Archive for February 15th, 2018

State of Connecticut Worker’s Unions – Role of Negotiation

State of Connecticut Worker's Unions – Role of Negotiation

Write a one to two page paper describing the role that negotiation played in the case study you selected as the topic for your course paper or in another conflict with which you are familiar. 
Reading this week: Crucial Conversations, chapters 1, 2, and 3
Mayer, chapter 8, pp 211–244 "Negotiation"
Mayer, B. (2012). The dynamics of conflict resolution: A guide to engagement and intervention (2nd Ed.). Wiley Publishers. CA: San Francisco. ISBN-13: 978-0470613535

VanSant, S. (2003). Wired for conflict: The role of personality in resolving differences. Center for Applications of Psychological Type. FL: Gainesville. ISBN-13: 978-0935652680

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial 
conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high (2nd. Ed). McGraw-Hill. NY: NY. ISBN: 13-9780071771320

To writer 114463: This is an 8 week course. I will be writing papers on the same topic focused on State of Connecticut Unions for the next several weeks. Piggybacking each week then at the end it will add up to a 10 page paper on same topic.


Anatomy & Physiology Discussion Question

Anatomy & Physiology Discussion Question

Chapter 4 – Discussion Question.


                               Tissue Engineering.


Provide in your own words, not as a copy and paste from other sources, a short paragraph, of no more than 200 words, with yourdiscussion about the importance from the human health point of view, of this new scientific and technical approach called:

Tissue engineering.

Your discussion should contain your point of view in favor of this methodology, or against it, and the reasons for your decision or opinion, advantages or disadvantages, specific practical examples.

It Policy And Statergy

It Policy And Statergy

Read, Review and Discuss the article to be provided; additional information to follow.  Make sure to include in text cites to specific pages in the article.

DISC Assessment Paper

DISC Assessment Paper

Assignment: Based on your DISC- assessment and our online and in-class discussions, please post a four- to six-page paper (Max: 6 pages) on the assessment, including how and why it is helpful (or not), what you learned (or didn't), and how you will implement (or not) these findings as a leader in your future team project

“Employee Reaction”

"Employee Reaction"  

  • For a job you know well, create a questionnaire of five items that elicits employee reaction to the employees’ levels of compensation. Identify what information should be included in a job analysis and job evaluation in order to develop a job structure.
  • Compare and contrast the features of exempt and non-exempt employee status in a table format. Speculate how employers benefit from having one type or another. Develop a recommendation for your organization about how to increase the probability that it is meeting all employment regulations.

Healthcare Quality

Using the readings from this week and knowledge you’ve gained this semester, how would a QI professional handle an 'unpreventable' error? I will attach the readings

Social Media for Nigeria Employer Consultative Association (NECA)

Social Media for Nigeria Employer Consultative Association (NECA)

strategic managerial processes of Consensus management and Change management and the critical role they play in the delivery of good information and organisational performance. The report will provide insight into why a shared understanding of business organisation‘s strategic priorities is a critical element of strategic business environments and its positive contribution to business organisations‘ performance. It will also provide insight into change as a constant feature of business organisations‘ environment in their strive to increase performance and critically why it is important that the change process is strategically and sensitively managed in light of its associated risks to achieving performance objectives and competitive advantage.

“Concurrency Control”

"Concurrency Control"

  • There are times when a database is accessed by many users across the enterprise.  Transaction logs can help maintain concurrency in a multiuser platform. Describe at least two business scenarios where COMMIT and ROLLBACK would be required. Describe how these functions would be essential for business continuity and concurrency control. Identify how these functions would enable an organization to recover from a database corruption event. 
  • Describe how locks could be used in order to qualify data transactions and enhance concurrency control. Suggest at least two business scenarios that would benefit from implementing locking methods.

Anatomy And Physiology II

Anatomy And Physiology II

good with multiple choice question. That knows how to relate science info. This is "NO" essay. Pls don't inbox me if you don't have background in science.

    Chapter 3 – Discussion Question.

    Chapter 3 – Discussion Question.

    The Cell.
     Familial Hypercholesterolemia.

    Your discussion about, the Familial Hypercholesterolemia, should contain your point of view of this disease and the reasons for its origin,  disadvantages, risk and consequences.

    Your discussion should be approximately 200 words.
    Read and respond in approximately 100 words to one of your classmates in the discussion area.
    Check spelling.How to submit your discussion:
    Click under that discussion question.
    Click under: Click to Launch.
    Click under: Create a Thread.
    Copy your discussion of approximately less than 200 words, as a “Word document” that you have prepared, and after spelling check, paste it into that window for discussions.
    You can also create your discussion directly into that window, but it is not recommended because of the risk of losing the material if Blackboard goes off or down, etc.
    Click Submit.
    After you finish your discussion and submit it, you will be able to see the discussions of your classmates, and you are ready for the second part which is the comment about one off your classmate's discussion.
    Do not forget to answer or give your brief opinion about at least one discussion from one of your classmates.
    For that, go back to the discussion and you will see a list of the classmates who had posted a discussion.
    If you do not find any discussions yet, wait for few hours or 2 or 3 days, until you are able to see at least one, but do not allow to go over the deadline for that discussion.
    Select a classmate’s discussion, and Click in one of those lines.
    Read her or his discussions and Click Reply.
    In the empty window copy your opinion or answer to that discussion and
    Click Submit.


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