The topic is bullyingFor your informative speech and submit it to theUsethe outl

The topic is bullyingFor your informative speech and submit it to theUsethe outline attachedfor creating your outline. (The information about visual aids is there just as a reminder that you need to start thinking about how you will use visual aids in your speeches. YoThe template contains areas where you must list your speech title its general purpose and its specific purpose. In addition outline your introduction. Let us know what your attention-getting statement is what your credibility for your speech is what the relevancy for the topic is and what the central idea of the speech is. Youll also outline the body of the speech. This will break the speech up into three main points with supporting information and details. In the conclusion of the speech you will summarize your main points for us and close with a memorable statement.In addition to these outline areas complete the References section. Your Informative Speech Outline should reference at least three sources.THE TOPIC IS BULLYING

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