Archive for February, 2018




Houstonwas the first major city in the United States to elect an openly lesbian mayor.Annise Parker was elected city-wide nine times in a row over 18 years – drawingvotes from a wide range of Houstonians. Interestingly, her sexual orientationwas never a campaign issue for her or any of her opponents. Houstonians – evenin the early 1990s – didn’t seem to care. By the early 2000s, Houston hadelected at least five gay men and women to city council, and a transgendercandidate for city council – Jenifer Rene Pool – was considered a seriouscontender.

LiberalDemocratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis got a majority of the Houstonvote in 2014, despite losing by a huge margin – drawing less than 39 percent ofthe vote statewide.

Then,in 2015, Houston voters overwhelmingly voted to repeal a recently-adopted“Equal Rights Ordinance,” which was designed to create special protections forpeople with any of 15 “protected characteristics,” including gay andtransgender individuals. The campaign to repeal the ordinance was focused onthe transgender issue – tagged by social conservatives as an ordinance to letguys dress up as women and hang out in women’s’ restrooms. Earlier this month,Houston elected a conservative mayor over a well-known Democratic politicalveteran.

Yourtext discusses Daniel Elazar’s political cultures theory, contending that Texasis a mix of traditionalistic and individualistic cultures. I would contend thatHouston is perhaps the most individualistic city (we don’t even have zoning!)in Texas.

Writea college-level, 3– 5 page essay about;

  1. The political culture ofHouston.

  2. What do you think isimportant to Houstonians?

  3. How would you explain acity that voted for Wendy Davis, then voted to overturn an “equal rightsordinance?"

Submitin Word. Cite your sources.

Sources of Strength and Empowerment for the Oppressed People


Sources of Strength and Empowerment for the Oppressed People

Write a 6-7 page essay in which you explore one of the following topics. You must construct a specific and argumentative thesis statement that clearly states your own opinion. You should still utilize the analytical skills that you have been developing; in addition, you will use outside research to provide further evidence of your argument. Thus, your objective is primarily a paper involving close analysis and secondarily a research paper. Do not repeat any texts that you have used thus far in the course. You must use a text from Unit 3 of the course.(Use the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Hughes as primary source.
1. What existing myths or stereotypes is the text addressing? In what way does the text rewrite those myths/stereotypes?
2. What are the tensions that exist between generations? What does a generation learn from the preceding one? How does a persons culture affect the way s/he interacts with his/her family and/or parents?
3. In what way has the dominant culture influenced and shaped other cultures? How do minorities adapt to the dominant culture (e.g. physical characteristics, language, ideology, etc.)?
4. How do oppressed peoples feel empowered? What are their sources of strength?
5. What are the tensions and difficulties involved with living in more than one culture? How are
these cultures negotiated?
Research a minimum of seven sources not including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other general resources.
Research: * Packet:
* At least two sources must include historical information about the time and place in which each text is set (not necessarily when/where the text was written).
* At least three sources must be current (2008 or more recent). Submit the following items at the noted due dates with your paper:
1. Submit a bibliography to containing a minimum of 7 secondary sources.
2. Submit one file to containing 7 abstracts, one abstract for each source. See the
guidelines for a template.
3. When you submit your final draft of your research paper, include
a. The paper itself
b. An updated bibliography that notes all 7 secondary sources as well as your primary
sources (include this even if you already submitted it earlier)
c. A works cited page that includes ONLY the sources you directly used in your paper
(including both primary and secondary sources)
* To continue refining the analytic skills.
* To focus your analysis on a specific topic and theme relating to many cultures. * To consider the ways in which peoples negotiate assimilation and diversity.
* To incorporate researched materials as evidence to support your claims.
* All papers must be typed and double-spaced. Papers should have 1 margins on all sides and standard 12 pt. font should be used.
* The paper should include an informative and interesting title.
* Papers must be a minimum of five pages (not including the heading and title). * Consult the Course Schedule for due dates.
Please make an Abstract for all secondary sources there should be 7 secondary sources and the primary source is a poem by Hughes called "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". If possible could you let me know what secondary sources you will be using as soon as possible


Reflection teams

The attached file pass student of this class answers to them questions and the Scoring rubric 

Think about two teams on which you have been. One should have been effective and one ineffective. Now answer the questions based on your experience and the information in this lesson folder on developing teams. Do not type on this document. Type on a new sheet, save correctly and submit. Answer in 300 word or fewer.


  1. ID the team which      was ineffective. Based on the      slides—what went wrong? What elements (no more than three) were missing?      Be specific in what was missing and give at least one example that      demonstrates what you say.
  2. ID the team which      was effective. Based on the      slides—what went right? What elements were there (no more than three)? Be      specific in what was present and give at least one example that      demonstrates what you say.
  3. In your opinion,      which one or two characteristics is/are most important in developing an      effective team? Why?


History of Imperial China


History of Imperial China


In the early 1600s, the Japanese feudal lord Tokugawa Ieyasu (1544-1616) emerged victorious after many years of war to unify Japan and establish a new regime, the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Tokugawa family continued to rule Japan until 1868. During the early 1600s, the new ruler was looking for a governing ideology to maintain the legitimacy of his rule and preserve social harmony. During the early 1600s, Japanese elites became very interested in Neo-Confucian teachings and began to adapt Neo-Confucianism to the Japanese situation.

You are a Japanese merchant who has recently traveled to the Ming territory to conduct trade in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Guangzhou (Canton), and Beijing. On account of your broad knowledge of Chinese society, the shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu has requested that you submit a report analyzing the contemporary situation in Ming China. He is particularly interesting in understanding the influence of the Buddhist, Daoist, and Confucian teachings on Chinese society as well as the effect of trade with the Western countries (Spain, Portugal, and Holland). Should the Tokugawa support Neo-Confucian teachings? If we promote neo-Confucianism, what might the ramifications be for elites, common people, the family, the organization of government and society, culture, morals, etc.? 

Use your knowledge of the Ming court, trade, the books of Zhu Xi, Wu Jingzi, Yüan Ts’ai, and your various interactions with Ming subjects to support your argument before the shogun.

Alexander The Great


Alexander The Great

Describe the conquests of Alexander the Great and analyze the legacy of his empire. Be sure to mention his impact on Persia, India, and Egypt as well as the cultural implications of his conquests.

Sources must be cited in APA format, 2 or more. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages.




For this assignment , you will read the U.S. constitution, The declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson's  letter to the Danbury Baptist  in 1802.  Once you have read these founding documents and Jefferson's letter, You will write a 2-3 page paper ( Double spaced – 1- inch margins) adhering to the format specified in the in the course style guidelines document, Comparing each of them . When comparing the U.S. constitution and Declaration of Independence . Pay particular attention to the themes  apparent in both documents  and comment on which of the documents comes first and why that is important.

 You must also  answer  the question , What do you think the signers of the U.S. constitution and declaration of Independence  thought about the separation of Church and State or about the separation of God from Government?" ( Note: These are not the same thing) Be sure to incorporate a Biblical Worldview in your paper. Use the Course  Style Guidelines document for the correct formatting.

Modern America Matrix Week 1 Week 1: 1950s


Modern America Matrix Week 1 Week 1: 1950s

The Fabulous Fifties


From the following list, choose five events from the 1950’s


Identify the basic factual elements including names, dates, locations, etc. in 2 to 3 sentences in the Identify column: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE


Include WHY the event is significant in the Significance column: Why is it relevant to our discussion of the time period? Why is it representative of the time period? What historical significance does it have? Why did you choose it?



Add a reference for your material in the Reference column.

Use your class text to complete the matrix. You may supplement with outside resources, but you must cite themDo not cite Wikipedia.

*Incomplete ID's will not receive credit



·         The Hula Hoop

·         Disneyland

·         The Mickey Mouse Club

·         Interstate Highways

·         Dishwashers

·         Hi-fis and Stereos

·         Poodle Skirts

·         McDonalds

·         Drive-in Theaters

·         Levittown

·         Dr. Spock

·         Ozzie and Harriett

·         Leave it to Beaver

·         I Love Lucy

·         Father Knows Best

·         The Honeymooners

·         Amos ‘n Andy

·         My Little Margie

·         Echo Park

·         Persistent Poverty

·         Black Urban Migration

·         Urban Renewal

·         Massive Resistance

·         Beats

·         American Bandstand

·         Elvis Presley

·         James Dean









Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper:

  • Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing.
  • Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.
  • Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.

HIS 206 Week 5 Final


HIS 206 Week 5 Final

United States History II

Final Project

For your Final Project, you may write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation.

  • If you choose to write a paper, it must be four to five pages in length, plus a title page and reference list, formatted according to APA style.
  • If you choose to create a PowerPoint project, it must be 12 to 15 slides, plus a title slide and a reference slide, formatted according to APA style. Be sure to save your presentation as a PDF before submitting it to Waypoint.
    • Please note that whether you choose to write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation, you must properly cite your sources according to APA style.

To complete this project

  • Choose from one of the topics below and analyze its history from 1877 to the present.
  • Select four specific events or developments that span the years covered by this course, based on their impact on the topic. Two of the events must be from before 1945 and two events must be from after 1945. You must assess how the events in relationship to the topic changed over time and explain how the changes occurred. Please refer back to your Week Three Assignment, consider your instructor’s comments and make any necessary revisions.
  • Write an introduction with a thesis. Your thesis should summarize the main conclusions that you discovered while researching your topic and that you will support with a logical argument based on evidence (sources). Please refer back to your Week Three Assignment, consider your instructor’s comments, and make any necessary revisions to your thesis statement.

Analyze the role of Indians in the creation of the European colonies.


Analyze the role of Indians in the creation of the European colonies.

  • Write an analytical essay based upon the prompt and set of documents below and upload completed work into Blackboard through the link below. Worth up to 100 points.Requirements:
    • Must use evidence from ALL of the primary source documents below and may use evidence from other primary and secondary materials in Units 1 and 2. Any essay not making use of evidence from all of the primary sources will be assessed a one letter grade penalty..
    • 2-3 pages in length, 12 point type, double-spaced, 1 inch margins
    • Analytical, rule of three, style
    • You should have at least 9 footnotes (parenthetical cites are not allowed) in the modified Turabian style used in this course (see Guide to Citation Style).  Anyone note footnoting will loose from one-half to a full letter grade and may end up plagiarizing (at which point you will earn a 0 for the assignment and your work sent to Student Conduct (we are serious about plagiarism).
    • Do not merely paraphrase other work (whether cited or not) as this is poor scholarship and does not reflect your thoughts and your analysis.

    You must review your feedback on the two worksheets and edit your essay prior to turning it in.  We require that you type the grade you got on each worksheet into the comments section when you upload your essay for grading.  Failure to do so will result in a 5 point penalty assessed to your essay grade.

  • PROMPTWrite an essay based upon the documents below (and any other sources from the course that you may wish to use) upon the following prompt:Analyze the role of Indians in the creation of the European colonies.
  • Required Document 1: Don Juan de Oñate, Letter from New Mexico to the Viceroy
  • Required Document 2: Samuel de Champlain, The Journal of Samuel de Champlain, (1609)from Topic 2
  • Required Document 3: Remarks by Chief Powhatan to John Smith, (ca. 1609)from Topic 3
  • Required Document 4: Bacon's Declaration (1676)from Topic 4
  • THE "RULE OF THREE" ANALYTICAL STYLEYou will need to use an analytical writing style in this class.  The basic form of analytical writing utilizes the "Rule of Three."  Simply, the essay thesis should contain a minimum of three points you will develop more in the body of the essay.  Each of these pieces has its own paragraph with a thesis and at least three key points/pieces of evidence supporting your analysis.This is a 3-4 page essay length assignment.  Your paper should begin with an Introduction paragraph which sets the prompt in the historical context, the LAST sentence of the intro paragraph is the thesis statement which lists the (minimum of) three points (X,Y,Z) that will be more fully developed in the paper.  The first paragraph of the body (paragraph 2) would discuss key point X (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by three pieces of evidence/analysis in support), then a paragraph on Y, and finally one on Z.  An essay ends with a conclusion paragraph – which sums up the argument you made and ties X, Y, and Z together.  The conclusion is NOT the place to introduce new arguments or evidence.So Rule of Three means three key points in a thesis, a body with three paragraphs (one for each of your key points), each paragraph has a thesis supported by three key pieces of evidence. Followed by a conclusion. (If it sounds as if I keep repeating myself, I am.  I want you to remember the style you are to use in this course)
  • How the Assignment is GradedThe assignment is worth up to 100 points.  The following factors are taken into account when I grade:THESIS – Do you have a well thought out and clear thesis for the whole essay in the introduction? Does each paragraph of the body have its own thesis statement?EVIDENCE – You must have solid evidence for each point you raise in the thesis.  Evidence is not simply a statement, there must be an explanation of how that evidence supports the thesis statement. You must provide a MINIMUM of THREE pieces of evidence in support of each key point of your thesis.Example:  If you were writing a paragraph on the causes of the Cold War, you might use the Baruch Plan as an example.  Simply writing "the Baruch Plan was a cause of the Cold War" in your paragraph would not be enough to make your point.  However, the following sentences would make your point:"One cause of the Cold War was the failure of the United States and the Soviet Union to agree upon a plan for nuclear disarmament after World War II.  The Baruch Plan, presented by the US, would maintain the American atomic weapon advantage for the foreseeable future
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