Archive for February 15th, 2018

Social Media for Nigeria Employer Consultative Association (NECA)

Social Media for Nigeria Employer Consultative Association (NECA)

strategic managerial processes of Consensus management and Change management and the critical role they play in the delivery of good information and organisational performance. The report will provide insight into why a shared understanding of business organisation‘s strategic priorities is a critical element of strategic business environments and its positive contribution to business organisations‘ performance. It will also provide insight into change as a constant feature of business organisations‘ environment in their strive to increase performance and critically why it is important that the change process is strategically and sensitively managed in light of its associated risks to achieving performance objectives and competitive advantage.

Case Study on Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles CA

Case Study on Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles CA

Case Study: Identify the current building conditions of The Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles, CA and propose strategies to implement on the house to get to Net Zero Energy Building.

Leverage the following to complete the below:

·         Book: Carbon-neutral architectural design by Pablo La Roche

·         Climate Consultant Software – FREE – must download –

·         HEED software for Energy Modeling (free)

·         THERM


Include the following information of current conditions of Sturges House:

·         Materials of walls (studs, insulation, wood or metal etc.)

·         Materials of roof

·         Direction house faces

·         Windows

a) Climate Analysis / Site Analysis Diagram (include solar protractor and clearly note North)

b) Identify Psychrometric challenges 

c) Implementing Cool Roof and Night Vent cooling strategies. Consult 2030 Palette Use the following Journal databases below to find articles/sources and write 250-500 words of a literature review on these two strategies:  Cool Roof and Night Vent cooling technologies. A minimum of 4 article from the databases below should be identified. Ensure to site sources and include bibliography in APA format

·         Vitruvio: International Journal of Architectural technology and Sustainability

·         Sustainability Science

·         ProQuest Database

·         VSLI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (FLSI-SATA), International Conference on

·         Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology

·         Journal of Building physics


d) Determine if building as designed was adapted to climate

e) Calculate your EUI (Btu/sf/yr) f) Calculate the Operational CO2e [lbs/sf/yr] g) Water Budget based on 1920’s gpm/gpf

Proposed New Strategies: Identify the following:

a) Thermal comfort: Identify passive strategies that improve thermal comfort and show the impact.

b) Water Conservation: What water conservation strategies can be applied? What innovations in onsite water harvesting and reuse can be applied? 

c) Envelope Strategies: Calculate the u-value of one wall and recommendation to improve thermal performance. 

d) Design of shading for at least one window or facade including process and required diagrams. 

e) Climate based decisions, solar protractor, climate consultant, VSA, dimensions and design.

f) Renewable Energy:  Calculate the amount of one renewable strategy that is required to offset your house operational energy demand. 

g) Calculate your predicted pEUI (Btu/sf/yr) h) Calculate the predicted operational pCO2e [lbs/sf/yr] i) Water conservation improvements 


Write a brief introduction (150 words) with 1 image of the FLW Sturges house. This narrative may touch on location and historic significance. 

Write a statement (200-300 words) that identifies unique challenges you faced integrating energy efficient measure that had meaningful impact while retaining the historic quality of the FLW Sturges house. 

Write a statement (100-200 words) describing the main strategies that you implemented

Healthcare Quality

Using the readings from this week and knowledge you’ve gained this semester, how would a QI professional handle an 'unpreventable' error? I will attach the readings

DISC Assessment Paper

DISC Assessment Paper

Assignment: Based on your DISC- assessment and our online and in-class discussions, please post a four- to six-page paper (Max: 6 pages) on the assessment, including how and why it is helpful (or not), what you learned (or didn't), and how you will implement (or not) these findings as a leader in your future team project



You are required to write a 1,500-word essay evaluating the copyright framework in the music industry and
analysing the importance of copyright administration and royalty collection.
Your essay should include the following topics:
 Current UK IP law and music
 The roles, representation and processes of the UK collection societies
 The role and effect of music royalties on a songwriter or musician’s career
 Current and future challenges for collection societies and IP law
Your paper must follow standard academic conventions (i.e. third person narrative, in-text citations, reference
list etc). 

State of Connecticut Worker’s Unions – Role of Negotiation

State of Connecticut Worker's Unions – Role of Negotiation

Write a one to two page paper describing the role that negotiation played in the case study you selected as the topic for your course paper or in another conflict with which you are familiar. 
Reading this week: Crucial Conversations, chapters 1, 2, and 3
Mayer, chapter 8, pp 211–244 "Negotiation"
Mayer, B. (2012). The dynamics of conflict resolution: A guide to engagement and intervention (2nd Ed.). Wiley Publishers. CA: San Francisco. ISBN-13: 978-0470613535

VanSant, S. (2003). Wired for conflict: The role of personality in resolving differences. Center for Applications of Psychological Type. FL: Gainesville. ISBN-13: 978-0935652680

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial 
conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high (2nd. Ed). McGraw-Hill. NY: NY. ISBN: 13-9780071771320

To writer 114463: This is an 8 week course. I will be writing papers on the same topic focused on State of Connecticut Unions for the next several weeks. Piggybacking each week then at the end it will add up to a 10 page paper on same topic.


How Do Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers Impact On Quality Of Life?

How Do Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers Impact On Quality Of Life?

This is a literature review dissertation and you will need to use at least 12
peer reviewed UK researched scholarly articles. I have however attached some instructions to follow and the rubric that should help you address the work as required. I have also attached the first pages of the articles I have found so far but will be sending through some more articles. As for now please do send me chapter 1& 2 of the work and the dissertation plan. However, the rest of the work can be delivered in stages as you finish working with the chapters. However the rest of the work should be completed by end February. In the introduction and background sections you need to really explain the extent of this problem and why healthcare professionals need to know how this problem impacts on quality of life. It's such a problem due t the rise of older patients who have leg ulcers and the resources it takes to care for people in this situation.

Axial Skeleton

Axial Skeleton

Describe in detail the primary functions of the axial skeleton. what are the 2 components of the axial skeleton?

list the surface bones of the cranium. list the bones that make up the  face.

List at least 5 of the bones that make up the eye orbit.

It Policy And Statergy

It Policy And Statergy

Read, Review and Discuss the article to be provided; additional information to follow.  Make sure to include in text cites to specific pages in the article.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard from the Measurement and Data domain.

Compose an aligning learning target and select a group of three to four students, from the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from the use of augmentative and/or alternative communication devices.

With your identified learning target and small group in mind, complete a lesson plan, using the COE Lesson Plan Template, that specifies applicable assistive technology and includes differentiated activities to facilitate students making comparisons; and

Uses models of measuring units; or
Uses measuring instruments; or
Represents and interprets the data.
In addition to your completed lesson plan, rationalize your augmentative and/or alternative communication device choices in a 250-300-word summary. Support your choices with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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