Archive for October 28th, 2018

Essay On Culture In Global Organization

Essay On Culture In Global Organization

For this assignment, you will write an essay that assesses the role of culture in human resource management practices within a global organization. Give examples of how cultural differences may affect at least two human resource (HR) functions. Examples of these functions may include recruitment and hiring, employee and/or management development, performance reviews, promotions, compensation, and benefits, but you are not limited to these functions.


Your essay should follow the guidelines below.


Writing should include proper grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics.


The organization of the paper should be logical, and you should include an introduction section with a clear thesis statement as well as a conclusion section.


Your paper should be at least three pages in length.


You must use a minimum of two outside sources.


All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.


Your paper must be formatted in APA style to include a title page, running head, and reference page.


There are two additional references identified below that you may find helpful when completing this assignment, but you are not required to use them.

Philosophy Assignment

Philosophy Assignment

Is Hume’s argument that morality is just sentiment persuasive to you? How do you think his view compares to that of Rousseau? Hobbes too says good and evil are matters of taste – how does he differ from Hume? Who seems, to you, to provide a better account of moral life? 


Kant argues for a conception of morality based in duty; the only basis for finding an action morally worthy is that it is done from duty, i.e., from the right intention. How are we supposed to understand this? Does it seem to you to be a legitimate claim? Is Kant right that all actions rooted in a concern for one’s own good lack moral worth? What would Aristotle or St. Thomas say to that? What would Hobbes say?


Consider Mill: both Aristotle and Mill identify happiness as the goal pursued by moral action. How do their understandings differ?


Finally, and perhaps most crucially: of all the philosophers that you have read at, whose arguments do you find the most persuasive, and why?


Unit 4 Assignment: Compare and Contrast

Unit 4 Assignment: Compare and Contrast 

Compare and Contrast:


Look up all of the books from the list below and write a 2 sentence description about each one.


Why do you think each book has been important throughout history?


The Meaning of Relativity by by Albert Einstein

On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Geographia by Ptolemy

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare By William Shakespeare

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriett Beecher Stowe 

1984 by George Orwell

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank 

Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant

Native Son by Richard Wright

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Bible

The Qur’an

The Torah

RSSS Response Paper About Vampire

RSSS Response Paper About Vampire

You have to read two articles


1.  “Gender Roles in the 19th Century” by Professor Kathryn Hughes


2. “Carmilla” which is attached bellow. Page numbers are located on the left-side margin. Read pp 53-77; 93-97 (Chapters 1-7 and 15-16) of J.S. LeFanu’s Carmilla




1. In Le Fanu’s “Carmilla” does the figure of the vampire enforce or disrupt Victorian ideas about gender and sexuality? Your paper should have at least 1 quote or paraphrase from the secondary article by Kathryn Hughes and at least 1 quote or paraphrase from “Carmilla.” 


Paper Guidelines


The minimum word-count for this assignment is 350-words; the maximum word-count is 600 words.


Ideally, you will structure your paper as follows.


A clear statement of your main idea or thesis on the subject.


Connections between the topic and the course material (readings and class discussions)


A brief summation and a final statement that represents the key take-away / idea from your paper.


You may deviate from this structure, but the majority of the paper should be given to drawing your own connections between the course materials.  You do not have a lot of space, so be sure to get straight to the point and not worry about making a lengthy introduction or conclusion.

My Hero

My Hero

Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.


Other examples may include people who are/were known for their humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).


Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.


Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the person’s life.


300 words APA


Humanities Project – Final Comparative Analysis

Humanities Project – Final Comparative Analysis

The time has come to submit your final and complete Humanities Project paper. As a reminder, the requirements for this paper are listed below.


This paper should be written in traditional research paper format, should include two figures from the Humanities (one from the past and one figure from the present, or a completely different era from the other), and should compare and contrast their achievements.


Original research paper that is a minimum of 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point, with a standard font. In general, pages consist of:


Title Page – Captivating title, your name, title of the course, date.

Body – 4-5 pages in length. Follow this rough outline:


Introduction – introduce subjects – (Remember you are comparing and contrasting two figures from different eras) Bring focus to your study through thesis statement.


First Point coming out of thesis statement

Support #1 from research

Support #2 from research


Personal observation



Notes On Religion

Notes On Religion

Describe a religion that is not your own.


Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief, Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.


Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.


Mention any written works and prophets.


Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”


Literature Review

Literature Review

Defining the conversation


· Length: 4-5 pages (at least 3.5 pages of your original writing) in correct MLA format (including font, spacing, page numbers, and in-text citations,)

· At least three academic book chapters, or peer-reviewed journal articles, & one type of media source


· A Works Cited page as the last page of your document (but not part of the page count

Recognizing Comic Types

Recognizing Comic Types

Choose a popular comedy (play, film, or television series) and discuss what kind or kinds of comedy seem to define it: satire, comedy of character, farce, or parody. Which of its features suggest this classification to you?


Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment

Write a 2–4-page report on the concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment, how to find the data, and how to validate the data. Explain the factors that can affect the health of a community, along with how to obtain that information.


Understanding community and state health care issues and concerns, the local resources available, and accessibility of those resources can inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes.  


Questions to Consider 


To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.


What types of techniques and activities should be included in a community health assessment?


How can these techniques and activities help determine both assets and gaps in health care services in a community?

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