Archive for September, 2018

Challenging Behaviors: Proactive Approaches

Challenging Behaviors: Proactive Approaches

Misconceptions are prevalent with regard to student misbehavior. It is important for teachers to understand the various causes of misbehavior and ways to target and improve behavior through a variety of strategies and systems of supports. 


In an essay of 500-750 words address the following:


  1. Designing a safe, culturally responsive learning environment that engages all students in meaningful learning and social interactions.
  2. The link between challenging behavior and academics in consideration of student abilities, interests, and learning environments.
  3. The effect of cultural and linguistic diversity on providing proactive approaches.
  4. Utilizing universal screening, schoolwide positive behavior supports, proactive management, and a multi-tiered approach to intervention.
  5. Links for this assignment

Working Ahead—Course

Working Ahead—Course


Policies receive more attention and sometimes a greater portion of the budget if the governor makes the policy a priority. For this week’s assignment, examine the role of the executive branch in the administration of your policy.



To complete this assignment, address the following:



Determine whether your chosen policy provides an issue of importance for the governor of your state. If so, identify the governor’s policy preferences. If not, can an appeal be made to the governor to make your policy a priority based on the governor’s values?



Policies are adopted, either through legislative or executive order. However, laws are merely symbolic until they are implemented by an executive agency. Which administrative agency deals with your chosen policy?



How effectively is the policy being implemented? Are appropriate public resources being applied to the implementation? What could be done to improve the implementation of the policy?



Submission Details:





Cite all sources using the correct APA format.



Submit your response in a 2- to 4-page Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Report On Your Interview

Report On Your Interview

This is a two part assignment, only 1 page is needed for this. who ever choose to do this assignment will have to complete the second part which is 3-4 page without reference page. 




In this unit, you interviewed two education professionals on inclusivity and diversity in educational settings. Report on what you learned from these interviews:




How did the interviewees describe the current state of diversity and inclusivity in their professional settings? 




What strategies do they use to create inclusive learning environments?


What strategies do they use to show they value and respect diversity in their settings?


What inclusivity and diversity issues of interest to you were discussed during the interviews?


How would you describe your experience conducting the interviews? Were there things that surprised you? Did you have any “aha” moments?




Your professional role, or the one that you are preparing for in your Capella program, may not involve classroom teaching. If that is the case, consider how general concepts of inclusion and diversity apply to those students or clients with whom you work. It will be helpful to review the Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment section of the Definitions [linked in Resources] for a broader perspective. It will also be helpful to review the KWL chart you completed in Unit 1, in which you reflected on how curriculum, instruction, assessment, and multiculturalism are involved in your own professional role.

Discussion Question

Discussion Question

  • Based on the essay, list and explain 3 differences between American and Latin American customs.
  • What difference between these customs is most interesting to you?  Why?

Unit 1: Evaluation Argument—Review a movie, TV series, book, etc.

Unit 1: Evaluation Argument—Review a movie, TV series, book, etc. 


The evaluation argument that you write will 1) summarize briefly the topic selection that you are discussing, 2) analyze the primary themes and metaphors that it employs, and 3) make a reasoned personal evaluation (claim) that you support with grounds (evidence from the topic selection) and a warrant (evidence of the evaluative component). The critical component of this assignment will be your claim (which will appear in your title) and how you use evidence to support the grounds and warrant of that claim. 


Topic: The topic of your evaluation paper can be a movie (full length), a TV series (a full season, not a single episode), food, restaurant, video game, product, or a book and can be domestic or international. 


Claim: The claim of your paper must make an evaluative assessment of your topic selection. Evaluation parameters are subjective and are usually based on an adjectival premise (good, better, best, bad, worse, worst, silly, stupid, amazing, etc.), but heed the caveats under Warrant below. An important component of your claim is exigency— why would anyone care? Practically speaking, in order to have your review seriously considered for publication, you will want to deal with a current topic, or a classic or cult classic in a new and innovative way. 


Rhetorical Situation: Once you have settled on a topic and claim, you need to consider the factors that will direct the form and flavor the tone of the paper that you write. A context for the assignment and its delivery are included here, but audience and genre will also apply here. The audience for this evaluation argument will be readers of an online newspaper, Rotten Tomatoes, or IMDb. You need to designate the website that you are writing the review for and consider that audience when writing your review. The genre is a critical review, which means that you need to make a clear claim about the topic you have chosen and support your position well. The fourth component is a qualifier, which covers any constraints that should be placed on your claim, but this component is not applicable in every paper. 


Warrant: The warrant (evidence of the evaluative component) for your claim will provide evidence to support your position on what constitutes your evaluative claim. If you say something is the ‘best movie’ or ‘greatest TV show’ you must clearly define what being the ‘best’ or the ‘greatest’ involves in either of those cases. This determination is subjective, and your definition of ‘best’ or ‘greatest’ could probably be stated clearly; however, if you evaluate against ‘silly’ or ‘amazing’ or other such vague terms, the determination will most likely be problematic. Stick to a claim with an evaluative element that can be stated clearly and decisively in your paper. 


Grounds: The grounds (evidence from the topic selection) that you will use to support your claim will be only your observations, thoughts, and considerations on excerpts from the topic selection. I do not care what Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, or even The Guardian think about the topic. This is your turn to be the critic and write a paper that could be posted on one of those online sites. Your grounds must specifically address the warrant that you define. 


Rebuttal: A rebuttal that argues an opposing position should be supplied, as there are always differing opinions on 


every topic and claim. This counter position should be considered in earnest, and then replied to in a 


Counterargument that (largely) negates its counter claim. 

Week 3 Critical Appraisal Of Practice Guidelines

While there are several tools to critically appraise practice guidelines, the most comprehensively validated appraisal tool is the AGREE II Instrument. The AGREE II Instrument can be used by individual practitioners to critically appraise health guidelines and by decision makers to inform policy decisions. The purpose of the AGREE II Instrument is to provide a framework to:


  1. Assess      the quality of guidelines.
  2. Provide      a methodological strategy for the development of guidelines.
  3. Inform      what information and how the information ought to be reported in      guidelines.


Overall assessment includes rating the overall quality of the guideline and whether the guideline would be recommended for use in practice.


Items are rated on a 7-point scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree). A score of 1 is given when there is no information on that item or if it is poorly reported. A score of 7 is given if the quality of reporting is excellent and when full criteria have been met (Score explanations found in the AGREE II-GRS Instrument).


A quality score is calculated for each of the six domains, which are independently scored. Domain scores are calculated by summing up all the scores of the items in the domain and by scaling the total as a percentage of the maximum possible score for that specific domain.


For this assignment, you will choose a guideline and assess the overall quality and whether the guideline would be recommended for use in practice.


General Requirements:


Use the following information to ensure successful completion of this assignment:

  • Doctoral      learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The      APA Style Guide is located in the      Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
  • This      assignment uses a rubric. Please Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the      expectations for successful completion.
  • You      are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Develop a minimum 900-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft® Word.


This document should address Item a and d of the Situational Analysis and three other elements of the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (modified below) sections of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies lists below).


You should select and describe each one of the selected five elements for the domestic market and then describe the same selected elements for the foreign market – if the elements are the same, you should explain why they are the same.


The selected company is APPLE INC ; the product/service were iPad, watches, iPhone, televisions, and computers


The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below.

  • Situational Analysis (choose a and d)

               a. Vision, Mission, Strategic objectives, Values (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
               b.  Strengths/Weaknesses
               c. Competitor’s Strengths/Weaknesses
               d,. Market Segments (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

  • Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (choose any three topics posted below) –
    1. Creating a Brand Image (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    2. Maintaining Brand Image (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    3. Branding Concerns (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    4. Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    5. Advertising Strategy/Objectives (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    6. Push and Pull (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    7. Media Strategy (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    8. Advertising Execution (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
    9. Public Relations/Strategies (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)




a – Name an advertising campaign you believe was successful. What made this campaign successful? What was the target market?  What was the conscious message?  What was the subconscious message?  Based on your knowledge of Consumer Motivators, why do you think it worked?

b- Name an unsuccessful advertising campaign. What made this campaign unsuccessful? What was the target market?  What was the conscious message?  What was the subconscious message?  Based on your knowledge of Consumer Motivators, why do you think it did NOT work?

Marketing Communication

Marketing Communication

  • What are the various methods used to make marketing communications more effective?
  • What has Facebook done well and why haven’t others copied all aspects of their marketing plan?
  • What are the characteristics of a successful brand strategy?

School-wide Intervention Program

Early childhood educational models

Details: Educational leaders need to be knowledgeable about different early childhood educational models and understand the benefits and challenges of each approach to learning. For this assignment, imagine that you are the director of an early childhood education center, and you have decided to open a new location. Select a geographical area or district you would like to serve, and research the demographics of the surrounding community. Create a 10-15 slide digital presentation for prospective teachers who may consider working at your new center. Specifically, discuss the following different school models: • Project Approach • Head Start • High Scope • Montessori • Reggio Emilia • Waldorf In your discussion, explain the theoretical foundation of each model, and how each model supports the development of the whole child. Of the models listed, choose one model you would use within your early childhood education center. In your presentation, explain why you selected the model, how the model aligns with child-centered beliefs, and why it is a good choice for the demographics of the community you selected. Include a title slide, references slide, and speaker’s notes in your digital presentation. Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly references. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


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