Archive for October 18th, 2018



Watch the video titled “Fruit Guys ─ Strategy,”* also located in the Learn section of Week 3 of your Blackboard course. Identify two or three (2-3) businesses that could use the five (5) questions the Fruit Guys used to determine effectiveness. Provide a rationale for your answer. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate’s posts.

Considering the Impact of Competition on HRM Within a Real Business (10 Points)

Pick an organization that you are familiar with and do a competitive environmental scan for it. Then answer and discuss the following questions:

How does the competitive environment for the company affect the organization’s HR function?

Which strategy would be best suited to address the effects discussed?

Provide a rationale for your answers. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate’s posts.

*Note: Flash Player must be enabled in your browser to view this video.

Ethical Decision Making and Moral Climate in Justice and Security

 Ethical Decision Making and Moral Climate in Justice and Security

How to manage use-of-force ethical issues: This research must address what criminal justice and private security managers and executives are doing to address use-of-force issues from an ethical point of view. The research must describe modern methods of controlling police brutality, the Use of Force Matrix, training, and legal issues concerning use of force by law enforcement.

1-A problem or issue statement

2-Research questions

The above mentioned are the two topics to cover for this research paper.

Do a case study on any one of the companies listed below

Do a case study on any one of the companies listed below

Assignment 3 

1.)    Do a case study on any one of the companies listed below.  Explain their IT/IS/MIS strategy while touching on the topics listed in a – b below.  Describe what the company is doing and how it has changed, if at all, in the past 3 years with a special emphasis on a and b:

a.       Describe the company’s use of BI, how they use it, tools that they use, database technologies that they use, and the result of the company using the BI.

b.      Describe how AI, artificial intelligence, is used with big data, and how the company uses AI.




Look Back Time For Case Studies – Last 3 Years




















Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes

Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes

The purpose behind this assignment is to examine two juxtaposing ethical behaviors that occur in the criminal justice system. For example, investigating officers are not only allowed but are even encouraged to lie and use deception during the investigation and interrogation process as a means to obtain to the truth and ultimately seek justice. This is an ends-justify-the-means, borderline ethical practice that shows students the pragmatic difference between deontological and ontological ethics.
discuss deception in the investigative, interrogative, and testimonial processes. Answer the following questions:

Is it ethical to lie to obtain to the truth? Do the ends justify the means?
Is there a conflict between the code of ethics and how law enforcement is really conducted?
What role do physical behavior and nonverbal communication play in detecting deception?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

STEP 5: Develop the Vulnerability Assessment Matrix
With the Attack Vector and Attribution Analysis complete, in this step your nation team will assess the impact of identified threats and prioritize the allocation of resources to mitigate or prevent risks. As a group, you will collaborate to develop and submit one Vulnerability Assessment Matrix for your nation. This spreadsheet includes the following:
characterization of current and emerging vulnerabilities and threats (cybersecurity vulnerability)
identification of the attack vector(s) employed against each
your assessment (high, medium, or low) of the impact the vulnerability could have on your organization
Submit your team’s matrix for feedback. It should be submitted by the team’s designated member. This matrix will be included in the final project deliverable, the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment.

Attack Vector and Attribution Analysis

Attack Vector and Attribution Analysis

You’ve discussed attack vector and attribution with your nation state team members. In this step, your group will prepare an Attack Vector and Attribution Analysis of your group’s findings in the previous steps. The analysis should first identify all possible attack vectors via hardware, software, operating systems, telecommunications, and human factors. Next, you should discuss whether attribution is known for the threat actor (hackers and actors) likely involved in exploiting each weakness. Integrate supporting research via in-text citations and a reference list. This analysis will play a key role in the development of a Vulnerability Assessment Matrix and Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in the next few steps.

Midterm paper: Based on Gladwell’s “Outliers”

Midterm paper: Based on Gladwell’s “Outliers”

Word Count: At least 750, but it’s more about the quality of your comprehension, writing, and application of the ideas in the chapter and book.

Grammar and punctuation: Yes.

1.) Start with Chapter 2 from Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers.”

2.) Then pick any other chapter to read and to use as a basis for reflection.

3.) What does the 10,000-hr rule have to do with music, musicians, composers, performers, etc? How does Gladwell explore and expand on this topic? What does this have to do with Silicon Valley?

4.) How do you relate to all of these ideas explored thus far in the course, in music performance, in the 10,000-hr rule, etc.? How can you take any of these ideas and apply it to your life and your career?

5.) Treat this like a small research paper. Quote meaningful lines from the book. You can augment your paper with other sources as well, such as other books, research papers, a video, a coach, etc. What can music teach you about yourself that will make you a better you?



Choose a a case identified with circumstance or event that describes an ethical issue, within an Asia-Pacific business context from a media source (newspaper article, blog, advertisement). Analyse your chosen case by applying either virtue ethics OR utilitarian ethical theories, arguing both the claims and the criticisms of your chosen theory in relation to your chosen case. No introduction and Conclusion need, please only write on the topic given in the Finding section. Please apply 4-5 chat or graph to support some of the analysis. For the format, please see additional materials.


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