Archive for August 23rd, 2018

Effects of oxytocin on correlation between eating and loneliness

Effects of oxytocin on correlation between eating and loneliness


2 hypotheses: H1: People who are lonely will eat more; H2: There will be an effect of oxytocin on amount of food eaten. Q: What will be the correlation between scores on loneliness and the amount of food eaten after 20 units of oxytocin?

Evidence process for developing a proposal for an evidence-based project

Please state in a narrative how you accomplished each of the following. These are the steps in searching for evidence: 
1.Determine the best keywords and other terms to use for searching databases.
2. Identify the best databases to search.
3. Decide the best strategies for searching, including exclusions, inclusions, and operating delimiters.
4. Evaluate the level, validity and quality of the evidence.
5. Record the search strategy and results. (You will probably do many searches, but the instructor would like to see a picture of your best search with terms used, limits placed, years searched). You can download this search or copy and paste into Word or take a screen shot. To take a screen shot, most Windows computers have the snip option. Click the Start button and type in the search box “snip tool.” An option will appear asking if you want full page, rectangles etc. Click on the full page option.
6. Remember to SAVE your search as you will be using references identified in the Week 4 assignment and for your capstone project.

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