Archive for February 19th, 2018

Assignment 2.1: Policemen Of The World

Assignment 2.1: Policemen Of The World

Assignment 2.1: Policemen of the World Thesis and Outline  Due Week 7 and worth 70 points  By the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurred and the consequences the United States faces as a result of its status as “policemen of the world.” Using the Internet and reputable news sources, research two (2) real-life international incidents from the past five (5) years in which: •The U.S. used military action abroad. •Controversy existed within the American public regarding U.S. involvement. •Controversy existed within the country or countries affected by U.S. involvement.  Part 1 1.Write a thesis statement that is one to two (1-2) sentences long in which you:a.State your thesis on the significance of the current role of the US military, as exemplified in the two (2) real-life international incidents that you have researched. Justify your response.   For the first part of this assignment you will create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your main idea to the reader. The body of the essay organizes the material you gather and present in support of your main idea. Keep in mind that a thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. (Note: Please consult the Purdue OWL Website with tips on how to construct a proper thesis; the website can be found at:  Part 2  For the next part of this assignment you will create an outline of the main points you want to address in this paper. This will serve as the basis for your Assignment 2.2 Final Draft. (Note: Please use the Purdue Owl Website to assist you with this assignment; this website can be accessed at: 2.Write a one to two (1-2) page outline in which you:a.Describe the two (2) international events involving the US military from the past five (5) years you investigated that can be traced back to a foreign policy created after the Civil War. b.List three (3) aspects of US history since 1865 that have led to the US’s rise as a world super power policeman. c.List three to five (3-5) international incidents since World War II where America has taken on a policing role. d.List three to five (3-5) driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the international incidents you outlined previously. (Consider treaties, exit strategies, elections, wars, etc.) e.Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.  The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Identify and discuss the different ways that the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Industrialization after the Civil War have shaped America’s history. •Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development in the United States. •Recognize the major turning points in American history since the Civil War. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history. •Write clearly and concisely about contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.

Fundamentals Of Operations Management

Fundamentals Of Operations Management

Read the case “Attacking the Roots: Shiraishi Garments Company and an Evolving Thicket of Business Ethics in China”, reading material “Improving supplier’s situation through supplier cooperation: The case of Xintang jeans town,” and watch the movie “China Blue.” 


"China Blue" :


Write your report to address the following discussion questions:

1. What are the OM problems in the movie “China Blue”? 

2. Do you have any solutions to improve labor conditions in the movie? 


The report should be at least one page, single space, 1 inch margins, and #12 fond. 


Identifying Fallacies

Identifying Fallacies


This week’s lecture focused on applying some of the intellectual standards discussed in previous weeks and applying them to the news media. This week’s lecture also focused on the different fallacies that individuals make when trying to persuade you. Think of some of the disagreements or arguments you have had in the past – either at a personal, educational or professional level. Describe the disagreement or argument. What kinds of fallacies did you or they use as part of the argument? Was it persuasive? Did you feel good critical thinking was used in any of your examples?

Your work should be at least 500 words, but mostly draw from your own personal experience. This should be written in first person and give examples from your life. Be sure if you are using information from the readings that you properly cite your readings in this, and in all assignments.

Us History – Abigail Adams

Us History – Abigail Adams


U. S.  Paper  Requirements      

A paper copy  must be submitted by the due date and at least one E-copy must be  submitted to Livetext (try General Studies, GS Self & Cultural).

Two pages maximum. Stapled is a requirement. Strictly enforced.  Quality, not quantity.

No Quotes of any kind are allowed.  Your voice not the author.  No cut and paste.

This is not a book report.  Use only the assigned book, this is not a research project.

Be reasonable about margins, typeface, spacing, etc.

Even though this is your opinion, assume an objective attitude.

Determine  the most important influence in the life of Abigail Adams and write a  multi-paragraph essay proving why it was the most important influence.


Cost-Volume-Profit In Practice

Cost-Volume-Profit In Practice

The break-even point and break-even analysis are defined and illustrated by this video about Southwest Airlines. A manager describes how break-even analysis helped a company decide to go ahead with a low gross margin product line that did not look profitable at first glance. The use of graphs in CVP analysis and the benefits of such presentations highlighted. After various cost structures are described, the degree of operating leverage is defined, and the uses of this information are overviewed. The video segment concludes with a summary of the CVP analysis tool.

Answer the following:

  • What is meant by a product’s contribution margin ratio? How is this ratio useful in planning?
  • What is meant by the term break-even point?
  • What is meant by the term operating leverage? How is the degree of operating leverage calculated?
  • What are the assumptions that underlie CVP analysis


The Pros And Cons Of Addiction

The Pros And Cons Of Addiction

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week.

Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant amount of social stigma attached to addictions, and popular media often focuses on the treatment and prevention of addiction, there may also be associated positive qualities of addictive substances and behaviors.

Begin your initial post by choosing either a substance or a behavior with addictive potential based on your assigned group. To create a meaningful and interesting discussion, it would behoove you to choose a substance or behavior that has not already been addressed in the discussion board. For this discussion, you must explain both the positive and negative potential of addiction to your chosen substance or behavior. Therefore, you must choose a substance or behavior that presents both positive and negative potential outcomes.

Research your substance or behavior providing at least two peer-reviewed resources to support any claims made. In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to create a brief scenario or example of a situation in which your chosen addiction provides both positive and negative potential outcomes for a subject. Integrate concepts developed from different content domains to support your arguments. Evaluate and comment on the reliability and generalizability of the specific articles and research findings you have chosen to support your arguments. Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might be used to guide your decisions as a psychology professional if you were assigned to consult with the subject in the situation you have created.


Community 8

Community 8


Rural Populations.


Read chapter 24 and 25 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Once done answer the following questions;


1. In your own words and using evidence based references define vulnerability and rural populations and give some of examples of these two groups in your community.


2. Which sorts of resources are available in your community to address the needs of the poor and/or the vulnerable?


3. How the community health nurse can address the needs of the vulnerable and the rural population?


4. Please mention the differences or similarities between the vulnerable and the rural population.

As always required and stated in the class syllabus, present your assignment in an APA format word document using an Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard title "week 8 discussion questions". A minimum of 2 evidence based references (excluding the class textbook) are required.  A minimum of 500 words excluding first and last page are required.


Case Study 4

Case Study 4

For Part 1, describe the company that you selected, the products/services they offer, and the history of the company. Next, analyze the company’s strategy, mission, and organizational structure. In your analysis, include the following: 


  •   What does the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company? 
  •   What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? 
  •   What are the company’s short-term and long-term goals? 
  •   What are ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? 
    must be a minimum of two full pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Include an introduction paragraph.  no Plagiarism please.


Question 35

Question 35

Explore court standards, rules, and regulations and the differences among them for selecting and approving professional witnesses and determining admissibility of expert testimony. Use resources from professional literature and conduct research to support your responses. Professional literature may include relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Write a 3- to 4-page paper, including the following:

· What standards are used by courts to determine who is an expert witness?

· What standards are used by courts to determine the admissibility of expert testimony?

· What are the differences between standards for sentencing, commitment, and competencies in civil and criminal courts?


Assignment Criteria


Identified and described the   standards used by courts to determine who is an expert witness.


Identified and described the   standards used by courts to determine the admissibility of expert testimony.


Identified and described the   differences between standards for sentencing, commitment, and competencies in   civil and criminal courts.


Provided examples and references.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and   organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation   and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and   punctuation.


False Memories


False Memories

The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many factors. This research repeatedly demonstrates that people do not remember exactly what they experienced. This module’s experiment will show you firsthand how memory for events is not always one hundred percent accurate.

Access the CogLab demonstration False Memory. Follow the instructions to complete the demonstration to familiarize yourself with false memory. Then locate at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that examined how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.

Based on your research, respond to the following situation:

You are considered to be an expert in false memories, and a local district attorney has therefore requested your expertise on the following case: 

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, a bank was robbed in Slidell, LA. It was just after opening time, 9:04 a.m., and there were barely any customers, when a car arrived and parked in the side parking lot of the bank. Two men came out of the car and walked to the entrance. Both wore dark clothing. Upon entering the bank, they held out guns and asked for the manager. When the manager identified herself, the smaller of the two robbers ordered her to open the safe. Meanwhile, the other robber, a tall, and burley man, walked around holding his gun in his outstretched arm, and threatening the remaining employees and customers. The manager complied and the smaller robber collected all the money and valuables from the safe. After five minutes, the big robber asked if his companion was ready to go. When he was, the two ran back to their car, and drove away.

The district attorney has asked that you create a presentation about false memory and explain how it might influence this case. He asks that you specifically address the following:

  • Describe false memory and false memory experiments. Use the CogLab experiment to illustrate false memory experiments, special distracters, and normal distracters.
  • Describe at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that investigated how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.
  • Explain how false memory might influence this particular case. Use specifics from the description of the case, the CogLab experiment, and research to support your answer.
  • Using evidence from the case, the CogLab experiment, and outside research, justify why eyewitness testimonies should or should not carry weight in criminal proceedings.
  • Discuss any procedures which can increase or reduce the occurrence of false memories when reporting eyewitness events.

Remember, your presentation is designed to help the jury understand false memory and how it might influence the eyewitness testimony of this case. You will have ten minutes to present.

Since this is a legal case, you must include formally written slide notes (proper grammar, proper paragraphs, APA formatting, and academic tone) with research to support your claims. The presentation will be a legal document in this case, so make it worthy of being legally binding!

Develop an 5–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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