Archive for February, 2018

Family Dynamics and Child Development


Family Dynamics and Child Development

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4)
pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format

This assignment is comprised of two different parts that will show your
learning of various course objectives from lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Part 1

Describe the changes in family dynamics at the birth of a child as they
affect each of the following: newborn, mother, father, siblings, and
extended family of the new parents. Focus on the experiences that each may
have or feel and the changes with which they may deal. You will want to
refer back to Lesson 2.

Part 2

Describe perceptual, motor, and physical development, in infants and in
children ages one through three. You will want to refer back to Lesson 3
and Lesson 4.

Identify and contrast the three distinct subcultures based on age among mature Americans.


Identify and contrast the three distinct subcultures based on age among mature Americans.

Case Study 14-7 Conflict-Handling Styles


Case Study 14-7 Conflict-Handling Styles

Case Study 14-7 Conflict-Handling Styles

For each of the five scenarios described below, determine what is the most appropriate conflict handling


Scenario One

A radiologist on the staff of a large community hospital was stopped after a staff meeting by a

colleague in internal medicine. On Monday of the previous week, the internist referred an elderly

man with chronic, productive cough for chest X-ray, with a clinical diagnosis of bronchitis. Thursday

morning the internist received the radiologist's written X-ray report with a diagnosis of "probable

bronchogenic carcinoma." The internist expressed his dismay that the radiologist had not

called him much earlier with a verbal report. Visibly upset, the internist raised his voice, but did

not use abusive language.


How should the radiologist handle this conflict with the internist?


Scenario Two

The Family and Community Medicine Division of a large-staff model HMO serves a population

that is ethnically diverse. The senior management team of the HMO, spurred by repeated complaints

from representatives of one racial group, has encouraged the division, all of whose physicians

are white, to diversify. Several black and Hispanic physicians with strong credentials apply

for the open positions, but none is hired. Weeks later, a young female family physician learns from

several colleagues that the division director has identified her as racist and the obstructionist to

recruiting. The comments attributed to her are not only false but are also typical of discriminatory

statements that she has heard the division chief utter. The rumors about her "behavior" have

circulated widely in the division.


How should the young female family physician handle this conflict with the division chief?


Scenario Three

A manager who reports to the Vice President for Clinical Affairs (VPCA) of a tertiary-care hospital

hired a young woman to supervise development of a large community outreach program.

During the first four months of her employment, several behavioral problems came to the VPCA's

attention: (1) complaints from community physicians that the coordinator criticizes other physicians

in public; (2) concerns from two community leaders that the coordinator is not truthful; and

(3) written reports about the project that label and blame others, sometimes in language that is

disrespectful. The VPCA spoke several times to the manager about these problems. The manager

reported other dissatisfactions with the coordinator's performance, but he showed no sign of dealing

with the behavior. Two more complaints come in, one from an influential community leader.


How should the VPCA handle this conflict with the manager?


Scenario Four

The medical school in an academic health center recently implemented a problem-based curriculum,

dramatically reducing the number of lectures given and substituting small-group learning

that focuses on actual patient cases. Both clinical and basic science faculty are feeling 

stretched in their new roles. In the past, dental students took the basic course in microanatomy
with medical students. The core lectures are still given but at different times that do not match
with the dental-curriculum schedule. The anatomists insist that they don't have time to teach
another course specifically for dental students. The dean has informed the chair of the Department
of Anatomy and Cell Biology that some educational revenues will be redirected to the dental
school if the faculty do not meet this need.

How should the dean handle this conflict with the chair of the Department of Anatomy and Cell

Scenario Five
The partners in a medical group practice are informed by the clinic manager that one physician
member of the group has been repeatedly upcoding procedures for a specific diagnosis. This issue
first came to light six months ago. At that time the partners met with him, clarified the Medicare
guidelines, and outlined the threat to the practice for noncompliance. He argued with their view,
but ultimately agreed to code appropriately. There were no infractions for several months, but
now he has submitted several erroneous codes. One member of the office staff has asked whether
Medicare would consider this behavior "fraudulent."

SCI/256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper ( Desert Ecosystem )


SCI/256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper ( Desert Ecosystem )

Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert, grassland).

Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following:

     1)   Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species.

     2)   Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain.

     3)  Give two examples of species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that occur in your ecosystem.

     4)  Identify an invasive species in your ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control or eradicate it.

Include two outside references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Assignment 2: LASA # 1: Literature Review Paper


Assignment 2: LASA # 1: Literature Review Paper

Assignment 2: LASA # 1: Literature Review Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to complete a literature review of the topic, using a minimum of ten scholarly references. This will allow you to demonstrate mastery of the program outcomes for the B.A. psychology program at Argosy University. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature review

You may also want to review the following documents that are available in the Doc Sharing area of the course:

  • A sample literature review,
  • a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word processor for APA style
  • a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review”

Based on your review of the most recent, relevant research findings on your chosen topic, submit a final version of your literature review paper, integrating feedback received from your instructor. Be sure to include a research/focal question, synthesis of the literature you reviewed, well-established conclusions, and points of discussion and/or future research. 

  • Begin the review by defining the objective of the paper. Introduce the reader to your focal question. What is this question intended to address? You may state your “question” in the form of a problem if you like. Describe the topic for your literature review and why you chose this topic. Explain why you think it is important. It is also useful to tell the reader how the review is organized in your introduction section, before you the transition into the body of the review. 
  • Organize your literature review paper by themes/theories/concepts, rather than article by article. If there is one major theme you want to highlight, state the theme. If there are three major themes or streams of thought on the topic, briefly name them—and then organize the balance of your literature review around those three streams. Think of themes, theories, concepts, lines of thought, and ideas as organizing strategies for your literature review. Your creativity in this assignment is not the content or findings but the clarity with which you organize the review and create a context for understanding the focal question.
  • When you are done introducing the first line of thought, create a new paragraph to discuss studies which present another line of thought or opposing view.
  • Your literature review should hit the high points of each article. You should not discuss a single article, one by one, like a grocery list. Zero in on the main theme or finding and then move on to the next theme. Remember, this is a synthesis, an integration of all the things you have learned. You are creating a discussion on paper, which in turn gives the reader a context for understanding where the scholarship has been, where it is currently, and where it likely will be heading next. Provide enough details to help the reader understand the significance of the studies you cite without “rebuilding Rome.” Be sure to evaluate the studies and offer critical comments on any shortcomings you’ve observed or that have been reported by the authors.
  • Discuss the main findings and their implications. Given the results of your literature review, what is/are the prevailing argument(s)? What research question could you ask in order to further develop this area of study and contribute to the existing body of knowledge? Complete your review by drawing conclusions about your body of research and identifying gaps in the research which still remain to be explored, maybe even by you! Make an argument as to why your research question is important and relevant to the current work being done on your topic.


Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and formatting of the text, headings, citations, and references. Remember to use your own words to describe and evaluate the articles. Avoid quoting the material and also cite works when you are discussing someone else’s ideas. Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract and a reference page. The body of the paper should be no less than 5–6 pages in length.

Submit your review paper to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, June 15, 2016.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Description of the focal question or problem is clear and thorough.

Explanation of the relevance of the topic to the field of psychology is clear.


Analysis of themes, theories, or concepts is clear and complete.

Discussion of articles clearly relates to those themes, theories, or concepts (instead of discussing each article individually).


Choice of articles is appropriate, both in quality and quantity: they directly address the thesis.

Their evaluation is based on their relation to themes, theories, or concepts.

Evaluation includes discussion of the methodology, and a discussion of any obvious shortcomings.


Provides well-supported conclusions.

Suggestions for future research are appropriate and discuss how future research will contribute to the field.


Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic.

The paper is organized around an arguable, clearly stated thesis statement.

Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas.

Conclusion summarizes main argument and has a clear ending.


Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout.  Errors are infrequent and do not interfere with readability or comprehension.


Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited in many spots throughout when appropriate or called for. Errors present are somewhat minor.


Writing remains in third person throughout writing.

Word choice is accurate, clear and appropriate for the audience.

SCI/256 Week 4 Climate Change Response


SCI/256 Week 4 Climate Change Response

Some people you know say they don't believe that the climate is changing.  After this week's readings, how would you respond?

Write a 525- to 700-word response including:

·         How scientists learn about past global temperatures and climates.

·         The greenhouse effect.

·         Greenhouse gases and their role in current climate change.

·         One piece of data scientists offer to show that the climate is changing globally (see this NASA website:

·         Expected impacts of climate change in your area (this EPA website is very helpful:

SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response 



(( Solution Included ))


Page Length: 2 page(s)

Word Count: 598


Writing Style: APA


Number of sources:3

SCI/256 Environmental Analysis Presentation


SCI/256 Environmental Analysis Presentation

Perform an analysis of an environmental issue. Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as "Voice Thread" to add audio to your presentation.

Include the following:

o   A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.

o   An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue.

o   An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.

o   Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.

Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation



(( Solution Included ))


Slides:  6 with Speaker Notes + Images

Number of sources: 4

What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity


What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity




Review the background information. Then, using the References along with resources from your own research, write a 1-2 page response to the questions that follow. Remember to cite your sources using proper APA format.

Background Information

Today there are many complaints over the politicization of science. Many people believe politics should not play a role in science, but once government funds science, the funding decisions become political. In most social institutions, disagreements are settled by debate. Science in contrast, uses experiments to prove or disprove theories. Science is testable, and is self-proving. If a better explanation for a phenomenon is found, it will replace other explanations. This is why careful distinctions must be made between Frontier Science, Consensus Science, and Junk Science.

Many difficult controversies surround the environmental problems we face in the world today. Problems include: Air and water pollution, global warming, species and ecosystem biodiversity, energy, hazardous waste, population, and food supply issues. Politics control the financing of scientific research and development to help solve these issues. In politics passion wins over logic.

Science is not politics and cannot be debated in the same way politics are. Mixing politics with science produces bad science. Government efforts to fund research interfere with the maintenance of high scientific standards. The current Congress consists of 535 members. Of these members, 7 (1.3%), are scientists, and 21 others are healthcare professionals.

Use these references along with resources from your own research to help answer the questions that follow.

Lamb, G. (2005, September 27). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor97(213), 11-13. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

Link to article

Pielke Jr., R. (2006, Spring2006).When Scientists Politicize Science.Regulation29(1), 28-34. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Business Source Complete database.

Link to article


Do you feel that scientists should be cut out of the policy making process, particularly on environmental issues, when their research is proven and widely accepted and is being ignored and disputed? Politicians ultimately make the decisions, but shouldn't the scientists have a voice?

Do you feel that lobbyists and special interest groups exert too great of an influence and act as an impediment to finding solutions to, and providing the funding for, research for the environmental problems we face?

Addiction Movie Analysis


Addiction Movie Analysis

Choose and research a movie that deals with the topic of addiction. See suggestions at this link:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following:

  • Explain what types of addiction were addressed and how the film's characters became addicted, if known.
  • How did this addiction physically affect the individuals involved?
  • In what way did the addiction affect work and relationships?
  • What were the long-term health problems associated with the addiction, if any?
  • How would you confront the addiction to bring attention to the problem? Explain.
  • Does the addicted individual blame his or her addiction on anyone? Do they take personal responsibility for their addiction? 
  • What treatments are available for the individuals? Would this work for all types of addictions? Consider, for example, alcoholism with drug addiction or smoking and eating.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include any references consulted as in-text citations and references in APA format.

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