Archive for May, 2018

Essay 54

For this assignment you will need to find 5 sources for your paper. At least four need to come from hard copy sources. One of your sources (hard copy or otherwise) needs to reflect an alternate view to your thesis. Up to two sources may derive from online (web) content but must be approved professional websites.
You will need to:
Write and introduction to your paper with a soft thesis.
Read the articles and write three fully developed paragraphs that
summarize the article. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the authors name the title of the article and a direct quotation OR paraphrase of the thesis/theme of the work.
analyze how well the author writes the article. Is it clearly presented? What sort of statistics or facts make the article authoritative etc.
discuss how the articles (after article 1) connect to each other. You might use a chain technique in order to show the relationship between sources.
By the end of your paper the reader should have a clear understanding of what your topic is and how others within your field understand/argue about this topic. It should show how you are situated within this argument on the topic that you have chosen. The discussion of the articles should be the bulk of your paper. At least a paragraph should be spent on each.
3. Conclude by noting trends and relevance to your future project.
4. Your documentation style for this paper MUST be APA.
Thesis and Development:
Clearly defined and logical thesis
Thesis supported through clear reasoning explanation and evidence
Considered various perspectives on the issue (from one article)
Clear and logical organizational format
Coherent and clear paragraphs (use of topic sentences and logical development)
Effective use of transitions between paragraphs
Appropriate language and tone
Standard American English
No sentence fragments run-ons or comma splices
No misspellings (including homophones)
Correct punctuation
Documentation: You will want to use a combination of 5 paraphrases/direct quotations with at least two of each. For this paper you will be using APA citation format. Please note if you are quoting or paraphrasing the thesis/them this pretty much cover the basic requirement.
Correctly use at least two paraphrases
Correctly use at least two quotations
Correctly write a Works Cited page Include copied articles. You must have five sources.
at least 7-10 full pages not including block quotations or works cited page
Introduction = last sentence must be the thesis
Map = umbrella statement Article A B C D E transition.
Article A = summary + Thesis + DQ + Paraphrases + Analyses + No synthesis
Article B = summary + Thesis + DQ + Paraphrases + Analyses + synthesis A+B
Article C = summary + Thesis + DQ + Paraphrases + Analyses + synthesis C+A C+B
Article D = summary + Thesis + DQ + Paraphrases + Analyses + synthesis D+A D+B D+C
Article E = summary + Thesis + DQ + Paraphrases + Analyses + E+A E+B E+C E+D.
Also I m going to upload my outline that is include my these and the sources that must be use it in this assignment
Please before contact me read what I want carefully

EN 101 Summary Assignment

EN 101 Summary Assignment:Assignment: Write a 300-500 word summary of the article. This summary will consist of a few paragraphs that summarize the main and supporting points of the article.
Objectives Master pre-reading and reading strategies for different texts Understand how genre and intended audience shapes reading and writing Determine the logic to the ordering of ideas in a text and identify transitions as signposts to the different parts of texts Annotate a reading by identifying main ideas and supporting evidence Recognize the effect of perspective and purpose on tone organization and vocabulary choice Summarize accuratelyTo complete this assignment successfully Read and annotate the article noting in the margins the main purpose of each paragraph Underline the main points of the article and number the evidence that supports it Try making an outline of the article Determine the articles thesis (implicit or explicit) Make a list of what to include in your summary. Draft paying careful attention to attribution of ideas and/or citations Review paraphrases ReviseChecklistContent:o Do you correctly surmise the thesis of the article?o Do you accurately report all the main and supporting points for this thesis?o Have you represented the authors ideas clearly without distortion?o Have you represented the authors ides concisely without including unnecessary detail?o Have you used attributive tags to discuss the authors arguments?o Have you used your own words with few quotes and adequate paraphrase?o Have you followed summary conventions mentioning the title and the author of the article?o Have you included a works cited page?Organization:o Is your summary organized logically so as to clearly present the argument of the article (without necessarily mirroring the original order of the article)?o Have you used transitions to smoothly link the supporting points to the main points?o Do you differentiate (if necessary) between more important and less important reasons through transitional words?Style:o Is the summary typed and double spaced?o Is the essay clean stylistically using concise and clear sentences strong verbs and active voice and sentence variety?o Is the essay grammatically correct?Summary Grading Criteria (for students)A Sophisticated summary Correctly surmises the thesis and includes all of the major supporting points Likely does not mirror the original order of the article Contains no misreadings; represents the authors arguments fairly and accurately Contains no opinion or information not mentioned in the article Uses attributive tags and/or citations consistently and correctly Summarizes using own words and adequate paraphrases Quotes sparingly but when done quotes are smoothly integrated Smoothly transitions between ideas differentiating between more important and less important points Contains fluid sentence-level prose
B Clear and coherent summary Summary contains the thesis and most of the main points Contains few if any misreadings of article Attributive tags and/or citations are used somewhat consistently and correctly Quotes may not be integrated but they are explained Paraphrases adequately Uses competent transitions Contains clear and concise sentence-level prose with some lapses
C Competent summary Correctly or nearly correctly surmises the thesis and some of the main points. Summary may place too much emphasis on one main point or focus too much on minor points Summary contains some misreadings but these misreadings dont extend to the thesis of the article Summary may too closely follow the organization of the article itself (a blow-by-blow paraphrase is not a successful summary) Attributive tags and/or citations are used but are used inconsistently and/or incorrectly Quotes are unexplained and there may be too many quotes Paraphrases may come too close to original though much of the original sentence is changed Transitions exist but may be inappropriate or confusing Sentences are mostly correct (the occasional fragment or run on) but may be awkwardD Inadequate summary Misreads purpose/thesis of article; may invent too different a thesis for the article; may read so much into the article that it is somewhat unrecognizable Personal opinion may exist throughout Fails to use attributive tags and/or citations to indicate the information presented is the authors and not the students Quotes are mostly unexplained Paraphrases are too close to original Transitions may be nonexistent Sentences contain many errors and boundary issues though they are readableF Failing summary May fail for any number of reasons: the writer responds to the ideas in the article rather than summarizes; the writer grossly misunderstands or misreads the article; the writer copies sentences without quoting or citing; sentences may be impossible to follow

Assignment 3: Justification Report Presentation

Assignment 3: Justification Report Presentation
Due Week 8 and worth 150 points
Now that you have completed your report it is time to design and present your findings. Your task is to organize and develop the three (3) parts (introduction body and closing) of an effective presentation based on your Justification Report (Assignment 2.3). Chapter 12 in our text provides overall information on presentation format content and delivery. Please do not simply cut and paste your justification report content to the slides. Instead develop clear concise content that enhances your presentation narration or notes. Remember that your slides are meant to be highlights and your audience should not spend a great deal of time reading from the slides but instead listening to you present the concepts.
Create an eight to ten (8-10) slide presentation in which you:
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Assignment Checklist
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
I have attached my report that have already been completed but I am needing it to become a power point presentation. It need to be accurate and correct to receive a good grade. Let me know what would be the fee of charge to complete this assignment.

Discusstion assignment

The case for this discussion is Stoll v. Runyon.(link at the bottom of the page)
After reading the case assume you are a coworker of Cynthia Stoll You have just witnessed some of the coworkers behavior towards her. What do should you do?
Assume you are her supervisor and just became informed of this behavior what would you do?
Assume you are the Human Resources Director what would you do?
Assume you are the in house counsel what advice would you give?You must be objective and NOT insert your personal beliefs in the answer. Use the IRAC analytical format to respond to each separate issue you find (there are more issues than listed)You may do additional internet research the search terms Sexual Harassment and/or Washington State will be helpful
It is preferred if you prepare your response in Word and upload the file. Use spell and grammar check and have Word check the document for readability before uploading. Please include the readability score with your submission.
Stoll v. Runyon.pdf

Dis: Customer Tracking u SmartPh WIFI

Tracking Customers Using Smart Phone WIFI
Find at least one recent article on the Internet that discusses how some retail companies are tracking customers in stores/malls by using cell phone signals.
Give the URL title and date of the article. Write at least 2 – 3 paragraphs summarizing the article (who what why). Tell us what you think about the pros and cons for the business and the customer. After you have submitted your post reply to at least the postings of two other classmates.
Demonstrate critical thinking in both your original post and in your replies.

Criteria for choosing articles:
a. The article should relate to how retail businesses are using cell phone signals to track customers.b. The article should be written in the past 24 months and must be at least a full page in length.c. In addition to your primary article you should also use a web site such as to an external site.)or an opinion blog for additional information to add to your post.

(Social Networking) it have to be 5 pages and half

Judgement Argument (Fact and Value thesis paper)
Step one is to choose a subject. The problem that you perceive as an author is that people dont agree with what you believe is true and dont concur with your opinion on one of the following subjects. You will be arguing that the first part of your thesis is true and the opinion in the second part of the thesis is better than your audiences trying to get the audience to change their minds to agree with your entire thesis. Choose one of the following subjects to create a fact and aesthetic or moral based evaluation.
Social Networking (Chap. 7)
Step two is to construct the thesis. Choose a problem in the topic you have chosen and decide what you want to say about it. The thesis sentence needs to be written like this template: Quantitative statement and value statement (e.g. Censoring the internet will not reduce the amount of hate crimes as a result of cyber bullying and is unethical. The paper would then examine the amount of hate crimes as a result of cyber bullying [quantitative research] and then define the word unethical and match censorship to it [value statements]). Write the quantitative statement piece first and then choose your value word(s) for the second part of the thesis. I want you to use an opinion word which is very vague and can be defined a number of ways during your paper. This will hopefully give you more freedom to play with definition methods. You may use words from my value word list used for the Evaluation paper.
Once you construct your thesis step three is to write the pro body. Find three pieces of quality research to support the beginning quantitative section of the thesis. In the next part of the pro body you need to define your value word using at least two definition methods. Then you need to match the subject to the definition using one piece of research. Other pro research may also be used in any section of the pro body.
For step four you need a con argument containing one piece of research that disagrees with your thesis. Of the four pro sources and one con source used for the paper two must come from our textbook and one should be a web source.
The paper needs standard introduction and conclusion sections and a Works Cited page.
the work cited have to be the new MLA

Personal Analysis – Your 16th Century Voyage

This assignment provides an opportunity to use your imagination and the historical facts discussed in this week’s reading. You will write a personal analysis of 16th century world exploration from the point of view of a sailor on a 16th century ship who has set sail for unknown lands. In 400-450 words describe your voyage. Discuss from where you originate where you are headed why you are going there who you discover and what they look and act like what you bring back and how your country of origin will react to your discoveries. Consider any other explorer that may be in direct competition with you.
Use (and cite) one primary source in your analysis. A primary source is a first-person account such as a diary a letter or autobiography. After posting your analysis read your classmates’ posts about their voyages. Respond if you wish.
Note: Refer to the Personal Analysis Rubric for grading criteria. The rubric may be accessed by selecting the gear icon above and choosing show rubric from the drop-down menu.

Homework 46

The purpose of this assignment is to deconstruct several articles from The New York World. It is a graded essay one of two required for the course this semester. Your essayshould be no more than three pages long double-spaced. Please include the date of publication of each story at the bottom of the essay.
Here’s what your essayshould include:
1. Log on to at: to an external site.). You’ll find a collection of clippings from The World which will be significantly easier to read than what we’ve been using.
Pick twoarticles. Each should be longer than three paragraphs. Your analysis should include your responses to the following questions for each story:
Whatis the articleabout?
What is the purpose of putting it into the newspaper? (entertain inform persuade sales etc?)
Whom would it interest? (target audience or audiences)
Where did the information come from? (attribution)
Was it local or someplace else? (location)
What if anything was added to attract viewers to this story? (Graphics? Headlines? Placement on front page?)
Did you find it interesting?
2. Read a transcript of the first part of one of The World’s most celebrated stories BehindAsylum Bars by Nellie Bly.
This link will take you to the story as it originally appeared in the newspaper: to an external site.)
This link will take you to a modern-day transcript of the article which will be easier for you to read. to an external site.)
Your analysis should be driven by the questions above plus the following:
How did Nellie Blyprepare for this story?
What research if any did she do?
How would you describe her style of writing?
What role did other reporters have in her story?
Did she have any obvious slant in her reporting?
Was what Nellie did entirely ethical?
Use your Iron Rules of Media Writing to assist you in preparing your essay.
Bring a hard copy to class on Tuesday for collaborative editing.
Any questions? Please write to me.

Gatsby Experience/Chapter 1

Gatsby Experience/Chapter 1
No unread replies.No replies.
For the second Discussion Board for the week in English 1A please briefly explain what your experience withThe Great Gatsbyhas been. Have you been taught the book before in college? In high school? Did you read it on your own? Did you see any of the film versions at any point? (There are three film adaptations out there that you may have run across…the most recent was the one with Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby but another famous one came in the late 1970s with Robert Redford as Gatsby and there was a made for TV version a few years back with Ant-Man…oops…I mean Paul Rudd as Nick Carraway.) What has been your attitude toward/experience with the book? And please by all means if you have had a negative association with the book please feel free to say so. Just make sure to explain your reasons why you feel the way you do about the book whether good or bad. Saying it sucks or it’s stupid may be your opinion and a valid one for you but make sure to explain to otherswhyyou did or did not like the book in your previous exposure to it. (I am NOT one of those instructors who insists that you are going to LOOOOOOVE a book or an article and who gets bent out of shape if you do not! If you loatheGatsbyand when you saw that it was the literary portion of this course your heart sank in utter despair and hatred by all means please say so!)
Also when you have completed Chapter 1 of the book whether or not you have read it before what is your impression of the first chapter? Does anything stand out to you in any particular way? What questions do you have about the chapter? Was it confusing to you? In what ways? Simply briefly discuss your impression of this section of the novel quoting from the pages if needed or at least bringing up specific points about it.

English homework 7

How to write the CRA(make sure to include all of the parts 1-5):
1. CITATION: For each text or chapter of text in each reading assignment provide the full citation information at the beginning of the CRA (name title publication date page).
2. PASSAGES: Select two (2) passages (about 1-2 good sentences) from each text or chapter of text to respond to. For example if you are assigned 3 chapters in one text then you should have two passages from each chapter for a total of 6 passages. Type the passage in italics surrounded by quotation marks followed by the proper MLA citation.
3. RESPONSES: Beneath each selected passage write your response to it saying as much as you can.
Example below: (the assigned text is a scholarly article)
Schunk D.H. Self-efficacy and Classroom Learning.Psychology in the Schools22.2 (1985): 208-223.ERIC.Accessed 2 Mar. 2015.
(1)teacher feedback that points out correct operations and remedies troublesome tasks helps studentsunderstand their mistakes and validates correct answers (Schunk 7).
I get so discouraged when teachers mark my papers wrong but they dont make any comments orexplanations about why its wrong. This passage makes me think that..
The purpose here is to practicereading-to-writeand making yourthinking visibleby taking your active reading a step further and thinking more deeply about your initial responses to the text. A good response will take at least a paragraph to explain your thinking.
4. RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: After you have written all of the passages and responses for the reading assignment think about the choices that lead the author (or each author) in writing this text? Identify therhetorical elementsof the text and speculate about what problems or questions drive the author. This is NOT to be a summary. The rhetorical analysis section is for you to practice thinking about and responding to the choices the author makes inpoint-of-view audience genre tone appealsandpurposeand how those choices affect the message of the text. A good analysis will take at least 1-2 paragraphs.
5. FURTHER INQUIRY: After you have completed all of the passages and responses and the rhetorical analysis for the reading assignment include a final section where you propose two (2) newintellectual problems or questionsthe reading raises for you. These should be points of FURTHER INQUIRY sometimes
taking you deeper into the text and sometimes taking you outside of the text to related issues. This section is designed to help you practice and learn to identify which of your responses/reactions have potential for productive writing and which may not. (Each new problem/questions should be a minimum of 2 sentences).
*Please make each section of your CRA clear and obvious and label appropriately. The following is an example that you may use as a template or you can format your own with similar clarity.
(Example Moody; Stegner)
Moody Rick. The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading. This I Believe.Joy Allison and Dan Gediman Eds. NewYork: Holt 2007. 159-161.
(1)Blah blah blah blah blah. (Moody 3).
This passage about blah makes me think about..
(2)Yadda yadda yadda yadda ya yadda(Moody 1).
The idea of yadda yadda yadda makes me wonder if..
Rhetorical Analysis:I think that the author is writing from the perspective of __________ and that he uses _________ to explain __________. I think that the problem he saw was __________ and he wanted to find a way to __________ by using __________. Moodys purpose behind the text is to __________ and __________ etc
Stegner Wallace. Everything Potent is Dangerous.This I Believe.Joy Allison and Dan Gediman Eds. NewYork: Holt 2007. 234-236.
(1)passage & response
Rhetorical Analysis:Here I feel the author is..
(at the end of your passages and rhetorical analysis on the last page last paragraph
end with Further Inquiry questions)
Further Inquiry
1. If __________ is true then why would?
2. The idea of __________ doesnt seem complete; what about _________ and ___________?
*CRAs should be 2-3 pages long and are due on the day we discuss the texts in question.

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