Archive for February 25th, 2018

Benchmark – Teaching For Exceptionalities

Benchmark – Teaching For Exceptionalities

Obtain a lesson plan that has been written by the teacher in a curricular area that is a challenge for the student (math, writing, reading, science, etc.). Make a copy of this lesson to submit with the Benchmark Assessment. Review the learning objective, activity/assignment description, and assessment (where applicable).

Write an Accommodation/Lesson Plan based on your observations and inclusive of the following. Ensure that you review the plan with the mentor teacher(s).

  • A brief description of the targeted student with a disability: (a) Age and grade level of student, (b) Areas of academic strengths/weaknesses, (c) Student’s preferred modalities of learning.
  • A learning objective that would be more appropriate for the targeted student with disabilities.
  • An activity/assignment that would match this objective and would be appropriate for the student based on his or her cognitive level.
  • An assessment for this activity that would be appropriate for the targeted student; consider and describe technologies and other instructional supports that would enhance the learning for this student.

Implement the modified lesson with the targeted student. Seek the mentor teacher’s feedback on your teaching.

Write a 1000-1250-word Reflective Analysis.

Consider the following. Ensure your responses are inherent in the essay, not simply short answers to these questions:

  1. Which accommodations and modifications were successful?
  2. If you taught this lesson again, would you do it the same/different? Explain.
  3. What other accommodations/modifications might the student’s regular education classroom teacher make?
  4. What other accommodations/modifications might the student’s special education classroom teacher make?
  5. What other accommodations/modifications might related service specialists make (where applicable)?


Confidentiality And Noncompete Agreements: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Confidentiality And Noncompete Agreements: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

The benefits of hiring external candidates were first discussed in Week 5 of this course. In this Assignment, you build upon this knowledge by exploring the benefits and challenges of using external recruitment methods to identify senior-level successors. In general, organizations seek qualified external candidates who may have knowledge about the inner workings of competing organizations. Though this idea is beneficial in theory, many organizations have their executives, high-level managers, and highly knowledgeable employees sign confidentiality agreements to prohibit this type of cross-company sharing. Specifically, these agreements prevent proprietary information about organizational culture and trade secrets from becoming compromised.

There are a variety of strategies that can be incorporated into confidentiality agreements, such as time lapse clauses and noncompete clauses. In this Assignment, you explore these strategies and consider how they can be applied to the organization in your Course Project.

To begin this Assignment, review the article titled “Safeguarding Corporate Secrets,” found in this week’s Learning Resources, to analyze how confidentiality agreements contribute to the succession planning process. In addition, conduct your own scholarly research to find examples of confidentiality agreements commonly used in today’s organizations. Lastly, review this week’s scenario to apply the pertinent information to your Course Project.

Today, you received an e-mail from the board of directors asking you about the details that surround the recruitment of an upper-level employee from one of your competitors. Specifically, they would like to know how a confidentiality agreement can help or hinder acquiring a talented individual from another organization. In addition, they would like you to present them with a confidentiality agreement currently used in today’s organizations, as well as your suggestions on how to adapt this agreement to fit the nondisclosure needs of your organization- Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

To complete this Assignment, respond to the following in a 3 page paper:

· Analyze confidentiality agreements.

o Select an online confidentiality/noncompete agreement. Include the website citation to access this confidentiality agreement, or copy/paste the agreement into your paper with APA citation. (Note: Copying/pasting the template will not contribute to the page count.)

o Describe the nondisclosure parameters of this agreement, as well as the need to include these items in an agreement.

§ Identify how these parameters could help safeguard Hewlett Packard Enterprise from the intentional and/or unintentional dissemination of trade secrets by senior executives.  

§ Identify how these parameters could hinder Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquisition of a senior executive from a competitor.

o Provide at least one benefit and at least one negative consequence of having a highly knowledgeable employee or senior executive sign a confidentiality agreement.

o Provide at least one benefit and at least one negative consequence to acquiring a highly knowledgeable employee, or senior executive who has a confidentiality agreement in place from a previous or current employer.

· Analyze how confidentiality agreements contribute to the succession planning process.

o Identify essential components that should be included in Hewlett Packard Enterprise confidentiality/noncompete agreement.

§ What trade secrets, company culture best practices, or organizational procedures should be stated in your confidentiality agreements to protect Hewlett Packard Enterprise?

o Describe two to three items that you would include in a confidentiality/noncompete agreement for a highly knowledgeable employee or senior executive that you might not include in a lower-level employee’s agreement.


GEN 499

GEN 499

 For this discussion you will address the following prompts:  

  • Identify two global societal issues from the following list that you would consider researching further for your Week Five Final Argumentative Essay: adult illiteracy, funding for General Education vs STEM in primary and secondary schools, minimum wage, oceans desertification, overcoming the digital divide, refugee (escaping persecution, war, or death) crises, species extinctions (modern), tax havens, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), universal statement of human rights (pick one), airport security, or wealth disparity.
  • Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the two topics to further research for your final essay.
  • Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly and credible.
  • For one of the topics chosen, summarize information from at least two peer-reviewed journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims.
  • Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.
  • Download and attach a PDF copy of one of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles that you found from the Ashford University Library to your answer using the “Attach” function located below your response.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length,


NCAA Case Study

NCAA Case Study

Playing Field at Sunshine State University  Read the case study, Here’s the Pitch: The Dilemma of Selecting a New Outdoor Playing Field for Sunshine State University (Simmons, Popp, & Greenhalgh, 2015). The case  study investigates the challenges of deciding between natural or synthetic surface for the new fields. This decision is complex because cost, maintenance, durability, player safety, and player preference must all be considered. Both surfaces have their advantages and disadvantages. In the end, Rodriguez must decide which surface is right for Sunshine State University. 1. Make a list of all the factors Rodriguez needs to consider in this case. Which of these factors are the most important for an NCAA Division-II athletic department? Why? 2. Conduct a 10-year cost–benefit analysis for the fields. In your analysis, be sure to include installation costs, annual maintenance costs, and equipment costs. Which surface provides a better long-term value from a financial perspective? Conduct a 20-year cost–benefit analysis. Assume costs remain the same, but you must now account for a replacement synthetic field after 10 years. Which surface provides a better financial value after 20 years? 3. What additional information would Rodriguez want/need prior to making this decision? 4. What surface should Rodriguez choose to install at SSU? What are the two most significant factors that contributed to your decision? Once a surface is selected, decide on a specific product. Justify your selection, both for the surface and product choices. Answer the questions in APA format (please modify each question into a header); each paper should be at least 3-5 pages in length in addition to a cover page and bibliography. References Simmons, J., Popp, N., Greenhalgh, G. (2015). Here’s the pitch: The dilemma of selecting a new outdoor playing field for Sunshine State University. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 

    Behavior Contracts And Intervention Plans Paper

    Behavior Contracts And Intervention Plans Paper

    As teachers continue to work with increasing numbers of students who exhibit behavior concerns, they need tools and strategies to address these behaviors.


    • Create a behavior contract and a behavior plan for the student you chose for kindergarten or grade 3 Note: Use Figures 10.10, 10.11, and 10.17 in the course text to guide your work. 


    Write a 2-page reflection paper in which you respond the questions. Using APA style. Follow directions.

    Discussion Post – Is Lying Ever Morally Permissible?

    Discussion Post – Is Lying Ever Morally Permissible?

     In your reading, Kwasi Wiredu described how stories have been used as a scare tactic to keep children and the weak-minded in line. One example he uses is Akan parents telling their children not to sing while bathing; otherwise, their mother will die. (Wiredu says this is for the child's well-being so that he or she did not accidently drink the dirty water and possibly get sick.)


    Is it morally reasonable to mislead or lie to a child for his or her own well-being?


     Is this sort of parental behavior a necessary "tool" for guiding a child to do the right thing until he or she can figure out what is right or wrong on his or her own?


    Many cultures use the idea of Santa Claus making a list of who is naughty/nice as a way to manage the behaviors of children (because those children on the "nice list" receive presents). Do you feel that this parental behavior is morally reasonable?

    9 Essential Tips For Travelling With Kids

    9 Essential Tips For Travelling With Kids

    •   Whether it’s within or out of the country, traveling with kids requires prior planning. Then, if you’re planning to fly with your kids, you don’t have to fear as we offer essential tips that will help you while travelling with them. Here are the tips:
    • Carry Your Own Drinking Water-Make sure you’ve packed some bottle of drinking water as you might not be able to get it when you really need some.
    • Always Prefer a Night Flight-Flying with your kids from Canada to Europe takes many hours in air. Overnight flights are better as children might sleep on the plane and give you easy moments.
    • Carry a Power Pack-Because most kids have taken to screens, have power backup; you won’t be able to limit their viewing time. Besides, provide comfortable headphones, not ear buds.
    • Consider Boarding Early-Boarding first secures a comfortable space for the family and your carryon luggage. Use the extra minutes to quiet the toddlers.
    • Order Meals before Boarding-Don’t rely on the free meals while on a flight for your kids, children have different taste. Instead, order a separate meal for your kids during booking time.
    • Have a Multipurpose Diaper Bag-With the kids traveling; you need a multipurpose diaper bag to house; WipesDiapersExtra clothes and Plastic bags to store the used wipes.
    • Beware Of Lurking Germs-While onboard, do not make direct contact with; toilet flushes, door handles, and bathroom sink. These are prone germs zones. Arm yourself with antibacterial wipes.
    • One Parent, One Child-Controlling many kids during a stretched flight is like courting accident. Having a guardian  for each child is very crucial.
    • Remember You Are in Control-Let the kids know what is expected of them. Although some noise is unavoidable, be in charge.
    • To travel with kids comfortably, have adequate preparations, think of and pack what they will require. Once onboard, keep the kids entertained.


    Case Study Early Reading

    Case Study Early Reading

     This case study has you focus on strategies you can use to help struggling readers. Choose one of the attached documents to complete this assignment (Early Reading or Fluency & Word Identification). Choose any level C case to complete. Answer the questions at the end of the case study. The goals do not have to be in IEP format. You may use the Star Sheet and other educational journal sources to support your answers. Your answers should be compiled in a 1–2-page, APA-formatted document. You must reference strategies found of the Star Sheet, and cite the source. 

    Business Ethics 1

    Business Ethics 1

    21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility


    Prior to beginning your assignment, read Chapter 2 of the textbook and  Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century: A view from the world's most successful firms. 


    Using the Fortune 100 List, choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on their website. 


    Quote the statement and describe what this means in your own words

    Research a recent article on the organization that is related to their current and/or future CSR activities.

    Describe how the new plans will affect the organization, both internally and externally. 

    Develop an idea for a new CSR endeavor for the organization based on the organization’s mission and vision.


    COM201 Wk8 D1

    COM201 Wk8 D1

    Power of Persuasion

    • Define persuasion. What makes someone persuasive? Give an example  from your personal or professional life and explain how it is relevant.
    • Explain how you can use persuasive speaking in your current or future career.
    • Finish this sentence: “The most important thing to know about being persuasive is…”
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