Archive for October 28th, 2018

Possible illegal discrimination at tractors, Inc

Possible illegal discrimination at tractors, Inc.


As the new human resource manager, you have been asked to identify those areas of current performance management system that could face legal challenge. Develop a one page summantion,  the currentsystem identifying the potentially illegal aspect of the current system and your suggestion for making the current system more legally sound.

Assignment 1: Required Assignment 2—The Case For, or Against, New Orleans

Assignment 1: Required Assignment 2—The Case For, or Against, New Orleans


Sometimes one’s choices may involve catastrophic decisions and bear great risk and yet there can be no clear answer. For example, if a person gets a divorce, shutters a plant, sells a losing investment, or closes their business, will he or she be better off? The following case incorporates nearly all of the material you have covered this far and presents an example of one such choice where nearly all of the alternatives have a significant downside risk.


Review the following information from the article “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the New Orleans Flood Protection System” by Stéphane Hallegatte (2005):


Hallegatte, an environmentalist, assigns a probability (p) of a Katrina-like hurricane of 1/130 in his cost-benefit analysis for flood protection. However, the levees that protect New Orleans also put other regions at greater risk. You may assume the frequency of other floods is greater than Katrina-like events (Vastag & Rein, 2011).


The new levees that were built in response to Katrina cost approximately fourteen billion dollars (in 2010). This is in addition to the direct costs of Katrina (eighty-one billion dollars in 2005).


50 percent of New Orleans is at or below sea level.


A 100-year event means that there is a 63 percent chance that such an event will occur within a 100-year period.


The following are the interested (anchored and/or biased) constituencies:


Residents of New Orleans—both those that can move and those who cannot move


Residents of the surrounding floodplains at risk from New Orleans levees


The Mayor of New Orleans


The federal government—specifically taxpayers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


Assume that the availability heuristics make people more risk averse (populations drop, at least in the short term). Consider how this would affect the local economy.


You are an analyst at FEMA and are in charge of developing a recommendation for both the state and the local governments on whether or not to redevelop New Orleans.

Detecting Arguments

Detecting Arguments

This chapter covered argument structures, nonstatements, premises, and conclusions. For each of the sentences below, determine if it is an argument. For those that are arguments, identify the premises and the conclusion.


With regard to argumentation, define what a premise and conclusion are.


She is from Minnesota, so we know that she is nice.


How can the paper be due today? Today is Tuesday!


I won’t eat broccoli. Broccoli is yucky.


The park was beautiful, with trees, flowers, and buzzing bees. The bright flashes of the wings of dragonflies were everywhere.


Get your work done now!


We studied hard, did all the exercises, and practiced all the proficiency. Thus, there is no way that we will fail this course.


She was laughing and thus having fun.


Why are we looking for premises and conclusions?


Many teachers do not know whether students have too much homework, too little, or just enough.

Fair and Efficient Performance Reviews

Fair and Efficient Performance Reviews

Suppose you were recently promoted to a supervisory job in a company where you have worked for two years.  You genuinely like almost all your co-workers, who now report to you.  The only exception is one employee,  who dresses more formally than the others and frequently tells jokes that embarrass you and the other workers.  Given your preexisting feelings for the employees, how can you measure their performance fairly and effectively?


Human Resource Management Overview

Human Resource Management Overview

Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management.


Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the healthcare field. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the healthcare field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the healthcare field. Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan.


Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.  Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Do you believe that companies can easily develop compensation that is both internally consistent and competitive within the market?

Do you believe that companies can easily develop compensation that is both internally consistent and competitive within the market? What are some of the challenges to this goal? Provide an example of an organization that you feel is competitive and consistent. Explain your choice.


About 300 words Company can be Apple or Amazon

Prepare a Training Presentation for management on the topic of federal employment laws

Prepare a Training Presentation for management on the topic of federal employment laws. The presentation should include the following:


Identify the law


What does the law entail?      Provide a brief overview.


How does the law affect      organizational processes and policies?


What is the influence of the      law on organizational ethics


How does the law affect the      ability of managers and the organization to attend to individual needs?


Include 9 content slides. Title slide and References slide do not count here.


Include a title slide and a References slide in APA format.


Brand Extension Marketing Plan

Brand Extension Marketing Plan

Introduction: The Assignment in this unit is to complete a component of a Brand Extension Marketing Plan for one new product on the behalf of an existing for-profit organization.


Using the Marketing Plan guide found in Course Documents, complete and submit the following components of your Marketing Plan.


Unit 3 Marketing Plan: Connecting with the Customer 




3.1 Mission (review “mission” in Chapter 2 of the Kotler & Keller Marketing Management text)


Establish the fundamental goals for the quality of your business/product offering and customer satisfaction. (Fundamental goals are those that you would like to achieve with your new product, either as an individual product or as part of the overall company mission. These are directional goals that provide the overall strategic direction for management planning.)


Define your business/product offering.


Describe your goal formulation: What are your specific goals for this planning period?


3.2 Marketing Objectives

Include a sentence or two about each of the following:


What are your specific marketing objectives?


Market share: what is your growth objective by quarter?


Market penetration: how do you plan to gain a share in this market?


Awareness: how do you plan to gain awareness for your product?


Customer acquisition: how do you plan to grow your customer base?


Identify a specific, measurable market share and size.


Remember that your objectives need to be quantifiable. In other words, objectives need to have a base point, end point, and timeframe so you can research to see if you have reached your benchmarks or if your plan needs adjustment.

Discussion: National and International Challenges

Discussion: National and International Challenges

Human services professionals who focus on rectifying human rights violations, social problems, mental health, or welfare needs often do so on a national and international level. In the national and international sphere, there is a great need for social change agents, leaders, and advocates on behalf of human rights, as well as for other issues. Attempting to address these issues at the national and international levels presents a unique set of challenges for human services professionals. 

To prepare:


Select one national and one international challenge related to human and social services professions and/or the roles and responsibilities of human and social services professionals anywhere in the world. These should be challenges you or a professional might face when attempting to address issues at the national and international levels, such as professional recognition, apathy, or cultural barriers.


Think about why addressing these challenges is important to the profession, as well as what difference its resolution or improvement might make.

Topic: Employee Relations – A Paper

Topic: Employee Relations – A Paper

The life of an organization is directly influenced by the culture that makes up the organization. HRM professionals need to understand the nuances of working with, and developing, all aspects of employees within the culture of their organization.


Write a 4-page paper. Include the following:


Evaluate      the concepts of employee rights and responsibilities, to include due      process, duty of diligence, duty of obedience, duty of loyalty, and      employment-at-will.


Compare      at least four employee involvement strategies and describe how each      contributes to organizational performance.


Contrast      arbitration and mediation. Assess which employment situations are best      served by each.


Use 3 scholarly sources to explain how HRM management of employee rights influences the culture of an organization. 


APA format. 

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