Archive for October 16th, 2018

law and intelligence 5

law and intelligence 5

Most people attribute the creation of law enforcement and intelligence fusion centers with the events of September 11, 2001. However, from 1999–2002, a series of major events primed policy makers within the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement communities to formalize cross-community information sharing activities and ultimately to create an effective law enforcement and intelligence information-sharing environment. 

As the new millennium was set to begin, Ahmed Ressam (the Millennium Bomber) was stopped as he exited a ferry crossing from Canada to a remote U.S. entry point. The contents found in his trunk would have allowed Ressam to achieve his goal of setting off an explosive device at the Los Angeles airport. This event, which occurred just two years before 9/11, led to meetings regarding the creation of some type of fusion and/or sharing process. Further discussions would advance this idea in the fall of 2002. In October of 2002, unprovoked shootings in the Washington DC metropolitan area resulted in 10 people dead and three critically injured. At the outset of these shootings, a massive police investigation across local and federal levels developed to apprehend the so-named Beltway Sniper. Local and federal law enforcement officials in the East attempted to fit the pieces together and analyze messages left by the killer or killers. This sniper case, combined with previous lessons learned, culminated in the realization for the need to formalize a multijurisdictional information-sharing activity. Members from across the law enforcement community—combining with elements of the homeland security, defense, and intelligence communitiesset about institutionalizing this effort as quickly as possible.

Assignment Guidelines

· For this assignment, you are a member of the law enforcement community tasked with institutionalizing this effort.

· Address the following in 2-3 pages:

· What are the challenges for federal, state, and local law enforcement in collecting intelligence information as it pertained to these two events? Explain.

· What lessons were learned from these events with regards to intelligence collection and information-sharing? Explain.

· What recommendations can you offer on how to create an information-sharing environment? Explain.

· How would your recommendation effectively formalize multijurisdictional information sharing to counter some of existing challenges? Explain.

· Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.



Provide a brief introduction to your study to remind your classmates what we are reading about here.  You will also title your thread accordingly (do not include the week # or your name).  This week we talk about the uses of a crosstabulation (crosstab) and the benefits of creating this “snapshot” of your data.  Create a crosstab for your data and include in the post.  Be sure to explain your findings.


You will also identify the following times about your study:  


 1. Your overall research question;

     2. The research hypothesis and null hypothesis

Special note: 

When a variable is continuous (interval/ratio level of measurement), for example, age of respondent, we do not run crosstab directly b/c it will result in a really spread-out table with lot of 0s and low frequency cells. Such crosstab does not help us understand the data.

The correct way is to reduce the level of measurement to either ordinal level or nominal level and then run the cross table. The way to fix is to reduce I/R level of measurement to a lower level by lumping columns in into just a few categories. For example, you can group age 19 to 22 as one category, 23 to 30 as one category, and so on.  In this way, your crosstab will help us better understand data. Here is an example of recoding:

Interpreting crosstab output

When you interpret the result, please include the discussion of epsilons and the 10% rule. The epsilons in short is the differences between the highest and lowest column % in any given row.  As long as one epsilon makes the 10% threshold, we’ll deem two variables have “enough” going on to with each other to warrant further statistical analysis. 

Theology Essay Hw

Theology Essay Hw


In your paper—which is due in class on October 17th —describe the USS Midway, your experience of the tour, and how you think this connects to what we discuss in class. For example, what did you learn about military history during the self-guided tour? Did anything surprise you or challenge you? What did you learn about life aboard an aircraft carrier? Did it challenge any of your assumptions about military service? Reflect on what you learned in light of the Allman readings. Place yourself along Allman’s spectrum (pacifist-holy warrior). How did your visit to the USS Midway challenge or confirm your position on war/peacemaking? Did it raise any questions for you? 

Buisness Stucture

Buisness Stucture

While all business structures are different, they share similar basic  designs. All have their own missions and vision, provide certain  services or products, have a strategic plan and some sort of governing  body and managers, and have a specific population they intend to serve.  Health care is no different.

Prepare for this assignment by gleaning some additional  insight from real health care managers. You may find short interviews  with health care managers by searching Web sites such as Executives in Action, and by reading the following chapters from your course text, Introduction to U.S. Health Care:

Chapter 1, “The U.S. Health Care System”


Chapter 2, “Boards and Governance”

Locate a health care service or organization. (It may be  your place of employment). Identify at least five of the following  aspects of its business structure that the governing bodies are  responsible for:


Type of system or organization


Mission, vision, and values


Services provided


Organization’s strategic plan


Members of the governing board members


Structure of the governing board and standing committees


Credentialing body/regulators


Financial structure


Population served



As you have discovered this week, not all businesses are  the same, depending on their mission and who they serve, and not all  countries have the same business structure for health care. A country  with socialized medicine will differ from the U.S., for instance, in  terms of these aspects.

550 assignment 07 CT


550 assignment 07 CT

Research the access to essential health commodities. Medical innovations are failing many patients globally.

· Describe the issues, barriers, and challenges for the neglected populations.

· Discuss how access can be expanded for these populations, what policy changes are needed, and who needs to be participating in solving this problem.

Please use the following headings in your paper:

· Introduction

· Essential Health Commodities

· The Failure of Medical Innovations

· Issues, Barriers, and Challenges

· Recommended Policy Changes

· Conclusions

· References

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

· Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

· Be formatted according to APA writing guidelines.

· Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external. Not less than 5 years


· Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Course: C39MT1 Management. Accounting Techniques & Decisions

Course: C39MT1 Management. Accounting Techniques & Decisions

This piece of coursework is designed to facilitate knowledge building, development of key employability skills and the opportunity to add to your CV.


The Learning Outcomes of the Task Include:


· Organising yourself into a group


· To organise and attend group meetings


· To develop team working and co-operation skills


· Work load distribution skills


· Conflict resolution


· To brainstorm with group members


· To develop research skills


· Report writing skills


· To develop your ability to think critically and creatively


· To further develop your understanding of the topic area


· To develop communication and discussion skills


Please note that plagiarism is an offence. All coursework where plagiarism is detected will be referred to the disciplinary committee for consideration. Please refer to your student handbook for information regarding the rules on this matter. It is the student’s responsibility to make themselves aware of and to adhere to the rules.

Help With Final Paper

Help With Final Paper


Provide a 1000 word written paper choosing ONE of the three topic choices given below: (1) Compare two examples of intermodal container and freight technology. (2) Discuss how new container tracking devices will improve international intermodal transport of goods. (3) Discuss the Article “The Containerization of Commodities” at This paper should be in APA format using appropriate sources. Remember to keep this paper clear, concise, and succinct. The paper will be graded on content, grammar, and format.

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan

Develop a business continuity plan for your organization. Describe the basic activities that must be managed by the BCP.  Develop plans for alternate site relocation, and develop an estimated monthly budget for the alternate site operations.


Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 2 – 3 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines:


•    12-pt, Times New Roman font


•    Double-spaced


•    1” margins on all sides


•    Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.


•    Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.


•    Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit: (link is external) Be sure to include at least three reference sources.


Human Resource Development-Ethics

Human Resource Development-Ethics

Assignment – Ethics Response Paper


Respond to the following issue pertaining to Saint Leo University’s Core Value of Integrity and the criticality of ethical behavior. You should expect to take 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) for your response (not including any necessary reference pages). Be sure to respond to all parts of the issue.

Although many organizations and professional societies have their own specific codes of conduct, it seems there is no single, established Code of Ethics for Human Resource Training and Development professionals.


· What does it mean to be an ethical Training & Development professional?

· What ethical issues should trainers be mindful of?

· What legal and liability issues should trainers be mindful of?

· Do contract trainers & “in-house” trainers face different ethical issues? If so, what?

Remember to focus your responses specifically on relevant aspects of training & development; these questions are intended to be more specific than a discussion of general employee or contractor ethics.

Core value of integrity:


The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed.

Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design


Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. Contrast the levels of control applied to each.

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