Archive for October 2nd, 2018

Using Research To Select A Therapeutic Modality

Using Research To Select A Therapeutic Modality

Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and reality therapy. Your colleagues continue to say that based on their experiences, they really like these therapies and that they appear to work. Your instincts also tell you that perhaps they might be helpful for your client in your case study. However, from Week 1, you recall that experiences and instincts as sources of knowledge are quite limited because they are biased. Instead, it is important to utilize existing research and data to support your choices of interventions. Theory helps inform the evidence-based practice process that should guide social workers’ practice.

In this Discussion, you examine the research related to a therapy based on cognitive or cognitive behavior theory to determine its effectiveness.

To prepare:


Recall the client from the case study you have been using in this course.  (CASE OF JAKE LEVY-ATTACHED) You will apply your research for this Discussion to that client.

Use Reality therapy using the article attached to write about the effectiveness of the therapy.



Provide the reference for the study you found using APA guidelines. 

Briefly paraphrase, in 2 to 3 sentences, the methodological context (i.e., research method, how data was collected, and the instruments used) of the study and the findings.


Evaluate the findings in terms of its applicability or appropriateness for the client in your case study.

Determine whether you would use or not use the therapy you selected for the client in your selected case study (consider how culturally relevant it is, how aligned it is with social work ethics, etc.) and explain why.

Application Of Cognitive Behavior Theory To A Case Study

Application Of Cognitive Behavior Theory To A Case Study

In this assignment your theoretical orientation is cognitive behavior theory. You will use the same case study that you chose in Week 2 and have been analyzing in this course. Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. Complete the Worksheet on the case of JAKE LEVY. 


 Read this article attached: González-Prendes, A. A., & Thomas, S. A. (2009). Culturally sensitive treatment of anger in African American women: A single case study. Clinical Case Studies, 8(5), 383–402. 


 This article provides a nice framework for how the authors’ cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation shaped the conceptualization of the case and assessment and intervention. 


In 1 to 2 sentences, identify and describe the presenting problem.


In 1 to 2 sentences, briefly define and conceptualize the problem from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation.


Formulate 2 assessment questions that you will ask the client to better understand the client’s problem. Remember, the assessment questions should be guided by cognitive-behavioral theory.


In 1 to 2 sentences, identify two goals for treatment. Again, remember, the goals should be consistent with cognitive-behavioral theory.


In 1 to 2 sentences, describe the treatment plan from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation. Remember, the treatment plan should align with the goal(s) for work.


Discuss one outcome you would measure, if you were to evaluate whether the intervention worked, and explain how this is consistent with cognitive behavior theory. Evaluate one merit and one limitation of cognitive behavior theory as it relates to the case study.


Evaluate the application of cognitive-behavioral theory in relation to a diversity issue pertinent to the case.

Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is integral to social work, as it often informs best practices. Competent social workers understand this connection in general and the ways it benefits clients in particular. For this Assignment, consider your informed opinion on the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.


Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Choose two qualitative research studies from this week’s resources and analyze the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.
  • Consider how the qualitative study contributes to social work practice and how this type of knowledge would fit into building evidence-based practice.

Discussion: Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions

 Discussion: Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions

According to the ACA Code of Ethics, the “primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients” (Standard A.1.a). Helping professionals also should be “aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals” (Standard A.4.b). Keeping both points in mind, helping professionals must sometimes help clients make informed decisions about behavior that is harmful to themselves and, potentially, others. Whether or not to use contraception is one potential area related to sexuality counseling for which helping professionals may need to inform clients about potential risk.



Consider the following case study:



You are a helping professional working in a college counseling center. You just completed your intake evaluation session with Josiah, a 20-year-old sophomore. Josiah was mandated to attend six counseling sessions after he received a citation from the campus police for underage drinking at a party sponsored by the fraternity to which Josiah belongs.


During the intake session, Josiah was very verbal and willing to share information about his background and current experiences. He shared with you that he frequently drinks six to eight beers or other alcoholic beverages at a time, typically every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday when he “parties” with friends. He described this as normal behavior among his peer group, saying that this is “just how we unwind from all the stress of school every week.”


When you asked Josiah about his relationships and sexual behaviors, he stated that he has not had a steady partner since high school, saying, “People here just aren’t into long-term relationships.” He admitted that he typically “hooks up” with at least one or two partners each weekend, and when you asked him what he meant by that, he said, “Sex.” You asked if he uses any contraception in these sexual encounters, and he said, “No, I don’t like how they feel, so I won’t have sex if the other person would make me use one.”


You asked Josiah what his goals are for counseling and what he would like to change, and he responded, “Not much really. I like my life and have fun with all the partying we do here. I guess I need to learn to be a little more careful with my drinking since I got that police citation, but otherwise I feel really happy with my life right now and can’t think of much that I really want to work on in counseling.”


Post by Day 4 an explanation of how you, as a helping professional, might help this student make positive, informed sexual decisions. Describe one specific strategy you might use or one example conversation you might have with him (in the form of a short dialogue) to help him change his sexual behavior. Explain why the strategy or conversation you described might be effective.


Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study

Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study


I. Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study. For instance, what aspects of them intrigued you and made you curious?


II. Explain the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors you made about the advertisements. These are some questions you might want to consider in your explanation: a. Who do you believe the audiences for the ads might be? b. What messages do you think the ads are sending? c. What do you think the nature of the relationship is between or among the people in the ads? d. What relationship(s) do you see between or among the people and the product or service being advertised? e. How effective are the ads in influencing your own consumer decisions? 


III. Identify topics in this course that are relevant to the human behaviors in your advertisements and explain how they are relevant. This is your social science evidence for your observations. For instance, what ideas and people have you studied so far that apply to your observations?


 IV. Taking all of your observations and objective conclusions about human behavior in your advertisements into account, assume the role of a social scientist. What question would you ask about the advertisements that you, as a social scientist, could seek to answer? What observations and objective conclusions lead you to this question


International Taxation

International Taxation


1. Research Amazon Inc. and report on any major issue(s) of international taxation that is (are) addressed in this chapter. 


2. Discuss how Amazon Inc. handles transfer pricing

Operation Management Case Study

Read the attached case study and answer the following questions:



1. What are Croc’s core competencies? what are their advantages for the company?



2. How do they exploit these competencies in the future? Consider the following alternatives: a. Further vertical integration into materials b. Growth by acquisition c. Growth by product extension 



3. To what degree do the alternatives in question 2 fit the company’s core competencies, and to what degree do they defocus the company away from its core competencies?




What do you consider the strongest objections to the Utilitarian view that happiness is the sole good? Are there ways to counteract the objections?

AA Or NA Meeting Essay

AA Or NA Meeting Essay

Part Two: Paper- 70 points


Present information in a 3-4-page paper. (APA format), title page, no abstract, reference        page (minimum one nursing journal reference on topic).



1. Name of AA/NA meeting: (2 pts)

2. Goals/purposes of the program (3pts)

3. About the group of clients in the group, please address the following:

a. How would you describe the group? (gender, age, culture, sociocultural other signs of diversity)? (10pts)

b. What type of content was discussed in the group?  Please discuss this in general terms only to maintain confidentiality. (10pts)

c. Was there a group leader or facilitator?  If so, how would you describe the leadership style? (Look up Leadership styles in text to be able to identify) (10pts)

d. Identify and discuss the relevance of at least three curative factors, you could relate this specific group? (If not identify and discuss three curative factors that you would have liked to incorporate for support and why) (10pts)

Please refer to class handout on Curative Factors found in clinical information on Blackboard.  


4. Who would you recommend this program/support? (5pts)


5. What teaching or prior considerations should clients be informed of to attend/participate in this support group? (10pts)


6. What was your personal response and identify two concepts you learned from this 


experience to apply to your future nursing practice? (10pts)

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