Archive for February 25th, 2018

Meida court room

Meida court room

To what degree can judges control a courtroom procedure to ensure a fair trial? Think of some of the recent court cases that have received a significant amount of publicity, such as the Martha Stewart, O.J. Simpson, Scooter Libby, or Casey Anthony cases. Some of these cases even allowed television cameras in the courtroom. Can the court process really be controlled by a judge and can we still ensure that defendants receive a fair trial with the heightened level of media attention in our modern society?

Role of court

Role of court

What role should the courts play in our society? Historically some of the most significant changes in our society have occurred due to decisions by the Supreme Court. Issues such as the powers of the federal government, integrated schools, legalized abortion, & the death penalty have all been decided by the Supreme Court. In the recent debate over Gay marriage an argument waged by those in favor of the constitutional amendment ban, argued that it was not the role of the courts to make policy. Others hold that courts make decisions that politicians are unable to make because they are politically unpopular but constitutionally valid. What should the role of the courts be in our society?

Role of court

Role of court What role should the courts play in our society? Historically some of the most significant changes in our society have occurred due to decisions by the Supreme Court. Issues such as the powers of the federal government, integrated schools, legalized abortion, & the death penalty have all been decided by the Supreme Court. In the recent debate over Gay marriage an argument waged by those in favor of the constitutional amendment ban, argued that it was not the role of the courts to make policy. Others hold that courts make decisions that politicians are unable to make because they are politically unpopular but constitutionally valid. What should the role of the courts be in our society?

Research Paper Strategies and Interventions

Research Paper Strategies and Interventions

For this paper you will write six to eight (6-8) page paper comparing the utility and efficacy of a tactic and various strategies that were employed across differing ecological levels to promote one particular health behavior change. For further guidance see grading rubric located within the “Assignment Guidelines” of this syllabus.




1. In this paper you will use the ecological model to put together concepts studied throughout this course.


2. Search the library and find an article that thoroughly describes a health promotion program that uses interventions to try and change health behaviors in the context of an ecological model.


•     Identify 2 strategies and 1 tactic per strategy that the program used.  Have each of the strategies address a different level of the ecologicalmodel (since you have 2 strategies you will be explaining 2 levels of the ecological model in detail). For example describe one strategy and one tactic that your selected program used to address the health issue at the individual level, and another strategy with a tactic used at another level such as the community level.


•    Address the following areas in your paper applying corresponding section headings:

•    Brief overview of the ecological model (ONE SHORT PARAGRAPH)

•     Explanation of program you chose and ecological model that is the framework for the program

•    What health behavior is the program trying to change?

•    Why is it important to try and change that health behavior? (incidence & prevalence of issues that could occur due to health behavior)

•     Detail how each of the two strategies addressed two different levels of the ecological model (1 strategy addresses 1 level)

•    Evaluate each strategy and tactic


3.  Formatting: write 6-8 P pagecontent doublespaced New Times Roman Font size 12. This is in addition to the title pagereferencepage. Use section titles corresponding to the paper outline.

4. References: Must be in APA format. Select 8-10 current published references (2008 – preseent) references (excluding the course text, including at least three published scholarly article).  Wikis are NOT allowed.



During both the Bush and Obama administrations, opposition party members argued that the Supreme Court nominees ideological viewpoints were too extreme for the American ideological points of view. This argument will likely surface as President Obama has pledged to nominate Justice Scalia’s replacement to the Supreme Court. Do you think ideology should be used to reject federal court nominees or should approval be based solely on experience and qualifications? If you believe ideology should be used, what role does the electorate play in determining judicial appointees? If you do not believe ideology should be considered, what factors would determine the qualifications of a federal appointee?

Identify a Public Health Intervention that employed ecological models

Identify a Public Health Intervention that employed ecological models to achieve its goal. PLEASE OBTAIN NEW LITERATURE. ABSTIN FROM USING PREVIOUS LITERATURE and ARTICLES that you drew on in previous assignments including discussions. 
Include a full citation so that your classmates may access the article for reference.
Identify at least three characteristics of the target community.
Identify the goal of the intervention.
Discuss the evaluation of the intervention.


Type your responses in Times New Roman 12 Font, double-spaced and save your paper as a word .doc.
1. Go to, and take the VALS Survey. Report on how marketing researchers are using this information.

2. Why do you think that competitive intelligence (CI) is so hot in today’s environment?

3. Marketing research has traditionally been associated with manufacturers of consumer goods. Today, we are experiencing an increasing number of organizations, both profit and nonprofit, using marketing research. Why do you think this trend exists? Give some examples.

Week 10 Edu525

Week 10 Edu525

Week 10 Discussion 


Top of Form






· Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research adult training and development professional organizations / associations of interest to you.   

· Next, select one (1) organization to which you believe being a member would be beneficial to you in your career. 

· Suggest at least two (2) ways that you could use the resources and experiences available through the organization in your current or future career. 

· Provide the Website(s) you referenced in your discussion. 


Does a combination of machine learning and data mining techniques improve performance of businesses?

Does a combination of machine learning and data mining techniques improve performance of businesses?

Any topic related to cloud technology, Data mining and Machine learning
Data Set to be used
Method Combination
Software Application
How the methodology can prove the claim is right

World Civilizations

World Civilizations

Compose short paragraph answers (6-8 sentences in length each) that describe the historical significance of four (4) of the six (6) terms below. Historical significance is more than a simple definition. Your terms should clearly show detailed evidence for how they are important in both the context of the historical period in question and broader course themes.

Choose 4 from the 6 terms below:

Janissary Corps Renaissance Sufism

Encomienda 1492 Expulsion Mongol Empire

Section II: Short Essay – (30% of the exam)

Compose a short, two – (2) – paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one (1) of the following questions:

Choice A – Why was the plague so devastating, and how did it impact the global system of the pre-Black Death era (1100-1300 c.e.)?

Choice B – Explain the Columbian exchange. What consequences did it have on regions both beyond the Atlantic world and within it?

Section III: Long Essay – (50% of the exam)

Compose a long, four to five – (4-5) – paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one of the following questions (support your answers with my lectures, the textbook, and all appropriate supplementary readings):

Choice A – How did societies rebuild after the Black Death and, specifically, what role did post-plague empire-building play in Afro-Eurasia?

Choice B – How did European colonialism transform the Americas?

Grading Criteria

Thesis Statement-~10%

Single statement laying out the argument of the essay. Should be obvious to reader and answer the question. The thesis is a “Roadmap.” You must tell me what you’re discussing in the essay. Hook your reader into the topic with a strong first sentence that answers the question.

Source Evidence-20%

You should include direct, relevant references or quotes from some of the primary source materials you’ve read. Beyond referencing these texts, you should also explain the significance of the evidence you use from these texts.

Contextual Evidence-40%

You should use the secondary sources (textbook and lectures) to provide relevant background/context for your essay.


Information is correct. Command of course information and readings should be evident.

Organization & Style-10%

Proofread. Informal, but should be organized clearly and succinctly considering you’ve had the exam question for several days and time to prepare outlines and potential answers.

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