain event. However when describing large population trends most often we rely on representative samples of the population to give us an indication of how big of a proportion of people are sick or at risk.
On the job you will often be asked to provide or retrieve information. A good practice is to confirm the intended purpose and the type of data you are expected to provide before responding. You should also provide confirmation of your sources when you respond to the request.
SimonTownship (ST)
DiamondTownship (DT)
TaylorTownship (TT
Morbidity (%)
Children (014 years)
Adults (1559 years)
Elderly (over 60 years)
Mortality (%)
Children (014 years)
Adults (1559 years)
Based on the additional information about Centervale your readings and research respond to the following:
In this module you have been asked to clarify a news reporter’s summary statement that traffic accidents are increasing. You have been given this rather cryptic chart and your office keeps some standard data about Centervale. The data that your office keeps is on a spreadsheet that you candownload here. The first page of data was probably taken from the most recent Census Bureau report (2010). Another tab (or sheet) of the spreadsheet contains data that was collected by the police department. You can assume that all motor vehicle accidents with injury or death are reported.
When working people are hospitalized or dead it is considered a burden to the community; the community loses a productive member. Most drivers are what we consider of working age. After puzzling over the chart you decide that people might understand it better if you explain things in terms of hospitalizations and fatalities. You can say for example that 13 percent of hospitalizations of children under 15 years in Simon Township are caused by motor vehicle accidents. The chart also indicates that 40 percent of deaths in Taylor Township are caused by motor vehicle accidents
You should utilize at least 2 scholarly sources beyond the course readings in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear concise and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling grammar and punctuation.
Write a 3-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Grading Criteria
Water Quality report (Essay) APA format three pages four citations
Water Quality Report
Imagine that you are in charge of water quality for a local branch of your states Department of Environmental Protection. It is an agricultural region with several large industrial farms and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). There have been several algal blooms in local lakes that have affected tourism and resulted in dead zones in the lakes. Your boss has asked you to write a report that describes the situation analyzes three solutions and uses one of those solutions in an overall management plan for the region.
Your report should address the following:
Describe the environmental conditions and chemical processes that are leading to the dead zones.
Include a two-paragraph summary of three different methods of controlling the agricultural runoff in the area. These methods should be from studies you find in the CSU library in a peer-reviewed journal. Each summary should consist of a description of the study its methods and its results.
Prepare a plan of action for the region that uses one of the proposed solutions you have analyzed along with your reasoning for choosing the solution.
Your paper should be a minimum of three pages in length (not including title and references pages) and follow APA style.
Power point presentation APA Format 9-11 Slides on hazardous waste incidnet such as Minimata Bay
Four citations
Use the CSU Online Library to research a hazardous waste incident such as Minimata Bay incident. Create a 9- to 11-slide PowerPoint presentation on the incident you choose. You should thoroughly describe the details of the incident and analyze the causes and effects. Your presentation should address the following:
Provide a brief history of RCRA and what aspects of waste it regulates.
What was the cause of the incident? What types of waste were involved?
What were the environmental and human health consequences?
What regulations were in place at the time of the incident? Were they followed?
What do you think could have been done to prevent the incident?
Could this incident happen today with the regulations we have in place? Why or why not?
Instead of using speakers notes you will write a script and create a voice-over for your presentation. All sources used including the textbook must be cited and referenced according to APA style. Be sure to include in-text citations on your slides and provide a reference slide that lists all of your sources