Archive for October 8th, 2019

How does ensuring ethical practices in uses of force help community relationships?

You must respond to 3 students post and each post shall be at least one paragraph long (five sentences) supported by literature where appropriate.  You are responding to the students paper I will send to you separately. The papers are consisted of these five questions:






(1) How does ensuring ethical practices in uses of force help community relationships?  


(2) Discussing the topics of CompStat and Zero Tolerance enforcement in all enforcement , what are the challenges faced when pressured to reduce crime or produce certain outcomes in law enforcement in a short time period? 


(3)  What are the specific advantages of police community partnerships to reduce crime? 


(4) What are the possible accountability and ethical challenges with strong community partnerships?  


(5) What were the key learning/observations for you while writing the final paper?

DNP- Translational Research And Evidence-Based Practice

Scholarly Activities


Throughout the DNP program, learners are required to provide a report documenting participation in a minimum of four scholarly activities outside of clinical or professional practice. These reports will be due in specific courses throughout the program, as described below, and must be documented in your Practice Portfolio by the end of each course in which an activity report is due.


Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, grand rounds, participating in policy and quality improvement committees, writing scholarly publications, participating in community planning, serving as a guest lecturer, etc. Involvement in and contribution to interdisciplinary initiatives are also acceptable scholarly activities.


Documentation of these activities is required 


A summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and take home points, will be submitted as the assignment. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity and future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” template to help guide this assignment.


Scholarly Activity Summary Template


This document describes the scholarly activity in three or four paragraphs. 


Instructions: Read each section and fill it out using the instructions. Once you have completed the section, erase the instructions that appear in italics. 




This section consists of a single paragraph that succinctly describes the scholarly activity that you attended/participated in, the target market for the activity, and the benefit of the activity to you. 




This section consists of either a short story or a handful of bullet points that concisely identifies the problems the scholarly activity is designed to solve. Educate us – what is the current state of the activity topic? Tell us – why is this a problem, and for whom is it a problem? Inspire us – what could a SNP prepared nurse achieve by participating in the scholarly activity? Use declarative sentences with simple words to communicate each point. Less is more. 




This section consists of either a short paragraph or a handful of bullet points that concisely describe the state solution to a proposed practice problem that the scholarly activity addressed and how it addresses the problem outlined in the previous section. 




This section consists of a short paragraphs that define the opportunity that the scholarly activity is designed to capture. It’s important to cover the GCU Domains and Competencies that were met. How will attending/participating in this scholarly activity help you grow as a DNP prepared nurse? 


Program Competencies Addressed


This section consists of a list of program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity. Please use the list from the ISP.

Financial Management



  1. What is finance? Briefly discuss how the study of finance is essential to business today. There are other areas of business, such as marketing, human resources, and management. How does finance impact them? In other words, can a business efficiently run without everyone having some knowledge of the field? Explain.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.




  • Discuss the 2007-2008 financial crisis and what impact it had on the financial markets. Who was impacted? What caused the crisis, and how can a future crisis be prevented? Explain.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.




  • Assume you are starting a new business such as a restaurant, barber shop, or spa, for example, and discuss the types of information you would access and research to get the business started. For instance, would you look at the local Small Business Administration’s website for guidance on how to fund and setup a new firm? What financial tools would be useful, and how would they assist you in the startup process? Explain.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.




  • Your boss has asked you to put together an informal outline/presentation on the risk-return tradeoff. In your own words, discuss the tradeoff. Does a risky investment always equal a big payoff and vice versa? What does it mean to be a risk-averse versus a risk-taker? What types of information must be considered when it comes to risk and return? Explain.

    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

English Essay

Use the book Signs of Life.  Please use two alternative resources and cite it properly in MLA format.




Length: 1,500-2,000 words
Format: Typed, double-spaced, 1” margins




In their book Signs of Life, Maasik and Solomon state that “the popular culture of todayconstitutes the essential texture of our everyday lives” (7). This is a weighty statement to make: itposits that we are so steeped in popular culture that it is inescapable—it is in fact woven into the very fabric of who we are, what we do, what we consume, and more. As this underpins the rest of the book, it is imperative that we interrogate this idea further.




The goal of this essay is to analyze the argument, centered on this statement, that the authors put forth in the introductory chapter of the textbook. Your thesis should stake a claim on their statement—do you agree, disagree, or find some shades of grey are necessary?




First, define pop culture and support it with sources. Are you defining it in keeping with Maasik and Solomon, or are you putting forth something different? Why?


Second, now that you have defined your core term (and you’ll define any others you use as youproceed in writing), proceed to defend your claim. Feel free to use, converse with, and argue back against Maasik and Solomon’s statements in this chapter as you go through this process.Anticipate that you will need to include outside sources.




***A counter-argument (highly encouraged) will help to strengthen your argument.***




Finally, apply your argument: bring an artifact of pop culture into discussion with your position.Use specific examples from the artifact, and, if it isn’t a commonly-known piece, consider including some brief context or description.




This paper must have thorough in-text citations and must include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.

Is the site easy to navigate?

Medical Web Site Critique: The student is required to select a web site within a health care related topic (area of interest to the student) and write a critique of the site.   Submit 2-3 pages, APA format. The student must address the following topics:  What is the purpose of the site?  The site’s purpose is related to who runs and pays for it. The About This Site page should include a clear statement of purpose.


Ease of Navigation 


•Is the site easy to navigate? •It is easy to find what you want? •Does the site take a long time to download? •Are images used to illustrate points, or merely as decoration?




•Is the information based on sound medical research? 


Can the information on the web page be verified by another source? 


•Are there grammatical and spelling errors? 


•Are there footnotes, bibliographies, or references so that you can verify the information? Are these reliable? 


•Has the information on the site been through any editing or peer reviewing process?  


•Are there references, or links to research? 


Is there a bibliography? Are the sources cited reliable? 


•Are there spelling or grammatical errors?  


•Is the information factual or opinion?




 •Who published the page, who is responsible for writing the material? 


What are the person’s credentials? 


What do you know about them? Are they qualified in the subject area? 


•Is the person backed by a known organization? 


•Can you easily find contact information on the web page? 


Check the about us link, usually found at the beginning or the end of a webpage. What does the About Us section tell you about the purpose of the organization? 


Can you find a physical location for the organization? Or is the only way to contact the organization through a web form? 


•What is the domain name? 


•Does the site give contact details and links to more information about who has provided the site?




•Is the information showing just one point of view? 


•What kind of institution sponsored the webpage? 


A pharmaceutical company? A non-profit organization?


Target Audience 




•Who is the intended audience (Patients, Providers, Students, Others)? 


 •Is this an appropriate site to use in academic work or medical work?


Currency/Timeliness of Updates 


•When was the information written? Is there a date when the site was last updated?  How frequently is the site updated? If there are references to research, how recent are they?


 •Do the links work?


How does the site manage interactions with users?  


•Is there a way to contact the owner if you run a problem or have questions or feedback?

Business Law

Case Analysis


In light of your understanding of the civil and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process, consider the following scenario:


Pete was seriously injured when the four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) he was driving through the trails behind his house rolled over. As a result of his injuries, Pete is unable to work and has incurred $75,000 in medical bills. Pete has filed a lawsuit against the ATV manufacturer to receive compensation for the financial harm resulting from his injuries. Pete claims that the manufacturer defectively designed the ATV, causing it to have a tendency to roll over on rough terrain.


The ATV manufacturer claims that the ATV is not defectively designed and that the rollover was caused by Pete driving at an excessive rate of speed around a corner.


Consider the steps in civil litigation and ADR, and assess the factors that Pete and the ATV manufacturer will consider when deciding whether they should settle this lawsuit. If you were Pete’s lawyer, what resolution would you advise? Be sure to consider the primary forms of ADR and all ADR factors described in the lesson and textbook.


Finally, research and select at least one case from an outside source to support your resolution to the ATV case. Your answer should be a minimum of 500 words. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from these sources. Use APA format to properly reference your information.




**Paper will be graded based on Introduction, Quality of Discussion, Organization, Writing Mechanics, and Citation and Formatting**



How has the development of the internet affected the way companies forecast in support of their supply chain planning process?

Respond to the following in a 250 words:


  • How has the development of the internet affected the way companies forecast in support of their supply chain planning process?
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful forecast.

Write A Paper That Discusses The Need And Necessity Of Research And Technological Tools.

Project: Final Project Milestone 1


  This is the first step in an ongoing course project. This project will provide an opportunity to choose an art form and deepen your understanding of it, when you select a work of art within that art form to study and research throughout the course. You will fulfill various weekly parameters that detail the specific requirements for each worksheet as you participate in the weekly Final Project Milestones exercise.





Final Project Milestone 1: Identify an artistic venue for an art form that you can attend by the end of Week 4 of this course. Examples include, but are not limited to, an art or photograph exhibition, concert, dance recital, film, or theater production.





Note: In Week 2, you will choose a specific work of art, identify the venue where you will observe that art form, and identify the chapter in the course text that corresponds with that art form. (The Week 1 and Week 2 Final Project Milestones constitute the basis of your Final Project.)





To prepare:





Please review the preformatted “Final Project Milestone 1” worksheet.


  Final Project Milestone 1 (Word document)


  Please review the “Introduction to the Humanities Through the Arts Final Project” document in this week’s Learning Resources.


  Use the links in the “Research Resources for the Humanities through the Arts Final Project” document, regarding the various humanities, as a starting point for the Final Project. Think about what art form (e.g., drama, music, literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, or other) you want to focus on for your project.





Note: In Week 2, for Final Project Milestone 2, you choose a work of art within that art form.


  By Day 7


  Complete your Final Project Milestone 1 on the worksheet provided and save it. Support your assertions by making at least two documented references to your course readings, following examples in the “Common Reference List Examples” link in this week’s Learning Resources.

Write a paper of 2-3 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review.

Write a paper of 2-3 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. Integrate the information into your project.  The assignment should include: 


1.The extent of evidence-based data for proposed interventions. 2.Comprehensive description of factors that might influence the use of proposed interventions. 


3.Identify the barriers related to the proposed interventions. 4.Detailed list of resources that will be needed. 5.Detailed steps, or sequence of events, or specific implementation activities that will be required to implement the intervention. 6.Monitoring, tracking and ongoing review. 7.Performance of tasks required for implementation. Staff responsible in the implementation of the interventions and their qualifications. 8.Strategies that facilitate the implementation of the proposed intervention. 9.Timeline. 10.Expected outcomes to be achieved by your project. 




•Length: 2-3 pages •Format: APA 6th ed. 


•Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

Lab Assignment

Make sure to do all steps.






Unit 4


Work through the following genetics problems and submit their answers as part of the introduction to your lab report.  Please show your work!  You will not receive full credit for problems that only have an answer! The problems belong in your introduction portion of the lab report.




1. Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for bent little fingers. Bent little fingers are dominant over straight little fingers. What is the chance that their child will have bent little fingers?


2. Both a brother and a sister do not have freckles, but their parents have freckles. Freckles (F) are dominant over no freckles (f). What are the genotypes of the parents?


3. A father is far-sighted, the mother has normal vision, and all five of their children are far-sighted. Being far-sighted (F) is dominant over having normal vision (f). Give the probable genotypes of all persons concerned.


4. A woman is heterozygous for polydactyly (which is a dominant condition in which a person has more than the normal number of fingers and/or toes). The woman has a child with a man who is homozygous normal. What is the chance that their child will have more than ten fingers and/or toes?


5. Sarah can’t curl her tongue – which is a recessive trait. Both of her parents can curl their tongues – which is dominant. Give the genotypes of all persons involved (use T and/or t in the genotypes).


6. A man has type AB blood and his child has type B blood. What are all of the possible blood types of the child’s mother? (Hint: think about the genotypes of blood types.  You will need to work more than one Punnett Square.)


7. A child who does not have dimples or freckles is born to a man who has dimples and freckles (both dominant) and a woman who does not. What are the genotypes of all persons concerned?


 Try typing in “Baby Steps Through Punnett Squares” in your search engine or try this site: (Links to an external site.)




  • Be sure to show your work!  If you give me answers only, I will not give you full credit.  Use graphs/Punnett squares, explain your logic, etc. 
  • Try out several blood types on #6.  Using the actual genotypes is very helpful.
  • Be aware that on #7 we have 2 traits, so a complete genotype will have 4, not 2 letters for each person. It is called a Dihybrid Cross.




For this weeks lab, you will be using a tool called the virtual genetics lab. Here you will create crosses of experimental animals and try to predict what mode of inheritance your organisms have. This lab requires that you complete 3 crosses in the software, the first one is practice with the answer and two additional experimental crosses in which there is no answer, you must make crosses until you are sure that you have enough evidence to reject or support your hypothesis.


VirtualGeneticLabNewton2019.pdfPreview the document


Website needed to download the virtual genetics lab: (Links to an external site.)


Upload your lab report, including the information from all 3 crosses as your experiment.

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