Archive for October 21st, 2018

LASA 1—Preliminary Strategy Audit

LASA 1—Preliminary Strategy Audit

The end result of this course is developing a strategy audit. In this  module, you will outline and draft a preliminary framework for your  final product. This provides you with the opportunity to get feedback  before a final submission.


In Module 1, you reviewed the instructions for the capstone strategy audit assignment and grading rubric due in Module 5. By now, you have completed the following steps:


Identified the organization for your report


Interviewed at least one key mid-level or senior-level manager


Created a market position analysis


Conducted an external environmental scan in preparation of your final report and presentation


In this assignment, you will generate a preliminary strategy audit in preparation for your final course project.


Prepare a report that includes the following:


In preparation for your course project, prepare the preliminary  strategy audit using the tools and framework you have focused on so far  including the following:  

Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage 

External environmental scan/five forces analysis


Describe the most important (5–7) strategic issues facing the organization or business unit.  

You may modify the strategic issues in your final report based on  the additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as  the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.


Keep in mind that it is important to look at the strategic issue(s)  from more than just one perspective in the business unit or  company—speak to or research the issue from more than one angle to offer  a 360-degree approach that does not cause more problems or issues.


Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities  and external trends such that important opportunities are not being  pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under  the current strategy.


Include a preliminary set of recommended tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance.    

You may modify these recommendations in your final report based on  the additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as  the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.


Keep in mind that recommendations can include, but are not limited  to, tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers and acquisitions,  integration, product development, diversification or divestiture, and  globalization. If you recommend your company to go global, you must  include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global  capabilities.

Write your report as though you are a consultant to your company and are addressing the executive officers of this company. 


Write a 7–10-page report in Word format. Make sure your writing is  clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

the following format for your report:


Cover page


Executive summary/abstract


Table of contents


Introduction to company (each subsection should be an assessment)  

Value proposition


Market position


Competitive advantage  

External environmental scan/five forces analysis

Current environment

Assessment of external factors applying five forces


Strategic issues (label each issue and provide a header and the reason for why it is an issue)

Summary/key findings and recommendations




Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Identifying and Analyzing Vulnerabilities

Identifying and Analyzing Vulnerabilities

Please respond to the following:


Assess the effectiveness of offering a reward to individuals external to the organization in exchange for them to identify vulnerabilities on a new technology.

American Versus Japanese Human Resource Management Practices

American Versus Japanese Human Resource Management Practices 

Scenario: Mazda and Chrysler faced similar threat of bankruptcy in early 1980s. Mazda’s managers agreed to a 25% salary cut and a loss of bonuses for four years. Chrysler, in contrast, cut its blue-collar workforce by 28%, its white-collar staff by 7% and its senior executives pay by 2%.

  1. Explain      the starkly different approaches of Mazda and Chrysler in light of International      HR strategies? [10 Marks]
  2. Compare      the cultural differences prevalent in America and Japan that may have      influenced the decisions taken at Mazda and Chrysler. [10 Marks]

Design A Pre-Departure Training Program For A British Family Moving To UAE

Design A Pre-Departure Training Program For A British Family Moving To UAE


 A British couple with two school going children is taking up an expat assignment in UAE in 6 months from now. The wife has been offered a three year senior management assignment with Zayed University in Abudhabi. Her husband is an experienced music teacher. Their two children, one boy and the other a girl, are aged 11 and 6 respectively.  

A Business Construct

A Business Construct

Assignment: Define a Business Construct



The goal of this assignment is to develop proficiency in finding and analyzing articles that examine a construct in the academic literature. You’ll get practice reading and interpreting articles as well as putting multiple articles together to form a cohesive picture of the research in an area. This is a skill that you will use repeatedly throughout this program.



The entire class will be assigned the same construct. Search the literature for five to 10 academic journal articles that examine that construct. Choose articles in journals from the Fox School Journal List. Use the Temple Library Site and/or Google Scholar for your search. Consider a mix of well-cited and recent articles.

NUR 450C PICO/T Question Paper

NUR 450C PICO/T Question Paper

Liberal Studies Distribution block: Science and Applied Science

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Scientific Inquiry, Effective Oral Communication

Learning Outcomes:

 Integrates evidence based theory, research, and professional perspectives to patients

across the lifespan and health continuum.

 Incorporates effective oral communication into professional nursing practice.

 Integrates reliable evidence from multiple ways of knowing to inform practice and make

clinical judgments.

 Integrates knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, health care policy

and patient safety into practice to provide high quality care.

 Creates a nursing practice which values and utilizes ethical and legal principles and

professional standards


 Complete a 3 page paper (double spaced) with the following sections in this order to

describe your clinical question.

 Use APA 6

th edition formatting- 3

rd person only

Introduction (in an APA paper, there is no heading “Introduction”, start the paper with the title

of the paper, centered, not bold): Based on what you see in practice, identify a population and

nursing-related clinical topic of interest. Clearly articulate the topic’s importance. Clinical topics

include nursing interventions, nursing decisions, and nursing behaviors. Avoid “medical” topics.

Rationale: Describe the rationale or significance for your choice including at least two current

(since 2012) references. This section should convince the reader of the significance or

importance of the topic – use evidence to support. Include a description of how your topic

relates to your current clinical practice and setting.

Literature Review & Synthesis: Conduct a literature search to find at least 3 current (since

2012), peer-reviewed journal articles that present PRIMARY SOURCES/STUDIES that are related

to your topic and population. These may support or refute your clinical question. After reading

all the articles, compare and contrast, then SYNTHESIZE the findings and describe the relevance

and importance to your clinical question.

Conclusion: Conclude with your PICO(T) question. Discuss how this question will address a

practice or policy related to your current clinical practice.

Formatting & Grammar: Follow APA (6th edition) format and limit to 3 pages of succinct

content succinct. Use a minimum of 5 professional references, including current nursing journal

articles (since 2012) to support your findings.

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