Archive for October 24th, 2019

Then explain how the example affected public trust. Be specific and use specific examples to illustrate you point.

When people give donations to human services organizations, they trust that the organizations will use the funds to support programs and services provided to those in need. If there is any indication that human services administrators misuse funding, there will likely be consequences for the organization. Misuse of funds can be a difficult matter for an organization to overcome. A single instance of misuse of funds can have wide-ranging effects on public trust.


For this Discussion, search the Internet or the Walden Library for information on a human services or nonprofit organization that has had an incident with misuse of funds in the last 3 years. Some examples are Red Cross, United Way, and American University. Then consider how that incident affected public trust.




Post an example of misuse of funds by an administrator in a human services organization that took place within the last 3 years. Then explain how the example affected public trust. Be specific and use specific examples to illustrate you point.

Why was this music seen as dangerous to parents during this time?

During the 1950’s and 1960’s, female pop music groups became wildly popular with American teenagers. How did the music of “girl groups” help to support feminism for young women of the time? Why was this music seen as dangerous to parents during this time? This paper should be 1-2 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in your essay. 

Interviewing Techniques

One of the best ways to learn how to do an interview is to watch someone else conduct one. This week, you will view a media clip of someone conducting an interview that is part of an addictions assessment. The interview uses a biopsychosocial approach, in that it collects information about medical aspects (prior illnesses, current medications), social history (childhood, school, employment) and psychological functioning (anxiety, depression). The goal of the interview is to start developing an overall picture of the client.


In this Discussion, you will evaluate which interview strategies would be more effective than others in an addictions assessment.


To prepare:


Review the Learning Resources, including the following:


  • Chapter 5, “Assessment of the Patient,” in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide
    • Chapter 4, “The Biopsychosocial Interview”
    • Appendix 6, “Sample Biopsychosocial Interview”
  • The media titled Interviewing Techniques




Post a response to the following:


Based on your observation of the addictions professional in the scenario, describe one interview strategy you believe was effectively modeled. Explain why it was effective.


Which interviewing strategies used by the interviewer in the media would you avoid, and why?

Create a new thread by Thursday. As indicated above, describe in what ways the two organization’s approaches to ERM are similar.

Chapter 3 presented the approach Mars, Incorporated used to implement ERM, and chapter 5 presented the University of California Health System’s ERM development. In what ways are the two organization’s approaches to ERM similar? How do they differ? Choose one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why.  


To complete this assignment, you must do the following:




A) Create a new thread by Thursday. As indicated above, describe in what ways the two organization’s approaches to ERM are similar. Also, explain how they differ. Choose one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why.

Proposal About To Replace The Manual Medical Record To Electronic Medical Record



The proposal has two parts, the written summary of what your topic/research is about and a list of 5 or more sources, each citation followed by a summary of each of the five sources.


HERE is an example of an Proposal and Annotated Bibliography I suggest you follow this format exactly for your topic and research.


1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).


2)  Provide an overview of the topic and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). Follow the example above. The proposal can be 1-1 1/2 pages.


3) Follow the annotated format in the online example Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and then provide a summary breakdown. You need at least 5 or more sources. For your final paper, you need 6-8.






Follow the linked example above. Your paper should look like the example. Do not do the same topic or use the same sources. Use the paper as a model. Format can vary, but each citation for your 5 or more articles (related to you topic) should be in MLA format (the format shown in the example).


Length: 2 pages

Compare and contrast footprinting and port scanning. Which do you believe is the more important step in the pentesting process?

“Port scanning tools”

Use the Internet or the Strayer Library and research at least two commonly used port scanning tools. What is the greatest source of information that can be gained in the footprinting process? How are hackers able to obtain it? How can the gathered information assist when conducting a pentest? Compare and contrast footprinting and port scanning. Which do you believe is the more important step in the pentesting process? Share with your classmates and include links to any useful tutorials, websites, or videos you find.


Examine the forensics challenges that exist for investigations on POS systems.

Case Study 2: POS Attacks


Suppose you are a security director for a consulting firm that implements, secures, investigates, and supports point-of-sale (POS) for small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the retail industry.


Read the article titled, “If you shopped at these 16 stores in the last year, your data might have been stolen” located at Choose 2 stores from the list and research the specific attack or breach.


Write a paper in which you:


  1. Summarize the attacks, providing details on the effects of the breach. 
  2. Identify the common purpose of attacks on point-of-sale (POS) systems. 
  3. Assess why and how these POS systems have become a prime target for hacking groups. 
  4. Examine the forensics challenges that exist for investigations on POS systems.
  5. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment other than the article linked above. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

What specific business management problems was Disney facing?

Your analysis must be no less than 3-double spaced pages, and it must address the following:


  • What specific business management problems was Disney facing?  
  • How can the technology they were considering  redress those business management problems?
  • How (if at all) would this technology allow Disney to improve its operational efficiencies?
  • How (if at all) would this technology allow Disney to improve its customer satisfaction and retention?
  • Is this technology risky?  If so, what are the risks and what might Disney to reduce the risks associated with its implementation?  Is Disney doing a good job of managing risk with this project?
  • How much does the technology under consideration cost to implement and what is the potential cost of  not implementing this technology? (Note: Your response to this question need not be entirely monetized.  It can be partially descriptive)
  • What are your personal thoughts and impression with regard to this project?

Choose ONE Of The 6 Catagories For The Assignment. Read Instructions And Use Attachment.

Choose ONE (1) of the categories listed below to focus on for this First Paper assignment. For your topic you must demonstrate knowledge of the terms and concepts of Chapter 1 and incorporate them into your paper.


  1. Write a paper in which you compare and contrast two (2) major Eastern religions (Hinduism; Buddhism; Taoism; Confucianism; Shinto) Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Address the origins, region, main leaders, the particular teachings/philosophies, rituals, scriptures, holidays/holy days, and impact of the religions. Use the categories and terms from chapter 1 in your descriptions of the religions.
  2. Write a paper in which you feature a dialogue between Confucius and The Buddha. Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Address these points: origin/birth; what led to their ethical system; what is their ethical system; what was the reaction to their new concepts. Compare and contrast their teachings/philosophies. Use the terms and concepts from Chapter 1 to illuminate your dialogue.
  3. Write a paper presenting a visual report on two (2) Eastern religions sites nearby (an alternative for those in rural places would be to do an Internet search of two (2) religious locations). Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Look at architecture, interior space, etc. Include visuals to illustrate your points. How do these reflect the definitions and terms of Chapter 1, and what we have learned about these religions?
  4. Conduct an extensive interview with a person who practices Eastern religions and write a paper presenting the results of this interview. Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Use these questions in your interview: How did you become associated with this religion? What is it about this religion that intrigues you? Is it difficult to practice your faith? What readings/scriptures do you use? What are some rituals you perform? What holy days/holidays do you keep? What would you like your neighbors/colleagues to know about your faith? Use the definitions and categories of religion from Chapter 1 to guide the interview.
  5. Write a paper that explores Indigenous religions. After an introduction with a clear and focused thesis statement, set up a three-columned chart: one column for the basic elements of religion; one for Indigenous religions, and one for the Eastern religion of your choice (there are at least three that have Indigenous components/roots). Choose what you believe are at least the five (5) basic elements of a religion, then see if they are in Indigenous religions and an Eastern religion. Summarize your results in a concluding paragraph and address these questions: Based on the terms and definitions of Chapter 1, are indigenous religions really religions? Using the information from Chapter 2, did you find any indigenous religious elements in Eastern religions? 
  6. Write a paper that explores religion in the news. Find an extensive news story on one Eastern religion or Indigenous religion. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Using 5 (five) terms and concepts from Chapter 1 and pertinent chapters from Fisher, interpret that story for people at a family gathering by explaining how it relates to the basic tenets of that faith tradition.


Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:


  1. Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using SWS Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  2. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.


Your assignment must meet these requirements:


  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


  • Determine how the world views of major religions compare to each other and their impacts on society. 
  • Outline the world views of major religions.






Why HR Needs to Take Religion Seriously:


HR Seeks Balance in Handling Religion in the Workplace:


God Has No Place in the Workplace:









Does the business operate in a market that is characterized by perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or pure monopoly?

Exploring Monopolies and Oligopolies


Watch this video (Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition) to help you prepare for this week’s discussion:


Reply to these prompts using the company for which you currently work, a business with which you are familiar, or a dream business you want to start:


  • Does the business operate in a market that is characterized by perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or pure monopoly? Explain how you drew your conclusion about its market structure.
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