Archive for February 8th, 2018

Process Improvement Plan: Developing A Budget

Process Improvement Plan: Developing A Budget

For this section of your process improvement plan, you will be creating a proposed budget. Please review the budgeting template in the resources section of this module. You will need to consider things such as paying employees, supplies, lost time, and training, etc.. 

Your budget should clearly state the needed resources and how those resources will be used.

If you don’t already have a budget design, you can use the provided budgeting template.

ECO 320 – “Modeling Money”

ECO 320 – "Modeling Money"

Discuss the significance and meaning of quantitative easing in the context of the liquidity preference model (increase in the quantity of money supplied). 

ECO 320 – “The Aggregate-Demand / Aggregate-Supply Model”

ECO 320 – "The Aggregate-Demand / Aggregate-Supply Model"

Please respond to the following:

  • Create a realistic scenario that illustrates the aggregate-demand / aggregate-supply model. In your scenario, you should identify changes in specific variables that cause each curve to shift.


The Impact Of Economic Policy On The Market.

The Impact Of Economic Policy On The Market.

Write an essay 1,000-1,250 words regarding the impact of Economic policy on the Market. Include the following:

  1. Choose three government policies that were implemented since the 1970’s to remedy an economic crisis. Evaluate the policies’ effectiveness.
  2. Explain how the Keynesian model of economics was applied to the economic crises of the 1970’s. Was it effective? Explain.
  3. Explain how government creates demand to correct market failure in order to address welfare policies. Provide an example and explain your rationale.

 Be sure to cite at least three relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. These sources can include trade journals and think tank reports. Use only sources found at the GCU Library or those provided in Topic Materials.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Assignment 3: Course Project Task 1

Assignment 3: Course Project Task 1


Review the Web sites provided for research for your course project.  Select three of these Web sites and summarize the information you found  on each that is relevant for the project. Note, it may take some  exploration of the Web site to identify the relevant information. Write  the summary in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply current APA standards for writing  style to your work.

Country Choice

Based on your review of the Web sources and research, identify one  country you would like to select for the course project. Also, specify  two backup choices of countries to study. The countries that you choose  should be interesting to you for either personal or professional  reasons. Provide your primary and secondary choices in a short  paragraph. Your facilitator will confirm either your first choice or one  of your backup choices.


Assignment 1: Discussion Questions—Culture and International Trade

Assignment 1: Discussion Questions—Culture and International Trade

Culture and politics are important parts of the external environment  and vary greatly, not only between, but also within each country…  Research the impact of culture and politics on business using your  textbook, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.  Respond to the following:


  • Why is understanding culture critical for successful international  business? Give examples of how understanding culture has been important  for an international business.
  • Classify and describe at least four different types of political  systems that an international business might encounter. What type of  political system might have the greatest potential for imposing adverse  political risk on an international business? Compare at least one other  system to the one you selected and explain why it has less potential for  imposing political risk.


Assignment 1: Discussion—Economic Systems, Comparative Advantage

Assignment 1: Discussion—Economic Systems, Comparative Advantage

An international business must understand the economic system  embraced by the host country and its implications. Moreover, there are  powerful economic arguments in support of international trade and they  provide a useful perspective on international business.

Research economic systems using your textbook, Argosy University  online library resources, and the Internet. Respond to the following:


  • Which economic systems would be most suitable for a country:  centrally planned, mixed economy, or market economy?  Since Canada is  the #1 trading partner with the USA, focus specifically on Canada.  Research Canada’s mixed economy and comparing it to the American economy  covering any comparative advantages of Canada. State any assumptions  you make and give reasons for your position.


Assignment 2: Case Analysis—Google in China

Assignment 2: Case Analysis—Google in China

Analyze the case. In a 3- to 4-page case analysis, address the following questions:


  • What is the basic situation described in the case? Summarize the Google experience.
  • There are many cultural differences between the US and China, one  highlighted in the paper is on censorship. Discuss the meaning of the  Pew Internet & American Life Project about internet censorship in  China.
  • What do you see as potential issues with the Chinese policy of censorship when it comes to access of information?
  • Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model present an interesting way to  evaluate the cultural differences between societies. Using the  information in the article and Chapter 2 of your text discuss how use of  such a tool would be of benefit to business, especially in a country  such as China.
  • Google’s philosophy of “do no evil” seems to be greatly challenged  by the Chinese policy of censorship. Present an argument either for or  against Google’s chosen course of action.



Assignment 1: Discussion Questions—Marketing, Operations, Financing, Human Resources

Assignment 1: Discussion Questions—Marketing, Operations, Financing, Human Resources

Marketing, operations, and human resource management are core areas  of business. An international setting provides unique challenges in each  of these areas.

Research the topic using your textbook, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Respond to the following:


  • Consider  a foreign company marketing its products in the United  States, such as the Mexican company Cerveceria Modelo that markets  Corona beer in the USA. Analyze the complexities of one of the  following:  
    • Developing product strategies (including cultural differences)
    • Assessing the promotional strategies
    • Developing distribution methods
    • Assessing pricing strategies
  • Next, consider operational issues in the U.S. market and analyze the complexities of one of these following issues:  
    • Production strategies
    • Accessing physical resources and managing inventory
    • Maintaining quality
    • Financing the operations
  • From the perspective of a small company venturing into international  operations for the first time, discuss what you feel are the three most  difficult issues that must be overcome in recruiting, selecting, and  training workers. Explain how each difficulty might be overcome.


Assignment 2: Case Analysis—Adapting to Market Conditions

  • Assignment 2: Case Analysis—Adapting to Market Conditions
    A business must be able to adapt to the market conditions in the host  country. Using the Argosy University online library resources, find an  example of a U.S. firm attempting to gain access to a foreign market  dominated by the host country’s corporations, retailers, and  distributors.
    Analyze the case. In your case analysis, address the following:
  1. Summarize the basic situation in the case including a discussion of the business strategy of the U.S. firm you identified.
  2. Discuss the host country’s market along with the retail market,  including its structural features. In your opinion, what are the primary  differences compared to the U.S. markets where the U.S. firm normally  does business?
  3. Discuss the changes that occurred in the host country’s marketplace over the last 20-30 years.
  4. Explain the efforts by the U.S. firm you identified to enter the host country’s marketplace.
  5. From your assessment, what seem to be the two most important factors  that make entry into the host country’s marketplace challenging and  potentially risky for a U.S. firm?
  6. Submit your work in a 4- to 5-page Word document. Apply current APA  standards for writing style to your work. All written assignments and  responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
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