Archive for February 16th, 2018

Impact Of Innovation

Impact Of Innovation

Write a 300- to 500-word article that reviews a recent innovation in health care and its impact on existing systems (e.g., first- and second-movers, wearables, printed organs, genetic testing).

Publish the article on your own social media account (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), or post it on a health care message board of your choice.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Option #2: Importance of the Three Prime Objectives

Option #2Importance of the Three Prime Objectives

Discuss the importance of the three prime objectives (triple constraints) of project management.  Provide examples of why the prime objectives must be met, and include at least two examples of times in which one of the three objectives was not met.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to Writing and APA Requirements

. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks.  


Capsim Simulation

Capsim Simulation

To familiarize yourself with the CapSim simulation and decision making process, individually complete the Rehearsal Tutorial.  You will complete one round using the decisions suggested within the Rehearsal, then one round using your own decisions. The intent is for you to be familiar with the decision making process and begin to see how decisions impact business results before making decisions for the product you manage for your team.

Task Assignment Part 1: Complete the CapSim Rehearsal Tutorial 


  • Register for CapSim using the instructions provided by your Instructor  
  • Go to the “Getting Started” item in the upper left hand menu of your CapSim Dashboard  
  • View the Introductory Lesson Video  
  • Click on the Rehearsal Tutorial in the middle of the top menu  
  • Complete steps 1 -4 (through a second round with your own decisions) by clicking on the green “Open Rehearsal Tutorial” that appears at the bottom of your screen  
  • Complete the Quiz in order to process rounds  
  •  complete the Situation Analysis 


‘ 7 Day NHS’ is it required and financially feasible for NHS

' 7 Day NHS' is it required and financially feasible for NHS

For my MBA in Healthcare the dissertation topic is to assess and evaluate the viability and suitability of ‘7 Day NHS’. The government has promised to make NHS a fully functional 7-day service. 

This would be very expensive, stretched workforce as there are not enough GPs/ hospital doctors to provide such a service for 7 days.

As part of my dissertation I would like to evaluate the research into the actual benefit of having a fully functional 7-day health service, if at its being done in other countries. Its actual benefits- as the cost cutting from essential services to provide a 7 days service ma may compromise of quality of acre and will it actually benefit people’s health. Which is doubtful

At present NHs is actually working 7 days for Emergency services and making other non-urgent departments open 7 days will not be of any actual benefit to people. Example a Skin / dermatology department working for 7 days will not make any huge difference to the well-being of patients than a fully functional Emergency department which would actually save lives.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard from the Measurement and Data domain.

Compose an aligning learning target and select a group of three to four students, from the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from the use of augmentative and/or alternative communication devices.

With your identified learning target and small group in mind, complete a lesson plan, using the COE Lesson Plan Template, that specifies applicable assistive technology and includes differentiated activities to facilitate students making comparisons; and

Uses models of measuring units; or
Uses measuring instruments; or
Represents and interprets the data.
In addition to your completed lesson plan, rationalize your augmentative and/or alternative communication device choices in a 250-300-word summary. Support your choices with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

i have attached the lesson plan template for you to use, the class profile and the rubric

Cis 5-Assign

Cis 5-Assign

 This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a written project plan, and a project plan that is created through the use of MS Project. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Imagine that you have been hired as a project manager assisting in the development of a mobile application and cloud-based solution which is designed to streamline your organization’s delivery operation. As project manager, you are to manage the development and release of the mobile client platform in the cloud-based infrastructure that will use GPS tracking to track the shipment and delivery of goods in trucks across the United States.The mobile client will have three (3) modules consisting of a search customer screen, search address screen, and confirm delivery screen. Programmers have reviewed the requirements and estimate that each module will take 200 hours to complete by one (1) programmer.In addition to delivering the mobile-based application, your project will require upgrading the internal network and application infrastructure to a cloud-based model to support the new mobile platform. This effort will require your team to procure network appliances to optimize the security factors of the cloud-based platform. One last component of the project scope is to provide training to operation support staff and fifty (50) truck drivers staffed across four (4) regions of the U.S. Your project team consists of two (2) programmers, a technical writer, four (4) technical trainers, two (2) network engineers, and one (1) system administrator. Section 1: Written Project Plan Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the factors that must be considered and observed throughout the WBS development process and explain why.
  2. Create a WBS for the scope of the project. Note: The WBS must be in indented format as shown in Figure 5.5B in Chapter 5 of the text.
  3. Analyze the various activities required for this project and provide an estimate of duration for each activity based on the number of resources available for the project. Include assumptions and basis for each estimate. 
  4. Recommend the estimation technique that should be used for each activity (i.e., PERT, Delphi, Analogy, Expert Judgment, or Rule of Thumb).
  5. Determine the major milestones that the project will encounter. 
  6. Describe the logical sequence of planned activities required to achieve the project and analyze how monitoring durations on the critical path influence the success of the project.

Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Section 2: Project Plan Use Microsoft Project to:

  1. Document all resources that would be required for this project within the Resource Sheet form within the software.
  2. List all the activities required for the project. Break down the activities by the major milestones.
  3. Enter the estimate of required durations, dependencies, and assign resources for each activity.
  4. Generate a Gantt chart that shows all of the project deliverables, from beginning to end.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the planning process for software projects.
  • Develop a software project plan based on IEEE 1058 to solve a business problem.
  • Compare the planning techniques in software projects.
  • Explain and prepare project estimation plans.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in IT Project Leadership Strategies.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to IT Project Leadership Strategies using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment. 


Models Of Creativity

Models Of Creativity

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. In your responses, consider asking questions about their posts to encourage further conversation. Read (or experience) the stories presented by the students in the class, and identify at least two stories that resonate with your own experiences. Offer some words of commiseration and provide some words of wisdom to encourage future creative endeavors. As with previous discussions, though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. This will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real world experiences with this topic. 

Week 8 Summary Paper – Overcoming The Global Achievement Gap

Week 8 Summary Paper – Overcoming The Global Achievement Gap

Refer to the video, Overcoming the Global Achievement Gap, link in this week's Readings and Resources. This video is longer than most we have viewed during this course, but it is an excellent video that can help us wrap up this course in global leadership.

Dr. Wagner says we have an affliction in education in this country; he calls it "Answer-itis." He summarizes essential educational challenges we face and proposes Seven Survival Skills for Career, College, and Citizenship. He believes every student must have these skills to succeed, and he presents some information about education that is very different from what we have understood in the past. Despite the microphone feedback in the video, be assured you will find the message far outweighs the microphone.

As you view the video, think about these questions:

  1. How will Dr. Wagner's message impact you as a school principal?
  2. What are the two problems he believes we face today as educators?
  3. We are organized for "timeless learning." What does Dr. Wagner mean by that term?
  4. He says that technology is a "double-edged sword." Explain that statement and elaborate on whether you agree or disagree.
  5. Summarize the essential challenges that Dr. Wagner says we face. Choose at least two of these challenges and explain how you will address them in your role as a school leader.
  6. What were the three core principals with which Dr. Wagner closes his address?
  7. Add anything else that resonated with you from the video and explain why.

Write a one-to-two page paper summarizing the answers to the questions above and anything else you want to add. Remember, the expectation is that your writing be of graduate-level quality. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation with a strong introduction and conclusion. 

Create PowerPoint: Classroom Expectations

Create PowerPoint: Classroom Expectations

Imagine you have been, assigned as the teacher-mentor for Mr. Chase.   


How would you respond to and support the teacher? What strategies might you suggest to decrease the student’s disruptive behavior and increase his engagement?


Direction: Create 1 – slide for each Power-point questions below and respond: Using APA style. References or other references. ( 150-300 words) 


( View assigment attachment)

Development in childhood

Development in childhood

Please use an annotated outline and prepare your final paper.
Your Signature Assignment requires you to complete the following:

A. Childhood development is a continuous process 
1. Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development: (Helders, 2010)
2. Childhood is a stage of development that involves mastering and learning a broad range of skills: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
3. Every stage of development in childhood is usually affected by the child's preceding growth experiences, as well as different genetic and environmental factors: (Helders, 2010)
B. Parenting Styles
1. Effects of parenting styles: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
2. Families provide an ideal setting for nurturing childhood development: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
A. Physical and biological changes that occur during childhood development: (Gong, Zhang, He, & Chen, 2007)
B. Cognitive development: (Rowland, 2013).
C. Language development
1. The acquisition of language propels the child into further intellectual development: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013).
D. Social development
1. Participation in games and play: (Rowland, 2013).
E. Emotional development
1. Children’s relationships with others depend on the child’s sense of emotional attachment and security: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
F. School achievement: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
A. Culture and Society plays an essential role in shaping children’s response to their environment: (Chen, 2015)
B. Children’s interaction with culture and society: (Chan, 2004)
A. Moral development process in childhood
1. Moral development in children relates to the process of learning how to distinguish between right and wrong, as well as how to apply knowledge in arriving at correct decisions (Krettenauer, Campbell, & Hertz, 2013)
2. Moral development in children is shaped by a broad range of childhood development factors, including the children’s interpersonal experiences with peers, families, and other community members: (Krettenauer, Campbell, & Hertz, 2013)
3. Moral development may be influenced by other childhood development factors such as the maturity of their cognitive, physical, social skills: (Krettenauer, Campbell, & Hertz, 2013)
A. Gender factor helps in shaping children’s social identity: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013)
B. Ethnicity can give children a sense of belonging, as well as help them understand who they are and their origin: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013).
A. Children's identity develops over time, and several changes may take place from time to time and from place to place: (Schuler & O’Reilly, 2017).
A. Integrate modern theory and research in childhood development: (Weiner, Lerner, Easterbrooks, & Mistry, 2013).
Support your assignment with eight scholarly resources mentioned in the reference list. Please see the attached file.
Length: 9-12 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

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