Archive for October, 2018

SOC110- Working In Teams

SOC110- Working In Teams

Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following prompts:


1. In what ways do teams differ from groups? What factors contribute to a team? When have you worked in a team? What was your experience like?


2. What are some different types of teams? What are the goals of each type of team? What differences are there in how team members work together in these different teams?


3. What are some examples of effective communication and listening skills for teams? What makes these skills effective? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses when communicating in a team? How can you work on the areas that need improvement?

Sociological Theories Application Paper:

Sociological Theories Application Paper:


Directions: The field of Sociology has well developed theoretical frameworks that help us understand the inherent challenges and issues impacting our local, national and/or global society. These sociological theories include: 1) Theories of Culture; 2) Theories of Sexuality; and 3) Stratification: Social-Conflict theories. Choosing from one of these three groups of theories and the associated topics listed at the end of the rubric, your assignment is to carefully review and discuss the merits of the theory and apply it to a contemporary issue that is currently or very recently (within the past 2 years) been of concern to our society. Specifically, in addition to explaining the basis of the theory you have identified, you will also select and discuss two local, national or international newspaper articles that focuses on the concerns relevant to a topic related to any one of the Sociological theories you selected being careful to educate the reader on the direct applicability of the newspaper article to the theory you choose to review. Your two to two and one half page paper should address the following items listed in the rubric below:


 1. The name of the Sociological theory and why you believe it is relevant and important to discuss .


 2. A clearly defined explanation of the merits of the theory being sure to help the reader understand the fundamental principles inherent to the theory. 


3. Selection and thorough written review of two credible newspaper or news magazine articles that clearly illustrates the issues fundamental to the theory you selected. Your discussion of the merits of the newspaper articles should include the following: 


a. Name of the newspaper or news magazine articles selected for review including the name of the articles, authors, dates and years of publication 


 b. A thorough discussion of 5 key issues addressed by the newspaper or news magazine articles you choose and how you believe the content of the articles clearly reflects the fundamentals of the Sociological theory you choose to focus your paper 


 c. Your paper is at least 2 pages to 2.5 pages in length; double spaced with 12 font typewritten characters 


d. Grammar, punctuation, word selection & level of sophistication of article and your written essay


Watch the videos, What Is a Brand? and Understanding Why Brands Are Important, and answer the following questions

Watch the videos, What Is a Brand? and Understanding Why Brands Are Important, and answer the following questions:


Question One


Tell us your favorite brand. Give a full description of this brand and why it is your favorite.


Question Two


Describe your favorite brand’s promise. What elements of the brand convey this message to you?


Question Three


Name and describe three brand touchpoints. Explain why these are important.

Application: Paper on Smoking Addiction and Cessation

Application: Paper on Smoking Addiction and Cessation

Synthesize the research related to the topic. The topic asks you to examine smoking addiction and cessation.  

The Assignment:

Write a 10-page paper. Use the current literature to support your paper. Cite at least ten peer-reviewed references in APA style.

· Smoking Addiction and Cessation
Research at least ten articles related to smoking addiction and smoking cessation. Explain the potential effects of smoking addiction on appetite, stress, and health. Also explain how smoking cessation affects appetite, stress, and health.

Educational Psychology: Master’s Level Paper On Quantitative Design

Educational Psychology: Master’s Level Paper On Quantitative Design

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:


Competency 1: Analyze the methodology used in scientific research.


Analyze the sample, the sampling procedures, and the sampling strategies.


Competency 2: Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of research methods.


Evaluate the overall strengths and limitations of quantitative research.


Competency 3: Evaluate ethical issues in research studies.

Describe the ethical procedures used during data collection.


Competency 4: Evaluate data collection and analysis strategies based on the characteristics of the research design.


Describe the data collection procedures and instruments.


Evaluate whether the data collection procedures and instruments are appropriate for quantitative methodology.


Competency 5: Examine the appropriate application of scientific research methodology.


Evaluate whether the sample, the sampling procedures, and the sampling strategies are appropriate for quantitative methodology.


Analyze the internal and external validity of the research study.


Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study.


Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study.


There are three major types of quantitative research designs: experimental, quasi-experimental, and nonexperimental (sometimes called descriptive or pre-experimental). Nonexperimental research includes descriptive, correlational, and survey research.

Deliverable 3 – Strategic Management Analysis

Deliverable 3 – Strategic Management Analysis



Formulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis.




All of the six organizations (Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company) you chose from have invested in different methods of analysis to gain and retain industry standing. The threats and opportunities that exist for an organization are identified through studying and appraising the external environment. In order to be competitive, an organization must look closely at these aspects to properly formulate a successful strategic plan.


Write a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text) incorporating the following aspects:


Organizations as Open Systems:


One key aspect is the “Environment as Information Perspectives.” Discuss what was determined to be the environmental uncertainty for your chosen organization.


Another important aspect is the “Environment as Source of Resource Perspective.” Discuss the way in which management has been able to attain and regulate these critical resources for your organization.


Provide a breakdown of these two perspectives to better see how they can be applied. If these perspectives are not readily available for your organization, you may infer them from information about the organization that is available.


External and Environmental Analysis:


Within the specific environment, multiple variables exist. Discuss which two of the five competitive forces were found to be most valuable and why.


The general environment also needs to be examined. There are five sectors that should be analyzed. After evaluating each, discuss which two you believe will most impact the strategic management plan for your chosen organization and why.


In addition to the aspects above, please share the advantages and disadvantages that exist when performing an external analysis. What did you find to be the most beneficial and detrimental factors during this analysis? Incorporate information from the readings, your research, and personal experience (using APA citations where appropriate).

Probability Concepts and Applications

The Media And Race”

The Media and Race”  Please respond to the following:


Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Representation of race in the media affects our perceptions of individuals. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)


Discuss one or two major problems with the way minorities are represented in the media, highlighting both the lack of diversity and the impact it may have on the way the world views the U.S.  Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)     

Social Work Essay

Social Work Essay

Submit an 8- to 10-page scholarly paper supported with a minimum of six peer-reviewed articles as references. 


*Include in text references

· Introduction


· Briefly describe the population and presenting problem you are focusing on for this assignment.


· Provide a review of the articles you reviewed from this project and explain what you learned from conducting this research.


· Briefly describe at least 2 evidence-based interventions currently used for your chosen population when addressing this particular problem. Provide supporting references when explaining the evidence behind the interventions.


· Explain which of these interventions you might choose to use and why.


· Consider client values and your clinical expertise and how those might affect your decision of which intervention to use.


· Describe how you might apply the specific skills and techniques of the chosen intervention.


· Briefly explain how you could measure the outcomes of this intervention.


· Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.


· Discuss how the Code of Ethics applies when working with this particular presenting problem and population.


· Explain how you would apply a trauma-informed lens when working with this population.

NCM 512 Module 3 Discussion

NCM 512 Module 3 Discussion

Please respond in about 100 words for each question below:


Is it really so important for us to be aware of the various styles, the personal behaviors, and the Face to Face communications, at the table?


Can it “make or break” the deal, or is it just “something nice to be aware of”?


Please, explain AND provide a real life example to support your opinion.

“Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes”

“Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes”


For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.


Topic 1 : Apoptosis. Watch the Khan Academy video about apoptosis (1)*, then address the following issues in your own words:


(a) What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis? 


(b) What is the role of apoptosis in the normal, healthy development of animals? 


Reminder: you don’t need to cite the Khan Academy video for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.


Topic 2 [article]: Crossover. Read the article from the University of Rochester on a gene that influences crossover rates in fruit flies. Then address the following: 


(a)  Explain the relationship between crossover, genetic diversity, and natural selection.


(b)  Summarize the findings regarding a gene that influences crossover.


Reminder: you don’t need to cite the University of Rochester article for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.

Topic 3 [research]: Tumor-suppressor genes versus Proto-oncogenes. This is a library-research topic in which you are required to provide your sources. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes can contribute to or cause cancer, just as mutations in proto-oncogenes can also contribute to or cause cancer. However, tumor suppressor genes are very different from proto-oncogenes.


(a) Explain why a gain-of-function mutation to a proto-oncogene (or its promoter) may be associated with increased risk of cancer.


(b) Explain why a loss-of-function mutation to a tumor suppressor gene may be associated with increased risk of cancer. 

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