week 3 Discussion 1: Read Resolving Ethical BusinessChallenges in Chapter 6 of y

week 3 Discussion 1: Read Resolving Ethical BusinessChallenges in Chapter 6 of your text and then address thefollowing points. Support your response with evidence from thetext. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each decisionthat Elaine has made. What are the ethical and legalconsiderations facing Elaine Dennis and UBC? Discuss the moralphilosophies that may be relevant to this situation. Discuss theimplications of each decision that Elaine could make. ____________Discussion 2 An employee working in customer service at a largecompany arrives at her desk and finds a package from a customer sherecently spoke with. Inside is a gift card for $50 to an expensiverestaurant to thank her for her assistance which ultimately savedthe customer money. She remembers that the company has a code ofconduct policy against accepting gifts from customers but shethinks that it may only pertain to gifts of a larger amount. Unsurewhat to do she reaches out to a leader in the department forinsight.

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