Archive for October 31st, 2019

International Business Management Article

International Business / Management Article – November 1, 2019

In preparation for discussions related to international business / management:   Locate, read and interpret a current events article that deals with one or more of the themes presented in Chapters 5-9 of the textbook.  Examples of themes/topics include but not limited to  Cultural Environments Facing Business, The Political and Legal Environments Facing Business, The Economic Environments Facing Businesses, International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory and/or Government Influence on Trade.  Since this is an course focused on INTERNATIONAL business, choose an article that is not solely focused on USA issues. 

Provide answers to the 5Ws and relation to topic covered in the book about the article.  Be prepared to discuss during class this evening.  Provide the citation / reference for the article.  

Who –

What – 

Where – 

When – 

Why – 

How – (if applicable) 

What theme/topic from the book chapter does this article


How does the lack of a lumbar curve in the chimpanzee affect its posture?

For this assignment, there are three parts to complete. Don’t worry, you should find this assignment somewhat enjoyable. or at least, interesting 🙂 

First (1), read the article here: (Links to an external site.)

“Our Improbable Ability To Walk”. This has interesting information on the differences between us and other primates, and how our bipedalism was essentially ‘cobbled’ together. (It also features my colleague from Boston University, Dr. DeSilva 🙂

(2), complete the interactive assignment here: (Links to an external site.)

Note: If you are having problems getting this to work, it is because your browser has disabled pop-up windows. Set this to ‘enable’ for the assignment, or choose another browser (it works with Safari, I.E., Chrome, and FireFox. If all else fails, there are computers on campus that work just fine. You will miss points if you forgo this portion.)

(3), Watch the video here on the Laetoli Footprints: (Links to an external site.)

This video explains how they were formed, and what we have learned from them. 

Then give me an assessment on each of the three portions; what they talked about, what you learned, what was your favorite part. This is to be in standard homework format, at least 350 words (you won’t have a problem with word count if you do this assignment well). This assignment hooks in nicely with Chapter 9 we are reading..

IN ADDITION, (to make sure you actually do the assignment), answer the following three questions:

1) How does the lack of a lumbar curve in the chimpanzee affect its posture?

2) What technique/method was used to determine the age of the Laetoli footprints?

3) What feature(s) in the foot help propel the human while walking?

Create a scenario that assumes a very small public or nonprofit organization/agency with five staff members and $300,000 as the budget amount

 Who can help with this right away?


Create a scenario that assumes a very small public or nonprofit organization/agency with five staff members and $300,000 as the budget amount. You need to complete the following items for this assignment:

State the type of agency and its purpose.Create a line item budget for the agency.In this budget, there must be items and costs for the current year and the next year.Create the line item budget in Microsoft Excel.Create a document (please feel free to use a chart to illustrate your work) describing a minimum of six budget types to include the following: zero base, performanceDescription of each type of budget.Identify which level of government uses the budget (federal, state, and/or city).

Submission Details:

Please cite and reference your work accordingly. Submit the line item budget in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and save it as SU_MPA5010_W1_lastname_firstname.xls.Submit the budget types in a Microsoft Word document and save it as SU_MPA5010_W1__lastname_firstname.doc.Submit the Excel spreadsheet and the Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned


Research the Internet on this topic and discuss the benefits and limitations of having checked exceptions and provide your informed opinion on this.

Java was one of the first languages to introduce a robust exception handling mechanism. All Java exceptions can be categorized into two buckets: Checked exceptions and Unchecked exceptions. Checked exceptions are those checked by the compiler to make sure that either that a programmer has provided an exception handler to handle the exception or at the least reclaimed that the checked exception can happen. On the other hand, unchecked exceptions are not checked by the compiler.


For a number of years, there has been a debate about the benefits and liabilities of checked exceptions. The signature of every method would list all of the exceptions that it could pass to its caller. But programmers questions whether are even necessary for writing robust software. In fact the creators of C#, Ruby and Python did away with checked exceptions. 


Research the Internet on this topic and discuss the benefits and limitations of having checked exceptions and provide your informed opinion on this.

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