Archive for September, 2018

Government And The Arts

Government And The Arts

Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:


Please respond in a primary posting of at least 200 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment of at least 100 words to at least one [1] of your classmates. Subsequent comments may be shorter.


  • Examine the U.S. Government’s support during the Great Depression for programs, such as the Federal Arts Project, the Federal Writers’ Project, and other such efforts. Determine whether or not such projects were good government investments during those hard times, and provide two (2) examples that support your viewpoint. Determine in what ways the U.S. government currently tries to support the arts.   
  • State whether you agree or disagree with the perception of Abstract Expressionism as exemplifying individualism and freedom. Explain the reasons for your views. Compare and contrast one (1) example of Abstract Expressionist visual art to John Cage’s musical compositions. After reviewing the pages and Websites below, explain how an abstract expressionist artist might respond to the assertion “my kid could paint that”. Explain your position on that assertion.  




Government and the Arts


  • Chapter 37 (pp. 1228-1232), Federal support for the arts   

Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report

Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report

As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of “cultural activity” that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.   Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and get instructor approval before you do it and report on it (students should look for any instructions in that respect). Every effort should be made to ensure that this is a hands-on experience (not a virtual one), that this activity fits the HUM 112 class well, and that the activity is of sufficient quality for this university course. The two (2) key types of activities are a museum visit or a performance. Note: This must not be a report on the same activity (and certainly not the same report) as done for another class, like HUM 111. For instance, one might go to the same museum as done for HUM 111, but this HUM 112 report will focus on entirely different works and displays. 


  1. Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater, dance, or musical performance before the end of Week 9. The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well. Have fun doing this. 
  2. Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience.
    • Clearly identify the event location, date attended, the attendees, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the event.
    • Provide specific information and a description of at least two (2) pieces.
    • Provide a summary of the event and describe your overall reaction after attending the event.
    • Use at least the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine, not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text. 

Discussion Topic

Discussion Topic

 In 400 words: (history of Dance 133) 


  1. Explain 1 aspect of vaudeville that you find fascinating.
  2. Explain which vaudeville dance style  you find the most fascinating.

World Cultures- Brief Discussion

World Cultures- Brief Discussion


Choose two (2) of the following late 20th century African-American artists, and compare and contrast their art: Bearden, Lawrence, Basquiat, or Colescott. Describe specific elements of the works from the chosen artists that represent the multiplicity of the African-American experience. Identify one (1) of these works (or some other by an African American artist) that you would like in your workplace, and explain why.




One of the key teachings in Buddhism is the notion of dukkha. What does this term mean? What is the cause of it? Provide an example of both an experience of dukkha as well as its cause. Pare must be minimum 300 words, APA style with at least 2 References. 

The Technology Boom

The Technology Boom

The role of the historian is to analyze and interpret the facts of history. But one important fact of history is that there are always multiple sides to a single story. Historical actors often have differing perspectives on the issues they face in their own time. Students will explore one of the following historical debates, put that debate into historical context, and analyze the ways in which that debate has evolved into the modern day. 

  • Step 1: Summarize the main points of each primary source related to your chosen topic. Include the basic factual information and describe the main issue being discussed along with the argument made by each source. 
  • Step 2: Using the questions listed in the chosen topic description, explain the context in which these documents were written. 
  • Step 3: Using the resources listed with your chosen topic, answer the questions listed in your topic description to identify how the issue in the documents relates to American life today. 


Topics: Choose ONE of the following topics and associated documents to complete the project. Students should reference course materials such as the LibGuide, Intellipath, Learning Materials, or the Live Chats in their answers.

The Present and the Future of Religion

The Present and the Future of Religion

“The Present and the Future of Religion.”  Please respond to the following:


  • Among the religions we discussed this week, identify one religion that you find the most interesting. Explain your response.
  • Explain at least three ways that social trends affect the formation of new religions and dictate new religious movements.

Twentieth Century African-American Artists; Postmodern Architecture

Twentieth Century African-American Artists; Postmodern Architecture


Please respond to one


(1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:


Please respond in a primary posting of at least 200 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment of at least 100 words to at least one [1] of your classmates. Subsequent comments may be shorter.

  • Choose two (2) of the following late 20th century African-American artists, and compare and contrast their art: Bearden, Lawrence, Basquiat, or Colescott. Describe specific elements of the works from the chosen artists that represent the multiplicity of the African-American experience. Identify one (1) of these works (or some other by an African American artist) that you would like in your workplace, and explain why.
  • Choose one (1) example of architecture that you believe best exemplifies the characteristic post-modern style. Provide a rationale for your selection, and describe two (2) of the features of post-modern style that you find intriguing.

Which would you argue in favor of, Confucianism as an ethics or a religion?

Which would you argue in favor of, Confucianism as an ethics or a religion? In other words, is Confucianism a “religion” according to our working definition? Does it have the four “C”s: Creed, Code, Cult and Community? Why or why not?


Must be 400 words and 2 cites, APA format

Chinese Exclusion Era

Chinese Exclusion Era

HTY 110HA Assignment 4 The assignment for this module contains two parts. Respond to both parts of this assignment on one Word document.

1. Watch “Discovering Angel Island: The Story Behind the Poems” (about 12 minutes) and read both

parts of “An Alleged Wife: One Immigrant in the Chinese Exclusion Era, by Robert Barde. This is about a family torn apart by the Chinese Exclusion Act (links below). An Alleged Wife: One Immigrant in the Chinese Exclusion Era, Part 1 An Alleged Wife: One Immigrant in the Chinese Exclusion Era, Part 2 Then respond to the following prompt: Provide specific examples from the film and the reading of how Chinese immigrants and Chinese Americans were personally affected by the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Angel Island immigration experience.

2. Watch “Japanese Relocation”, a U.S. Office of War Information film (about 9 ½ minutes), and

then answer the following questions:

• Who is the intended audience for this film?

• What central message is the film trying to convey to its audience?

• Do you think this film served as an effective propaganda tool for the U.S. Government to gain the support of Americans for the process of Japanese Internment? Why or why not?

• What do you think Japanese Americans from that time period would have thought of this film?

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