Archive for May, 2018

dr rocal 4150 3

HSA4150 – Global Healthcare Systems and Policy Case Study Assignment # 2
According to the text Managerial Ethics in Healthcare: A New Perspective the following case study is presented for your consideration:
At a professional conference the owner of a 100-bed assisted living facility learns about new ways to create patient-centered programming within assisted living settings. Intent on making care delivery at his own facility a more patient-centered experience for residents he asks the assisted living administrator to implement changes. The administrator has seen the effectiveness of a Six Sigma approach to improvement in a hospital where he was formerly employed. With the help of the consultant he begins a Six Sigma project to make the residence more patient-centered. They progress through the design-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) phases of Six Sigma. In obtaining the the voice of the customer during the design phase staff learn that different stakeholders have different values. The residents most value their freedom the residents families most value the residents safety and staff most value efficiency. During the analyze and improve phases staff are able to identify solutions that create more patient-centered programming with only minimally increased risk to the residents and that uses fewer resources (e.g. providing interactive videos for patients that identify option and the relative benefits risks and costs of each option). The goals are that residents are pleased and their families agree that the improved quality of life for their loved ones is worth the minimally increased risk.
Who are the relevant stakeholder groups? That is who will be affected by the change?
What are the groups most important values?
What techniques could be used to enable the stakeholder groups to learn each others values and
concerns and to identify shared values and priorities?
Filerman G. L. Mills A. E. & Schyve P. M. (Eds.). (2014). Managerial Ethics in Healthcare: A New Perspective. Chicago: Health Adminstration Press.


Hi you should choose a topic about mother nature. I will post course theme you wll have an idea about it. Homework includes 2 parts which are.
You should send me a copy of sources that you will use. I will upload sample proposal and annotated bibliography. Also upload homework task. I am international student so please dont use complex sentence.
First Part
1-page research proposal including a focused topic research question details of a proposed research strategy and a list of initial sources
Second Part
An annotated bibliography of 5 independently researched sources including at least three scholarly sources and including sources that have viewpoints in contrast to one another. Each entry should be between 150-200 words.
Course theme:Mother Nature:Our relationship with the Environment has significantly changed since the Industrial Revolution and more recent changes in the human-environment relationship such as accelerated globalization and global environmental change have placed the Environment in a critical phase of concern for the future. Important phenomena include a rise in human population the global transfer of inventions and values the beginning of industrialization and and associated with these the dramatic modifications of land use and biodiversity hydrological and energy flows and key ecological processes. There is a now growing need to give priority to the protection ofMother Naturefor the welfare of human civilization and this course is designed to respond to this need by examining what we can do for a more sustainable future.

Source Analysis

I.ASSIGNMENT: Create a concise thesis sentence that advances your argument. Thoroughly analyze and synthesize sources in support of the conclusion and organize your evidence to parallel the structure of your thesis sentence.
II.PURPOSE: Exercise the ability to provide evidence for your conclusion. Analyze sources to explain how they support your argument and synthesize your findings to provide a foundational premise for your conclusion.
The first paragraph should contain three sentences with a conclusion a general summary of the evidence and thesis statement. The thesis consolidates your argument into one sentence and outlines how your various premises support your conclusion.
Dedicate the bulk of your paper to state how each source advances the conclusion. Analyze your various sources to create a clear and cohesive premise. Paraphrase evidence in your own words and explain how it supports the conclusion. The structure of your evidentiary discussion and order of your sources should parallel the thesis sentence. Work on intermingling your different pieces of evidence to form a coherent premise. You should accomplish this by analogizing sources contrasting sources conducting a cause and correlation analysis and addressing any logical fallacies. Cite each of your sources whether paraphrased or quoted. This portion should include about three paragraphs.
Summarize your work in a final paragraph. Restate your argument in a single and condensed statement. Briefly revisit your findings and generalize how they advance your conclusion. Concisely explain how your conclusion addresses the issue at hand.
Utilize a minimum of 5 sources.
APA typed double-spaced 12-point font Times New Roman Title Page and List of References.
3-3 pages of content in addition to a Title Page and List of References.
Ask me about the topic!


Now that you have completed the Research Plan and the Stasis Model we will begin the process of testing our argument and gathering more information specifically to support our position. Make sure that you gather good credible information and that you cite your sources in the body of the outline. Please consult the example provided (Here: you have questions or you may contact me any time.
Toulmin Schema Worksheet
In English 2010 we use the Toulmin Schema to test our arguments and to develop a detailed outline of our Persuasive Research papers. One of the reasons it is useful in this process is that it focuses primarily on what we can validate with research orlogic(logos)instead of relying on the emotional responses that often limit our research and discussion about many topics. We can then add appeals toemotion(pathos) that are useful to our specific audience as we prepare to write the essay. The following version of Toulmin is tailored specifically to English 2010 and designed to test the working thesis sentence developed in the policy proposal portion of the Stasis Model.
Claim:This should be the first part of your newly developed working thesis sentence
Reasons:This are the because clauses of your working thesis statement
Assumptions:What assumptions do you have about the topic and why? What points of agreement (values) do you and your audience share? According to your research what are the presumed assumptions your audience has about the topic and why?
Backing:Think of this as a place to list the evidence both personal and researched which supports your claim and reasons. This will be the longest portion of the essay.
(Cited Research)
Conditions of Rebuttal:What are other people saying about your topic? How will they attack your position? What are their strongest points? Be sure to explore each point in detail gathering source information to fully understand why people hold that position and to more fully evaluate the counterargument.
Qualifier:Revised thesis statement based on the conditions of rebuttal. What can you still realistically argue? Are there ways to adjust your thesis to include some ideas from the rebuttals or a way to counter them by changing the thesis?


Now that you have completed the Research Plan and the Stasis Model we will begin the process of testing our argument and gathering more information specifically to support our position. Make sure that you gather good credible information and that you cite your sources in the body of the outline. Please consult the example provided (Here: you have questions or you may contact me any time.
Toulmin Schema Worksheet
In English 2010 we use the Toulmin Schema to test our arguments and to develop a detailed outline of our Persuasive Research papers. One of the reasons it is useful in this process is that it focuses primarily on what we can validate with research orlogic(logos)instead of relying on the emotional responses that often limit our research and discussion about many topics. We can then add appeals toemotion(pathos) that are useful to our specific audience as we prepare to write the essay. The following version of Toulmin is tailored specifically to English 2010 and designed to test the working thesis sentence developed in the policy proposal portion of the Stasis Model.
Claim:This should be the first part of your newly developed working thesis sentence
Reasons:This are the because clauses of your working thesis statement
Assumptions:What assumptions do you have about the topic and why? What points of agreement (values) do you and your audience share? According to your research what are the presumed assumptions your audience has about the topic and why?
Backing:Think of this as a place to list the evidence both personal and researched which supports your claim and reasons. This will be the longest portion of the essay.
(Cited Research)
Conditions of Rebuttal:What are other people saying about your topic? How will they attack your position? What are their strongest points? Be sure to explore each point in detail gathering source information to fully understand why people hold that position and to more fully evaluate the counterargument.
Qualifier:Revised thesis statement based on the conditions of rebuttal. What can you still realistically argue? Are there ways to adjust your thesis to include some ideas from the rebuttals or a way to counter them by changing the thesis?


I have a research I already wrote it I need some hlep
(synthesis) the reaserch based 5 sources
1- intrduction (I have)
2-Mapping Paragraph
There are many ways of looking at my topic STATE TOPICbut I have focused my research to five articles that represent the many scholarly sources on this topic.Note the author and article titles for each source in a separate sentence;you should have five sentences here. These article represent a sampling of the articles that inform a reader about YOUR TOPIC. (I need here) after the intrduction).
Article B = last paragraph after analysis articel B I need one more paragraph (synthesis A+B) Article C = last paragraph after analysis articel C I need one more paragraph (synthesis C+A C+B) Article D = last paragraph after analysis articel D I need one more paragrap (synthesis D+A D+B D+C)
Article E = last paragraph after analysis articel E I need one more paragrap (synthesis + E+A E+B E+C E+D)
And check the spelling and grammer ana the styel APA

Write a reaction paper

PURPOSE: to better understand what it is like to have a disability and/or aging in our society and to identify and express ones OWN thoughts feelings and ideas about what is read and about people with disabling conditions and/or the aged.
MUST BE AT LEAST THREE (3) PAGES IN LENGTH WITH NO MORE THAN HALF A PAGE OF SUMMARY THE REMAINDER MUST BE REACTION your OWN thoughts feelings ideas in response to what you have read in the books.
Reaction Paper MUST be on the book (or CD set) NOT the movie Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
In addition to your own thoughts feelings and ideas concerning what you read include comments on how reading it may have given you a different perspective about having a disability and about people with disabilities and/or aging in our society; in what way(s) and why? Short quotes from the book read may be used only to clarify a point you are making about what you read.

Communication Dicussion Question 8

Cultural Communication Paper
In chapter 5 we learned about nonverbal communication and how it interacts with and compliments verbal communication. We also discovered that the majority of the message meaning comes from nonverbal communication. The chapter describes 9 types of nonverbal communication: kinesics haptics physical appearance artifacts proxemics environmental factors chronemics paralanguage and silence.
Choose five of the nine types of nonverbal communication and write a 2-3 page paper using your textbook as your main reference.
First define the type of nonverbal communication.
Next explain what it communicates nonverbally about you. For example how do you use kinesics and what does that communicate about you? Do people sometimes misinterpret what your face and body motions mean? What do your artifacts say about you if anything?
Finally address how your culture influences the way in which you communicate nonverbally.
Make sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
The paper must be typed in Microsoft Word 12 pt. font Times New Roman.
Put your name and date in the top left hand corner of the paper.

incident report

Writing an Incident/Trouble Report
Many businesses require employees to submit an incident report for any accidents that occur in the workplace. In addition public safety officials (firefighters police officers emergency medical employees) as well as medical workers (doctors nurses technicians) have to keep detailed records of incidents and accidents that occur.
Use the following situation to write an incident report:
You are a technical writer for ABC Software a technology company that creates educational software. While at work one day you walk into the shared break area to find a fire inside the microwave. Since the microwave is still going (14 minutes remaining) you turn it off immediately. You find a fire extinguisher on the wall and use it to douse the flames in the microwave. As the smoke clears you see that a bag of microwave popcorn caught fire and exploded. Knowing that you will have to write a report you jot down some quick notes:
Tuesday October 5 2008
Generic brand popcorn (open box is on the counter next to the microwave)
2-minute recommended popping time
14 minutes remaining on microwave timer
Bob Smith (Accounting Department) put the popcorn in the oven.
Frequently makes popcorn at his 2:25 p.m. break
Thought that he set the timer for 2 minutes.
Went outside to smoke a cigarette while the popcorn cooked
You walk into the break area 2:34 p.m. (clock on the wall)
Fire extinguisher on the wall next to the microwave
Charred remains in the microwave
Smoke extends throughout the building with a charred smell
Firefighters called at 2:38 p.m.
Firefighters arrive at 2:43 p.m. from fire station one block away
Alan Martin (Programming Dept.) and Dennis Alcott (Programming Dept.) reported difficulty breathing
Taken by ambulance to General Hospital at 3:00 p.m.
Use the accident/incident report guidelines in your textbook to plan your report:
What happened?
How did it happen?
When did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Who was involved?
Organize the report (in memo format) in a way that communicates the information clearly and succinctly.

rey writer only 1

The TED talks title is working memory makes since of the world by Peter Doolittle
just go to Ted its like youtube
Below are the directions for the summary
Cognitive PsychologyResearch Papers
Each of your research paperswill start with the inspiration of theTED talk you viewed.
These are the basicformatting requirements for the paper:
Make sure to use 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font throughout the paper. Double-space the text. Use 1 inch margins around the page.
You should have acover pagewithyour name the name of the TED talk will serve as your paper title and the date.
You must use complete sentences and paragraphs in each part of the assignment.NO bullet points at all.
You should refer to the research articleby either the last names of the author and the year the article was published or by the title of the article.
You should also upload the pdf file of the research study that you chose to summarize.
Anydirect quotesin the paper will result in a subtraction of 50 points from your total paper grade. Even if you properly cite the quotation I will still deduct 50 points.
TED Talk
You should start your paper by describing the TED talk you watched. Your summary should include the name of the speaker and the reason why the speaker is an expert in the topic of the talk. Please summarize the main points of the talk. Also if any research studies are described make sure to describe the method and the main findings of these studies.Please do not quote directly from the TED talk.This summary should be at least one page long.
Research Summary
In this section you will be describing1scientific research article.You need to findanarticle that discuss a similar themeto the TED talk.You may NOT use one of the articles assigned for class discussion.You can find these articles by looking through the section in the textbook that describes the topic by looking up a research article written by the speaker in the TED talk oran article referenced by the speaker of the TED talk.The main criterionfor the research articlesare that you must find articles that arescientific(including amethod and results section) NOTwritten for ageneral audience (like Psychology TodayMagazine) andwritten in a style that you canunderstandmost of it. If you cannot understand the majority of the article you should either bring it to me so I can help you understand it or you should pick a different article. A summary based off of an article that you do not understand will not be a very good summary.You must be able to find the complete article. Do not try to write a summary based off of the abstract. I will be able to tell.Please ask meif you are not sure if the article youfound fitsthe criteria.
Once you have found the article you should write a summary of thearticle.The summary should be at least one page long!!Make sure to include:
the goal of the researchers
the importance of the research
a basic description of the methods including who the participants were and what each participant did in the study
andsome of the main findings from the article
You will identify thearticle you are discussing by referring to either the last names of the author and the year the article was published or by the title of the article.You should make sure to write using your own words rather than just quoting from the articles because your own words show your understanding of the article much more than quotations do.
Final Summary and Application
After completing the summaries you should includeseveral paragraphs(at least1/2page in length)aboutthe implications of the articleand how theresearch ties together with the TED talk you described. You can also connect the concepts in the articles/TED talk to concepts from our class/textbook.How are they related? Dothey conflict or do theyreinforce the ideas that you have already learned? You canalsodiscussyour feelings about the articles. Did the articles interest you? Are theyrelated to anything in your life?Does any of the research change how you view the study of cognition? Does the research affect how you viewyour own cognitive experiences? Do you have any ideas about areas of cognitive psychology that need to be examined in more depth? Where do you think this line of research could go next?What would be a good next step to understanding this concept better?

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