Archive for May, 2018

Anser the questions for the case study

Please read all the requirement and do not plagiarism less grammar errors be creative organize and good content. You can use simple words but it need to be very clear and understandable.NOplagiarism
dont need to be perfect but must follow all the rules.
Read the case study and answer the questions:(Need to be >=600 words and can be less than 1000 words)
Prepare a marketing plan to turn around Yue Sai. In your marketing plan please answer the following questions:
1. What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai’s targeted customers?
2. Should Yue Sai be an independent brand or should it be linked in any way to Loreal brand? Why?
3. How will you choose the price promotion (objectives message mix of promotion methods) product (formulation and packaging) and distribution that will allow Yue Sai to reach both short-term and long-term goals?

Week 7 Assignment 4: Email Revision

Revise the two (2) emails below to remove problematic content and help these students construct polite effective email messages instead.
Scenario 1:
Susan is unhappy with her grade in her college class. She wants to clarify what she can do to improve in the course. She also feels like venting her frustrations to her professor due to the many hours she is spending studying and writing papers (which may or may not be a good idea). She decides to email her professor; however before she hits SEND she asks you her friend to take a look at the email.
Reading the email you note a lack of civility polarizing language and other unethical language (given the context). Help Susan rewrite her email so she can express her concerns over her poor grade politely and ask for help from the professor.
Susans Email:
(No greeting) I want to know why my grade was so bad. I spent hours finding sources and writing that paper and it was graded unfair. My friend wrote her paper the night before it was due and got a better grade. I know most professors grade hard but this is ridiculous. I felt good when I submitted the paper but now I feel like crap. I guess I am going to fail. (No closing)
Scenario 2:
Don is worried about passing his college class due to some low grades. He wants to ask his professor for help to pass the class. He decides to email his professor; however before he hits SEND he decides to ask you his friend to take a look at the email.
Reading the email you note a lack of civility poor manners and poor grammar in Dons email. Help Don rewrite the email so he can express his concerns and appropriately seek help from the professor.
Dons Email:
(No greeting) Yo teach. I dunno no way to pass this class. What I gotta do to pass? (No closing)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

English 40

Cause/Effect or Proposal Argument Essay
The Specifics this applies to BOTH option A or B
Must be 3-4 pages double spaced
Times New Roman 12 pt font
Hook and Title
Sources: Must include at least three acceptable sources with proper in-text citation and a Works Cited page (APA or MLA)
On your paper heading on the left hand side indicate the type of essay: Cause Effect or Proposal)
Option A: Cause OR Effect Argument Essay
Explain and argue the causes of a particular situation (an event a phenomenon or a trend) that interests you. Narrow your topic enough to treat it in some detail and provide more than a mere list of causes.
In a nutshell:
Argue the causes of your particular topic identifying the main and contributory causes
Use researched evidence (including direct quotes) to support your claims.
In addition to simply arguing the cause of a particular topic you will need to backup your assertions with researched evidence. You will have to research your topic to find evidence that helps you argue your cause(s).
You are free to choose your own topic. You are also welcome to write an EFFECT essay (its one or the other for this assignment; do not write a cause and effect essay). Structuring a Cause OR Effect Argument
Here is a general template to work off as youre putting your paper together:
*Note: your thesis should state the MAJOR cause or effect of your situation/topic. But this thesis will be preceded with a line to briefly mention your contributory causes (two should be good for this paper length) in order to set up the paper properly.
Introduction explain the need to examine the causes or consider effects
o Include a line about contributory causes. Then state your thesis which should include the major cause. For example: Family disputes and the hassle of traveling are among some of the reasons why people dread the holidays. Above all else/by far/it is clear that unrealistic expectations are one of the primary/major causes of holiday stress.
Background on the topic
Refutation of opposing arguments (this could be combined with Background in one paragraph)
Contributory causes or effects discuss less important causes or effects with ONE SOURCE
Major cause or effect – discuss major causes or effects with AT LEAST TWO SOURCES
Option B: Proposal Argument
This essay should do two things:
Convince me that a problem does in fact exist and is need of a solution
o Go into detail about the problem; who does it affect what is the relevant history and background give me some context whats at stake here if nothing happens. Make it real hard-hitting and persuasive enough to have a reader (me) care about this particular problem
o One of your sources should provide evidence for this problem
Offer a solution that is practical and worthwhile
o Be clear about the benefits of your solution and think about how you can address the following:
o Youre not necessarily proposing an original solution to a problem youre picking one among many existing proposed options or you can certainly come up with a hybrid of ideas or something entirely new that could still have elements backed up by research.
Picking a Topic
You can make either a practical proposal for a specific local problem or a policy proposal that addresses a broader issue. You may write on any topic you wish but make sure that you can deal with it adequately in a 4 page paper.
General structure
*denotes where you should include one of your three sources
Title: You can be creative or stick with A Proposal to ____
Introduction hook context and thesis
*Explanation of the Problem what is it; why does it need to be solved
*Explanation of Solution your proposed solution
*Evidence in support of your Solution use sources here
Benefits in support of your Solution who does it impact how give me numbers and heartwarming stuff here
Refutation of Opposing Arguments address objections to the proposal
(((pleasdon’t forgetthe topic and tohighlight thesis statement and tounderline purpose statementandboldethics)))

Torts Art essay plagiarism free work art

2 pages/550 words words 3 sources due in 10 hours from now apa format
Torts: In a well-written paper relate your professional or personal experience in the business world to the readings for the week: 1.Chapter 7 in The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 2.Chapter 7 PowerPoint slide show from The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Comedy Central (Producer). (2011 October 25). 3.Susan Saladoff. [Video webcast] [Television series episode]. In The Colbert Report. Colbert Nation. Retrieved from Consumer Attorneys of California. (1996). The actual facts about The Mcdonalds coffee case (sic). Retrieved from Coffee. (n.d). About us. Retrieved from (2009). 6.Lego law: Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad [Video file]. Retrieved from (2012). 7.Consumer law and regulations. Retrieved from J. (2006 September 17). 8.Give the dead their due. The Washington Post. Retrieved from and clearly define the relevant law either defining a legal doctrine provisions of a law or elements of a specific cause of action. Apply facts from your situation to the applicable law doctrine or cause of action studied. Does the result in this suggest a need for tort reform? Why or why not? In answering this question make an argument for or against tort reform. Clearly summarize lessons learned from the week as they apply to your fact pattern and make links to the readings and/or module. Include new thoughts or ideas based on the module information. This is your reflection/insight that logically would flow from each information point presented. Make sure your experience actually relates to the material for the week. Sometimes students have difficulty identifying a personal or professional torts case. You may also research a torts case to discuss if you do not have a personal or professional experience to discuss. Be sure to complete all bulleted points above. In the area of torts we see many causes of action that are comprised of elements. Define each element and apply facts from your situation to the law or elements. For instance if you write about a situation involving negligence you would define negligence stating Negligence occurs where a persons conduct falls below the standard of care resulting in a breach of duty which is the direct and proximate cause of injury to another person or thing. The elements of negligence are 1) duty; 2) breach; 3) causation; and 4) damages. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length not including the title or references pages make sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

Meeting Story – Jour

For Story Assignment you will write a300-350-wordmeeting news story enhanced for an online audiencebased yourbellow; Meeting Story.
Keep in mind that Story 2has two parts:
1)a 300-350-word news story basedon the scenario or scenarios assignedbyyour instructor; and
2)Web or socialmedia enhancements(i.e. links to relevant Web resources tweets Instagramphotos Snapchat texts Pinterest posts etc. ).
The assignment assumesyou are a reporter for the Harkensville Daily Gazette. Your job is to assemble the information fromonescenario into an inverted pyramid for a summary news story that will be published online and in printafter midnight on the evening that the meeting was held.Assume Harkensville is in your home state. Make sure your story contains correct grammar punctuation and AP style
Some tips for success:
The lead for your story should contain no more than 20 words and a single sentence. Write it in the active voice. Include the most important detail of the story.
Answer these questions in the lead: What happened? Who-did-what-when?
UseThe Inverted PyramidThe Central PointandThe Body of a News Storylectures to help you write the story in inverted pyramid style. Start with the most important detail. Each paragraph should include the story’s next-most important detail. The last paragraph should be unimportant.
Use theTransitionslecture to help you ensure every paragraph has something to do with the ones before and after it. Ask yourself: What does this sentence have to do with the one before it? If you can’t pinpoint the relationship you’ve got your paragraphs in the wrong order.Use theNews Article Paragraph Organizerto help you figure out an appropriate flow for your story.
If you use a quotation make sure it is a direct quote. You maynotput quotation marks around anything that you cannot attribute to an individual. If the scenario does not have quotation marks around a sentence do not add them. It is inaccurate (and a serious journalistic offense) to enclose paraphrased material in quotation marks. Be sure to follow the rules for punctuating quotations outlined in theNewsgathering and Interviewinglecture.
Do not offer any opinions or draw any conclusions. Do not wrap up the story in the last paragraph. Avoid adjectives; most are value-laden and may even be considered libelous. Use theLibel and Ethicslecture as a guide.
Delete any unnecessary words. Your goal: economy of language. Write short simple words short paragraphs short sentences. (But try not to make your writing choppy.) Use theConcise Writinglecture to help you.
Look up all style points in theCourse AP Stylebooklecture.
Check spelling and grammar. Make sure your facts are absolutely accurate. Do not add or assume anything that’s not there in black and white.
Spell names correctly. For this exercise the names in the police report are spelled correctly. You’ll lose a full letter grade for a misspelled name.
Write literally. Avoid misplaced modifier.
Meeting Story
You are a reporter for the Harkensville Daily Gazette. These are your notes about the Harkensville County Council meeting that you attended this evening. Edit and assemble these facts into a summary news story of 300-350 words.
Assume Harkensville is in your home state and that your story will be published online and in print after midnight on the evening this meeting was held. Make sure your story contains correct grammar punctuation and AP style.
The County Council heard about the hate crimes in a report from sheriff during the County Councils regularly scheduled Tuesday night meeting. The Sheriffs Office is seeing a rise in hate crimes in Harkensville County. Sheriff Noah Lane said his office has investigated 54 hate crimes and bias incidents this year which is up 21 percent from last year. Most of the incidents have occurred since the summer including an Israeli flag burning on Monroe High Schools football field a swastika painted on a fence near the front doors to the Libertyville library and racist graffiti spray-painted on cars parked at Steiners Grocery. He also said a Pakistani exchange student was attacked outside the Pennywhistle Diner. A Baptist church was vandalized with the words Whites only. County Commissioner Thomas Roszkowski had his Make American Great Again banner splattered with eggs and later torn down from his liquor store in Grantville. He said a Muslim-American teen had her head scarf yanked off on Maple Street in Longview last month.
The council also heard from Harkensville Police Chief Denny Malloy. He said a physical education teacher at Harkensville Elementary School was suspended last Friday after he allegedly told some Latino students they were going to end up in foster care because their parents were going to be deported. He said many of hate crimes have occurred in the countys schools. He said many cases go unreported because the victims are afraid. He said his the Sheriffs Office the City Police Department and the public school system are committed to investigating every reported case. The state attorney general has setup a 1-800-555-1212 hate crime hotline.
Comments from the council members at the Tuesday meeting included: County Council member Antonio Delgada said Are people losing their minds? County Council member Hilda Sweet said We need to speak out against this kind of bullying. County Council member Arthur Price said Getting involved will only make things worse. County Council member Martha Glick said We have to stand up for our constituents constitutional rights. When one person in our community is a victim all of us are victims. County Executive Marion Thomas said These are cowardly acts taking place after dark. Their victims are traumatized angry and scared. They feel powerless and vulnerable.
The city council members called on residents and county agencies to take a stand against the hate crimes. Council member Hilda Sweet proposed that the County Council formally endorse the rally that the countys Interfaith Coalition was planning to champion diversity and tolerance. Thomas said the civil rights leader Jesse Jackson had been invited to speak. It is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon at the town square in Harkensville. The boards vote to endorse the rally was unanimous.


This assignment is an After-Action Assessment. You will review your essay and the feedback you have received from your instructor. You should receive a downloaded file with comments and/or tracked changes from your instructor. If you do not please contact your instructor to receive your feedback.
For this assessment you will present a thoughtful well-researched organized evaluation of what worked what did not work why and what you have found to help you manage the opportunities for improvement that your instructor has pointed out to you. USING THE ATTACHED PDF FILE.
1. Assets:
Your instructor provided you with feedback regarding areas in which you are strong as well as a rubric that includes feedback as well. Writing in narrative style identify several strengths usingnofewerthan 75 words. (Do not include the instructions in this count.)
2. Opportunities:
Your instructor provided you with feedback regarding areas in which you arenotas strong. Writing in narrative style identify3areas of improvement on which you might work usingnofewerthan 150 wordseach. The list below is not complete but it should provide some suggestions from which to structure a lesson and homework plan.
3. Lesson and Homework Plan:
Be specific in your identification of three (3) opportunities to improve and once you have identified these opportunities suggest ways you might be able to overcome these difficulties in your writing.
You might find a YouTube video (include links) that you can watch that would clarify the item your instructor pointed out in his/her feedback. You might search for helpful websites (include links) that are useful. These may include websites that host exercises.You should haveat least 2resources foreachof the 3 lesson opportunities you select.(Minimum 50 words)
4. Progress Made/ Future Plans:
Also please include any small progresses you have made and any continued homework scheduled.


Unit VII Assignment
The Body Revision Follow the directions below for the completion of the body paragraphs revision assignment for Unit VII. If you have questions please email your professor for assistance.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to revise the body of your academic argumentative research paper which you created a draft of in Unit VI.
Description: In this assignment you will revise the three to four body paragraphs you wrote in Unit VI. The following requirements must be included in the assignment:
Body Paragraphs: You will revise the body section of your paper based on feedback received from your professor in Unit VI. Please review here the guidelines for the body section of your research paper: This section will include three to four paragraphs comprised of five to seven sentences each. Each paragraph should be between 150-200 words. At a minimum this portion of the paper should be 450-600 words (for three to four paragraphs); a body section of this length will meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. Revisions must be substantive and should be made in accordance with the direction given by the professors feedback. The following components must be included in each body paragraph (in the following order).
o Sentence 1: Point/reason sentence: This topic sentence will contain one of your reasons.
o Sentence 2: Explanation: In this sentence you will provide information that further develops or explains Sentence 1.
o Sentence 3: Illustration: This sentence introduces evidence that supports the reason that is presented in Sentence 1.
o Sentence 4: Explanation of the illustration: Because the evidence does not necessarily stand on its own you need to provide explanation so that the reader will understand how you interpreted the evidence to come to your reason.
o Sentences 5-6: Second illustration and explanation (optional): You may choose to include a second piece of evidence that is then followed by an explanation.
o Last Sentence: Transition: In this sentence you will signal to the reader that you will be moving on to another point in the next paragraph. You do this to ease the movement from one point to another.

Be sure to include the introduction and literature review you have already created and revised.
Use APA conventions to cite and reference all sources used to support your argument. Example: For an example of a body paragraph please see the example in Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs.


Unit VII Assignment
The Body Revision Follow the directions below for the completion of the body paragraphs revision assignment for Unit VII. If you have questions please email your professor for assistance.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to revise the body of your academic argumentative research paper which you created a draft of in Unit VI.
Description: In this assignment you will revise the three to four body paragraphs you wrote in Unit VI. The following requirements must be included in the assignment:
Body Paragraphs: You will revise the body section of your paper based on feedback received from your professor in Unit VI. Please review here the guidelines for the body section of your research paper: This section will include three to four paragraphs comprised of five to seven sentences each. Each paragraph should be between 150-200 words. At a minimum this portion of the paper should be 450-600 words (for three to four paragraphs); a body section of this length will meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. Revisions must be substantive and should be made in accordance with the direction given by the professors feedback. The following components must be included in each body paragraph (in the following order).
o Sentence 1: Point/reason sentence: This topic sentence will contain one of your reasons.
o Sentence 2: Explanation: In this sentence you will provide information that further develops or explains Sentence 1.
o Sentence 3: Illustration: This sentence introduces evidence that supports the reason that is presented in Sentence 1.
o Sentence 4: Explanation of the illustration: Because the evidence does not necessarily stand on its own you need to provide explanation so that the reader will understand how you interpreted the evidence to come to your reason.
o Sentences 5-6: Second illustration and explanation (optional): You may choose to include a second piece of evidence that is then followed by an explanation.
o Last Sentence: Transition: In this sentence you will signal to the reader that you will be moving on to another point in the next paragraph. You do this to ease the movement from one point to another.

Be sure to include the introduction and literature review you have already created and revised.
Use APA conventions to cite and reference all sources used to support your argument. Example: For an example of a body paragraph please see the example in Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs.

Research Paper Submission ITT 301 final paper

Research Paper Instructions
Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions contact your instructor.
You are to write an research paperdealing with an INTERNET PRIVACY or ETHICS ISSUEthat interests you and has not been resolved through legislation or other legal means.
You can choose to write it as a research paper on the topic itself or a research paper with a theme of for or against the topic you choose. A for or againstpaper will still have research completed but will have research that gives support for and research that gives support against your topic. In either situation the last paragraph will be your stance/opinion on the subject.
The minimum word count for the paper is one thousand (1000) words. You must include a bibliography or list of references (minimum 3 outside sources) at the end of the paper. Follow APA guidelines for your paper
Your discussion of the issue must cover:
Your paper will be graded based upon the 4 areas described above as well as a portion (20 points) for the use of references spelling grammar formatting and organization. Be sure to include a bibliography in your paper specifying the articles to which you refer in your paper. If you do not refer to an article in your paper do not include it in the list of references. You must refer to those articles usingAPAcitationformatin the body of your paper. The reference section MUST also be in APA format.Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
You are encouraged to contact the CWU Writing Center for more information and assistance for writing your paper and formatting APA style.
A good place to start for ideas on your opinion paper is http://www.eff.orgthe Cyberethics textbook contains a number of privacy issues that you might address in your paper. Be sure to look at the format of the included example of a well- written opinion paper listed below

One page essay

Directions: Changing Lives and Building Communities In an one page essay there should be an identifiable thesis statement. use the colleges slogan and incorporate research fromALLthree sources below into an essay about on coming to the community college. This should be written in third person point of view. There must be in text citations and a Works Cited page in MLA documentation.
Three Sources Below:
The United States has been more dedicated to the belief that all individuals should have the opportunity to rise to their greatest potential. Accordingly all barriers to individuals development should be broken down. Institutions that enhance human growth should be created and supported. Talent is potentially to be found in every social stratum and at any age. People who fail to achieve in their youth should be given successive chances.The American Community College 5th Edition Arthur M. Cohen and Florence B. Brawer 2008 Publisher John Wiley & Son.
Community colleges in the United States provide access to higher education for over 10 million students each year representing nearly half of the nations undergraduates. These open-door institutionswhich are expected to serve nearly anyone who wants to attend collegeare a manifestation of our societys commitment to educational opportunity and they reflect a common understanding of postsecondary education as a foundation for economic growth and upward mobility.Redesigning Americas Community Colleges Thomas R. Bailey Shanna Smith Jaggars Davis Jenkins 2015 Publisher. President and Fellows of Harvard College
The trio of educational purposesto prepare the young for occupations and profession useful and important for the nation; to infuse students with a sense of service and the significance of character and to familiarize them with the finest achievements of humankind and their own national heritage; and to encourage and assist them in methods of creating new knowledge.Higher Education and the New Society George Keller 2008 Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press

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