Archive for October, 2018

HRMD665 Individual Research Paper

HRMD665 Individual Research Paper

This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade. It gives you an opportunity to investigate relevant trends in one of topics we are discussing. You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students. The assignment has the opportunity to addresses Course Objectives 3, 4 and 5.


Take a topic mentioned in our readings and explore it further in 6 to 10 pages. Identify and discuss the current trends in your chosen topic area. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) use of virtual teams in global corporations, methods for managing conflict among virtual team members, team-based compensation programs, or team decision making processes.


Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of 7 or more references from sources published within the last ten years and be sure to integrate concepts, theories, and readings from our work over the semester. You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, newspaper articles, and YouTube videos about the topic, but not Wikipedia, vendor websites, or other non-academic sources. The UMUC library can help you identify appropriate sources.


Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations. This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries. Your paper should be 6-10 pages (not counting the cover or reference pages), double spaced with one inch margins and a font size of at least 11 points. Writing should be in 3rd person.

Midterm Report Card

Midterm Report Card

Compare your understanding of professional communications at midterm with your understanding of the topic before you started the course. Share something from the last five weeks that stood out to you – or surprised you. Will this realization change the way you communicate?

Communication is a skill that develops over time. Where do you envision your professional communication skills at the end of this course? What goal will you set out to achieve by Week 11?

Looking at the next several weeks, what aspect of the class are you most looking forward to learning?


LASA: Finding Your Best Bank


For this assignment, you will take on the role of a personal financial advisor and create a personal financial portfolio.


Step 1: Using the large National Bank, the Regional/Local Bank, and the Credit Union you identified in the Module 1 Assignment 2, compare and contrast each institution by completing the Module 3 Assignment 2 template.

Step 2: Once you have completed the Module 3 Assignment 2  template, create a financial portfolio. This financial portfolio is a professional one. Please follow the following instructions when preparing it:


Identify, describe, and explain the financial institution that would be the best fit for you. Be sure to justify your selection by referencing the information collected in your completed template.


Identify, describe, and explain which type of saving account would best fit your current financial position.  Be sure to justify your selection by referencing the information collected in your completed template.


Analyze the following situation and answer the questions below:After choosing  a savings account with a 3% interest rate, you decide to invest $5,000 into the savings account.

Using the future value calculation, determine at an interest rate of 3%, what would be your total balance available at the end of five years if you leave the $5,000 untouched. Show your calculations, as well as, your answer in your portfolio.


How will this interest earned be reported on your federal income tax returns?


Be sure to include the following in your financial portfolio:

Contact information for the financial institutions


 Show all steps of your future value calculations in Excel or Word format.


Support your statements with examples and at least three scholarly references.

Deliverable 3 – Strategic Management Analysis

Deliverable 3 – Strategic Management Analysis



Formulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis.




All of the six organizations (Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company) you chose from have invested in different methods of analysis to gain and retain industry standing. The threats and opportunities that exist for an organization are identified through studying and appraising the external environment. In order to be competitive, an organization must look closely at these aspects to properly formulate a successful strategic plan.


Write a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text) incorporating the following aspects:


Organizations as Open Systems:


One key aspect is the “Environment as Information Perspectives.” Discuss what was determined to be the environmental uncertainty for your chosen organization.


Another important aspect is the “Environment as Source of Resource Perspective.” Discuss the way in which management has been able to attain and regulate these critical resources for your organization.


Provide a breakdown of these two perspectives to better see how they can be applied. If these perspectives are not readily available for your organization, you may infer them from information about the organization that is available.


External and Environmental Analysis:


Within the specific environment, multiple variables exist. Discuss which two of the five competitive forces were found to be most valuable and why.


The general environment also needs to be examined. There are five sectors that should be analyzed. After evaluating each, discuss which two you believe will most impact the strategic management plan for your chosen organization and why.

In addition to the aspects above, please share the advantages and disadvantages that exist when performing an external analysis. What did you find to be the most beneficial and detrimental factors during this analysis? Incorporate information from the readings, your research, and personal experience (using APA citations where appropriate).

Consider this hypothetical situation

Consider this hypothetical situation

David Doe is a network administrator for the ABC Company. David is passed over for promotion three times. He is quite vocal in his dissatisfaction with this situation. In fact, he begins to express negative opinions about the organization in general. Eventually, David quits and begins his own consulting business. Six months after David’s departure, it is discovered that a good deal of the ABC Company’s research has suddenly been duplicated by a competitor. Executives at ABC suspect that David Doe has done some consulting work for this competitor and may have passed on sensitive data. However, in the interim since David left, his computer has been formatted and reassigned to another person. ABC has no evidence that David Doe did anything wrong.


What steps might have been taken to detect David’s alleged industrial espionage?


What steps might have been taken to prevent his perpetrating such an offense?


Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.


You have three attempts.

Assignment 2: Discussion—Hiring for Success

Assignment 2: Discussion—Hiring for Success


At this point in the course you should be well armed with the tools and knowledge necessary to make better-informed and rational choices. Apply that knowledge as you tackle one of the most important, and yet heavily subjective, of management responsibilities—the hiring process.


Assume you have been tasked with redesigning your organization’s hiring processes. Respond to the following:


Select two of the six pitfalls listed below:


Influenced by initial impressions


Justifying past decisions


Seeing what you want to see


Perpetuating the status quo


Framing the hiring decision




Examine how you might change the process to avoid your selected pitfalls.


By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses.


Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation


Do the following when responding to your peers:


Read your peers’ answers.


Provide substantive comments by


contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;


building on the remarks or questions of others; or


sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences


Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.


Make sure your writing


is clear, concise, and organized;


demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and


displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Cultural Intelligence and Gospel Communication

Cultural Intelligence and Gospel Communication

Thread Prompt: Use your CQ Strategy (from the Livermore reading) to apply the concepts from the Lingenfelter chapters to current or future ministry contexts in sharing the gospel and/or in empowering and encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ. Give a specific example, including a description of the cultural context and a description of how you can apply the concepts from the readings in this module/week to your current ministry context (or a new context you are about to begin in the near future). 400 words

Assignment 2: Health Communication Campaign—Audience Profile Analysis

Assignment 2: Health Communication Campaign—Audience Profile Analysis


In M1: Assignment 3, you chose a public health problem and described its history and background. Based on this, you started developing a health communication campaign for a specific population by identifying and explaining its goals and objectives.


You will continue to develop this health communication campaign in this assignment.


Using the readings for this module, conduct an audience profile analysis. Include the following:


  • Provide demographic information about the population the health problem affects.
  • Describe attitudes, norms, and beliefs about the health problem as they apply to the population of interest.
  • Explain possible stages of behavior change or levels of diffusion related to the health issue.


Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.


Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Book Application Paper

Book Application Paper Instructions


You will be required to complete a total of 3 Book Application Papers in current Turabian format. The purpose of these application papers is for you to apply the content of the book(s) to a current or future ministry context. For each Book Application Paper, you must read the assigned textbook readings for that module/week. Each book application paper must be a minimum of 1,000–1,250 words. You must include a paragraph that provides a general overview of the book. From there, you will be required to apply at least 5 references to specific themes, topics, or quotes within the course text explaining how they can immediately apply to your current ministry context or how they might apply to your future ministry work.

Article Analysis

Article Analysis

Instruction: In the summary, please try to capture the essence of the article (for example, what is the objective of the paper, data and methodology employed, major finding and conclusions of the paper, AND ANY LIMITATION(S) OF THE STUDY OR WAYS YOU THINK THE PAPER CAN BE IMPROVED).


How long should the summary be? A maximum of 2 pages long, using Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1 inch margins, 1.5 or double spaced.

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