Archive for October 7th, 2019

Criminal Justice

Situation 1


You are a D.A. and are prosecuting a burglary case.  The defendant is  willing to plead guilty in return for a sentence of probation, and you  feel that this is a fair punishment because your evidence may not  support a conviction.  However, the victims are upset and want to see  the offender receive prison time.  They insist that you try the case.  What should you do?


  1. Ethical Judgment: (how will you handle) 
  2. Moral Rules: (list what 4 moral rules you will follow) 
  3. Ethical system: (under which ethical system(s) 


Explain your decision applying the ethical systems that apply. 


Note: Copy and paste assignment into a document for submitting. 


***All assignments must be summarized in your own  words, all topic’s and key concepts must be used and identify main  ideas/events by elaborating on text book content and other textbook  resources.


***All writings must clearly make a solid, defensible judgment about the reasoning and/or main ideas related to the text.


***Please do not complete any assignment without utilizing your textbook.


***APA Format is required.

Marketing Analytics

Marketing analytics or analytics in general is becoming more and more important to business with each passing year. As technology is increasingly entering into the marketing discipline so is the ability to gather and analyze data. This trend will continue into the foreseeable future.

SAS ( says of marketing analytics:

Marketing analytics comprises the processes and technologies that enable marketers to evaluate the success of their marketing initiatives. This is accomplished by measuring performance (e.g., blogging versus social media versus channel communications). Marketing analytics uses important business metrics, such as ROI, marketing attribution and overall marketing effectiveness. In other words, it tells you how your marketing programs are really performing.

Being able to discern effective marketing strategies and tactics is of paramount importance to business. If a marketing program is effective, the organization wants/needs to know it in order to continue engaging in profitable strategies or even revising the marketing program to become more effective. If a marketing program is ineffective, the organization needs to know this in order to possibly discontinue the program or make revisions to the program. Marketing analytics should be applied to most, if not all, areas of a business venture.

For this paper (all references and in-text citations must be in APA format):

1.     Section 1 (1 page .. 400 words [minimum] or more): define marketing analytics. I would expect that you would use multiple sources but one reference and in-text citation is required.

2.    Section (5 pages .. 2000 words [minimum] or more): find and summarize 5 articles dealing with marketing analytics. Try to find articles dealing with the origins of marketing analytics, where it has been in the past, where it is now, and where it is heading in the future. For those who enjoy the more technological aspects of the analytical process feel free to discuss the tools used in the marketing analytics process. Obviously, you will have at least one citation for each article.

3.    Section 3 (1 page .. 400 words [minimum] or more): the final section of your paper should discuss how your own organization uses marketing analytics and/or how your organization employs or could employ marketing analytics.

4.    Section 4 (length up to you): did you find this exercise “enlightening”; was it worthwhile to you .. why or why not? Is it something worthy of doing in a graduate level class? Other comments or suggestions.

The paper should use good grammar and complete sentences except where appropriate.


Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.



Provide a 2-3 pages paper on how you will prove the business case for an IG program in an organization, how would you design and implement an IG program in an Organization? How would measure the performance of your IG Program?




Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 


Look over the list of behaviors below and choose three  of the behaviors. Explain how you would go about (what steps you would  use) shaping each of the behaviors you chose (3 points) Each example  should include the concept of beginning the training by reinforcing any  approximation of the behavior then gradually only rewarding the actual  behavior. (3 points).


Your initial post should be at least 100 words in length 


  1. Riding a bicycle
  2. Jumping rope
  3. Brushing your teeth
  4. Making cookies
  5. Potty training
  6. Getting someone to complete their homework

Research and select any SaaS product and create a unique Facebook page to promote it.

You are a social media marketing specialist for a small software development firm.  You have been tasked with creating a Facebook page and campaign to promote your firms new software as a service (SaaS) product.  The problem is you don’t currently have any customers for this product.  Create 3-5 strategies to help get potential customers to like your product page.  Design and run experiments to test and determine which is the best strategy for getting customers to see your product.




  1. Research and select any SaaS product and create a unique Facebook page to promote it.
  2. Implement the 3-5 strategies that you have come up with for getting potential customers to engage with your new product page.
  3. Using the PDCA Cycle, conduct experiments to see which strategy is most successful.
  4. Use the A3 template or a Strategic Change Canvas to document your strategies, experiments, and results.

Wk 4 – Technical Resources

Refer to the Week 1 Required Learning Activity: Course Scenario and Individual Assignment Instructions: Introduction.


Refer to the Week 4 Required Learning Activities:


  • Pluralsight®: An Overview of Risk
  • The Cloud Adoption Playbook, Ch. 10
  • Implementation and Benefits of Cloud Services in Higher Education
  • Pluralsight®: Cyber Security Awareness: Security for Cloud Services.


An Enterprise Security and Architect Technical Resource are part of the project core team. You have met with the technical resources to obtain the security and architect requirements necessary to update the business case and diagram to assist the CTO with the proposed solution.


Build on and update your diagram created in Week 3, by adding the role of business continuity, a disaster recovery plan, and the relationship to the cloud.


Update your Week 2 business case to the President and Board of Directors with the following information:


  • An explanation of the role of risk, compliance, and security
  • A best practice type of data protection
  • An explanation of the key cloud-based security standards using appropriate terminology to provide clarity during the review process
  • The updated diagram


Incorporate the instructor’s feedback from Weeks 2 and 3. This section of the business case should be between 2 and 3 pages.


Provide research and references to support your recommendations. References should be formatted according to APA guidelines.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project 2

Students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.


Submit a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. Use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment.


The attached template must be used for completing this week assignment. The template was written to guide you through the assignment so that you discuss all required criteria. The template is written from the assignment guidelines and it is imperative that you use them as I grade from them.

Video Making

I have done everything for the video the solution and all the slides and I made the script, I just need someone can do the video for me even without audio 


Requirements of the video


  1. The video must be short – no more than 5 – 6 minutes
  2. The video must be designed in a way that your ideas/solutions are ‘pitched’ to potential ‘clients’.
  3. Groups may choose to film their videos as a documentary, role-play, news report or any other creative manner that meets the above requirements and clearly communicates the message across

Basic Principles

 For most classes (see syllabus) you will need to take two of the Key Terms (located at the beginning of the chapter) introduced the previous week and identify an instance in your life where these principles came into play. This should be approximately 1 page (times new roman; 12 pt font; single spaced) and you must describe precisely why the principle or procedure you chose is appropriate to the scenario. You should 1) describe the scenario, 2) identify the key term (underline or bold the principle), and describe how the principle is applicable. This assignment will be graded based on the applicability of the principle to the situation, and your description of the principle’s applicability. The lowest grade will be dropped, but you must complete all assignments. 

Measurement Application Assignment

Measurement Application Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the information from Chapters 3 and 4 to a behavior of your choosing. In this regard, you will need to select a behavior, operationally define the behavior, and choose an appropriate measurement system. You do not need to actually measure the behavior.

Assignment – Due by 8:30 pm on data indicated on syllabus – upload to eCourseware dropbox

Begin your paper by briefly describing the behavior of interest. Who is the person (pseudonyms are appropriate)? What is the behavior they engage in that needs to be changed? What are the circumstances under which the behavior tends to occur?

Following this introduction, you will need to

  1. Identifying appropriate target behavior
    • Describe how the target behavior you selected for change adheres to the guidelines outlined in Chapter 3 (specifically, look at pages 56-61)
  2. Operational definition
    • Develop an operational definition of the target behavior. Explain how your operational definition meets the criteria for a good definition. Identify whether your definition is a function-based or topography-based definition, and defend your choice.
  3. Measurement selection
    • Describe how you will measure the behavior. What will be the length of your observation and why? What is the important measurable dimension of the target behavior (e.g., rate, latency, irt)? Explain why this measurable dimension is important relative to other possible dimensions.
  4. Measurement procedure
    • Describe the specific observation and recording procedure you will use for the target behavior. For example, will you use event recording or interval recording. If interval, what type of procedure will you use (Whole? Partial? Momentary time sampling?)? Explain how you would use this procedure, and defend your choice of procedure. Will the procedure you select involve continuous or discontinuous measurement?
  5. Data sheet
    • Develop and attach a data sheet that you might use for observation and recording. This data sheet should reflect the recording procedure you describe and should be designed for efficient recording. You may search online for examples, but the data sheet should be your own creation.

Grading Template

3 = information is clear, complete, and appropriate

2 = most, but not all, information is clearly and appropriately addressed in a way that is specific to the application

1 = addressed somewhat, but information is incompletely, unclearly, and/or only generally described to a large extent

0 = not addressed

Provides an overview of the person of interest, the target behavior, and the circumstances under which behavior tends to occur.

Score: 0 1 2 3



Score: 0 1 2 3



Score: 0 1 2 3



Score: 0 1 2 3



Score: 0 1 2 3


Section 5 – DATA SHEET

Score: 0 1 2 3


Overall presentation:

2-Information is well organized, grammatically correct, and free of typos

1-Organization is somewhat difficult to follow, paper contains extraneous information (not relevant), and/or paper contains some errors

0-Confusing organization and/or numerous typographical, grammatical, or conceptual errors

Final Score _____/20

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