Hello Expert for this task, you are suppose to make some comments in what my peer Justin wrote. Based on the assignment that you did for me in order # 25 .The name of the article is: Kath Weston. Exiles from Kinship. ” You have to read my peer response and the response that you did for me in assignment # 25. And you have to make a comment saying if you agree or not with my peer and why? Try to write a concise and meaningful response of about this size. The substantial amount of text, that I request, should be dense and thorough. When you are going to write a comment to someone’s response, explain why you agree or disagree and how you came to those conclusions.Also Make some paragraphs do not put everything together, and if you are citing you have to do it in AAA Style.
Archive for May, 2018
Portfolio Project
The Portfolio Project grade is composed of two primary parts.100 points of the score come directly from your performance on the Simulation, as reported in the assessment submitted in Week 7. This assessment is based on the decisions you made during the simulation and is automatically calculated by the simulation.250 points of the score are based on your participation in the weekly Portfolio Project discussion participation, written analysis of the simulation, best practices gained, and lessons learned.Your assessment should be well structured, like many project management communications. Use the following outline as section headings in your paper to provide structure. Also, make good use of bulleted lists, numbered lists, and tables to further provide structure and clearly communicate information.Introduction (provide background and tell the reader what to expect from the paper)Key Decisions Made (describe a few of the decisions made in the simulation that were critical to the overall success or failure of the project.Lessons Learned (use subheadings and address Successes, Issues, and Actions to consider in the future when faced with similar challenges.)Best Practices (compile a list of three best practices that can be applied to similar projects in the future)Required length is 7 -10 double-spaced pages.Include a minimum of four academic or professional references that provide information and guidance for assertions made in your paper.As always, follow CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Note: Outside sources means academic and research other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find academic sources.
Hello Lorraine Armstrong and transtutors management I need 2 new Learning Demonstrations just…
Hello Lorraine Armstrong and transtutors’ management,I need 2 new Learning Demonstrations just like what we did in assignment# TTs110315_142705_7I want the same expert since we worked together for the same course, and most of the files and instructions are already uploaded on assignment# TTs110315_142705_7.”Learning Demonstrations (10 points each): During the semester, each student must submit four (4) demonstrations of learning on a topic reflected in the syllabus. Students may choose the topics on which to focus their learning demonstration, though each learning demonstration must focus on a different topic. Students may choose the form in which the learning will be demonstrated. No more than one (1) learning demonstration may be submitted in a single week.Please read this:I just need one or two pages. But I need 2Learning Demonstrations. It doesn’t need to be professional but it has to be perfect.If you need me to attach to you the course slides to get an idea I can do this!The course is Politicalscience (American and Wyoming Government)”I attached the new materials we covered on class. Please, go back and look at the files on Assignment TTs110315_142705_7 when needed.
Essay outline
Make an outline for the attached essayExample Essay OutlineTITLEMIGHT, RIGHT, AND BLOOD IN MACBETHIntroductionThesis: The image of blood changes meaning in the play. It contrasts those who have right on their side with those who exercise might [ruthless power]. [Note that the outline begins with the thesis.]I. It is praiseworthy to shed blood for a rightful cause. [The student argues for violence, given just cause]Wounds become a defender of the rightful king. (might for right)I.ii., discussion of honour. [notice the specific references to scenes in the play]Macbeth promoted, honoured for defending king.II. It is possible to exercise power or might against rightful authority [the plot to kill Duncan]A. Killing the king.1. Bloody business (II.I.48).2. More than bloody deed. (II.IV.21). [here exercising might or power is discussed]B. Fulfillment of prophecy: Macbeth shall be king.1. He is king by misusing might and shedding blood.III. Shedding blood upsets the rightful blood line for the monarchy. [a crucial point: who should be king?]A. Donalbains fountain of blood/Is stopped, its very source is stopped. (II.iii.93-4).B. Donalbain becomes Macbeths bloody cousin (III.i.29).1. relation of the king.2. in line to be murdered: The nearer in blood/The nearer bloody (II.iii.136-7).C. Macbeths blood line will not produce a king by either might or right.1. Witches prophecy.2. Macbeths dream of Banquo (IV.i.123-124).D. Additional blood (Banquos) does not make might right.IV. The result of shedding blood wrongly is bloody guilt and more bloodshed.A. Smear Duncans grooms with bloodfalse guilt.B. Blood on the face of Banquos murdererguilt.C. Bloody hand of night cannot hide guilt (III.ii.48).D. Lady Macbeths sleepwalking.1. Wash blood (guilt) from hand (II.ii.59-60).E. Kill the kingbloody instructions. Kill Banquo (Banquo in bloody distance to Macbeth) (III.i.116).1. guiltBanquo heard prophecy; he suspects Macbeths guilt.2. Banquo is in line to be killed.3. lineageBanquos sons will be kings. Battle resultmore bloodshed.V. The blood cycles continue and blood-right prevails.A. Macbeths sons never wear the crown.B. Blood will have blood. (III.iv.122).1. Might will have guilt.2. Right will have might.3. Guilt will have might.C. Duncan, the rightful king, ultimately has might and right.1. Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?(V.i.35-37).a. After right is killed by might, guilt lives.b. Right prevails. Duncan hasright even when dead.D. The initial paradox of fair is foul and foul is fair is ultimately expanded to right is might and might is right.ConclusionThesis restated: Blood imagery is a touchstone for the merits of the actions in Macbeth. In theirproceedings, characters are exercising either might [wrongly] or right [rightly].Final note: the Roman numerals (1 V) indicate the likely paragraphs that the student will eventually write. The letters and numbers that follow illustrate the ideas and proofs that the student will bring into play in supporting his or her arguments.
Research Paper
I need a Research Project Include all of the following elements in my proposal. Due Wednesday, 4/8. Title:Tentative project title. Abstract:[100-200 words] Summarize what your research project will entail. Describe the topic, what you specifically intend to research about it, and what you hope to find. Research Question:What is the main question you will answer in your project? Significance: [1 paragraph] Describe why your research question is significant. Why should the reader care? What does this tell us about anything that matters? Research Plan:[1-2 paragraphs] Describe how you plan to answer your research question and what the final project will consist of. How will you conduct the research? Where will you look for sources? Outline:Provide a possible outline that shows what your final paper might look like. You in no way have to stick to this, but it provides a potential framework for you to follow. Sources:List at least 4 sources you will use in your project, formatted in bibliographic entries. After each entry, explain why the source is useful to your topic. As you see the details below I have my proposal approval already and the TOPIC will be Security Challenges of Cloud Computing and now I need to do a Rough Draft at least 6 pages( By Wednesday April 8, 2015) and then I have to finish a research paper with 12 pages by April 30, 2105. Title Security Challenges of Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is the buzzword today. From individuals to small and medium scale enterprises to even large corporations are beginning to realize the potential of cloud computing. This is because, cloud computing allows for cost-effective computing, makes it possible to skip major IT infrastructure investments and is also a modern way of computing. However, theres also another side to cloud computing apart from all the potential benefits it offers. As the shape of cloud computing is evolving both conceptually and practically, challenges related to contractual arrangements of cloud computing, its service quality, interoperability, security and privacy issues are beginning to crop up. Among all, the issues related to security and privacy are the most significant of all. This is because when an organization makes use of cloud computing services they entrust their sensitive data and critical operations to a third party provider. A security incident can disrupt their business services and data causing significant damages to the organization. These service providers tend to have servers which are both geographically dispersed and in remote locations. As a result of this arrangement, there are various factors which could compromise both the data and cripple the organization of their operations if security is not consistent and robust. These security issues are still often overlooked because the benefits are seemingly far too lucrative. This paper will provide a detailed analysis of cloud computing issues related to security and privacy. Research Question In this research paper, I will try to answer whether or not the modern cloud computing still has the security challenges which are relevant today and if it does then its significance on an organization along with a detailed analysis. Significance IT services are increasingly becoming cloud oriented. A few years ago, rarely people made use of file storage services such as Dropbox and One Drive or made use of many different web based applications, but today they are integrated among lives of individuals as well as day to day operations of organizations. As a result of this trend, many different cloud computing service providers are coming up. Some of them are backed by large and well established corporations but a vast majority is still dominated by newcomers. Its important for people to be aware of the security challenges both inherited in cloud computing as well as those which are augmented by service providers who fail to integrate robust security into their cloud computing platform. Research plan I will be looking into recent major security incidents of the cloud computing industry and present an analysis of it to make the readers of my paper aware of its significance. Along with this, I will also look into the research papers that specifically talk about security challenges of cloud computing and use that to present my own analysis of the issues in cloud computing. Outline Abstract – The abstract of the research paper. Introduction – This will introduce the topic to the readers. Cloud Computing Infrastructure – In this, I will talk about what makes the cloud computing a cloud computing. I will talk about the architecture, the different types of cloud available, service models among other things. Security Challenges – This will be the main part of the research paper, where the major question is anwered. In this, I will present my findings on the security challenges associated with cloud computing. It will include inherent or traditional issues, risks, threats, types of attackers etc This will be the bulk of the paper. Conclusion – I will present my conclusion to the research here. Sources http://www.cscjournals.org/manuscript/Journals/IJCN/volume3/Issue5/IJCN-176.pdf – It will be useful in explaining the architecture of cloud computing http://cloutage.org/ – Its an indepdent news and analysis source that lists all major cloud computing incidents throughout the world. http://www.jisajournal.com/content/pdf/1869-0238-4-5.pdf – Lists down various security issues in cloud computing http://www.cert.uy/wps/wcm/connect/975494804fdf89eaabbdab1805790cc9/Cloud_Computing_Vulnerability_Incidents.pdf?MOD=AJPERES – Presents a statistical analysis of cloud computing issues as well as the most prone providers. ATTENTION HERE BEFORE STARTS THE RESEARCH PAPER. The Research paper will need to follow some requirements as described below: THESIS Strong, specific, provable. EVIDENCE All arguments supported with relevant and specific examples, quotes fully explained. ANALYSIS Insightful points, no questions left hanging (thorough analysis), good balance of analysis to description. STRUCTURE Clearly organized, easy to follow arguments and analysis, strong introduction and conclusion. REQUIREMENTS Fulfills paper prompt, proper length, citations, and formatting. Also additional Sources will be sent to you so can have more Information about this Topic. The Files are attached below with additional sources to finish this paper.
Lit Review
Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:It is recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of this course.Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool and use it to complete the assignment.Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.Directions:Read at least 10 empirical articles in your general dissertation field.In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source:The APA formatted citation.A brief annotation of the key points of the source.An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.
assign 7
Argumentative EssayThis writing assignment involves writing your Argumentative essay. Once you draft your essay andrevise, you may submit it for feedback. The feedback will help you revise the draft so you can submit itas a final. The final version will be graded.Option #1: Your Position on Pirated MoviesDevelop a thesis statementon the topic of pirated movies (piracy hurts the economy by, society canprevent movie piracy by, etc.) and write an argumentative essay. Strive for at least three strongargumentsin addition to a counterargument and refutation(see counterargument and refutationdetails in the Top Ten Tips section). Using argumentative topic sentencesthat include your opinion foreach section can help ensure the majority of your essay is argumentative. Beginning of a sample topicsentence: The first way movie piracy hurts the economy is. Then be sure to support that claim withresearched data. Conclude each paragraphwith a sentence that summarizes the paragraphs mainideas.Sample Thesis Statement:Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case wouldbe your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counter-argument: Movie piracy isunethical because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (add argument 3), even though (addcounterargument focus).Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargumentin addition to your ownarguments.See Top Ten Tips section for more thesis statement assistance.Use at least three credible sources(the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which heor she writes; try Google Scholar to search), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis.Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotesin your argumentative research paper. UseMLA format to create proper parenthetical citationsas well as a Works Citedpage at the end of youressay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/and use the left navigation menu to locate the typeof reference you need.Option #2: Your Position on Electronic PolicingDevelop a thesis statementon the topic of electronic policing and anti-plagiarism software and write anargumentative essay. Your chosen topic needs to be specific and might address a question like the onesyou see in these examples: Should student writers be subject to having their work checked by anti-plagiarism software?Why or why not? Is anti-plagiarism software an effective deterrent to stealing published work? Why or why not? You may choose another topic regarding electronic policing as well; just be sure that your mainthesis addresses the topic of electronic policing.If the assignment does not address one of the givenoptions, it will not be graded.Strive for at least three strong argumentsin addition to a counterargument and refutation(seecounterargument and refutation details in the Tips section). Using argumentative topic sentencesthat include your opinion for each section can helpensure the majority of your essay isargumentative. For example, First, students shouldbe subject to having their work checked by antiplagiarism software because. Then be sure to support that claim with researched data. Concludeeach paragraphwith a sentence that summarizes the paragraphs main ideas.Sample Thesis Statement:Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case wouldbe your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counter-argument: Students workshould be checked by anti-plagiarism software because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (addargument 3), even though (add counterargument focus). See Tips section for more thesis statementassistance.Use at least three credible sources(the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which heor she writes; try Google Scholar to search), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis.Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotesin your argumentative research paper. Usethe MLA format to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Citedpage at the end of youressay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/and use the left navigation menu to locate the typeof reference you need.More TipsVisit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/01/for more argumentative thesis statementassistanceand to learn if your thesis is both arguable and narrowed.A counter-argument sectionfor this paper should explain what the opposition believes, and it is theopposite of the opinion you are arguing in your paper. For example, if you are arguing that antiplagiarism software should notbe used in college classes, then the counterargument would be that antiplagiarism software shouldbe used. Then in your refutation, try to prove the counterargument false,insignificant, or unimportant with researched information that is new to the essay (avoid recycling factsfrom a previous argument in the essay).The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:Length: This assignment should be at least 750 wordsHeader: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner ofyour writing assignment with the followinginformation: Your first and last name Course Title (Composition I) Assignment name (Argumentative Essay) Current DateFormat: Three sources, documented using MLA style Double-spaced throughout Title, centered after the heading Standard 12-point font 1 margins on all sides Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txtUnderline your thesis statement in the introductoryparagraph.
Your instructor will assign and send you a peer s paper from the Health Care Provider and…
Your instructor will assign and send you a peer’s paper from the Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft assignment. Your job is to critically read the assignment and make corrections/comments using Track Changes in Microsoft Word. Assess the paper on the following content: Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim?Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense?Should it be organized in a different way? Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Once the document is open, you will see at the top of the page an option to “Review” the document. It is right next to the tab or option that says “view”. Click on the “Review” option. Once it opens it will provde a row of other options. One reads, “Track Changes”. There are several others to the left of Track Changes such as New Comment, Delete, Previous and Next. As you read the document, if you want to make a comment on the paper about something the writer has written, such as a misspelled word, then go to the word in the text, place the cursor to the left of the word andd left click. Then go to the top of the page and click “Track Changes” and then click “New Comment”. A red line will go across the page to the right side of the page. You can insert a comment in the dark red box. I am sure all of you have seen some of those red boxes in this course. (that’s not supposed to be funny but if you want to smile at the comment that would be fine). If you want to make a comment about a phrase or a sentence, then highlight the entire area you are considering and left click and the entire area should go blue. Go to the top of the page and click, “new comment” and the highlighted portion will turn red with that red line shooting across the page, providing you a comment box to make a comment. If you accideentally end up with more than one red box, which is easy to do, then go to the top of the page and click “Delete” The extra box will disappear. If yoiu want to delete the comment after you have written it, then click inside the red box on the right so it will be dark red. Go up to the top of the page and hit delete next to Track Changes and the line and box should disappear. I hope this helps. By the way, once you hit “Track Changes” it will stay operational until you click on it to disable it. If you dont, then anything you type in the paper while it is operational w
Taj Mahal
Eng1500 Dyer 1 Example (Illustration) Essay It is natural to use examples to prove points. You do it all the time and probably did it last week in your narrative essay. In this essay, the heaviest part of your grade comes from how effectively you usethree examplesto prove a thesis. The criteria for a good example are specificity, relevance,andlogical infallibility. Thethesis statementwill be argumentative. Moreover, it must be specific enough to defend in a very short paper. Good parenting is important is way too general. Using positive reinforcement instead of spanking is better. This paper can be about whatever you like, so long as its very specific and well supported by three examples. Organization is important in this paper. Consider organizing your examples from most general to most specific, chronologically, by type, or in a logical sequence in which the examples build upon one another. This paper must be at least 375 words and cannot exceed 750. Example Paper Synopsis Sonyas thesis is that the death penalty is an inappropriate punishment for serious offences in a moral society. To prove her point, she uses examples of someone who was truly sorry for what hed done, someone who shouted horrible things at his victims family right before being publicly executed, and of a man who was electrocuted and later proven innocent. Sample TopicsA key element of good parentingEducational reformWhy handguns should be illegal in the U.S./Why they shouldnt Eng1500Descriptive Narrative Essay Dyer 2 Grading Rubric(Use these criteria as a checklist) 10 pts A riveting introduction which succeeds in getting the readers attention and leading the reader willingly into your paper 10 to -40 A strategically placed thesis, based on something you firmly believe, intended to make readers agree with you, and around which the entire essay is formed 5 Smooth, natural transitions that guide the reader through the paragraphs of your paper 15 3 Relevant examples 15 Specificity, relevance, and logical validity of three examples in body of paperhow they are argued. 0 to -10 The paper as a whole must be focused. Stay on track. If there are extraneous elements of the paper which do not work to promote your thesis or persuade the reader (however subtly), revise/remove them. 10 A conclusion which drives your point home, makes the reader feel something, or invites the reader to think about the topic of your paper more or in greater depth. The conclusion cannot be a simply restatement your thesis and main points. That is boring, and you are a better writer than that. 0 to -30 1 1/2 to 3 double spaced pages in MLA format (375-750 words) 10 Essay should be organized for optimum impact on reader. Consider using the following: a) general to specific b) chronological c)spatial d) some permutation of the above e) a logical structure intended to optimize your argument f) an organization of your own device, designed to hypnotize the reader through your own virtuosity, which you know is perfect from the very core of your being, despite any prescriptive tried and true programmatic methods of organizations such as the aforementioned. 15 to -25 Correct grammar. Check for apostrophe usage, capitalization of proper nouns, subject verb agreement, verb tense, correct prepositions, comma splices, commas before coordinating conjunctions, correctly used colons and semicolons (if used at all), correctly placed modifiers, and pronoun agreement. 0 to -15 No outside sources necessary. If you do use one or more outside sources, be sure to cite them in MLA format and include a works cited page. 5 to -5 Style. Avoid faulty parallelism. As a general rule, avoid passive voice unless you feel it is absolutely necessary. If even one sentence is slightly confusing to the reader or to you, it is probably too long, awkward, or convoluted. Aim for a lean, athletic style that takes no prisoners. 5 An interesting, appropriate title that gets the readers attention.
Participation response to my peer Radhames
Hello Expert Lorraine Armstrong for this task, you are suppose to make some comments in what my peer Radhames, wrote. Based on the assignment that you did for me in order # 43the name of the article is: Film: Paris is Burning You have to read my peer response and the response that you did for me in assignment # 43. And you have to make a comment saying if you agree or not with my peer and why? Try to write a concise and meaningful response of about this size. The substantial amount of text, that I request, should be dense and thorough. When you are going to write a comment to someone’s response, explain why you agree or disagree and how you came to those conclusions.Also Make some paragraphs do not put everything together, and if you are citing you have to do it in AAA Style.