Use the following tables for your answers to questions 3.7 through 3.51: P

Use the following tables for your answers to questions 3.7 through 3.51:

PET_OWNER (OwnerID OwnerLastName OwnerFirstName OwnerPhone OwnerEmail)

PET (PetID PetName PetType PetBreed PetDOB OwnerID)

Sample data for these tables are shown in Figures 3-17 and 3-18.

For each SQL statement you write show the results based on these data. If possible run the statements you write for the questions that follow in an
actual DBMS as appropriate to obtain results. Use data types that are consistent with the DBMS you are using. If you are not using an actual DBMS
consistently represent data types by using either the SQL Server Oracle Database or MySQL data types shown in Figure 3-4.

3.7 Write an SQL CREATE TABLE statement to create the PET_OWNER table with OwnerID as a surrogate key. Justify your choices of column

3.8 Write an SQL CREATE TABLE statement to create the PET table without a referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET. Justify your
choices of column properties. Why not make every column NOT NULL?

3.9 Create a referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET. Assume that deletions should not cascade.

3.10 Create a referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET. Assume that deletions should cascade. The following table schema for the PET_2
table is an alternate version of the PET table: PET_2 (PetName PetType PetBreed PetDOB OwnerID)

3.11 Write the required SQL statements to create the PET_2 table

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