Archive for October 18th, 2019

Is there one of these amendments that you think you’d like to see voters approve this fall?

In just a couple more weeks, early voting will begin in Texas! What are we voting on? Well, we will all have to decide on 10 proposed state constitutional amendments. Every state has its own state constitution, and in Texas, we have nearly 500 amendments already, so it’s not unusual for us to update it quite frequently. To help voters learn about these newly proposed amendments, the Texas Legislative Council always creates a guide to explain what each amendment would do and to provide information on why some people might favor it or oppose it. That’s what we’re going to take a look at for this week’s current events discussion! Here is the Council’s official guide for the 2019 state constitutional amendments election taking place in just a couple weeks: (Links to an external site.)


On the first few pages, you’ll see a Table of Contents with each amendment (they’re called, “propositions” in the guide). If you see one you’d like to know more about, you can go to that page listed in the Table of Contents to read more about it.


Is there one of these amendments that you think you’d like to see voters approve this fall? Explain.

Choose a religion you wish to experience something of; if it is not one of the seven major world religions, confirm it with me.


1) Choose a religion you wish to experience something of; if it is not one of the seven major world religions, confirm it with me.

2) Find a place of worship or service or event of that religion in the metroplex.

3) Go to it.

      a) It is often good to contact them ahead, via phone, email, or webcontact.

      b) when in Rome, do as the Romans do: take your shoes off, or cover or uncover your head, stand where they guide you to, etc.

      c) be nice, quiet, respectful. You do not have to lie that you agree or like something if you don’t, and they shouldn’t expect you to.

       d) ask questions if there is a format and opening for doing so; otherwise, observe.

       e) make up your mind ahead of time as to whether or not you will give them your contact information.

4) Write up your experience.

      a) what happened?

      b) what was the experience like for you? comfortable or not? challenging or not? how did you feel before / during / after? etc.

      c) did you encounter things that fit or did not fit our class-based description of the religion?

      d) final evaluation: how would you sum up?

5) One to three pages, typed, double-spaced, etc., with name, course name and section, semester, and instructor name in upper right-hand corner.

Dr. Curtis-Thames


Biology Environmental Science DQ

Identify any unusual environmental problems (for example: heavy metals due to mining, water pollution due to farming or industry) in your neighborhood and research possible health effects of potential environmental hazards in the area. Who is at risk, what is the environmental hazard, where does this hazard come from and what health problems caused by the pollutant? Before you get started, review the terminology.




Environmental Hazard: Something (chemical, physical or microbiological) with the potential to cause harm; however, it does not always put you at risk.


Risk: The combination of the probability or frequency, of occurrence of the identified hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence.


Risk assessment: Risk assessment is the process of estimating the potential impact of a chemical, physical, or microbiological hazard on a specified human population or ecological system under a specific set of conditions and for a certain time frame.




150 word min



Religion Paper Proposal

Scholars of religion,

Here is what you need to know about your paper proposal. I’ll answer two main questions.

I. What is the paper about and what is it for? and

2. How do I construct a paper proposal?

1. The paper is your critical thinking applied to an issue in light of two religions’ views of that issue.

  • The paper needs an issue to focus on. This should be something you personally and intellectually are actually interested in. Why write a paper about something you don’t care about? The range is very wide: it might be a belief (the nature of God), a practice (pilgrimage), an ethical concern (the attitude toward death and dying), politics (what is the relation between a government and a religion?), or spiritual experience (mysticism). You tell me, and if we need to change or fix it, I will let you know.
  • The paper needs religions to dialogue with. You need partners in the discussion. This is not you stating “just my opinion.” Other people have already thought seriously about almost anything you or I could come up with; well, in this case, with respect to your chosen issue, what do the two religions you picked say?
  • So the paper is *not* a book report, an encyclopaedia article, or “just my opinion.” It is you thinking carefully about an issue that matters to you in light of what two great traditions think about that same issue.

2. What I want in the paper proposal is this:

  • (–of course it is typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font or equivalent, one-inch margins, with your name, the course name and number, etc., at the top–)
  • what issue you want to investigate,
  • why that issue matters to you,
  • which religions you picked to dialogue with, why you picked each of those religions, and
  • a start on your bibliography: that is, some sources you have begun to look at.

A page or two will almost always take care of it. Due friday night, October 18, just before midnight, uploaded to ecampus.

Dr. Curtis-Thames


What are the influences of value systems in this culture on childbearing and bereavement practices?

Hispanics/Mexicans –

Conduct a literature search for varied types of credible, peer-reviewed scholarly publications which may include journal articles, book chapters, white papers; government publications or sources such as credible professional nursing and healthcare organizations. Prepare a powerpoint slide presentation which concisely addresses key points in items one through five below as they apply to your chosen cultural group. Include a title slide which names the chosen culture, and a reference slide with only selected key citations cited in the slide presentation.

Required Content for Powerpoint Presentation

  1. What are the appropriate interdisciplinary interventions for hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases and high-risk health behaviors within this culture?
  2. What are the influences of value systems in this culture on childbearing and bereavement practices?
  3. What are the sources of strength, spirituality, and magico- religious beliefs associated with health and health care within this culture?
  4. What are the healthcare practices for this culture such as  acute versus preventive care, barriers to healthcare, the meaning of pain and the sick role; and traditional folk medicine practices?
  5. What are cultural issues related to learning styles, autonomy, and preparation of educational content for this culture?


  • Format: APA 6th ed. citation format.
  • Research: A minimum of five scholarly reference citations is required.

Explain how responsibility centers are used for the budgeting process

  Respond to the post below by agreeing or disagreeing and state why. Be sure to add substantive detailed information in your posts when replying to your fellow classmates. Try to think about how you can enrich the class discussions and enhance the learning process by making other students critically think about the topic(s) being discussed when replying to your classmates’ posts Below is the questions is students are answering and use the source I’m providing only:




Epstein,L&Schneider,A.(2014). Accounting for Healthcare Professionals.Georgia Institute of Technology




Question 1: Explain how responsibility centers are used for the budgeting process




150 words 1.  A responsibility center is a department within an organization that has an individual manager with authority and control over spending, earning, or investing (Epstein, L. & Schneider, A., 2014, Section 12.2). These controls include costs, profit center (revenues), and investment funds. A Responsibility center may be split into three different units. First is the cost center, which represents the facility department and the smallest unit of a healthcare organization usually only accountable for costs, but does not influence revenue or investment. Second, the profit center, this unit is in charge of generating revenue through product and cost for service provided. In every division of a profit center managers are responsible for sales and expenses. If a company executive team makes all of the investment decisions, the divisions are considered to be profit centers. Last is the investment center; in this unit, the manager is responsible for making investment decisions as well as costs and revenues. That group is responsible not only for profits but also for the return on funds invested. According to the American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, “Managers of this department is responsible for all profit and can increase or limit the organizational activities” (Mojgan, S. 2012). Aime




150 words 2.  Responsibility centers can be defined as “an organizational unit that has a specific manager with authority and control over spending, earning, or investing” (Epstein, L. & Schneider, A., 2014, Section 12.2). This means that each center has a manager in charge and its own set of policies, budgets and goals. Each center is responsible for its own expenses/revenues with the manager taking full responsibility of its results. In healthcare, each department can be classified as a responsibility center. You have the nursing department, housekeeping department and food service department, for example. They can be broken down into three categories. Cost centers include departments who solely incur costs such as the janitorial department. Profit centers are where profits are made/lost such as patient care areas or the production line. Investment centers oversee the development of new ideas, such as the research department in a hospital where new treatments are being created. Each manager utilizes responsibility accounting which can be defined as “the classification of financial and statistical data according to the organizational unit that produces the revenue and incurs the expense” (, n.d). 


Control reports are created regularly for each center for a certain time period. Roll up reporting combines the reports to each higher-level management for review. This allows them to see all responsibility center budgets on one page. Schone




Be sure to add substantive detailed information in your posts when replying to your fellow classmates. Try to think about how you can enrich the class discussions and enhance the learning process by making other students critically think about the topic(s) being discussed when replying to your classmates’ posts. Below is the questions is students are answering and use the source I’m providing only:




Epstein,L&Schneider,A.(2014). Accounting for Healthcare Professionals.Georgia Institute of Technology




Question 2: Compare strengths and weaknesses of capital investment evaluation methods.






150 words 1. Capital investment “is the acquisition of assets with an expected life greater than a year” (Epstein, Schneirder, 2014). The main methods of capital investment evaluation are discounted Cash Flows, Internal Rate of Return, and Net Present Value. When relating the strengths and weaknesses of these evaluation plans, many things must be acknowledged. Examples are inflation, discounts, facts, rates, cash flows, investment yields, and more since each evaluation practices various parts that are more or less important than others.




The initial internal rate of return is the discount rate that occurs in a net present value of zero for a string of projected capital movements. It is a cut off rate of return. It determines a break-even rate of return. One strength of this plan is that it produces an individual obstacle rate for investment resolution-making. It is a method supported by numerous accountants and financial services personnel. A flaw is that it is not simple to understand, not merely to calculate, and can generate misleading conclusions in respects to reinvestments.




Second, the Net present value is a technique used in capital budgeting to assessing expected results from very different projects. The total cost is compared with the anticipated savings and estimates the period in which the first investment will be returned. Here the total cost is compared with expected savings and estimates the period in which the first investment will be returned. The drawbacks signify all can’t accurately predict cash movements or decrease prices. Discounted cash flows depend on free cash flows, which kills guessing earnings. DCF, along with these evaluation methods, are highly susceptive to error and solely work adequately if there is correct data concerning projected cash flows. DCF systems are directed to three dangerous pitfalls, improper handling of inflation impacts, excessive risk adjustments, and failure to recognize how the administration can decrease project risk by diversification, and other acknowledgments to planned events. “According to the directives of the State Planning Commission on the determination of the economic efficiency of capital investment and new technology in the national economy of the CSSR, after May 10, 1961, each investment variant is supposed to be evaluated with respect to all the major connections of the process of reproduction, so that the budgetary calculations include all the substantial reductions in costs that the given solution creates for the national economy as a whole” (Jarkovsky, 1973). Vincent




 150 words 2. There are three methods of capital investment evaluation. The first one is net present value in this method helps to get a projection of the revenue from an investment long term, the advantage to this method is that it will help to predict if an investment is worth it in the long run. The downside of this method is that it is very complex to use, and it is not 100% accurate because there is a lot of unknowns that can change the outcome, and the organization runs the risk of losing revenue and hurt the finances of the organization. The second method is the payback method; this method doesn’t take into consideration the amount of the investment, but the time that will take to get the financing back and start making a profit. An advantage to this method is that it is simple to use and has short term results, a disadvantage to this method is that it does not take in consideration future revenue pass the time frame that the investment is expected to return the revenue expected by the company. The third method is the internal rate of return in this method; they calculate the rate of revenue that an investment will give the company over the life of the investment. The pros of this method are that because of the way that the method works is the least likely to give the wrong rate and show witch is best to invest. The cons of this method are that it usually is not used in the long term more significant projects because the revenue is not enough to invest. Salinas

MUSC&105: Music Appreciation

1. Listen to the following musical example( ), then write a brief statement — between 75 and 150 words long — describing the visual images it creates in your mind. 


2. Debussy’s piano prelude is titled “Ondine.”  Many composers choose a title to lead the listener in a desired conceptual direction.  After researching what the title is referring to (please see the links below), describe how Debussy’s music connects to the title (write 75-100 words).  Please reinforce your points with musical observations and terminology. ( )


3.  describe in a paragraph the following musical parameters.


  • rhythm [Is it steady, constant, elusive, intense,…?]
  • melody [Is the melodic material conjunct/disjunct, goal-directed/open, wide/close range, built with fragment/motives, repetition,…?] 
  • harmony [Describe the atmosphere created by the harmonic choices]
  • texture [Describe the texture and/or textural changes in the music.  Be sure to consult your textbook for texture types.]
  • dynamics [Describe the importance of dynamics in this work.]

Compare the sources based on the strength of the group leadership approach and specific counseling theories presented

Assignment Instructions  Imagine you are working in a community agency and would like to offer a counseling or psychotherapy group. A survey of clients revealed that there is a community need to address the following group topics: •Traumatic loss and bereavement. •Management of anger and impulse issues. •At risk behaviors for youth. •Intimate partner violence. •Eating disorders.  Select one topic and focus on a specific population impacted. For example, you may identify age, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity that group members may have in common in addition to the focus of the group. As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor, you will analyze the current group literature to provide a rationale for offering either a counseling or psychotherapy group. Please note that a psychoeducational group does not meet the requirements for the assignments in this course.  We will assume that your supervisor is looking for you to carefully study what has already been written about similar groups before you develop any specific plans for the proposed group. Utilize the Unit 3 Assignment Paper Template for this assignment and review the scoring guide.  Locate peer-reviewed articles published within the past seven years from professional journals that present a range of group counseling approaches for your topic. Compare the sources based on the strength of the group leadership approach and specific counseling theories presented. Present a clear analysis of how specific ethical and diversity issues will be relevant to the proposed group citing the relevant ethical standards.


Explaining what you liked about the site and what you learned from it.

Covered California website:




1. Write a two pages essay about what it provides in the Covered California website. Explaining what you liked about the site and what you learned from it. 


Please including the insurance’s benefit and the website’s functions. 




2. Make a powerpoint base on the insurance’s essay. 

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