Archive for February 15th, 2018

Caribbean Music Assignment

Caribbean Music Assignment

1. What is denoted by "Caribbean music in a new mode."

2. What emphasis, in this chapter, seems to justify a departure from traditional presentations of music and culture of the Caribbean?


Jazz Music Assignment

Jazz Music Assignment

The blues made its way into many kinds of music. Eric Clapton, The Beatles, and Elvis Presley are just a few of the musicians who have acknowledged its importance. Using the model of the blues, find a popular song and discuss how its design reflects the blues influence.

    First Amendment Theory

    First Amendment Theory

    Research theories which argue in favor of freedom of speech or press as communicated in the First Amendment. Three of these theories are addressed in your text: marketplace theory, self-government (Meiklejohnian) theory, and individual freedom (self-realization or fulfillment) theory. Other theories include absolutist theory, ad hoc balancing theory, preferred position balancing theory, and access theory. Select four of these theories to research in detail and compare and contrast the historical development and implications of these theories on speech and communication.

    Then reflect on which theory best communicates your perspective and how it impacts your decision making in communication and media practices both personally and professionally.

    Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length not including a cover page and a reference page. Support your statements with 3 scholarly references in addition to the course text. 

    Japanese Music

    Japanese Music

    The shakuhachi has a varied history as a solo meditation instrument, a member of the gagaku orchestra, a crucial part of sankyoku, and a participant in jazz and other Western genres. Listen to the guided listening example of Tori Kadotsuke Hachigaeshi and answer the following questions:
    How does its tone, or timbre, differ from the sound of a Western flute?What qualities of the shakuhachi sound do you think make it desirable and flexible enough to participate in so many different genres?What qualities of Japanese aesthetics, as outlined in the chapter, do you hear in the piece?

    Assignment 3: Population Demographics

    Assignment 3: Population Demographics

    The American population is changing and these changes will impact the marketing strategies of all companies.
    Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following:

    • Describe how household patterns in the United States are anticipated to change over the next few years.
    • Examine the impact of such changes on the demand for different goods.

    Next, consider the organization that you work in or an organization you have worked in before. Identify how the changing demographics will impact your organization and what they can do to successfully manage these changes.

    Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.


    Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format.

     Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc.

    By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

    Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsAdequately described how household patterns in the United States are anticipated to change over the next few years.20Thoroughly examined the impact of such changes on the demand for different goods.28Examined some of the ethical impacts to your organization (current or past) from any environmental or legal changes.32Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100 


    Business Finance – Management

    Business Finance – Management

    Managing your suppliers can be a challenging experience. Since the services they provide are really an extension of your own organization, we want to make sure they perform at a high level.

    1. How can we determine what is important to measure with regard to supplier performance? Is it cost savings, quality of service, product delivery times, or something else?

    2. What types of things would you care about with regard to supplier performance, either as a supply manager for a company or hiring a contractor for your own home? What actions might you take if they did not perform according to your expectations?

    3. Find and example of an organization that had supplier performance problems. What was the issue and where did they fall short? Did the organization have proper controls in place? Did they take any corrective action or did they just "ride it out"?

    400 words

    Preparing For Ownership

    Write a 2–3-page paper where you answer the questions above. Make sure you identify the question and then respond showing all calculations using math or Excel functions. If you use Microsoft Excel, please attach a copy of your worksheet so your instructor can review the work. In addition, explain the theory used in solving this case using no less than 2 outside references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


    Upon graduating with a degree in Finance, John Simple found a great job as a banking officer with Capital Two Bank in Dallas. Although he and his partner Joan had several college loans that required payments, their goal was to set aside funds for the next five years so that they could get out of the small apartment in Irving, Texas. After reviewing the listings in the areas surrounding DFW and speaking to their bosses about possible transfers, John and Joan decided upon Plano as their desired future location for a home.

    Based on house prices they received from a local realtor, they determined that the home they needed currently costs around $178,000 which includes 2% closing costs. To avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance, John and Joan need to make a down payment of 20%. Since they are saving for the potential purchase, it will be five years before they buy the home. This gives them time to save for the down payment, moving, and furniture costs, which they estimate will be 10% more than the required down payment. They also expect home prices in Plano to continue to increase each year at 2.5% per annum rate as presented by their realtor.

    John, being the finance graduate, wanted to adequately prepare for their future purchase and told Joan that he would take all this information and present an overview of how much would be required once their estimated purchase date became a reality. In addition, John would show how much money they needed to save each month in their house investment account at E-Trade, which averages 5% annual return.


    1. What is the estimated purchase price of the home in 5 years?

    2. How much would need to be saved for the down payment?

    3. How much would need to be saved for closing, moving, and furniture costs?

    4. Considering that they have $10,000 already saved (half of which was provided by Joan’s parents as a wedding gift), how much money do they need to save each month to reach their goal? 

    5. Suppose John could change investment plans at E-Trade and earn an additional 1.5% per annum without additional risk, how much money do they need to save each month to reach their goal? How much in investment dollars would they save by increasing their investment percentage?

    Assignment 3: Pay, Benefits, And Terms And Conditions Of Employment

    Assignment 3: Pay, Benefits, And Terms And Conditions Of Employment

    It is your responsibility as the HR Director of the same organization from Assignment 2 to a) create policies regarding pay and benefits for the selected job opportunity, and b) develop methods for both addressing unionization and implementing OSHA regulations. You will present your findings to the Vice President of Human Resources for approval.


    In preparation for this assignment, review the following articles on contractors vs. employees and temp workers:

    •Bier, Ellin & Tucker: Distinguishing Between Independent Contractors and Employees

    •Murray: Difference Between Independent Contractors and Employees

    •“The Expendables: How the Temps Who Power Corporate Giants Are Getting Crushed”


    Create a PowerPoint presentation with fifteen to twenty (15-20) slides in which you:

    1.Create a Wage and Hour standard for the job opportunity that you had selected in Assignment 2, and support your standard by using the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Equal Pay Act to prevent any potential discriminatory impact.

    2.Decide on three (3) benefits required for the job opportunity using ERISA. Propose two (2) methods that the employer can use in order to manage the fiduciary duties wisely and with the employees’ best interests in mind. Provide a rationale for your response.

    3.Elaborate on two (2) rights regarding unionization that Section 7 of the NLRA guarantees. Next, examine two (2) unfair labor practices, and argue the importance of your organization refraining from using such practices during any self-organization and collective bargaining activities. Explore two (2) potential repercussions of an organization’s interference with self-organization and collective bargaining practices.

    4.Propose three (3) ways to discourage employees from considering unionization. Then, compose one (1) strategy for championing a supportive and satisfying work environment within the organization.

    5.Select one (1) OSHA violation case, and determine whether the resulting penalties were sufficient to deter the organization in question from repeating the same violative action. Justify your response.

    6.Outline a plan for investigating workplace injuries, and formulate a policy that explains the process for filing a worker’s compensation claim within the selected organization.

    7.Narrate each slide, using a microphone, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

    8.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    •Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from eighteen (18) feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

    •Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.


    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    •Develop policies that are compliant with employment laws.

    •Evaluate an organization’s physical environment and determine criteria that ensure occupational safety.

    •Use technology and information resources to research issues in employment law.

    •Write clearly and concisely about employment law using proper writing mechanic.


    Crisis Management Assessment1

    Crisis Management Assessment1

    Review both the scenarios below and develop a crisis management plan for each scenario that complies with organisational, ethical and legal requirements 


    1. In 2009/2010, due to faulty accelerators of their brand of vehicle, Toyota had to recall nine million vehicles. 
    2. In 2015, a sandwich shop owner In Marrickville, offered free sandwiches via a Facebook page for members of a closed group only. The deal was reported by a widely read food blog as one open to all Sydneysiders. 



    Your plan should include:
    a. Activation guidelines(2 marks)
    b. Action plans (actions, time frames, responsible people)(2 marks)

     c. Pre-approved communications strategy and messages (2 marks)

     d. Contact information of all relevant personal both internal (2 marks)

           and external
    e. Resources required (2 marks)



    2. In addition to developing the plan in the question above, describe how you might distribute and also implement the plan 

    (5 marks for distribute and 5 marks for implementation) max 10 marks 


    3. Create the following tools to evaluate your crisis management plan:

     a. define evaluative questions (5 marks) 
    b. use a scale rating to rate evaluative statements.  (5 marks) 


    4.Define what would you change for next time?  (10 marks)


    Capstone Discussion 1

    Capstone Discussion 1

    600 words  5 references that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

    Review the Industry Conditions Report and CapStone Courier found in the Reports section of the left hand menu in the CapSim simulation. Also, review the CapStone Team Member Guide.  Based on your initial review of the CAPSIM Capstone Business Simulation, what have you have identified as the key business issues that will impact your company? Prepare to discuss this issue with the other members of your team.

    Your discussion should include the following:


    • Discuss the current situation in the CapSim simulation and the recent changes to the industry and competitive environment.   
    • What competitive challenge is faced by your company? What are the opportunities and threats (Pettus, Ch. 4)?    
    • Applying the business level strategies discussed in Pettus, Chapter 4, and market segment strategies discussed on page 24 of the Team Member Guide, explore possible strategic directions for your company and various sensor products. Reading and responding to the posts of your teammates is highly recommended.   

    CAPSIM. (2013). Retrieved from



    Other guidelines on assignments include the following: 

    § Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation to avoid any point deductions related to these matters.

    § It is encouraged that you use at least 5 credible and relevant sources (credible can be peer reviewed articles, articles from reputable journals, company specific internet web pages, or published books) for each task in most cases, this practice will essential for completing tasks. I encourage the use of CTU’s extensive library search engine for references. It is better than simply going to the Internet and searching non-peer reviewed sites or professional journals. Sources can include course textbook and at least one outside sources will also be helpful and per the grading rubrics, can sometimes impact the points earned on specific tasks. 

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